Title - Smooth Moves, i would like see them dance one day
Doing some more fun themed artworks
Use it for whatever you want,Made with SFM/Photoshop
My Gallery
Hi everyone! I've been lurking on the forum now for a while, reading all your posts, and I decided today to make my own account and finally … morejoin in
Nice to meet you all!
(Although it's 3 am where I live so I'll be going to sleep soon... so good night as well ahaha)
She should have expected something like this would happen.
But she still manages to be surprised when she sees Sasha dragging an unconscious Rhys -- at least he wasn't drooling -- through the door.
"What-- what happened?!" Vaughn asks what they're all thinking so she keeps her mouth shut and stares in confusion instead.
"It's Rhys," Sasha shakes her head, dropping him carefully onto the floor, "he's out cold."
"Did he hit his head?" Fiona trails her eyes over his limp form, a trickle of blood running down the side of his head -- stupid question, now that she thinks about it.
"Yeah, I had to carry him all the way back from the control platform."
He's laying there, arms spread in directions she's pretty sure shouldn't even be possible, and they all kind of just stare at him for a few minutes before she decides someone needs to do something.
"Rhys?" She pokes his side with her shoe, careful not to let her heel stab him. "Rhys? Can you hear me?"
Predictably, he doesn't respond and she's starting to get a little concerned now.
"Rhys," Vaughn's on the verge of panicking, she can tell, and he crouches down near his friend, "come on, man... talk to me."
And there's movement.
"Oh my god," Vaughn sighs in relief, "I'm so glad you're okay, man. You had me worried there."
But not the kind they probably wanted.
Rhys flails his arms slowly and mumbles incoherent things under his breath, eyes closed all the while, and Vaughn shoots up, startled, but there's a glimmer of hope there.
"What...?" Sasha furrows her brows in confusion. "What is he saying?"
"Huh? Were those words?" He adjusts his glasses nervously. "Tell me those were words."
Sasha looks at her with a knowing look and Fiona can only nod as a silent acknowledgement that yes, she knows they're in a tight situation and no, she doesn't know how to fix it either. Gortys and Loader Bot don't even seem to understand what exactly is going on, chatting happily on the corner, and she's thankful -- she doesn't want this to bother them if she can avoid it.
"I can't get him to wake up..." Vaughn's suddenly by their side again and he's frantic, moving from side to side, "I don't know what to do... I'm... worried. I don't know whether it's his cybernetics or his real brain but something's just not coming online."
Rhys is still mumbling, but the flailing has stopped. She doesn't know why and it really doesn't matter because he's still not himself.
"Don't leave me here alone..."
Fiona doesn't think he meant for her to hear this since he says it in a whisper -- she probably should have taken offense that she and Sasha didn't count in his book -- but she can't help but feel bad; Hyperion wasn't exactly forgiving, she could tell, and finding a friend was rare. Losing your only friend would destroy you.
"He'll... be alright, Vaughn." She tries to comfort him but she knows she's not really good at it. "He means a lot to you, doesn't he?"
He doesn't respond but she knows he does.
"I bet you he'll wake up if you slap him."
It's an attempt to lift the mood but Vaughn doesn't seem to get it and instead gestures wildly in frustration.
"No, you don't get it, I've tried everything!"
An idea comes to mind and she's really not sure why she thought it was a good idea to crack a joke at a time like this but here she is.
"Have you tried..." she wants to slap herself, "kissing him?"
Vaughn looks at her in disgust for a second before his face changes and she watches in horror as he genuinely contemplates the option.
"I mean," he starts, "this isn't Sleeping Beauty but it is worth a shot."
She's about to crack up laughing when he finishes his train of thought.
"I'm not doing it, though. It'd have to be you."
Digging her own grave was a way to put it. She looks over at Sasha silently begging her for help when she raises her hands, shaking her head, at her in a silent I´m-not-getting-into-this and she's left alone with a completely serious Vaughn and a ready to be kissed Rhys,
"Uh, Vaughn?" She tries, hesitantly. "I was just... joking. I don't think--"
"You would let Rhys die?!"
He talks about it like it's their only choice and the only thing that would bring Rhys back -- or as if she's the only person that could get the deed done -- and she takes a step back.
"No, I--"
"Then, please," he's begging her now and she uncomfortably reaches to adjust her new hat, "please try to help him."
It's frankly ridiculous but she still feels herself walk forward to stand at Rhys' side. She can still say no. It's not as if this will actually work. She can still refuse. But she lifts him onto her lap when she crouches down regardless of whatever way out she could have had and she lets his head rest there for a couple of minutes, his mumbling still going on.
"Well," she starts and she can hear Sasha snort lightly as her nervous tone, "now or never, I guess."
