So does Sasha still have feelings for August?

I mean she's been saying stuff like 'he was just a mark', but expressed some sort of dismay at the same time, kind of like she felt bad or something. Then there's the whole 'we've never officially broken up' thing. So this just guilt for breaking his heart or actual feeling for him?



  • Difficult to say just yet, but she does appear to have some lingering feelings for him. There may be a choice to reunite them, break them up, or romance her yourself.

  • Cope49Cope49 Banned


  • I don't think so, there hasn't really been anything to me that could suggest she had any major feelings for August other than the "nothing less" comment, and even that, especially what she says next, I think that she was directing that more to Rhys than August, about how when you spend a certain amount of time with someone, you see a side to them you didn't expect.

  • There was some unused audio of Fiona saying that Sasha was really into him.

  • edited June 2015

    It definitely seemed that way to me, but some people suggest that she said that to suggest why she might feel attracted to Rhys without directly telling him. ("You spend a certain time amount of time with someone, you get to see a side of them you might not have been expecting.")

    She does get kinda offended when Rhys mocks August with that "You wouldn't lie to me, Sasha. You should never lie to me, Sasha!" line, though.

  • I believe it's still too earlier on to know.

    With what we know, their relationship was a ruse in order to get August to buy the Vault Key, but other than that we don't know if feelings actually did unintentionally play a part in it. August seemed to think so (though, he has was unaware that it was con), and, as you've described it, it does seem that Sasha might unknowingly have developed feelings for him (highly unlikely that she still has them now as he has tried to kill her 3+ times).

    Also, we don't know how long they had their relationship, too. Could have been days, weeks, months. We just don't know. Again, as I said, it feels too early to say. Maybe in Episode 4/5 things will be cleared.

  • Alt text


    Poogers555 posted: »

    There was some unused audio of Fiona saying that Sasha was really into him.

  • Might've just been one of those [Lie] dialogue choices. We don't really know at this point.

    Poogers555 posted: »

  • It might have been the original "talk it out" option or something

    Piggs posted: »

    Might've just been one of those [Lie] dialogue choices. We don't really know at this point.

  • That definitely sounds possible. I do suspect that she has some sort of feelings for him.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    It might have been the original "talk it out" option or something

  • I think August grew on her a bit, he isn't really that bad of a guy. I think she likes Rhys more though. That kick to the face was pretty unambiguous.

  • Besides, it was unused meaning not canon.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    There was some unused audio of Fiona saying that Sasha was really into him.

  • edited June 2015

    Maybe some lingering feelings for him, but we all know she all about the Rhys's pieces now. :P

  • When it usually comes the type of relationship Sasha and August had, he must of grown on her. When you put August up to Vallory, she did some type of gesture that made it seem to me that she was a bit worried.

    It's a bit too early to judge though.

  • I think it's just because she hates being the one who sets the 'Honey Trap', for various reasons (she disliked having to do it with Scooter). Consider that in ep1, when Rhys has the opportunity to sell-out Vaughn, it says "Sasha noticed your loyalty" and she takes Felix's betrayal really hard. She has to backstab people for a living on a much more personal level than Fiona. So when you think about Sasha having to be with someone like August for a while, build up their trust and affection, get to know them, play a false role... even if the only thing she feels for him is guilt, it would still cause some conflicting feelings for her.

  • I wish we got some more details on that.

    Syberian posted: »

    I believe it's still too earlier on to know. With what we know, their relationship was a ruse in order to get August to buy the Vault Key

  • From the Rhysha interactions we got this episode, it would seem she's in denial about it and she might have some affection for him.

  • I don't think there's any feeling left at all for August. Her remark about how August was "Just a Mark, nothing more, nothing less" to me feels like she saw him as just a tool. Especially because then she starts going into the bit where she sees a side to someone she's never seen before which feels directed towards Rhys. And when Rhys makes his comment about August liking guns, Sasha just smiles at how he didn't really catch what she meant. This is the classic, guy missing a signal, but thankfully Rhys makes up for that later ;)

  • It happens to every hitman who's required to get chummy with someone-they grow on you after a long while, even if you have to shoot them in the back of the head and report back fo base.

