His constant comments during the boss battle at the Wildliife Reserve...................god-like (well, he thoughts so, at least....). I mea… moren, there was the whole "violin" thing, but my personal favourite (even if it horrified me at the time) were his comments about the different elemental effects during the battle. Remember? He kept "forgetting" about the last one..............until the end, after you'd won, and sedated You Know Who, when he suddenly "remembered" explosive. Ugh. Dick.
Also, that shit was messy. Blood everywhere!
Yeeeeah, I'm pretty sure 'Jack respecting Rhys more if he didn't give him control' is not where TT intended to go with those scenes... It's pretty obvious it's easier for Jack to take control of you if you let him do it in ep.2, so that's what he does when Rhys is unconscious. That he doesn't do it in a 'choose Fiona' playthrough simply means that he can't. And like Duck said, his behavior as Handsome Rhys is just your run-of-the-mill quintessential Jack, not some effort to mess things up for Rhys. He makes an effort to explain himself and his more... 'controversial' actions to Rhys in the pro-Jack path, and it's been noted many times that he doesn't have to - if you take that path you're already doing what Jack wants, so it's purely courtesy on his part.
But Rhys doesn't actually need saving, Rhys still falls out of the elevator either way he just wakes up and goes back with Sasha if you don'… moret give Jack control. Jack seized on the opportunity to take Rhys over when he was unconscious, and caused some trouble in his body.
But my point is, even if Jack couldn't take Rhys over he could still have messed with him in any number of ways. You know Jack is always watching because he is there if you look through the echo eye. To me not messing with Rhys during those scenes was a choice on Jacks part.
I'm enjoying that particular taste in my mouth... But I'm personally against any shipping in my TFTB, so Jack's shenanigans didn't bother me at all., quite the opposite, :P
Just a question, when does Jack make that comment about how 'cute she is when she's fired up'? I've tottaly missed it and I really really want to see it.
I both Love and Fear him with every ounce of my being.
And i totally ship him with Fiona - did you hear all of his comments about how 'cu… morete she is when she's fired up'? So funny.
ETA: also anyone catch the Jackapedia entries for the sisters? Jack lists Sasha's occupation as Bandit. But he lists Fiona's occupation as Bandit? I am so looking forward to how this weird triangle (square? Is it still a triangle if 2 of them are in the same body? Whatever.) plays out in the next 2 episodes.
I don't see how Jack siccing Athena on Cassius is a particularly heinous deed, considering it's her choice to heed him or not, and especially considering she killed pretty much every other Atlas employee on the planet, indiscriminately and for revenge - if we assume Cassius is 'an innocent man' then we must accept many of the other Atlas staff were also innocent people, and Athena murdered them. Yet, she's apparently one of the 'heroes'.
My love for Jack isn't based on denying his bad traits or actions - I realize Jack did many awful things, but Pandora is a planet of awful people. Everyone here does horrible stuff, but Jack at least does it with style. :P
The AI committing the crimes himself or not does not affect his psyche nor memories of doing such. As I said, I'm not convinced Handsome Jac… morek is capable of feeling emotions besides rage and that includes a copy of Jack's personality. He still tried to kill your friends even if he apologizes afterwards, and he still tried to get an innocent man killed even if he was doing it to please Athena. Those are not signs of any real change to me, all I hear is talk, excuses, and manipulation.
I don't think we're going to agree on this until we see something real convincing in the upcoming episodes
Just a question, when does Jack make that comment about how 'cute she is when she's fired up'? I've tottaly missed it and I really really want to see it.
Jack is hilarious and a great character, but you can't trust him at all. At some point he's going to stab Rhys and everyone else in the back, because that is how he rolls.
I love Jack too, in my own way, but I still acknowledge that "What are you waiting for, KILL HIM!" wasn't exactly playing nice with the guy who's done nothing but help lol. Frankly, I don't really like Athena and would never call her a hero either. I'm not picking sides on the matter of 'Jack vs Vault Hunters' here, I'm just saying that Jack is not a nice guy and is not to be trusted.
