Im going to try and write a fanfiction today, but I cant decide between two ideas. So I want you guys to vote.
[Keep the flower fic] or … more [Tales from the Frozen Borderlands]
Edit 1: I was just about to close votes but then @xfuriouss tied things again! XD Next vote will decide.
Edit 2: Voting closed. Keep the flower won by one vote, but I will definitely still be writing Tales from the Frozen Borderlands. Just, later.
Here it is. I'm actually wary about this piece since I never wrote fanfic before so I made it short.
Scenario: Rhys and Fiona are going g… morerocery shopping! Thing is, they’re on a diet. Rhys can’t eat ice cream while Fiona is forbidden from having cookies. (Word Count: 942)
Credit to @Kruzii for the idea!
It was a just another difficult day in the grocery store. The couple’s visit was never simple in the slightest ever since Gortys suggested the two go on a diet, especially Rhys.
“Noooooooo!!” The young man cried out, holding onto dear life on the door in the frozen section that contained ice cream. Fiona, being the strongest one out of the two, was the one trying to pull him away with a tight grip on his left hand. “Fiona, pleeeeaaassseeee! Just one container! I swear I won’t have ice cream EVER AGAIN!” That was a total lie. She knew his love for ice cream, it leveled with his love for socks...but that’s a different story.
“Are y… [view original content]
i just burned my hand while cooking, ouch...
...which makes me think of an idea for a rhyiona fanfic, they try to cook something for the … morerest of the gang but they're both terrible at cooking and they end up making a mess?
(note to self: keep turning bad things that happen to me into rhyiona so they're not that bad)
This was hilarious! Please continue writing stories! Oh my, I think Gortys needs to come and parent her parents.
When their lips part… moreway, Rhys looks at Fiona’s face. Though...something was odd. A grin.
I love that. Sneaky, Fiona, very sneaky.
Let's talk about the best couple
You just gotta learn to use the right commandos, but that comes from me who can't even copy/paste a picture into that thing
Nah. If Telltale won't give us choice, i'll ship Fiona x Jack ;D
Or... Vaugn x Gortys? Nah. Fi+Jack better, yeah. Crash the system.
It's still in my feed.
My friend talk with me in skype and... and now she is suffer muahaha. Yeah. Nice song but i'm sing it in my head!
Good, cause you'll never be able to leave >:^)
Just kidding, but you can chose an animal for yourself to become
Still, too many buttons. I can never get used to more than the basics.
You sent her the song? :^)
Just you wait my child...just you wait... mysterious background music playing
i think ur favourite is the burrito salad
My mom once told me that a Subway in our area got caught putting formaldehyde in their bread to make it last.
welcome to our family!
keep the flower!
This was hilarious!
Please continue writing stories! Oh my, I think Gortys needs to come and parent her parents.
I love that. Sneaky, Fiona, very sneaky.
But they got the best character development in Episode 1
I'm...I'm a lactose intolerant too! ;A; And I also eat chocolate when I shouldn't!
I just love you too much Lontoonrae suklaa! You are too good!!
"Righteous father, I have found you!"
How could you, SirScrubbington? ;-;
yup. And playing it so loud. So she... She can't resist
Like a sandwich with an egg on it?
"What kind of eggs are these anyway?"
Your friend has some mighty good taste.
Actually, yeah, you can just put panther. I nearly forgot about them for a moment.
It's too close to the objectophilia line, personally speaking.
We should catch them when they return. >.> They can only leave when they agree to put more Rhyiona in ep4!
Gotta study first Shia! But...
Now I believe!
Alright, that works then. Panther it is!
Oh snap I forgot about that part!
Please forgive me for my dumb shippings.
I hope we get an option for her that's flowery. She'd look so cute covered in flower paintings.
You are forgiven.
Is it wrong that I can actually see Fiona and Jack? 0_0
So cute! Who wouldn't want a Gortys t-shirt?
No because Jack would need to do it using Rhys if you know what I mean and I think that you doooo
(?) Rhys will remember that.
Yeah but...
Okay I got nothing gg.
If he'll have a body... why not ))
Yes, we will catch them until they decide to let us choose what ship we want
Glad you enjoyed it! I definitely will write more!
Thank you, you kind soul.