Gay Characters are not a Quirky Fantasy Device Setting that you can feel like adding to spice up ur game, or thinking ''oh there's a gay character already?? MORE THAN ENOUGH!''. Straightness is NOT the default human sexuality, therefore straight characters should NOT be the default characters. Gay characters represent gay people. You know, real live breathing human beings. They are ESSENTIAL and should exist everywhere, without an incentive. Period. That topic aside, Rhys & Sasha was forced heterosexuality becuase we DIDNT HAVE A CHOICE. You can either flirt with her or you can awkwardly brush it aside, but it is still very much implied that there is interest going on. We are given a romantic setting, you can pick up the flower, you can tell her she's beautiful etc. That sort of thing didnt happen with another male character for Rhys. We didnt get an option to flirt with a guy or to tell him he's appealing or handsome in a way that asserts his attraction to men. Same with fiona and women. And this is quite literally obvious and plain as day and yall need to stop arguing abt this bcs its not a matter up for debate. Telltale forced heterosexuality and to make it up they should give us the option to be gay. As you people say ''It's as simple as that.''
No. If anything, you made your point even more vague.
Are you bashing on the developers for not putting in a 'gay' option?
Or do you feel like homosexuality isn't getting the attention you think it deserves in a story about how two types of people clash and have to resolve issues for their Mutual benefit?
I can say Rhys has 4 toes
This is completely besides the point, but in the introsection of Episode 2, he loses his shoe, and you can clearly see that he has a normal foot, suggesting he has more than 4 toes. :P
Just to make sure you understand what I am saying here;
Rhys and Fiona are both two characters in a game in which WE get to decide what YOU think would fit best how THEY would have decided to say/do in certain situations. This isn't a Sims game. You don't CREATE a character. You play as a character whom you have to make decisions for. You don't get to decide their feelings to others or their sexuality. You just get to choose the best option that would fit with how you think Rhys or Fiona would have acted.
The setting was romantic, you enter a giant glowing garden and sasha looks romantically at you. You can say she's beaitufl or make an awkwar… mored rebuttal. Later you are AGAIN given the choice to flirt with her. Then you can pick up a flower and give it to her. This is called Consistency, pls google it.
if you ''refuse'' he's awkward but it is not implied WHY u refuse (ie, im gay/im not attracted to you). It was quite literally stated that they SHOULD flirt but even if they dont ---hey, its because he's awkward. But not gay. And here is where yall fail to understand - they are C H A R A C T E R S. they do not have an agency. they are whatever they are MADE to be. I can say Rhys has 4 toes. How do you know he DOESNT? Bcs you say so? I can say anything. You can say anything. The fact that they are forced into hetero flirting, but not into gay flirting. still remains. And who made them do that? They didnt do it by themselves, its a video game not r… [view original content]
1) never again use the term 'homosexuality'
2) you are missing the point so hard it's getting tiring to explain the same thing over and over......
my point: dont force characters into being str8 if u're not gonna give them the option to be gay too.
what you think my point is: ....honestly i have no idea what u think, it's literally so disconnected and inconsistend.
''You don't CREATE a character.''
oh yeah because characters are born from magic pixie dust, with free will, and are injected into computers. They arent made by ppl. Yeah i forgot.
in the introsection of Episode 2, he loses his shoe, and you can clearly see that he has a normal foot, suggesting he has more than 4 toes. :P
i never said on which foot and i never said he doesnt have a prosthetic toe see. we can literally do this forever.
you can say Rhys is straight i can say he's gay. there's literally nothing behind it. he is what he is programmed to. next episode if he's programmed to flirt with a man he WONT be straight anymore and that gif someone so passive-aggressively provided would have absolutely no value to that argument.
literally just think for a second.
No. If anything, you made your point even more vague.
Are you bashing on the developers for not putting in a 'gay' option?
Or do you fee… morel like homosexuality isn't getting the attention you think it deserves in a story about how two types of people clash and have to resolve issues for their Mutual benefit?
I can say Rhys has 4 toes
This is completely besides the point, but in the introsection of Episode 2, he loses his shoe, and you can clearly see that he has a normal foot, suggesting he has more than 4 toes. :P
Just to make sure you understand what I am saying here;
Rhys and Fiona are both two characters in a game in which WE get to decide what YOU think would fit best how THEY would have decided to say/do in certain situations. This isn't a Sims game. You don't CREATE a character. You play as a character whom you have to make decisions for. You don't get to decide their feelings to others or their sexuality. You just g… [view original content]
No. I claimed that you can make the scene be neutral.
And YES, you can make it romantic too. You can also make it anti-climaxing by picking the flower and keeping it.
Never in this thread have I contradicted yourself, or have I claimed gay characters are unwanted. Honestly, I was expacting the scene with Athena and Fiona to be somewhat more flirty. :P
btw where's ur proof he's straight?