I don't see how Jack siccing Athena on Cassius is a particularly heinous deed, considering it's her choice to heed him or not, and especiall… morey considering she killed pretty much every other Atlas employee on the planet, indiscriminately and for revenge - if we assume Cassius is 'an innocent man' then we must accept many of the other Atlas staff were also innocent people, and Athena murdered them. Yet, she's apparently one of the 'heroes'.
My love for Jack isn't based on denying his bad traits or actions - I realize Jack did many awful things, but Pandora is a planet of awful people. Everyone here does horrible stuff, but Jack at least does it with style. :P
Jack is the Borderlands universe personified. Witty, funny, charismatic, twisted, cruel, violent, insane and, above all, tragic. It would be easy to call him an outlier, a solitary monster, but nothing he did in his insanity differed from the atrocities other corporations in Borderlands do as a matter of business.
Case in point, you folks remember how Lance Assassins (what Athena was when she worked (was owned by, really) for Atlas) were created and trained? http://borderlands.wikia.com/wiki/Lance_Assassin
That's exactly something we would expect from Jack(for diffrent reasons, though).
I like how people are debating on weither characters are good or bad, when this is Pandora. Expecting a character on there to be 100% good is like expecting bandits to give you a hug when you meet them.
He's terrible but god damn hilarious, too. I completly trust(choice-wise) Jack in my first playthrough, even when I know he can't be trusted. But it's just so damn amusing!
Like The_Duck said, if you trust Jack, it happens during the opening scene in Episode 3. But it's one of those comments where you have to let the timer go as long as you can to hear it.
Just a question, when does Jack make that comment about how 'cute she is when she's fired up'? I've tottaly missed it and I really really want to see it.
Well, funny you should ask..............OK, I MAY have actually looked that up, just 'cause I thought it'd be entertaining to see what came … moreup.
Instead I lost my faith in humanity. Freakin' Stephanie Meyers..........WAS RUINING VAMPIRES NOT ENOUGH FOR YOU? Ergh. Terrible author. Anyway, she apparently wrote a series about alien parasites and did a love triangle between the host, this guy she was into, and......the alien parasite. Yes. That happened. I know. It's fucking stupid. And.....why......but........damn it all. Argh. Blergh. Rargh. Just...........
"so much more groaning"
Just a question, when does Jack make that comment about how 'cute she is when she's fired up'? I've tottaly missed it and I really really want to see it.
In my main playthrough I'm not trusting him at all, since of course he's going to screw you over and try to steal your body. But he's such a fun character that I started another playthrough just to spend more time with him in the version where you trust him.
At least you can be sure that he doesn't just want to get you killed in Helios so he can be extracted from your body -- or else he would have just let Vasquez kill you and take your body back.
If you ask me siding with Jack most of the time pans out better for everyone if I'm honest, especially in episode 2/3. I mean if you choose to trust Fiona then Vaughn gets shocked and paralyzed AND you have to escape the bots. If you trust Jack then the bots help you and you get the pleasure of blowing Vasquez's arm off or shooting at August before Jack controls them, leaving you to control the bot that can shock/paralyze people thus Vaughn doesn't get paralyzed in the first place and and you get to make a much quicker escape. While Rhys points out later that Jack nearly shot his friends Jack reminds him that he in fact didn't shoot them though and even apologizes for it, TWICE, which is a rare sight. If you trust Jack, it seems like he is developing a bit of a soft spot for Rhys and it's so obvious, even despite the fact that he has to share a body with him its obvious Rhys is growing on him. He even went as far as to compliment Rhys and said he reminded him of his younger self. Fiona just basically wings everything most of the time, at least Jack has plans and if you go along with Jack and trust him and agree to run Hyperion and upload his AI into Helios' network, he actually WON'T take over your body and will hold up his end of the bargain and make you the new president. It's only if you refuse to run Hyperion that he gets angry and takes over to forcefully upload his AI into the Helios system.