Bending down isn't that hard but closing the short way between her and him is still certainly the most nerve-wracking thing she's ever done. And considering her line of work (if she could put it that way) that was saying something. The pressure she feels is light at first and it's a foreign feeling but she decides it isn't bad -- at least until she actually summons the courage to press her lips harder against his and a sick twist in her gut tells her she's liking this more than she should.
It's no shame, really, but he's laying half dead and half crazy and this probably isn't how she would have imagined the moment to be.
She breaks away after a couple more seconds and when she turns to look at everyone else they're just kind of staring at her in surprise (maybe it was longer than she had anticipated) and she pushes Rhys off her lap with an awkward cough.
"So..." She begins and she can almost physically feel the tension in the air. "As you can see... it didn't--"
A moan interrupts her and she seriously can't believe this.
"Ow," Rhys rubs at his head, taking a look at his lightly blood stained hand when he draws back, "what... what happened?"
Now Sasha bursts out laughing and Vaughn just runs over to give Rhys a hug she was slightly concerned would choke him. Athena just kind of rolls her eyes at the whole thing and Fiona can't really blame her. This is unbelievable even to her.
"Ugh... I feel terrible."
Rhys is back on his feet now and by the red in his ears she's pretty sure Vaughn couldn't keep his trap shut and gave him unnecessary details. It just confirms itself when he quickly tries to escape eye contact with an embarrassed blush as she followed him with her eyes.
"You're welcome, by the way."
If she's going through this he might as well go through it with her.
"Mhm," he quickly nods, feigning ignorance, "uh, for what now?"
"For basically bringing you back from the dead?"
"Oh," he laughs nervously when he realises she's already fully aware, "haha, yeah. Let's just... do this upgrade thing."
She's given no time to respond as he moves away abnormally fast to reach Gortys, who greets him with a smile, and Fiona's sure then that this doesn't end here.
LOL XD,why didn't I see those posts?
yep. this is pure entertainment!
Aww,, this is so sweet! And they've got their new clothes too. XD
Well....... Yours is better,will you teach me how to do that?
Trust me, there was A LOT of them.
probably mad max since it's like a family-comedy-movie for pandorans
This is excellent! Haha, look at those two goofs face-palming in the background!
You're really talented!
I just checked them out.........you got a bit hyper there @Quiff
set a hashtag in front of the stuff you want to write big
Page 234, the only reason I saw them is cause it showed in my feed.
You guys can't hide bullying from me.
Yay! Welcome!
Thanks @Kruzii
Okay,goodnight everyone
Night =]]]
Shia is my spirit animal.
Yes, I will be your friend,
Night, buddy.
nighty night
... it's kinda hard to communicate properly when it's only via text,
you can never be really sure what the other party is feeling of want to express.
Goodnight. C:
I promise bro
Though sadly I don't think you can ever become a duck.
Sleep tight!
sweet rhyiona dreams
I Have Returned...
So whats going on? 
Oops, sorry, I was a little late. :P
Quiff just got scolded by Green!
She should have expected something like this would happen.
But she still manages to be surprised when she sees Sasha dragging an unconscious Rhys -- at least he wasn't drooling -- through the door.
"What-- what happened?!" Vaughn asks what they're all thinking so she keeps her mouth shut and stares in confusion instead.
"It's Rhys," Sasha shakes her head, dropping him carefully onto the floor, "he's out cold."
"Did he hit his head?" Fiona trails her eyes over his limp form, a trickle of blood running down the side of his head -- stupid question, now that she thinks about it.
"Yeah, I had to carry him all the way back from the control platform."
He's laying there, arms spread in directions she's pretty sure shouldn't even be possible, and they all kind of just stare at him for a few minutes before she decides someone needs to do something.
"Rhys?" She pokes his side with her shoe, careful not to let her heel stab him. "Rhys? Can you hear me?"
Predictably, he doesn't respond and she's starting to get a little concerned now.
"Rhys," Vaughn's on the verge of panicking, she can tell, and he crouches down near his friend, "come on, man... talk to me."
And there's movement.
"Oh my god," Vaughn sighs in relief, "I'm so glad you're okay, man. You had me worried there."
But not the kind they probably wanted.
Rhys flails his arms slowly and mumbles incoherent things under his breath, eyes closed all the while, and Vaughn shoots up, startled, but there's a glimmer of hope there.
"What...?" Sasha furrows her brows in confusion. "What is he saying?"
"Huh? Were those words?" He adjusts his glasses nervously. "Tell me those were words."
Sasha looks at her with a knowing look and Fiona can only nod as a silent acknowledgement that yes, she knows they're in a tight situation and no, she doesn't know how to fix it either. Gortys and Loader Bot don't even seem to understand what exactly is going on, chatting happily on the corner, and she's thankful -- she doesn't want this to bother them if she can avoid it.