You've asked that three times, and several times people have tried to point this out to you. Not reading comments and asking the same question again doesn't qualify you to get the same answer again and again. HOWEVER, I asked you once to give us proof on why they are homosexual, and yet you have not delivered anything.
I love how people assume that when 2 characters smile to eachother it's considered 'romantic'. Let her pick the flower, and she will squirt … morethe 'juice stuff' on her, and they laugh about it. So romantic. Wow. /sarcasm.
your words, literally just now. you literally claimed it wasnt romantic or w/e and now you claim they're straight bcs of it.... honestly maybe stop trying to contradict urself so much and jsut say that u dont want gay characters, which is where this is getting at.
btw where's ur proof he's straight?
No. I claimed that you can make the scene be neutral.
And YES, you can make it romantic too. You can also make it anti-climaxing by picki… moreng the flower and keeping it.
Never in this thread have I contradicted yourself, or have I claimed gay characters are unwanted. Honestly, I was expacting the scene with Athena and Fiona to be somewhat more flirty. :P
btw where's ur proof he's straight?
You've asked that three times, and several times people have tried to point this out to you. Not reading comments and asking the same question again doesn't qualify you to get the same answer again and again. HOWEVER, I asked you once to give us proof on why they are homosexual, and yet you have not delivered anything.
im not even gonna bother with that attempt of an argument above, but just this:
You've asked that three times, and several times people have tried to point this out to you.
yeah i saw him putting a flower behind sasha's ear. does that mean he's straight now? he can just as easily be gay and be friendly. or he can be bisexual. definitely not straight though.
also you make your point quite clear abt how u feel abt gay characters when u continue to use the term ''homosexual'' and ''homosexuality'' despite me pointing out several times not to do that.
''you have not delivered anything.'' i dodnt know i was supposed to lmao i was literally stating out that i dont want forced heterosexual flirting and u ppl jumped on, trying to force me into believing they're OH SO STRAIGHT!! and i honestly couldnt care less
No. I claimed that you can make the scene be neutral.
And YES, you can make it romantic too. You can also make it anti-climaxing by picki… moreng the flower and keeping it.
Never in this thread have I contradicted yourself, or have I claimed gay characters are unwanted. Honestly, I was expacting the scene with Athena and Fiona to be somewhat more flirty. :P
btw where's ur proof he's straight?
You've asked that three times, and several times people have tried to point this out to you. Not reading comments and asking the same question again doesn't qualify you to get the same answer again and again. HOWEVER, I asked you once to give us proof on why they are homosexual, and yet you have not delivered anything.
you are missing the point so hard it's getting tiring to explain the same thing over and over......
No, I am not missing any point. You are just to daft to understand that the developers don't NEED to do anything. They can force their characters to be whatever they are, and we'd have to live with it. You never get the option to have Athena not be a lesbian, do you? No, because guess what? That's what the developers made her out to be. Which is fine and respectable.
You get to play as a character who is (Most likely) straight, because that is his personality. Don't get butthurt over him being a certain way. Respect his decisions and the decisions the developers made for him.
''You don't CREATE a character.'' oh yeah because characters are born from magic pixie dust, with free will, and are injected into computers. They arent made by ppl. Yeah i forgot.
At this point I am unsure if you are really this unintelligent or just trolling..
Characters are created by the developers which create a certain storyline for them. They decide what they are, what they like, what people they could love and even what their sexuality is, if the developers desire to point it out. YOU don't CREATE them. Telltale CREATES them, and decide what they are like.
i never said on which foot
No, you said 4 toes. Which would assume Rhys has 4 toes in general, undefined on which foot. Seeing as he already has 5 toes on his right foot, the statement of him having just '4 toes' is false.
1) never again use the term 'homosexuality'
2) you are missing the point so hard it's getting tiring to explain the same thing over and ove… morer......
my point: dont force characters into being str8 if u're not gonna give them the option to be gay too.
what you think my point is: ....honestly i have no idea what u think, it's literally so disconnected and inconsistend.
''You don't CREATE a character.''
oh yeah because characters are born from magic pixie dust, with free will, and are injected into computers. They arent made by ppl. Yeah i forgot.
in the introsection of Episode 2, he loses his shoe, and you can clearly see that he has a normal foot, suggesting he has more than 4 toes. :P
i never said on which foot and i never said he doesnt have a prosthetic toe see. we can literally do this forever.
you can say Rhys is straight i can say he's gay. there's literally nothing behind it. he is what he is programmed to. nex… [view original content]
what proof do u have? i wanna see gameplay footage of Rhys saying ''im straight and i only like girls'' cmon heteros, game's on: show it to me.
I wanna see it.