Plus siding with Jack is worth it just for the amusement of his actions when using the echo eye and the Jack-apedia is PURE GOLD.
I played Tales without any prior knowledge of Borderlands proper. As it stands, I think he's a pretty funny guy (even when others refer to him as a "murderous bastard" or "genocidal maniac", I find it hard not to laugh at some of the things he says), but I think playing the main games could drastically change my perception of him.
On the other hand, I'm given to understand that A.I Jack is a significantly tamer version of his Borderlands 2 persona, so that might factor in on how much I like him.
I like Jack, hence being on my top 5 favorite characters list from Borderlands.Well, just because I like him doesn't mean I'll do everything he says/trust him. Jack is mainly the reason why I like the Pre-Sequel also. Favorite Jack quotes from the 3 games he's in.
It's nothing sir. A CL4P-TP unit tried to French kiss a light socket.
Tungsteena Zarpedon? Wow, you must have been SUPER popular in high school! My GOD your parents were assholes!
First one to shoot her in the head gets a high five and a turbomansion!
Jack is like a mixture of Gruntilda and the Joker. When you first meet him in Borderlands 2, he just seems like a douche. A funny douche, but not super dangerous. Then you listen to some echos of him killing Pierce, and I just changed to, "this mothafucka is gonna die". He's still hilarious but the more you see what he's done and is doing the more they actually motivate you to want his head on a platter. Hearing Tina's backstory was heartbreaking, seeing what he did to Bloodwing, what he did to Fyrestone, and even Angel. Jack was made to give the player that mixture of love and hate and was done perfectly.
Then the Presequel came out and everyone forgot that he was already evil and crazy and took pity on him. I still love Jack but I really started hating the fans that jumped on the bandwagon of pretending he was the victim. Where so many view TPS as how Jack became a monster, it really is more of showing Jack dropping his act and showing his true colors. It did try to humanize him, but I took it with the grain of salt that: he was already psychotic, a murderer, and really self-centered in his intentions. You can say I'm using hindsight of BL2 in this view but considering TPS was just an afterthought that they jammed into the continuity, I think fans should using hindsight in how they interpret the story.
Welp... I might be in the minority, at least, and I said this before somewhere, but I first came upon Handsome Jack in BL2, having heard his initial audio logs, and then hearing the 'Helena Pierce' ones... and my initial thought was... (sorry if TMI...) 'I gotta change my panties'...
All in all, I love his sociopathy... it speaks to me As I said before somewhere, I'd act like he does, if I had the power... Healthy? It sure ain't, but I'm not seeing him as a misunderstood cupcake, I know he's cruel... I just think that's a necessary attitude to have in a land like Pandora. He could have made it a decent place, with some sacrifices, if he wasn't interrupted by some douchebags...
I always find it funny how many people picked up TFTBL with no Borderlands experience. I had assumed at most it would be 50-50. It's always nice when there's another vet of the series.
I love Jack too but his idea of right in wrong are so off, it's never been a question that the sooner he died the better off Pandora would be. Yeah trying to bring order to such a savage world is almost foolish you do need to be totalitarian to make any impact but from playing the first and second game, you realize that most people on Pandora are not bandits or evil they just want to keep surviving. But you can't tell Jack that, cause if he didn't hand pick them, they don't deserve to live on the Planet. In short it's like saying what Hitler did was justified, he just wanted to rid the world of evil in his eyes. And trying to do that on Pandora is a fools errand. Everything is so grey there, cause even the "good guys" are dirty.
He seems so much like the Joker cause I root for him and laugh at everything he says but I know his existence is ruining the lives of everyone else in that universe.
Welp... I might be in the minority, at least, and I said this before somewhere, but I first came upon Handsome Jack in BL2, having heard his… more initial audio logs, and then hearing the 'Helena Pierce' ones... and my initial thought was... (sorry if TMI...) 'I gotta change my panties'...