"I can't get him to wake up..." Vaughn's suddenly by their side again and he's frantic, moving from side to side, "I don't know what to do... I'm... worried. I don't know whether it's his cybernetics or his real brain but something's just not coming online."
Rhys is still mumbling, but the flailing has stopped. She doesn't know why and it really doesn't matter because he's still not himself.
"Don't leave me here alone..."
Fiona doesn't think he meant for her to hear this since he says it in a whisper -- she probably should have taken offense that she and Sasha didn't count in his book -- but she can't help but feel bad; Hyperion wasn't exactly forgiving, she could tell, and finding a friend was rare. Losing your only friend would destroy you.
"He'll... be alright, Vaughn." She tries to comfort him but she knows she's not really good at it. "He means a lot to you, doesn't he?"
He doesn't respond but she knows he does.
"I bet you he'll wake up if you slap him."
It's an attempt to lift the mood but Vaughn doesn't seem to get it and instead gestures wildly in frustration.
"No, you don't get it, I've tried everything!"
An idea comes to mind and she's really not sure why she thought it was a good idea to crack a joke at a time like this but here she is.
"Have you tried..." she wants to slap herself, "kissing him?"
Vaughn looks at her in disgust for a second before his face changes and she watches in horror as he genuinely contemplates the option.
"I mean," he starts, "this isn't Sleeping Beauty but it is worth a shot."
She's about to crack up laughing when he finishes his train of thought.
"I'm not doing it, though. It'd have to be you."
Digging her own grave was a way to put it. She looks over at Sasha silently begging her for help when she raises her hands, shaking her head, at her in a silent I´m-not-getting-into-this and she's left alone with a completely serious Vaughn and a ready to be kissed Rhys,
"Uh, Vaughn?" She tries, hesitantly. "I was just... joking. I don't think--"
"You would let Rhys die?!"
He talks about it like it's their only choice and the only thing that would bring Rhys back -- or as if she's the only person that could get the deed done -- and she takes a step back.
"No, I--"
"Then, please," he's begging her now and she uncomfortably reaches to adjust her new hat, "please try to help him."
It's frankly ridiculous but she still feels herself walk forward to stand at Rhys' side. She can still say no. It's not as if this will actually work. She can still refuse. But she lifts him onto her lap when she crouches down regardless of whatever way out she could have had and she lets his head rest there for a couple of minutes, his mumbling still going on.
"Well," she starts and she can hear Sasha snort lightly as her nervous tone, "now or never, I guess."
Bending down isn't that hard but closing the short way between her and him is still certainly the most nerve-wracking thing she's ever done. And considering her line of work (if she could put it that way) that was saying something. The pressure she feels is light at first and it's a foreign feeling but she decides it isn't bad -- at least until she actually summons the courage to press her lips harder against his and a sick twist in her gut tells her she's liking this more than she should.
It's no shame, really, but he's laying half dead and half crazy and this probably isn't how she would have imagined the moment to be.
She breaks away after a couple more seconds and when she turns to look at everyone else they're just kind of staring at her in surprise (maybe it was longer than she had anticipated) and she pushes Rhys off her lap with an awkward cough.
"So..." She begins and she can almost physically feel the tension in the air. "As you can see... it didn't--"
A moan interrupts her and she seriously can't believe this.
"Ow," Rhys rubs at his head, taking a look at his lightly blood stained hand when he draws back, "what... what happened?"
Now Sasha bursts out laughing and Vaughn just runs over to give Rhys a hug she was slightly concerned would choke him. Athena just kind of rolls her eyes at the whole thing and Fiona can't really blame her. This is unbelievable even to her.
"Ugh... I feel terrible."
Rhys is back on his feet now and by the red in his ears she's pretty sure Vaughn couldn't keep his trap shut and gave him unnecessary details. It just confirms itself when he quickly tries to escape eye contact with an embarrassed blush as she followed him with her eyes.
"You're welcome, by the way."
If she's going through this he might as well go through it with her.
"Mhm," he quickly nods, feigning ignorance, "uh, for what now?"
"For basically bringing you back from the dead?"
"Oh," he laughs nervously when he realises she's already fully aware, "haha, yeah. Let's just... do this upgrade thing."
She's given no time to respond as he moves away abnormally fast to reach Gortys, who greets him with a smile, and Fiona's sure then that this doesn't end here.
Maybe next time he'll be awake.
take this thing
You all know what this is based on.
Excuse typos. ;-;
death and suffering
Maybe not but I'm cute in my own way. ;-;
Oh yeah? What he do now? XD
Well it is Monday....
You are the freaking cutest wolf I've ever seen
Mondays aren't that bad.
Who am I kidding, they suck.
Awww, I forgive everything. ;-; Buddies again.