Or are you too busy talking nonsense on forums?
just so you know i stopped reading after that, i dont converse with homophobes who refuse to stop using derogatory terms, which speaks highly of anything else u have to say, which is most likely not worth reading anyway
never again use the term 'homosexuality'
Why not? It's the proper term to use.
you are missing the point so hard it's getting … moretiring to explain the same thing over and over......
No, I am not missing any point. You are just to daft to understand that the developers don't NEED to do anything. They can force their characters to be whatever they are, and we'd have to live with it. You never get the option to have Athena not be a lesbian, do you? No, because guess what? That's what the developers made her out to be. Which is fine and respectable.
You get to play as a character who is (Most likely) straight, because that is his personality. Don't get butthurt over him being a certain way. Respect his decisions and the decisions the developers made for him.
''You don't CREATE a character.'' oh yeah because characters are born from magic pixie dust, with free will, and are injected into computers. They arent made by ppl… [view original content]
never again use the term 'homosexuality'
Why not? It's the proper term to use.
you are missing the point so hard it's getting … moretiring to explain the same thing over and over......
No, I am not missing any point. You are just to daft to understand that the developers don't NEED to do anything. They can force their characters to be whatever they are, and we'd have to live with it. You never get the option to have Athena not be a lesbian, do you? No, because guess what? That's what the developers made her out to be. Which is fine and respectable.
You get to play as a character who is (Most likely) straight, because that is his personality. Don't get butthurt over him being a certain way. Respect his decisions and the decisions the developers made for him.
''You don't CREATE a character.'' oh yeah because characters are born from magic pixie dust, with free will, and are injected into computers. They arent made by ppl… [view original content]
yeah i saw him putting a flower behind sasha's ear. does that mean he's straight now? he can just as easily be gay and be friendly. or he can be bisexual. definitely not straight though.
No, I stated the 'Romantic?' option allows Rhys to whisper '..romantic..?' to Sasha with puppy eyes to then awkwardly look away and trying to play off that he wasn't just totally brainfarting and thinking of her in a romantic way. This is a clear sign that he sees something in here, and by doing so has straight thoughts. The flower in the hair doesn't mean anything, and I never claimed it did. People just figure it is the most romantic option there is, which I agree to.
also you make your point quite clear abt how u feel abt gay characters when u continue to use the term ''homosexual'' and ''homosexuality'' despite me pointing out several times not to do that.
I made my point quite clear when I said that I respect anyones sexual orientation.
And homosexual and homosexuality are both two widely accepted terms to describe the love one has for someone of the same sex. I don't see how using the term would be considered rude. And if so, by that logic:
i dont want forced heterosexual flirting
You were just being rude yourself. See the bent logic you are spewing?
i dodnt know i was supposed to
You don't, but if you claim something to be true a 100%, then I am going to assume you have arguments. Which, so far, noone has seen.
im not even gonna bother with that attempt of an argument above, but just this:
You've asked that three times, and several times peopl… moree have tried to point this out to you.
yeah i saw him putting a flower behind sasha's ear. does that mean he's straight now? he can just as easily be gay and be friendly. or he can be bisexual. definitely not straight though.
also you make your point quite clear abt how u feel abt gay characters when u continue to use the term ''homosexual'' and ''homosexuality'' despite me pointing out several times not to do that.
''you have not delivered anything.'' i dodnt know i was supposed to lmao i was literally stating out that i dont want forced heterosexual flirting and u ppl jumped on, trying to force me into believing they're OH SO STRAIGHT!! and i honestly couldnt care less
Homosexuality (from Ancient Greek ὁμός, meaning "same", and Latin sexus, meaning "sex") is romantic attraction, sexual attraction or sexual behavior between members of the same sex or gender. As a sexual orientation, homosexuality is "an enduring pattern of emotional, romantic, and/or sexual attractions" primarily or exclusively to people of the same sex. It "also refers to a person's sense of identity based on those attractions, related behaviors, and membership in a community of others who share those attractions."
Textbook definition. Nothing derogatory in any way. And I didn't even use it in a derogatory manner to start off with.
Why not? It's the proper term to use
just so you know i stopped reading after that, i dont converse with homophobes who refuse to st… moreop using derogatory terms, which speaks highly of anything else u have to say, which is most likely not worth reading anyway
Why not? It's the proper term to use
just so you know i stopped reading after that, i dont converse with homophobes who refuse to st… moreop using derogatory terms, which speaks highly of anything else u have to say, which is most likely not worth reading anyway
textbook definitions are not written by gay ppl. ''homosexuality'' is a pathologizing term used to medicalize gay people & sterilize gayness and 'homosexuals' is a derogatory term used @ gay people constantly. but you already know that and clearly dont care, if u have the audacity to quote wiki articles @ a gay person when they tell u not to use offensive words. Homophobe.