All in all, I love his sociopathy... it speaks to me As I said before somewhere, I'd act like he does, if I had the power... Healthy? It sure ain't, but I'm not seeing him as a misunderstood cupcake, I know he's cruel... I just think that's a necessary attitude to have in a land like Pandora. He could have made it a decent place, with some sacrifices, if he wasn't interrupted by some douchebags...
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ yadda yadda...
Well as Handsome Jack here pointed, Handsome Jack just had different ideals.
In Borderlands there are no heroe or villain, there is just your point of view...your decitions..¿why?...Let´s grab a coffe and talk about it folks.
He worked hard on Helios, probably since the least possition you could ever imagine and grew up...but what happened?..Helios was on serious trouble..and I don´t know guys but..he just ask help to Vault Hunters and was the leader of them in order to save the Planet and also having a Vault....¿How the f..... did he get the money or the strong way to speak to Vault Hunters to have them with him?.
And Lilith, Roland and Moxxi was helping on the other side...but then they betrayed Jack and Jack and his team (The vault hunters he hired)...survived because his leadership and their skills.
Pandora is freakin crazy and dangerous, and maybe Jack just wanted to wake up the warrior and put it as a guard or something, but being betrayal by coworkers and what you considered your allies, would be freaking bad for your mind..¿ins´t it?..that´s why he got mad with all the people he loved: Hyperion people, HIS OWN DAUGHTER...etc.
Now in this story as an A.I..he just wanted to be alive to keep going on his ideals,but dead....he will never do it...BUT BINGO...I´M LIVING ON A ROOKIE HYPERION EMPLOYEE.....
He at his own madness or his ideals, try to help Rhys or give him advice...and is obvious he have it hard to control to see Pandora people as another way that bandits because his past, but I guess that, because it want to have an apprentice, apprentice that fully accepts him as how he is, that will listen to him, and at the same time comprehend him (Rhys), probably will change the point of view of him about some Pandora people or atleast some of..(as Sasha and Fiona)..because they are friends/allies of Rhys...so as he is sharing the same body and also acceptance,probably he will acept Rhys ideals and friends...
He probably would get mad if Rhys reject him all over again and again or don´t thank him atleast once: Because it would be doing the same sh*t that people did to him before.
Conclusion: People can change if he wants...and probably Handsome JACK wasn´t bad at all, but it was so extremist on their ideals because on what it suffers. He just want to be accepted and be treated as a friend, love and health relations help....so...yeah..Rhys and co could do something good to him...but it depends on the other people, on forget the past and work toguether for peace
Heh, I do agree with what you're saying... but I still think you need to be a totalitarian tyrant to get any semblance of order in a place like Pandora. And you'll have to sacrifice people, people like Fiona and Sasha, probably, but in the end it would be worth it, for me... Pandora is a horrible place to live, and to change that you need to raze what's there to the ground and start anew... I think the loss of life would be worth it... Bandits or not, they're uncontrollable... like Fiona and Sasha, the con artists, August and Vallory, the criminals, Moxxi, Lilith and the others, the treacherous bandits... you just can't trust or depend on those people... it's better to get rid of them.
All I want is for Jack to be in control again... Pandora needs an iron hand.
I always find it funny how many people picked up TFTBL with no Borderlands experience. I had assumed at most it would be 50-50. It's always … morenice when there's another vet of the series.
I love Jack too but his idea of right in wrong are so off, it's never been a question that the sooner he died the better off Pandora would be. Yeah trying to bring order to such a savage world is almost foolish you do need to be totalitarian to make any impact but from playing the first and second game, you realize that most people on Pandora are not bandits or evil they just want to keep surviving. But you can't tell Jack that, cause if he didn't hand pick them, they don't deserve to live on the Planet. In short it's like saying what Hitler did was justified, he just wanted to rid the world of evil in his eyes. And trying to do that on Pandora is a fools errand. Everything is so grey there, cause even the "good guys" are dirty.