    Syberian posted: »

    I believe it's still too earlier on to know. With what we know, their relationship was a ruse in order to get August to buy the Vault Key

  • I don't think it will matter since August is going to get totally murdered by Fiona, a vault hunter or Handsome Jack.

    Then again Rhys might do it without Handsome Jack's help...

    Starts laughing uncontrollably

  • If you make Sasha come into Scooters to help convince him in Ep. 2, Sasha will say something along the lines of;

    • 'I'm really tired of being the hot girl bait for these marks' (highly paraphrased)

    And Fiona will reply ' i know Sasha, i'm sorry, things will change.' (Also paraphrased).

    I think she feels guilty about August, and that pretending to be in a relationship with him made her feel dirty. But i really think that Sasha wants to be more independent and take on a different kind of role. To have Fiona and herself be more equal in their duties.

    Did you see her reaction when Fiona told her to wait in the Caravan, while she spoke with Scooter? So defeated. 'Wouldn't have it any other way...'

    I think Sasha will go to Helios with Rhys next episode, and Fiona will stay with Loaderbot (Hyperion wants to have him dismantled) on Pandora to search for Vaughn, and plan their next move. I mean it's not like Fiona is really inconspicuous right now with that giant '#1' bruise on her cheek.

  • It seems Sasha has a thing with trust and such, and it makes her feel bad when she lies.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    If you make Sasha come into Scooters to help convince him in Ep. 2, Sasha will say something along the lines of; * 'I'm really tired of

  • But it was funny lol

    Piggs posted: »

    It definitely seemed that way to me, but some people suggest that she said that to suggest why she might feel attracted to Rhys without dire

  • Well Rhys, Sasha, and the rest don't have a choice to go or stay. They're in the hands of Vallory at the end of the episode so...

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    If you make Sasha come into Scooters to help convince him in Ep. 2, Sasha will say something along the lines of; * 'I'm really tired of

  • Don't rule out Vaughn. We don't what happened to him yet. He may swoop in and save everyone's ass.

  • edited July 2015

    Yeah but considering what Vallory did to Vasquez for doing literally nothing, and Vaughn was last seen assaulting her....

    Things might be grimmer than we thought ;_;

    tyler8160 posted: »

    Don't rule out Vaughn. We don't what happened to him yet. He may swoop in and save everyone's ass.

  • Well it couldn't have been that serious, considering she didn't even know that Vallory was his mom.

    Syberian posted: »

    I believe it's still too earlier on to know. With what we know, their relationship was a ruse in order to get August to buy the Vault Key

  • I think everyone will be going to Helios. What would Fiona's story on Pandora be as we switch. Just, "Hi Valloy, how are you, I love being your hostage."

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    If you make Sasha come into Scooters to help convince him in Ep. 2, Sasha will say something along the lines of; * 'I'm really tired of

  • Yeah. She's more the Adventurer type, not the Covert Operations type.

    It seems Sasha has a thing with trust and such, and it makes her feel bad when she lies.

  • edited July 2015

    That's true, but this isn't The Walking Dead, I'm sure Vaughn will come back in some way.

    PoopBrown posted: »

    Yeah but considering what Vallory did to Vasquez for doing literally nothing, and Vaughn was last seen assaulting her.... Things might be grimmer than we thought ;_;

  • Right, but do you really see Rhys, (Vaughn?), Fiona, Sasha, Vallory, August, Loaderbot, Gortys, Dumpy, Finch & Kroeger, (and Hologram Jack) all skulking around single file through Helios? (with Elmer Fudd music playing in the background?) :)

    I just think that some of them will have to stay behind ( as hotages maybe ). And i think that Fiona will stay behind and let Sasha go, because she made her a promise that she'd be looking down at Pandora from space one day ( determinant dialogue ). Then with Rhys telling her how Pandora looks from Helios....