Homosexuality (from Ancient Greek ὁμός, meaning "same", and Latin sexus, meaning "sex") is romantic attraction, sex… moreual attraction or sexual behavior between members of the same sex or gender. As a sexual orientation, homosexuality is "an enduring pattern of emotional, romantic, and/or sexual attractions" primarily or exclusively to people of the same sex. It "also refers to a person's sense of identity based on those attractions, related behaviors, and membership in a community of others who share those attractions."
Textbook definition. Nothing derogatory in any way. And I didn't even use it in a derogatory manner to start off with.
I love how you keep replying to older points in this discussion just so you don't have to deal with comments we made stating you are wrong. Really shows how much faith you have in your opinions.
You've been given two solid moments in the game where it's horrifically obviously hinted that Rhys has straight thoughts. Read back and figure out what they are before you ask us for a fourth time to proof the same thing we have done three times now.
Or spend your time better and give us 1 piece of reliable proof that Rhys has homosexual thoughts.
what proof do u have? i wanna see gameplay footage of Rhys saying ''im straight and i only like girls'' cmon heteros, game's on: show it to me.
I wanna see it.
Or are you too busy talking nonsense on forums?
You are one of the most pathetic people I ever had the displeasure to converse with. You insult people, refuse to give any proof to support your arguments and when you're losing you say I don't talk with homophobes wow
Simply amazing
You are one of the most pathetic people I ever had the displeasure to converse with. You insult people, refuse to give any proof to support your arguments and when you're losing you say I don't talk with homophobes wow
Simply amazing
Not a comment I even made, lol. And even so, that comment is the perfect example of how somebody doesn't CARE, and therefor has no OPINION on the matter, being it bad or good. So him being opinionless on the matter makes him the biggest gay-loving son-of-a-gun in this forums, because he seems to be treating them in a purely neutral fashion, accepting them for how they are.
You are just to daft to understand that the developers don't NEED to do anything
That's not what that was refering to at all, and you know it. It was refering to how Telltale doesn't NEED to do anything to suit your needs. It was pretty damn clear that comment wasn't regarding JUST homosexuality in a game.
why were we forced to flirt with sasha but not with a man? And are you going to make rhys and fiona be gay in the next episodes to make it up, Telltale?
I'll answer that for you. You weren't forced to be romantic with anyone, and they picked Sasha because they felt like Rhys' character has a thing for her.
They don't need to make up for it at all, cause it's their vision on the story, and you should accept that.
So him being opinionless on the matter makes him the biggest gay-loving son-of-a-gun in this forums, because he seems to be treating them in a purely neutral fashion, accepting them for how they are.
Thank you kindly Normal people seem to understand that I don't judge people based on who they sleep with....with sole exception of pedophiles.
i dont care about gay people
Not a comment I even made, lol. And even so, that comment is the perfect example of how somebody doesn'… moret CARE, and therefor has no OPINION on the matter, being it bad or good. So him being opinionless on the matter makes him the biggest gay-loving son-of-a-gun in this forums, because he seems to be treating them in a purely neutral fashion, accepting them for how they are.
You are just to daft to understand that the developers don't NEED to do anything
That's not what that was refering to at all, and you know it. It was refering to how Telltale doesn't NEED to do anything to suit your needs. It was pretty damn clear that comment wasn't regarding JUST homosexuality in a game.
why were we forced to flirt with sasha but not with a man? And are you going to make rhys and fiona be gay in the next episodes to make it up, Telltale?
I'll answer that for you. You weren't forced to be rom… [view original content]
A word is only as offensive as the meaning you give to it. My definition of the word Homosexuality is nothing more than pure terminalogy so I can have a word to explain a certain phenominon.
If anything, calling people 'Gay' seems to be more offensive than calling them 'homosexual', in my book.
Again, let me take this moment to clearly state that I endorse you to do WHATEVER you want to do (as long as it doesn't harm others, like murder, etc). Your sexual orientation, either being pansexual, homosexual, heterosexual; Any-sort-of-sexual, is fine by me! (Excluding pedophilia and beastiality :P )
textbook definitions are not written by gay ppl. ''homosexuality'' is a pathologizing term used to medicalize gay people & sterilize gay… moreness and 'homosexuals' is a derogatory term used @ gay people constantly. but you already know that and clearly dont care, if u have the audacity to quote wiki articles @ a gay person when they tell u not to use offensive words. Homophobe.
So him being opinionless on the matter makes him the biggest gay-loving son-of-a-gun in this forums, because he seems to be treating them in… more a purely neutral fashion, accepting them for how they are.
