But I bet the stranger still had some shit on you, didn't he? I'm not sure, but it doesn't matter what you do - there's always going to be something wrong to that guy...
That we are! But you're our awesome neighbours in this town of Awesomeville xD Don't worry, they won't... Atleast they shouldn't xD
Yep, I did everything I could for her. At least Lee died with a clean record for me. He knows Clem would be fine.
Aw, you guys are awesom… moree. I would hope my friends don't kick me out over liking Sasha though. :P
I used to only post there but I mostly only posted complaints about Luke or some light hearted comments. Otherwise you get yourself into a fight in minutes.
My 100th post! Pretty cool right? So, here’s a something for you Rhyiona shippers! Seems pretty fast considering that I just did my first fa… morenfic today. Though, I really wanted to get this one out. It was an cool idea and I had some fun putting in some feels. (You'll see! Evil laughter)
Credits: @Kruzii and @98Elliottchin
Scenario: It's the Winter time! Yaaaaay! Rhys, Fiona, and their favorite robots decide to go to the rink at a nearby park. None of them actually skated before, but Rhys wants to impress Fiona with his 'skills'. How would he do? (Word Count: 1145)
The four, Rhys, Fiona, Gortys, and of course, Loader Bot, are all heading to the nearby ice rink. Rhys made sure put on his heavy duty black Hyperion coat and light blue gloves. Fiona put on her favorite scarf that Sasha picked out for her and her red coat. Gortys and Loader Bot didn't seem to understand why they had to dress up like that. They insisted it was just fine! Lu… [view original content]
Ohh Fazer is the best brand! No palm oil in it.
Though I have never had that particular flavour before. Marianne chokladen is my favourite:
Love the choklad, live by the suklaa
You're on a roll! Poor Rhys, he's such a doof. At least Fiona is willing it kiss it better for him. And lol, robot pro-skaters!
Fiona pats Rhys on the back. “Oh, it’s okay Rhys! Like they said, you’re good at SOMETHING!”
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Im going to try and write a fanfiction today, but I cant decide between two ideas. So I want you guys to vote.
[Keep the flower fic] or … more [Tales from the Frozen Borderlands]
Edit 1: I was just about to close votes but then @xfuriouss tied things again! XD Next vote will decide.
Edit 2: Voting closed. Keep the flower won by one vote, but I will definitely still be writing Tales from the Frozen Borderlands. Just, later.
I get you I checked a while ago so my task wasn't as big as yours. Though I remember when I first found this thread there were already 45 pages... I gave up around page 20 after discovering that it took me nearly 15 minutes to finish a page xD
The Stranger ships it. Look at that approving Cyclops eye, glowing with happiness. It's the whole reason he kidnapped them together!
"It's all occuring as I planned. Now where did I put that wedding ring?"
Ohh Fazer is the best brand! No palm oil in it.
Though I have never had that particular flavour before. Marianne chokladen is my favourite:
Love the choklad, live by the suklaa
And I've caught up :P
nods understandable
But I bet the stranger still had some shit on you, didn't he? I'm not sure, but it doesn't matter what you do - there's always going to be something wrong to that guy...
That we are!
But you're our awesome neighbours in this town of Awesomeville xD Don't worry, they won't... Atleast they shouldn't xD
It's like a bad neighbourhood of this forum xD
Hey, welcome back! (I really shouldn't be saying this, I also just read through it all
You're on a roll! Poor Rhys, he's such a doof. At least Fiona is willing it kiss it better for him. And lol, robot pro-skaters!
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I wanna be a hedgehog!
Father and son is good enough for me :^)
After the second page I got lazy and looked at the most recent post.
Thanks Joey, I went home late and I just saw these tone of comments xD
I'm not even tying to understand it anymore, way too complicated for my taste.
But you could always try to wikihow that shit?
As husband, as wife... nods to self
Yes! Hugging option, please Telltale. This is so adorable!
It makes my tummy hurt but it's worth it!
Talk to @ABigBadWolf and he'll put you on the list :^)
So, just found out this is what the rewind icon is for chapter 1 of ep 2 ;3
Welcome! All Rhyionas aboard (choo choo!)
This is so beautiful. It speaks to my soul.
Telltale knows how we choose chapters.
keep the goshdang flowah
I endure the pain by eating it at home only, speaking of, hurts like hell right now xp
I get you
I checked a while ago so my task wasn't as big as yours. Though I remember when I first found this thread there were already 45 pages... I gave up around page 20 after discovering that it took me nearly 15 minutes to finish a page xD
Aw, I know how tiring that can be. But we prevailed!
Imagine if Rhys seranaded Fiona with this song? Oh lordy
@ABigBadWolf, can I be a hedgehog?
tell no soul!
all lies, subway would never do that
The Stranger ships it. Look at that approving Cyclops eye, glowing with happiness. It's the whole reason he kidnapped them together!
"It's all occuring as I planned. Now where did I put that wedding ring?"
Tell me Wolf! I must know!
By the gods of Rhyiona I command you to tell me!
Also I command you with my awesomeness as a kangaroo!
aw I hope you feel better soon! ;(
"Deal With A Ghost"
You mean Telltale about TFTBL episodes?
Telltale: "What's Tales?"
Me when I'm on this thread.
He must of put it in Rhys' pocket when he knocked him out