He seems so much like the … [view original content]
Heh, I do agree with what you're saying... but I still think you need to be a totalitarian tyrant to get any semblance of order in a place l… moreike Pandora. And you'll have to sacrifice people, people like Fiona and Sasha, probably, but in the end it would be worth it, for me... Pandora is a horrible place to live, and to change that you need to raze what's there to the ground and start anew... I think the loss of life would be worth it... Bandits or not, they're uncontrollable... like Fiona and Sasha, the con artists, August and Vallory, the criminals, Moxxi, Lilith and the others, the treacherous bandits... you just can't trust or depend on those people... it's better to get rid of them.
All I want is for Jack to be in control again... Pandora needs an iron hand.
Welp... I might be in the minority, at least, and I said this before somewhere, but I first came upon Handsome Jack in BL2, having heard his… more initial audio logs, and then hearing the 'Helena Pierce' ones... and my initial thought was... (sorry if TMI...) 'I gotta change my panties'...
All in all, I love his sociopathy... it speaks to me As I said before somewhere, I'd act like he does, if I had the power... Healthy? It sure ain't, but I'm not seeing him as a misunderstood cupcake, I know he's cruel... I just think that's a necessary attitude to have in a land like Pandora. He could have made it a decent place, with some sacrifices, if he wasn't interrupted by some douchebags...
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ yadda yadda...
I always find it funny how many people picked up TFTBL with no Borderlands experience.
Heh, I accidently (well, I mean I knew nothing about BL at the moment) just watched one of the pt of Tales from the youtuber I usually watch and it was so goddamn awesome that I just couldn't stop myself from playing it, and then BL2 and TPS. I think that Tales is actually kinda better to start with especially for people who don't like action games in general because it's easier to get into it, especially in comparison with BL2 which is kinda slow and hard at the beginning (glad that I started with TPS too, I still think that BL2 is pretty hard till level 5-7 and I just hate when the games can not be played in chronological order - like BL or Metal gear)
I always find it funny how many people picked up TFTBL with no Borderlands experience. I had assumed at most it would be 50-50. It's always … morenice when there's another vet of the series.
I love Jack too but his idea of right in wrong are so off, it's never been a question that the sooner he died the better off Pandora would be. Yeah trying to bring order to such a savage world is almost foolish you do need to be totalitarian to make any impact but from playing the first and second game, you realize that most people on Pandora are not bandits or evil they just want to keep surviving. But you can't tell Jack that, cause if he didn't hand pick them, they don't deserve to live on the Planet. In short it's like saying what Hitler did was justified, he just wanted to rid the world of evil in his eyes. And trying to do that on Pandora is a fools errand. Everything is so grey there, cause even the "good guys" are dirty.
He seems so much like the … [view original content]
He worked hard on Helios, probably since the least possition you could ever imagine and grew up...but what happened?..Helios was on serious trouble..and I don´t know guys but..he just ask help to Vault Hunters and was the leader of them in order to save the Planet and also having a Vault....¿How the f..... did he get the money or the strong way to speak to Vault Hunters to have them with him?. And Lilith, Roland and Moxxi was helping on the other side...but then they betrayed Jack and Jack and his team (The vault hunters he hired)...survived because his leadership and their skills.
Reading this is just physically painful. It's like I'm on The Game Theorists' channel again with his deluded and twisted theory about Jack being complely innocent and just "misunderstood".
Well as Handsome Jack here pointed, Handsome Jack just had different ideals.
In Borderlands there are no heroe or villain, there is just y… moreour point of view...your decitions..¿why?...Let´s grab a coffe and talk about it folks.
He worked hard on Helios, probably since the least possition you could ever imagine and grew up...but what happened?..Helios was on serious trouble..and I don´t know guys but..he just ask help to Vault Hunters and was the leader of them in order to save the Planet and also having a Vault....¿How the f..... did he get the money or the strong way to speak to Vault Hunters to have them with him?.
And Lilith, Roland and Moxxi was helping on the other side...but then they betrayed Jack and Jack and his team (The vault hunters he hired)...survived because his leadership and their skills.
Pandora is freakin crazy and dangerous, and maybe Jack just wanted to wake up the warrior and put it as a guard or something, but… [view original content]
I loved that violin part, but my absolute favorite Jack moment is this.