Thank you kindly Normal people seem to understand that I don't judge people based on who they sleep with....with sole exception of pedophiles.
maybe that's because i wasnt talking about you lmao ur reading comprehension is just as bad as ur general comprehension of things
That's not what that was refering to at all, and you know it. It was refering to how Telltale doesn't NEED to do anything to suit your needs. It was pretty damn clear that comment wasn't regarding JUST homosexuality in a game.
''telltale doesnt NEED to do anything for u homosexuals!!!!'' bite me, homophobe
I'll answer that for you.
you didnt btw all u provided was like. theories ''they felt like rhys character has a thing for her'' oh yeah did u ask them? did they write u a letter explaining it? lmao
hey don't need to make up for it at all, cause it's their vision on the story, and you should accept that.
yeah, clearly. which is what i was addressing - their vision on the story is HOMOPHOBIC and EXCLUSIONARY. try to keep up, please, do i have to hold ur hand
i dont care about gay people
Not a comment I even made, lol. And even so, that comment is the perfect example of how somebody doesn'… moret CARE, and therefor has no OPINION on the matter, being it bad or good. So him being opinionless on the matter makes him the biggest gay-loving son-of-a-gun in this forums, because he seems to be treating them in a purely neutral fashion, accepting them for how they are.
You are just to daft to understand that the developers don't NEED to do anything
That's not what that was refering to at all, and you know it. It was refering to how Telltale doesn't NEED to do anything to suit your needs. It was pretty damn clear that comment wasn't regarding JUST homosexuality in a game.
why were we forced to flirt with sasha but not with a man? And are you going to make rhys and fiona be gay in the next episodes to make it up, Telltale?
I'll answer that for you. You weren't forced to be rom… [view original content]
by the way
Seriously maybe let's make all the main characters gay to please the oh so poor low life gays and lesbians!
Hey TT m… moreake another game called** Tales from the Gaylands** so poor Essen won't feel oppressed!
considering how literally every game is brewing with str8 ppl that's a great suggestion! do pass it on to telltale! thanks!
So him being opinionless on the matter makes him the biggest gay-loving son-of-a-gun in this forums, because he seems to be treating them in… more a purely neutral fashion, accepting them for how they are.
Thank you kindly Normal people seem to understand that I don't judge people based on who they sleep with....with sole exception of pedophiles.
i dont care about gay people
Not a comment I even made, lol. And even so, that comment is the perfect example of how somebody doesn'… moret CARE, and therefor has no OPINION on the matter, being it bad or good. So him being opinionless on the matter makes him the biggest gay-loving son-of-a-gun in this forums, because he seems to be treating them in a purely neutral fashion, accepting them for how they are.
You are just to daft to understand that the developers don't NEED to do anything
That's not what that was refering to at all, and you know it. It was refering to how Telltale doesn't NEED to do anything to suit your needs. It was pretty damn clear that comment wasn't regarding JUST homosexuality in a game.
why were we forced to flirt with sasha but not with a man? And are you going to make rhys and fiona be gay in the next episodes to make it up, Telltale?
I'll answer that for you. You weren't forced to be rom… [view original content]
maybe that's because i wasnt talking about you lmao ur reading comprehension is just as bad as ur general comprehension of things
No. I can give you two answers which both would qualify as valid;
1) Your typing skills seem mediocre, at best. Just that sentence I quoted contains so many spelling errors it hurts my eyes.
2) You were generalising, assuming I share the same opinion on matters as others.
''telltale doesnt NEED to do anything for u homosexuals!!!!'' bite me, homophobe
..I am unsure if this needs an explanation. I gave a very clear answer of what the deal is, and you respond with something completely off-topic, appearing you see me as something I am not. This really doesn't need to be explained any further, given you are basically just putting words in my mouth.
you didnt btw all u provided was like. theories ''they felt like rhys character has a thing for her'' oh yeah did u ask them? did they write u a letter explaining it? lmao
I did not write them a letter. I do, however, own a copy of the game, in which they put you in a certain situation involving a girl and a boy, and they give you a straight, romantic situation, proving that a character could have feelings for another one.
On a side note; Aren't you bashing on how the whole situation is too straight. That makes me believe that you agree that the situation is straight.. So really, you are agreeing with my point, and am now trying to bash both our vision of the situation to shambles. Way to go.
yeah, clearly. which is what i was addressing - their vision on the story is HOMOPHOBIC and EXCLUSIONARY. try to keep up, please, do i have to hold ur hand
Yes. The story is SUPER homophobic. Especially if you don't put in any side characters that are homose-.. WAIT A MINUTE? Weren't Janey Springs and Athena girlfriends? WOW. HOMOPHOBE, MUCH? /sarcasm
Not a comment I even made, lol
maybe that's because i wasnt talking about you lmao ur reading comprehension is just as bad as ur gen… moreeral comprehension of things
That's not what that was refering to at all, and you know it. It was refering to how Telltale doesn't NEED to do anything to suit your needs. It was pretty damn clear that comment wasn't regarding JUST homosexuality in a game.
