Thoughts on Vallory

What do people think of Vallory as the antagonist? To me she is pretty scary, but she seems very reasonable, and almost kind of nice in a way. She could have easily finished off Fiona at the end of episode 3, but she didn't do it. I'm curious about what happened between her and Vaughn, I'm thinking maybe she liked Vaughn's pluckiness when he attacked her, and took him to try to recruit him.


  • She's aight. Hasn't really blown me away as a villain but I like her character

  • She only didn't kill the crew at the end of episode 3 because she needed them.

  • She's pretty awesome so far and the ending with Athena cements her as someone you shouldn't fuck with imo

  • I don't really care about her. She's just...a villain. Vasquez and August got more development, so I was more interested in them.

  • I wanted to create a thread about Vallory... AND Felix the other day, but got lazy so I'll include a theory here if you don't mind.

    See these 2 pictures :

    On the first below we know Vallory finds it and rip off the part with Felix :

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    Then on the second, could this be young Vallory there next to Felix ?

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    Making August the son of not only Vallory but also Felix ?

  • "You feel that? Now it's over" That was a badass line.

    She's pretty awesome so far and the ending with Athena cements her as someone you shouldn't fuck with imo

  • Do you think she killed Vaughn after throwing him off her back?

    She only didn't kill the crew at the end of episode 3 because she needed them.

  • She's pretty good so far, I expect her character to be more developed though in the next two episodes, but right now, I prefer Vasquez and August over her. I think her voice actress did a fantastic job, I loved her performance as Vallory in Episode 3, but for some reason, she's not in the credits, so can someone tell me who she is?

  • She may have offered him a job, or he ran away, or killed him. All possibilities.

    Tripsauce posted: »

    Do you think she killed Vaughn after throwing him off her back?

  • edited June 2015

    How did the Vallory gang plus Brick and Mordecai find them at the Dome in a so remote place ?

    "Someone" has to be working with her and either placed a tracker or gave a phone call...

    She's not going to kill that person is she ;) ?

    Tripsauce posted: »

    Do you think she killed Vaughn after throwing him off her back?

  • That wrist seems way to thin and tan to be Vallory's, though.

  • They redid her character model. It used to look different back before Episode 3 was released.

    The_Duck posted: »

    That wrist seems way to thin and tan to be Vallory's, though.

  • Susan Silo.

    She's pretty good so far, I expect her character to be more developed though in the next two episodes, but right now, I prefer Vasquez and A

  • Vallory is voiced by Susan Silo, who is 72 years old

    She's pretty good so far, I expect her character to be more developed though in the next two episodes, but right now, I prefer Vasquez and A

  • I don't believe her weight and skin color changed, though. We all saw her earlier design of the Episode Three screen.

    Piggs posted: »

    They redid her character model. It used to look different back before Episode 3 was released.

  • Same sleeves, same wrist proportions, except she has gloves on the 2 pics below :

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    Alt text

    The_Duck posted: »

    That wrist seems way to thin and tan to be Vallory's, though.

  • edited June 2015

    What? It's the exact same model that they used in that screen. Pull up the image and compare the two.

    The_Duck posted: »

    I don't believe her weight and skin color changed, though. We all saw her earlier design of the Episode Three screen.

  • She's interesting, I kinda wish she didnt replace Vasquez, but Im guessing Vasquez had to die for the story, considering Rhys is going back to Helios, its likely he will be given his job or something

  • Thanks

    Piggs posted: »

    Susan Silo.

  • Thanks

    Vallory is voiced by Susan Silo, who is 72 years old

  • Carver would marry this old lady. Don't you think?

  • I don't mind any Vallory theories are relevant. I was thinking it's possible Felix was August's father, but Vallory seems way taller than the girl in that picture. The blonde hair does match August's though.

  • Yeah, I mean after all that danger someone honestly had to get killed. I also think it's partially because Patrick Warburton was kind of like a guest star.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    She's interesting, I kinda wish she didnt replace Vasquez, but Im guessing Vasquez had to die for the story, considering Rhys is going back to Helios, its likely he will be given his job or something

  • It is possible that Vaughn was working for Vallory but had of a change of heart when the crew was in danger. When he jumps on her back she says "What do you think you're doing?" in a way that made it seem like they might have already known each other.

    Shoogli posted: »

    How did the Vallory gang plus Brick and Mordecai find them at the Dome in a so remote place ? "Someone" has to be working with her and either placed a tracker or gave a phone call... She's not going to kill that person is she ?

  • Alt text

    I was thrown for a loop when Fiona's story said she died. I was extremely pissed at Telltale for 3 seconds before I figured it out.

  • Wow. I could tell as soon as the choices popped up that they would be fake.