Click here
Yeeeeah, I'm pretty sure 'Jack respecting Rhys more if he didn't give him control' is not where TT intended to go with those scenes... It's pretty obvious it's easier for Jack to take control of you if you let him do it in ep.2, so that's what he does when Rhys is unconscious. That he doesn't do it in a 'choose Fiona' playthrough simply means that he can't. And like Duck said, his behavior as Handsome Rhys is just your run-of-the-mill quintessential Jack, not some effort to mess things up for Rhys. He makes an effort to explain himself and his more... 'controversial' actions to Rhys in the pro-Jack path, and it's been noted many times that he doesn't have to - if you take that path you're already doing what Jack wants, so it's purely courtesy on his part.
Just a question, when does Jack make that comment about how 'cute she is when she's fired up'? I've tottaly missed it and I really really want to see it.
I don't see how Jack siccing Athena on Cassius is a particularly heinous deed, considering it's her choice to heed him or not, and especially considering she killed pretty much every other Atlas employee on the planet, indiscriminately and for revenge - if we assume Cassius is 'an innocent man' then we must accept many of the other Atlas staff were also innocent people, and Athena murdered them. Yet, she's apparently one of the 'heroes'.
My love for Jack isn't based on denying his bad traits or actions - I realize Jack did many awful things, but Pandora is a planet of awful people. Everyone here does horrible stuff, but Jack at least does it with style. :P
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
If you trusted Jack at the end of Episode Two, then it's at the beginning of Episode Three, when you're raising the platform up to the window.
Jack is hilarious and a great character, but you can't trust him at all. At some point he's going to stab Rhys and everyone else in the back, because that is how he rolls.
I love Jack too, in my own way, but I still acknowledge that "What are you waiting for, KILL HIM!" wasn't exactly playing nice with the guy who's done nothing but help lol. Frankly, I don't really like Athena and would never call her a hero either. I'm not picking sides on the matter of 'Jack vs Vault Hunters' here, I'm just saying that Jack is not a nice guy and is not to be trusted.
He's been the best a-hole I had the pleasure to kill
Jack is the Borderlands universe personified. Witty, funny, charismatic, twisted, cruel, violent, insane and, above all, tragic. It would be easy to call him an outlier, a solitary monster, but nothing he did in his insanity differed from the atrocities other corporations in Borderlands do as a matter of business.
Case in point, you folks remember how Lance Assassins (what Athena was when she worked (was owned by, really) for Atlas) were created and trained? http://borderlands.wikia.com/wiki/Lance_Assassin
That's exactly something we would expect from Jack(for diffrent reasons, though).
I like how people are debating on weither characters are good or bad, when this is Pandora. Expecting a character on there to be 100% good is like expecting bandits to give you a hug when you meet them.
The Helena Pierce moment should clarify what to think of him.
Like The_Duck said, if you trust Jack, it happens during the opening scene in Episode 3. But it's one of those comments where you have to let the timer go as long as you can to hear it.
Yikes! So i guess it's plausible anyways. (If you can call something that Stephanie Meyers wrote plausible) But, wow, that is majorly squickey.
'I groan with you my friend.'
Yup... That was the defining moment for me. Love at first... hearing.
I saw it. Thanks.
In my main playthrough I'm not trusting him at all, since of course he's going to screw you over and try to steal your body. But he's such a fun character that I started another playthrough just to spend more time with him in the version where you trust him.
At least you can be sure that he doesn't just want to get you killed in Helios so he can be extracted from your body -- or else he would have just let Vasquez kill you and take your body back.