''telltale doesnt NEED to do anything for u homosexuals!!!!'' bite me, homophobe
I'll answer that for you.
you didnt btw all u provided was like. theories ''they felt like rhys character has a thing for her'' oh yeah did u ask them? did they write u a letter explaining it? lmao
hey don't need to make up for it at all, cause it's their vision on the story, and you should accept that.
yeah, clearly. which is what i was addressing - their vision on the story is HOMOPHOBIC and EXCLUSIONARY. try to keep up, please, do i have to hold ur hand
No homophobe is someone who don't accept both sex with and feelings for the person of the same gender. I DO NOT CARE WHO PEOPLE SLEEP WITH! IT"S THEIR PRIVATE MATTER!!!!!
I don't judge people based on that with the sole exception I mentioned before. You accuse me of being a homophobic, insult me and Cyanistic and refuse to give any proof behind your arguments.
How can I call you normal?
Don't you see what you're doing here? You're making people hate Gays with the way you speak to Cyanistic and Me. We( Ok Cyanistic because I'm way too short tempret when people insult me) try to be civil and you not only not read our arguments, calls them worthless. How can people respect Gays if you a person like you proclaim to speak for them?
Please try to be polite with your reply and give aruguments that have something to support them
we gonna do textbook definitions of things? bcs a textbook definition of a homophobe is someone who thinks gay ppl are all about sex
nic… moree take on implying im not normal tho im sure it has nothing to do with me being gay. keep it up, hon, im sure u'll get there..... someday
we gonna do textbook definitions of things? bcs a textbook definition of a homophobe is someone who thinks gay ppl are all about sex
nic… moree take on implying im not normal tho im sure it has nothing to do with me being gay. keep it up, hon, im sure u'll get there..... someday
he's clearly not opinionless lmao he's homophobic, an opinion is ''i dont like red apples'' u cant say ''i dont care about gay ppl'' and not look homophobic.... but try harder, maybe u'll get it next time
I can and I will I don''t care about gay people the same way I don't care about Chinese, Afro-American, Jewish ect. Such things don't matter to me!
dont u have an anti-gay rally to attend?
Gay Characters are not a Quirky Fantasy Device Setting that you can feel like adding to spice up ur game, or thinking ''oh there's a gay character already?? MORE THAN ENOUGH!''. Straightness is NOT the default human sexuality, therefore straight characters should NOT be the default characters. Gay characters represent gay people. You know, real live breathing human beings. They are ESSENTIAL and should exist everywhere, without an incentive. Period. That topic aside, Rhys & Sasha was forced heterosexuality becuase we DIDNT HAVE A CHOICE. You can either flirt with her or you can awkwardly brush it aside, but it is still very much implied that there is interest going on. We are given a romantic setting, you can pick up the flower, you can tell her she's beautiful etc. That sort of thing didnt happen with another male character for Rhys. We didnt get an option to flirt with a guy or to tell him he's appealing or handsome in a way that asserts his attraction to men. Same with fiona and women. And this is quite literally obvious and plain as day and yall need to stop arguing abt this bcs its not a matter up for debate. Telltale forced heterosexuality and to make it up they should give us the option to be gay. As you people say ''It's as simple as that.''
No. If anything, you made your point even more vague.
Are you bashing on the developers for not putting in a 'gay' option?
Or do you feel like homosexuality isn't getting the attention you think it deserves in a story about how two types of people clash and have to resolve issues for their Mutual benefit?
This is completely besides the point, but in the introsection of Episode 2, he loses his shoe, and you can clearly see that he has a normal foot, suggesting he has more than 4 toes. :P
Just to make sure you understand what I am saying here;
Rhys and Fiona are both two characters in a game in which WE get to decide what YOU think would fit best how THEY would have decided to say/do in certain situations. This isn't a Sims game. You don't CREATE a character. You play as a character whom you have to make decisions for. You don't get to decide their feelings to others or their sexuality. You just get to choose the best option that would fit with how you think Rhys or Fiona would have acted.
Damn! I almost forgot! Thanks dude!
You're such a good person!
1) never again use the term 'homosexuality'
2) you are missing the point so hard it's getting tiring to explain the same thing over and over......
my point: dont force characters into being str8 if u're not gonna give them the option to be gay too.
what you think my point is: ....honestly i have no idea what u think, it's literally so disconnected and inconsistend.
''You don't CREATE a character.''
oh yeah because characters are born from magic pixie dust, with free will, and are injected into computers. They arent made by ppl. Yeah i forgot.
i never said on which foot
and i never said he doesnt have a prosthetic toe
see. we can literally do this forever.
you can say Rhys is straight i can say he's gay. there's literally nothing behind it. he is what he is programmed to. next episode if he's programmed to flirt with a man he WONT be straight anymore and that gif someone so passive-aggressively provided would have absolutely no value to that argument.
literally just think for a second.