    I was thrown for a loop when Fiona's story said she died. I was extremely pissed at Telltale for 3 seconds before I figured it out.

  • Vallory is a bad b*tch according to the game files, and to the game itself lol

  • I think she fits the role of a threatening antagonist alright. The drawbacks are that she isn't as funny (or rather not) as August and Vasquez.

  • It's refreshing to see an actually competent and threatening villain for a change. Games don't really do that much these days. Granted, there's not an ounce of funny in her but i feel that distinction from the usual Borderlands way of doing things just adds to her aura of danger. That said, Fiona's got a box of bullets and they all got Vallory's name on them now.

  • I like her! I'm curious about her connection to Fiona, Sasha and Felix. It helps that she has entertaining henchmen. It's too bad she killed Vasquez though. That idiot was a comedy goldmine, and oh wow, the ham-acting! :D

  • edited June 2015

    Vallory has black hair, though I guess that could be dyed but I don´t thinks so. Also can´t you tell how huge Vallory is compared to the woman in the picture? She´s almost Brick size.

  • I thought she might be Sasha and Fiona's mother, but that's out since she shot Fiona point-blank, and was only stopped by Athena's last-minute rescue.

    So yeah, I wonder what her relationship to Felix is -- is she the woman in the picture? She seems really tall though, and the woman in the picture was shorter than Felix.

    HeartOfGold posted: »

    I like her! I'm curious about her connection to Fiona, Sasha and Felix. It helps that she has entertaining henchmen. It's too bad she killed Vasquez though. That idiot was a comedy goldmine, and oh wow, the ham-acting!

  • I thought that that remark was because Vaughn was squirming and trying (hopelessly) to strangle her

    Tripsauce posted: »

    It is possible that Vaughn was working for Vallory but had of a change of heart when the crew was in danger. When he jumps on her back she s

  • She's been cemented as a solid threat, given how she dealt with Vasquez and Athena so smoothly in this episode. It'll be interesting to see if the rumours that she is related to Fiona and Sasha are true or not

  • edited June 2015

    Brick size

    It's cartoony and when you check the differences that happen between young Felix and old Felix, it's perfectly ok to think the young woman could have turned into Vallory after gaining weight and age.

    I'm not saying I'm sure, just is I wouldn't be surprised and that I think it's a possibility.

    And also it's a funny thing to talk about ;) !

    JackMarco posted: »

    Vallory has black hair, though I guess that could be dyed but I don´t thinks so. Also can´t you tell how huge Vallory is compared to the woman in the picture? She´s almost Brick size.

  • I totally agree with that. And I'd add it's the way she always takes good decisions. Also the classy way of lending her hand to Fiona in Old Haven gives her strength and that aura you speak of.

    It's refreshing to see an actually competent and threatening villain for a change. Games don't really do that much these days. Granted, ther

  • I was really impressed with Vallory!

    I had pretty high expectations since seeing her in the ep 3 title card because I was thrilled to have another badass Pandoran matriarch in the mix (Moxxi being the OG, of course), and she really managed to live up to all that. It's the little touches, like offering her hand to help Fiona up, and seemingly respecting Fiona for standing up to her, that make her brutal moments all the more shocking. I also love her calling out August for his attitude, and switching to an almost 'cutesy'/baby/'kind' voice (or at least far less gruff) to speak to Gortys - despite the fact that Gortys just saw her straight up brutalise everyone around her and was clearly terrified. And I love that Brick and Mordi were intimidated by her!

    I am also absolutely besotted with her design - it's so badass (yet feminine), and inherently Pandoran/Bandit style but an almost high class version? She looks like the real-life female mob bosses who are rough as guts and can kill a man with their bare hands, but whose accessories are always so on point, and who use $1000 Hermès scarves to wipe away the blood spatter.

    I'm ashamed to admit it, but we share very similar tastes/aesthetics. And I pretty much want her entire wardrobe (okay, at least the clawed gloves!) >_<

    I really hope TT release more cosplay guides for Tales. I'd love to see one for Vallory.

    (And ones for The Stranger, August, Vasquez and Yvette, while they're at it!)

  • Honestly, why does anyone that isn't HandsomeJack bother commenting? You pretty much said what needs to be said. It's the cold yet polite villains you have to watch out for. This woman is razor sharp and has ice flowing through her veins. She also minds her p's and q's, which I find unsettling. Scary lady.

    I was really impressed with Vallory! I had pretty high expectations since seeing her in the ep 3 title card because I was thrilled to hav

  • Honestly, why does anyone that isn't HandsomeJack bother commenting?

    I shudder to think what the forum would look like if that were the case.

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    Tevix posted: »

    Honestly, why does anyone that isn't HandsomeJack bother commenting? You pretty much said what needs to be said. It's the cold yet polite

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