My mistake. It was Azodiacarbonamide.
Edit: I think these actually may have been separate incidents, or my mom was lying. I r… moreemember that I loved Subway as a kid, and I think my mom may have told me that to get me to stop asking for it.
The only think I may wish if my mom stay more than 1 month is that I would have my cats at my grandparents house! And it's pretty much the only benedit...
My mom is going too the hospital ; she may have a problem with her heart... And plus my 2 parents are so sick... At least my dad is in better health...
uhm.. never done something like that before, but i will do it for you, bro!
But later, have to go study now
EDIT: never mind, kristi78968 already wrote an awesome story about this scenario!
The only think I may wish if my mom stay more than 1 month is that I would have my cats at my grandparents house! And it's pretty much the only benedit...
My mom is going too the hospital ; she may have a problem with her heart... And plus my 2 parents are so sick... At least my dad is in better health...
Could I be a lion
I never said what it was. :P
lies azorcabimano or whatever it is calles is harmless
Sure thing!
About to either commit a felony or eat a sandwich. I'll decided in the kitchen.
The only think I may wish if my mom stay more than 1 month is that I would have my cats at my grandparents house! And it's pretty much the only benedit...
I'm really sorry
I hope they get better very very soon
She'll get better!
Well lions can't use the computer. Or can they ????

Jag pm:ar dig om du inte redan har lurat ut svaret.
Ugh, I'm almost done with this comic. Now I just need to think what are the choices,
Fanfiction ideas? Anyone?
I'm bored pls ;__;
Rhyiona power will protect my family!
[Insert motivational Shia here]
I know, I know! She's still alive because I love her!
ep2=intro: vaughn manages to hold onto the metal bars inside the caravan, and fiona and rhys fall out of the vehicle.
NC-17? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Rhys and Fiona going back to helios Iunno
New Rhys Socks?
Rhys shows his house to Fiona?
I'm just dying to know what his house is like.
Sorry fell asleep but thx for the story bro stay awesome BRO FIST C=
Thanks wolf and Shia!
Gonna post this soon. Hope you guys will like it..
Together? Oh, that's nice.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Never stop loving her.
Too soon, too soon
Of course we will, your comics are always amazing. Always!
Imagine all the "things" they can do together
I like that idea. A lot. I'll keep that in my mind, since it's 10:30pm here so I won't finish any fanfic tonight
He probably has posters with Handsome Jack everywhere , screw that , everything in his house has a Handsome Jack face on it
Always my "Moumou" (that's how I call my mom)
I'm sure she won't stay that long. Though of course it would be nice to see the cats
Yeah, like getting to know each other, better. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@Quiff posts gifs of burrito salads and it makes me cry.
I'll keep y'all in my prayers! I hope everything turns out okay.
Not only his house ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I will never get used to this! ;A; I'm so lucky to be part of this community..
Probably full of Handsome Jack's poster.
Wow I like this!