Oh man, sorry to hear that. I hate flu, that feeling of weakness...
It was pretty great, I hanged out with my buddies, played lots of basketball. It's very warm here nowadays
Lolol don't worry, I may be the Queen of Hell right now, but I don't bite... much >:3
Yeah I guess his design could've been.. better. My favorite sidekick will always be Mushu ;D
Wish I knew how to stop getting so easily sick. ;-;
Welp, sometimes real life takes over and you just don't have time for trivial things like that. Also, friends move and finding new people isn't... really that great.
Haha nice sidekick XD I don't remember the romanian ver of Mushu XD we lack good dubbing, same actors in every cartoon at least if they held auditions and stuff
Yeah Olaf's naive personality is kinda charming..but his face sure is not! ;D
my favorite sidekick is...
But Mushu is great too! I love his Finnish version! ;D
Wish I knew how to stop getting so easily sick. ;-;
Welp, sometimes real life takes over and you just don't have time for trivial things like that. Also, friends move and finding new people isn't... really that great.
Haha nice sidekick XD I don't remember the romanian ver of Mushu XD we lack good dubbing, same actors in every cartoon at least if they held auditions and stuff
Good things I didn't participate there, except for one comment. But from what what I've heard, that was a shitstorm... Did you know Leluch from Rhysha thread? He got banned for arguing in there
Good things I didn't participate there, except for one comment. But from what what I've heard, that was a shitstorm... Did you know Leluch from Rhysha thread? He got banned for arguing in there
Wish I knew how to stop getting so easily sick. ;-;
Welp, sometimes real life takes over and you just don't have time for trivial things like that. Also, friends move and finding new people isn't... really that great.
This is super fun! it's weird that I/we didn't think about this earlier! ;D
It's 7PM here
How's your day been, Wolf? Hopefully very good
My day's been decent. Not the best (I think I'm getting the flu, ugh) but I can get by. What about you?
Oh man, sorry to hear that. I hate flu, that feeling of weakness...
It was pretty great, I hanged out with my buddies, played lots of basketball. It's very warm here nowadays
It's fine. I'm just so happy someone actually took the time to draw that with my dumb idea!
I'm used to it, get it a lot. ;-;
Oh, I'm glad to hear.
Haven't played basketball in years...
Feeling sorry for you man, flu sucks
Any particular reason for that?
Yeah Olaf's naive personality is kinda charming..but his face sure is not! ;D
my favorite sidekick is...
But Mushu is great too! I love his Finnish version! ;D
You evil genius you.
Wish I knew how to stop getting so easily sick. ;-;
Welp, sometimes real life takes over and you just don't have time for trivial things like that. Also, friends move and finding new people isn't... really that great.
Haha nice sidekick XD I don't remember the romanian ver of Mushu XD we lack good dubbing, same actors in every cartoon
at least if they held auditions and stuff 
Dumb??? Are you kiddin?? It's the best crossover idea ever
Eat a lot of vegetables, yada yada yada... xD
I know that feel man. Friends leaving always are tough. Hang in there.
Atleast you got us
That's true! One of the reasons I spend so much time in this place.
About bad dubbing...
Yes..this was a real thing.. ;D
Edit: No need to watch the whole video..the point is that this is bad
I'm glad to have such a friend as you
Please no...
Aw, thanks, man. ;-; Same to you!
Detective Rhyiona
Vegetables are your friends!
We will always be friends in the Telltale forums!
Heck yeah.
I'm glad at least the TftB section is peaceful. Well, mostly...
Fiona Holmes
cough telltale trying to force ships cough
i really hope that is going to be her canon surname
"Elementary, my dear Rhys..."
That's the exact reason I said "mostly". That thread was becoming WW3.
Good things I didn't participate there, except for one comment. But from what what I've heard, that was a shitstorm... Did you know Leluch from Rhysha thread? He got banned for arguing in there
Yeah, I read all the comments between him and that tumblr person. It's a shame because he wasn't even the one throwing the insults.
i thought it was Sasukeh man.
But Shia is Sasuke.
They both have S and an A in their name.
That's two letters. You know what consists of two words?
Spirit animal.
Just saying.
I know, but sometimes mods are cruel
Maybe he'll get unbanned soon?
If they were vault hunters they would be like this

Color version
Made with Source filmmaker/Photoshop
guys i need your help for roleplaying purposes, do you know of any real life actors who could pass as modern AU rhys and fiona?
i think troy baker himself looks a bit like rhys but idk ......
You can't force me this time, Shia.
He will, I really doubt he got perma-banned over that...
Man, this is so cool. ;-; So much style.
Want any advice from Dr. Quiff?
You're a nurse, can't fool me.
Smooth one
Can Nike though?
Well, even if he's not perma-banned, bans last a long time here...