No. I claimed that you can make the scene be neutral.
And YES, you can make it romantic too. You can also make it anti-climaxing by picking the flower and keeping it.
Never in this thread have I contradicted yourself, or have I claimed gay characters are unwanted. Honestly, I was expacting the scene with Athena and Fiona to be somewhat more flirty. :P
You've asked that three times, and several times people have tried to point this out to you. Not reading comments and asking the same question again doesn't qualify you to get the same answer again and again. HOWEVER, I asked you once to give us proof on why they are homosexual, and yet you have not delivered anything.
Because he doesn't have anything
im not even gonna bother with that attempt of an argument above, but just this:
yeah i saw him putting a flower behind sasha's ear. does that mean he's straight now? he can just as easily be gay and be friendly. or he can be bisexual. definitely not straight though.
also you make your point quite clear abt how u feel abt gay characters when u continue to use the term ''homosexual'' and ''homosexuality'' despite me pointing out several times not to do that.
''you have not delivered anything.'' i dodnt know i was supposed to lmao i was literally stating out that i dont want forced heterosexual flirting and u ppl jumped on, trying to force me into believing they're OH SO STRAIGHT!! and i honestly couldnt care less
Why not? It's the proper term to use.
No, I am not missing any point. You are just to daft to understand that the developers don't NEED to do anything. They can force their characters to be whatever they are, and we'd have to live with it. You never get the option to have Athena not be a lesbian, do you? No, because guess what? That's what the developers made her out to be. Which is fine and respectable.
You get to play as a character who is (Most likely) straight, because that is his personality. Don't get butthurt over him being a certain way. Respect his decisions and the decisions the developers made for him.
At this point I am unsure if you are really this unintelligent or just trolling..
Characters are created by the developers which create a certain storyline for them. They decide what they are, what they like, what people they could love and even what their sexuality is, if the developers desire to point it out. YOU don't CREATE them. Telltale CREATES them, and decide what they are like.
No, you said 4 toes. Which would assume Rhys has 4 toes in general, undefined on which foot. Seeing as he already has 5 toes on his right foot, the statement of him having just '4 toes' is false.
what proof do u have? i wanna see gameplay footage of Rhys saying ''im straight and i only like girls'' cmon heteros, game's on: show it to me.
I wanna see it.
Or are you too busy talking nonsense on forums?
Again you give nothing show us evil hetero gamepaly footage where Rhys says I'm gay
Also when you pick romantic option why he is so flushed?
just so you know i stopped reading after that, i dont converse with homophobes who refuse to stop using derogatory terms, which speaks highly of anything else u have to say, which is most likely not worth reading anyway
You and me both
No, I stated the 'Romantic?' option allows Rhys to whisper '..romantic..?' to Sasha with puppy eyes to then awkwardly look away and trying to play off that he wasn't just totally brainfarting and thinking of her in a romantic way. This is a clear sign that he sees something in here, and by doing so has straight thoughts. The flower in the hair doesn't mean anything, and I never claimed it did. People just figure it is the most romantic option there is, which I agree to.
I made my point quite clear when I said that I respect anyones sexual orientation.
And homosexual and homosexuality are both two widely accepted terms to describe the love one has for someone of the same sex. I don't see how using the term would be considered rude. And if so, by that logic:
You were just being rude yourself. See the bent logic you are spewing?
You don't, but if you claim something to be true a 100%, then I am going to assume you have arguments. Which, so far, noone has seen.
Textbook definition. Nothing derogatory in any way. And I didn't even use it in a derogatory manner to start off with.
textbook definitions are not written by gay ppl. ''homosexuality'' is a pathologizing term used to medicalize gay people & sterilize gayness and 'homosexuals' is a derogatory term used @ gay people constantly. but you already know that and clearly dont care, if u have the audacity to quote wiki articles @ a gay person when they tell u not to use offensive words. Homophobe.
im from a planet called The Earth and i dont want gay ppl to be called offensive words by straight people.what a shocker.
I love how you keep replying to older points in this discussion just so you don't have to deal with comments we made stating you are wrong. Really shows how much faith you have in your opinions.
You've been given two solid moments in the game where it's horrifically obviously hinted that Rhys has straight thoughts. Read back and figure out what they are before you ask us for a fourth time to proof the same thing we have done three times now.
Or spend your time better and give us 1 piece of reliable proof that Rhys has homosexual thoughts.