    It feels like a safe bet to me that Sasha will go at least. And we know that Yvette only mentioned Rhys - if there were a whole group of them i would have expected a bigger reaction, like 'WTF are you all doing here? And who are these people?'

  • Did you see the scene where Vallory rips his nose ring out and scolds him like a little boy? OMG soooo funny.

    richforce posted: »

    I don't think it will matter since August is going to get totally murdered by Fiona, a vault hunter or Handsome Jack. Then again Rhys might do it without Handsome Jack's help... Starts laughing uncontrollably

  • Maybe she searches for Vaughn if he isn't found yet. Or she tries to go find Athena, i don't think Fiona would just forget about her 'mentor'. Maybe there are other things going on too, i dunno.

    I just have a feeling that they're gonna have to split up, and trust each other to do their own parts.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I think everyone will be going to Helios. What would Fiona's story on Pandora be as we switch. Just, "Hi Valloy, how are you, I love being your hostage."

  • If I had to predict, I would say Vaughn will make some surprise entrance and save the day, and also if it was about finding Athena Fiona's story would serve 0 purpose because of the borderlands cannon

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    Maybe she searches for Vaughn if he isn't found yet. Or she tries to go find Athena, i don't think Fiona would just forget about her 'mento

  • That's what I'm hoping for too. I love the Vaughn and Rhys back and forths. Also I'll miss his abs but I think the most important thing is that he knows about Jack being inside me (not like that) and he's my only backer on my claim.

    I just hope he puts on a psycho mask and gets an army of psychos to get to Helios and fuck up everyone there. That would be the greatest thing ever!!

    tyler8160 posted: »

    That's true, but this isn't The Walking Dead, I'm sure Vaughn will come back in some way.

  • Holy shit that would be EPIC.

    PoopBrown posted: »

    That's what I'm hoping for too. I love the Vaughn and Rhys back and forths. Also I'll miss his abs but I think the most important thing is

  • I think they'll keep Loaderbot, Dumpy, Finch and Kroger, (and possibly August?) on Pandora, and Fiona, Sasha, Rhys, Gortys, Vallory, some goons, (and possibly August?) will go to Helios.

    They don't have to be single file though, they'll most likely split up to find the actual thing like Rhys and Sasha (and possibly August?) go one way while Fiona, Vallory, and Gortys go the other way. Gortys can't track the exact coordinates either so this could happen.

    That also sets up for Rhys to get away from Vallory's goons/befriend August, and meet up with Yvette and possibly hack Handsome Jack into the Hyperion database so he can take over all of Helios. Then they could blast Gortys to pieces so that Vallory can't find the vault. And that will lead into the present day maybe. IDK just a thought :p

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    Right, but do you really see Rhys, (Vaughn?), Fiona, Sasha, Vallory, August, Loaderbot, Gortys, Dumpy, Finch & Kroeger, (and Hologram Ja

  • edited July 2015

    But just because it would be irrelevant to future game plots, doesn't mean that Fiona wouldn't even try to find her. I don't think she Needs to find her, or will find her. But i think she would look.

    They seemed like they were becoming fast friends, and Athena literally just saved Fiona's life and got captured because of it. If Fiona doesn't look for her i would be dissapointed in her, personally. At the very least she Has to tell Springs what happened to Athena, so maybe that's the answer - she goes back to Hollowpoint to see Janey, while Rhys and Sasha go to Helios?

    Poogers555 posted: »

    If I had to predict, I would say Vaughn will make some surprise entrance and save the day, and also if it was about finding Athena Fiona's story would serve 0 purpose because of the borderlands cannon

  • I'm okay with everything you said - except for the part where we are gonna blow up poor Gortys bot?

    That, thats just, no no no no no... i don't wanna!

    PoopBrown posted: »

    I think they'll keep Loaderbot, Dumpy, Finch and Kroger, (and possibly August?) on Pandora, and Fiona, Sasha, Rhys, Gortys, Vallory, some g

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