If you ask me siding with Jack most of the time pans out better for everyone if I'm honest, especially in episode 2/3. I mean if you choose to trust Fiona then Vaughn gets shocked and paralyzed AND you have to escape the bots. If you trust Jack then the bots help you and you get the pleasure of blowing Vasquez's arm off or shooting at August before Jack controls them, leaving you to control the bot that can shock/paralyze people thus Vaughn doesn't get paralyzed in the first place and and you get to make a much quicker escape. While Rhys points out later that Jack nearly shot his friends Jack reminds him that he in fact didn't shoot them though and even apologizes for it, TWICE, which is a rare sight. If you trust Jack, it seems like he is developing a bit of a soft spot for Rhys and it's so obvious, even despite the fact that he has to share a body with him its obvious Rhys is growing on him. He even went as far as to compliment Rhys and said he reminded him of his younger self. Fiona just basically wings everything most of the time, at least Jack has plans and if you go along with Jack and trust him and agree to run Hyperion and upload his AI into Helios' network, he actually WON'T take over your body and will hold up his end of the bargain and make you the new president. It's only if you refuse to run Hyperion that he gets angry and takes over to forcefully upload his AI into the Helios system.
Plus siding with Jack is worth it just for the amusement of his actions when using the echo eye and the Jack-apedia is PURE GOLD.
I played Tales without any prior knowledge of Borderlands proper. As it stands, I think he's a pretty funny guy (even when others refer to him as a "murderous bastard" or "genocidal maniac", I find it hard not to laugh at some of the things he says), but I think playing the main games could drastically change my perception of him.
On the other hand, I'm given to understand that A.I Jack is a significantly tamer version of his Borderlands 2 persona, so that might factor in on how much I like him.
@HandsomeJack looks like we have an imposter on our hands.
I like Jack, hence being on my top 5 favorite characters list from Borderlands.Well, just because I like him doesn't mean I'll do everything he says/trust him. Jack is mainly the reason why I like the Pre-Sequel also. Favorite Jack quotes from the 3 games he's in.
I find him funny but... I really don't like him.
Now excuse me
I love to hate him. I want to kill him but I don't want him to die.
It's complicated.
Jack is like a mixture of Gruntilda and the Joker. When you first meet him in Borderlands 2, he just seems like a douche. A funny douche, but not super dangerous. Then you listen to some echos of him killing Pierce, and I just changed to, "this mothafucka is gonna die". He's still hilarious but the more you see what he's done and is doing the more they actually motivate you to want his head on a platter. Hearing Tina's backstory was heartbreaking, seeing what he did to Bloodwing, what he did to Fyrestone, and even Angel. Jack was made to give the player that mixture of love and hate and was done perfectly.
Then the Presequel came out and everyone forgot that he was already evil and crazy and took pity on him. I still love Jack but I really started hating the fans that jumped on the bandwagon of pretending he was the victim. Where so many view TPS as how Jack became a monster, it really is more of showing Jack dropping his act and showing his true colors. It did try to humanize him, but I took it with the grain of salt that: he was already psychotic, a murderer, and really self-centered in his intentions. You can say I'm using hindsight of BL2 in this view but considering TPS was just an afterthought that they jammed into the continuity, I think fans should using hindsight in how they interpret the story.
Welp... I might be in the minority, at least, and I said this before somewhere, but I first came upon Handsome Jack in BL2, having heard his initial audio logs, and then hearing the 'Helena Pierce' ones... and my initial thought was... (sorry if TMI...) 'I gotta change my panties'...
All in all, I love his sociopathy... it speaks to me
As I said before somewhere, I'd act like he does, if I had the power... Healthy? It sure ain't, but I'm not seeing him as a misunderstood cupcake, I know he's cruel... I just think that's a necessary attitude to have in a land like Pandora. He could have made it a decent place, with some sacrifices, if he wasn't interrupted by some douchebags...
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ yadda yadda...
I always find it funny how many people picked up TFTBL with no Borderlands experience. I had assumed at most it would be 50-50. It's always nice when there's another vet of the series.
I love Jack too but his idea of right in wrong are so off, it's never been a question that the sooner he died the better off Pandora would be. Yeah trying to bring order to such a savage world is almost foolish you do need to be totalitarian to make any impact but from playing the first and second game, you realize that most people on Pandora are not bandits or evil they just want to keep surviving. But you can't tell Jack that, cause if he didn't hand pick them, they don't deserve to live on the Planet. In short it's like saying what Hitler did was justified, he just wanted to rid the world of evil in his eyes. And trying to do that on Pandora is a fools errand. Everything is so grey there, cause even the "good guys" are dirty.