You are one of the most pathetic people I ever had the displeasure to converse with. You insult people, refuse to give any proof to support your arguments and when you're losing you say I don't talk with homophobes wow
Simply amazing
you should hear yourself speak sometimes
Not a comment I even made, lol. And even so, that comment is the perfect example of how somebody doesn't CARE, and therefor has no OPINION on the matter, being it bad or good. So him being opinionless on the matter makes him the biggest gay-loving son-of-a-gun in this forums, because he seems to be treating them in a purely neutral fashion, accepting them for how they are.
That's not what that was refering to at all, and you know it. It was refering to how Telltale doesn't NEED to do anything to suit your needs. It was pretty damn clear that comment wasn't regarding JUST homosexuality in a game.
I'll answer that for you. You weren't forced to be romantic with anyone, and they picked Sasha because they felt like Rhys' character has a thing for her.
They don't need to make up for it at all, cause it's their vision on the story, and you should accept that.
What was that cupcake? I can't uderstand hypocrisy.
Thank you kindly
Normal people seem to understand that I don't judge people based on who they sleep with....with sole exception of pedophiles.
You must be trolling at this point.
A word is only as offensive as the meaning you give to it. My definition of the word Homosexuality is nothing more than pure terminalogy so I can have a word to explain a certain phenominon.
If anything, calling people 'Gay' seems to be more offensive than calling them 'homosexual', in my book.
Again, let me take this moment to clearly state that I endorse you to do WHATEVER you want to do (as long as it doesn't harm others, like murder, etc). Your sexual orientation, either being pansexual, homosexual, heterosexual; Any-sort-of-sexual, is fine by me! (Excluding pedophilia and beastiality :P )
You are welcome, bae.
Shine on, you crazy diamond
maybe that's because i wasnt talking about you lmao ur reading comprehension is just as bad as ur general comprehension of things
''telltale doesnt NEED to do anything for u homosexuals!!!!'' bite me, homophobe
you didnt btw all u provided was like. theories ''they felt like rhys character has a thing for her'' oh yeah did u ask them? did they write u a letter explaining it? lmao
yeah, clearly. which is what i was addressing - their vision on the story is HOMOPHOBIC and EXCLUSIONARY. try to keep up, please, do i have to hold ur hand
Dragon age, Mass effect, Borderlands, The Last of Us, etc etc etc.
I think homosexuality in games have only been increasing over the years..
we gonna do textbook definitions of things? bcs a textbook definition of a homophobe is someone who thinks gay ppl are all about sex
nice take on implying im not normal tho
im sure it has nothing to do with me being gay. keep it up, hon, im sure u'll get there..... someday
Awww I'm blushing thanks
It's really refreshing.
No. I can give you two answers which both would qualify as valid;
1) Your typing skills seem mediocre, at best. Just that sentence I quoted contains so many spelling errors it hurts my eyes.
2) You were generalising, assuming I share the same opinion on matters as others.
..I am unsure if this needs an explanation. I gave a very clear answer of what the deal is, and you respond with something completely off-topic, appearing you see me as something I am not. This really doesn't need to be explained any further, given you are basically just putting words in my mouth.
I did not write them a letter. I do, however, own a copy of the game, in which they put you in a certain situation involving a girl and a boy, and they give you a straight, romantic situation, proving that a character could have feelings for another one.
On a side note; Aren't you bashing on how the whole situation is too straight. That makes me believe that you agree that the situation is straight.. So really, you are agreeing with my point, and am now trying to bash both our vision of the situation to shambles. Way to go.
Yes. The story is SUPER homophobic. Especially if you don't put in any side characters that are homose-.. WAIT A MINUTE? Weren't Janey Springs and Athena girlfriends? WOW. HOMOPHOBE, MUCH? /sarcasm
No homophobe is someone who don't accept both sex with and feelings for the person of the same gender. I DO NOT CARE WHO PEOPLE SLEEP WITH! IT"S THEIR PRIVATE MATTER!!!!!
I don't judge people based on that with the sole exception I mentioned before. You accuse me of being a homophobic, insult me and Cyanistic and refuse to give any proof behind your arguments.
How can I call you normal?
Don't you see what you're doing here? You're making people hate Gays with the way you speak to Cyanistic and Me. We( Ok Cyanistic because I'm way too short tempret when people insult me) try to be civil and you not only not read our arguments, calls them worthless. How can people respect Gays if you a person like you proclaim to speak for them?
Please try to be polite with your reply and give aruguments that have something to support them
a person who fears or hates homosexuals and homosexuality.
You even got the definition of that word wrong. You should really google this stuff before posting something.
To further proof my point. Here is a comment of you:
You are clearly using the word with the meaning that I hate homosexuality now.. So what definition are you REALLY giving to the word 'Homophobe'?
Yes. You can.
'I don't care about global warming'
I can and I will I don''t care about gay people the same way I don't care about Chinese, Afro-American, Jewish ect. Such things don't matter to me!