Wolf and chewbacca look at each other
Wolf and chewbacca look at each other
I know what mean I don't get any Rhyiona dreams =C are the Rhyiona dream gods not happy with us why have you forsaken all of us !!!!!!! =,(
(Am just kidding the Rhyiona dream gods would never let us down right, right ?!!) Am freaking out right now !!!!!!!!!!!0=
I know what mean I don't get any Rhyiona dreams =C are the Rhyiona dream gods not happy with us why have you forsaken all of us !!!!!!! =,(
… more (Am just kidding the Rhyiona dream gods would never let us down right, right ?!!) Am freaking out right now !!!!!!!!!!!0=
guys, i'd love to start a lil' discussion here in this glorious thread. let's say you're presented with a decision (matrix's blue and red pi… morell, if you will).
BLUE PILL: 4th TFTB episode is released in july 2015, but there's no rhyiona in there;
RED PILL: 4th TFTB episode is released in july 2017, but it confirms rhyiona
I hope so! Helios is the perfect place for something dramatic to happen between Handome Jack and Rhys. Soooo it would also be the perfect for Rhys to black out and need someone to revive him with loving attention. Plus, that scene would be so funny with them doing stuff to Rhys to wake him up (hopefully LB and Gortys take a turn!). Then Fiona kisses him, and they both realise there's more to their feelings. But they don't get to do anything about it before the rift that causes the present-day tension. Only in ep5 can they finally do something about it. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Guys, guys! I wouldn't worry about the "kiss" being discarded. I'm thinking that they are keeping it for later, which made it go unused in E… morepisode 3.
If you go here: https://www.telltalegames.com/community/discussion/95227/some-very-interesting-unused-stranger-lines
You guys will see that another person (Poogers555) has looked through sound clips in Episode 2 before, and has found a interesting voice clip. Little did we know, that unused quote has been used in Episode 3 instead! My point is, they might have decided to show off Fiona's and Rhys's romance in the later episodes (4 or 5). While the chances of another "dropped" voice clip being used in another episode are fairly slim, I'm very positive about their relationship going forward, as I think that Telltale dropping the choice of who to romance would be a pretty bad action to take, especially as we can already influence the way characters think about us quite a bit.
P.S: The quote … [view original content]
4 am fanfiction
once upon a time rhys was asleep in bed and fiona came in and she tried to get in bed too but very quietly to not wake hi… morem up because rhys was very beautiful when he was asleep, silent and not saying stupid things. fiona liked that a lot.
So how is your day going it's 3:00Am over here and I don't even feel tired /=
(I know what you mean Kristi78968 am not much of a conversation starter my self am just going to starting this random conversation =b and thank you that makes me feel much better XDJulieXD. C= )
Wow that's really creepy.
Dumpy died a heroic death #FOR DUMPY CHARGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That time of night again where it gets quiet. Goodnight my loves
I am so relieved to hear you say that, bro!
Sweet Rhyiona dreams.
I wish everyone Rhyiona dreams but all I get is hungry Gortys.
Wolf and chewbacca look at each other
All I get are Doctor Who dreams...
Then another user makes fun of our bro moment.
What Wolf said. C=
No Rhyiona either?
I'm gonna cheer the day I get a good Rhyiona dream. ;-;
Hahaha Fiona comes out of nowhere makeing fun of our BRO moment that's not how we sound like Fiona what Rhys said. XD
Rude, Fiona.
Rhys understands.
Fiona is a BRO Party pooper hahah XD
Rhys and vaughn the only two people that understand the love between two men C=
But we love her anyway.
Of course who can not love Fiona she's awesome but Rhys is more awesome in my book he just needs to find his inner badass C=
My book Rhyiona World - Compilation of all best commentary - I said it again just in case some people doesn't see it http://www.filedropper.com/rhyionaworld-compilationofallbestcommentary-
I personally slightly prefer Fiona. There's just something about her.
I know what you mean bro
I like them, but it can't happen. Rhys is too weak to lift fiona.
These are dark times in the Rhyiona thread =C
leaves for one day, 778 reviews
Hi peeps, I woke up
Timezones amirite? Although it's just almost 7AM. Being in hospital is (very not) fun xD
Am still awake it's 11:50pm can't go to sleep and I don't even feel tired so how's LIFE /=
Hah, good, but could be better. Sadly, no Rhyiona dreams
I know what mean I don't get any Rhyiona dreams =C are the Rhyiona dream gods not happy with us why have you forsaken all of us !!!!!!! =,(
(Am just kidding the Rhyiona dream gods would never let us down right, right ?!!) Am freaking out right now !!!!!!!!!!!0=
Deleted scene from Catch a Ride.
I forgot to put the word " you " between what and mean son of a b###### sorry I mean son of a Rhyiona !!!!!!!!!!!!
It's still bad, even if it was Fiona in Sasha's place
How is it that every time I look at this thread, there will be another 400 posts to read? This is awesome.
I'll steal them both, eat them right away, then we'll get the ep in 2015 with confirmed Rhyiona!!
I gotta do some Frozen mixed with borderlands fanart!! This is amazing!
Is anyone still awake ? =C I feel so lonely without my bro wolf to talk to =C don't leave me here alone here wolf. =C
Well it's 11 am where I live, so yeah I'm awake ^^
Also Wolfy needs his beauty sleep
, He'll be on later more fabulous than ever ;D
I'm here but I'm not the best conversation holder. XD
I hope so! Helios is the perfect place for something dramatic to happen between Handome Jack and Rhys. Soooo it would also be the perfect for Rhys to black out and need someone to revive him with loving attention. Plus, that scene would be so funny with them doing stuff to Rhys to wake him up (hopefully LB and Gortys take a turn!). Then Fiona kisses him, and they both realise there's more to their feelings. But they don't get to do anything about it before the rift that causes the present-day tension. Only in ep5 can they finally do something about it. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Plus, she can mess with him while he's asleep.
So how is your day going it's 3:00Am over here and I don't even feel tired /=
(I know what you mean Kristi78968 am not much of a conversation starter my self am just going to starting this random conversation =b and thank you that makes me feel much better XDJulieXD. C= )