He seems so much like the Joker cause I root for him and laugh at everything he says but I know his existence is ruining the lives of everyone else in that universe.
Well as Handsome Jack here pointed, Handsome Jack just had different ideals.
In Borderlands there are no heroe or villain, there is just your point of view...your decitions..¿why?...Let´s grab a coffe and talk about it folks.
He worked hard on Helios, probably since the least possition you could ever imagine and grew up...but what happened?..Helios was on serious trouble..and I don´t know guys but..he just ask help to Vault Hunters and was the leader of them in order to save the Planet and also having a Vault....¿How the f..... did he get the money or the strong way to speak to Vault Hunters to have them with him?.
And Lilith, Roland and Moxxi was helping on the other side...but then they betrayed Jack and Jack and his team (The vault hunters he hired)...survived because his leadership and their skills.
Pandora is freakin crazy and dangerous, and maybe Jack just wanted to wake up the warrior and put it as a guard or something, but being betrayal by coworkers and what you considered your allies, would be freaking bad for your mind..¿ins´t it?..that´s why he got mad with all the people he loved: Hyperion people, HIS OWN DAUGHTER...etc.
Now in this story as an A.I..he just wanted to be alive to keep going on his ideals,but dead....he will never do it...BUT BINGO...I´M LIVING ON A ROOKIE HYPERION EMPLOYEE.....
He at his own madness or his ideals, try to help Rhys or give him advice...and is obvious he have it hard to control to see Pandora people as another way that bandits because his past, but I guess that, because it want to have an apprentice, apprentice that fully accepts him as how he is, that will listen to him, and at the same time comprehend him (Rhys), probably will change the point of view of him about some Pandora people or atleast some of..(as Sasha and Fiona)..because they are friends/allies of Rhys...so as he is sharing the same body and also acceptance,probably he will acept Rhys ideals and friends...
He probably would get mad if Rhys reject him all over again and again or don´t thank him atleast once: Because it would be doing the same sh*t that people did to him before.
Conclusion: People can change if he wants...and probably Handsome JACK wasn´t bad at all, but it was so extremist on their ideals because on what it suffers. He just want to be accepted and be treated as a friend, love and health relations help....so...yeah..Rhys and co could do something good to him...but it depends on the other people, on forget the past and work toguether for peace
Heh, I do agree with what you're saying... but I still think you need to be a totalitarian tyrant to get any semblance of order in a place like Pandora. And you'll have to sacrifice people, people like Fiona and Sasha, probably, but in the end it would be worth it, for me... Pandora is a horrible place to live, and to change that you need to raze what's there to the ground and start anew... I think the loss of life would be worth it... Bandits or not, they're uncontrollable... like Fiona and Sasha, the con artists, August and Vallory, the criminals, Moxxi, Lilith and the others, the treacherous bandits... you just can't trust or depend on those people... it's better to get rid of them.
All I want is for Jack to be in control again... Pandora needs an iron hand.
I'm the same way.
He is a handsome fella, isn't he?
Not gonna lie, this is hilarious.
Heh, I accidently (well, I mean I knew nothing about BL at the moment) just watched one of the pt of Tales from the youtuber I usually watch and it was so goddamn awesome that I just couldn't stop myself from playing it, and then BL2 and TPS. I think that Tales is actually kinda better to start with especially for people who don't like action games in general because it's easier to get into it, especially in comparison with BL2 which is kinda slow and hard at the beginning (glad that I started with TPS too, I still think that BL2 is pretty hard till level 5-7 and I just hate when the games can not be played in chronological order - like BL or Metal gear)
Reading this is just physically painful. It's like I'm on The Game Theorists' channel again with his deluded and twisted theory about Jack being complely innocent and just "misunderstood".
Just my virtual opinion man...
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)