Gortys' role in BL3?

This is just a theory as to what could happen and lead to the events of BL3.

There's a lot of theories going around that Jack will eventually take over Rhys entirely and somehow take over Hyperion. From the present day bits of the episodes it's thought that the mission was unsuccessful, the events at Helios leading to disaster (finding pieces of Gortys scattered across Pandora). Every one is saying that Jack will gain control of Helios again and things will turn sour, but what if it's not Jack?

(This is purely speculation, and it may not even be possible, but it sure is cool to think about). What if instead of Jack merging with the Helios station, it's Gortys? What happens if Gortys takes the entire Hyperion facility? Perhaps she becomes some kind of super-awesome hardcore robot with her upgrades all intact and Jack just happens to hack her through Rhys in an attempt to take back his moonbase. I can imagine something would go wrong from there, that Gortys is destroyed, or Gortys even becomes some violent, unpredictable kind of attack-bot. Rhys mentions in the present day scenes that Gortys is "bad business" so something has to go wrong with the little ball of metal we've all come to love.

I feel like if Gortys were to somehow turn evil, but retain her adorable-ness, she'd make a really cool villain for BL3; she could try to kill you, and then apologize and look at the bright side ("I'm sending some robots to kill you now- is that mean of me?" "At least you've still got some blood left!" "Sorry!"). Maybe the plot wouldn't focus so much on killing her, but rather shutting her down and reverting her to her original ball of fluff. And, as an added bonus, Jack could be reinvented as a Vault Hunter, even if only a voice in Rhys' head.

It's just a theory, but I think it's totally cool(if not entirely plausible) and something I would definitely play. Of course, if that's not the case, I'm all for Handsome Rhys.


  • Holy God, I really hope that doesn't happen. I want Gortys to remain the sweet, lovable, naïve ball of joy she is.

  • I feel like if Gortys were to somehow turn evil, but retain her adorable-ness, she'd make a really cool villain for BL3; she could try to kill you, and then apologize and look at the bright side ("I'm sending some robots to kill you now- is that mean of me?" "At least you've still got some blood left!" "Sorry!").

    That, in general, would be a good villain.

  • I feel like if Gortys were to somehow turn evil, but retain her adorable-ness, she'd make a really cool villain for BL3

    Eh, that's kind of played out in Borderlands. Having cute characters actually turning out to be some level of vicious or psychotic is par for the course on Pandora. Gortys being what she is makes her unique in that respect

    Maybe the plot wouldn't focus so much on killing her, but rather shutting her down and reverting her to her original ball of fluff.

    So Robolution 2.0 then?

  • edited June 2015

    EDIT: I apologize, my former comment was a little disrespectful.

    And what you say has a lot of merit. It's true that Gortys is a very unique character as we don't see many innocent, sweet characters in the Borderlands universe...and there's a reason for that. The way I see it is, the BL universe is full of blood, violence and explosions. Someone with a mindset like Gortys would not last very long without mentally changing in some way. Heck, she mistook a dead enemy for a friend, so what would happen if she did the same to a living enemy? So while you are correct, she is very unique and very lovable, I feel the only way she'll survive is if she changes, to fit into a more Pandoran lifestyle, otherwise she won't make it.

    The-Qing posted: »

    I feel like if Gortys were to somehow turn evil, but retain her adorable-ness, she'd make a really cool villain for BL3 Eh, that's k

  • I meant characters in General.

    Like Rose and R-0513 from TPS.

    Tina from 2.

    Basically the whole cuteness subversion thing is pretty played out. Gortys as a sincere nice bot in a world of snarky sadists and duplicitious eccentrics is kind of humorous in itself.

    EDIT: I apologize, my former comment was a little disrespectful. And what you say has a lot of merit. It's true that Gortys is a very uni

  • I'd prefer to have Gortys as a helpful and utterly cute NPC while Jack stays as the targeting system and AI in Rhys's head, as Rhys hunts Vaults and fights like a Terminator.

    Seriously, Rhys should fight like the Terminator. It would be so epic.

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