Yeah, it's getting way too late for me now. I also gotta wake up in the morning...
Sorry guys, I guess I gotta go. I'm pretty sure I will be back later. Good night, everyone.
no, i'm still here... 6 am.. xD But we listened your song like um... i dunno. 20 times? 30? 40?
We liiiiike... WE wanna sleeep... But. We're secure Rhyionas sweet dreams to others
no, i'm still here... 6 am.. xD But we listened your song like um... i dunno. 20 times? 30? 40?
We liiiiike... WE wanna sleeep... But. We're secure Rhyionas sweet dreams to others
Your still awake WOLF C= hugs wolf crying tears of joy ;-; I missed you so much man NEVER leave me again BRO it's sacrey when it gets quite this is 2spooky4me =C
Your still awake WOLF C= hugs wolf crying tears of joy ;-; I missed you so much man NEVER leave me again BRO it's sacrey when it gets quite this is 2spooky4me =C
Okay guys, I know this is absolutely terrible for me to say, but I'm starting to think Rhyiona isn't going to happen. ;-;
I mean there hasn't been any confirmation other than we think their cute. And Telltale keeps cutting all of it out! Like their like "All the fans want it." And they almost do it, but then it seems like they really don't want Rhyiona to happen because that obviously wasn't their plan, going by that video. Even though everyone was commenting Rhyiona was confirmed I think that just proved its not. I mean, the guy literally says "Not with each other, maybe other people." And when they keep nagging him he says "Do you want me to spoil mid season stuff?" And you know what was mid season? cough Rhysha. cough So that means he didn't want to correct them and say "No, he gets with the sister." And spoil MID-SEASON. So no matter how cute we say they are. They're not real guys. It's just... It-Its just baseless shipping isn't it?
Yeah, it's getting way too late for me now. I also gotta wake up in the morning...
Sorry guys, I guess I gotta go. I'm pretty sure I will be back later. Good night, everyone.
Okay guys, I know this is absolutely terrible for me to say, but I'm starting to think Rhyiona isn't going to happen. ;-;
I mean there ha… moresn't been any confirmation other than we think their cute. And Telltale keeps cutting all of it out! Like their like "All the fans want it." And they almost do it, but then it seems like they really don't want Rhyiona to happen because that obviously wasn't their plan, going by that video. Even though everyone was commenting Rhyiona was confirmed I think that just proved its not. I mean, the guy literally says "Not with each other, maybe other people." And when they keep nagging him he says "Do you want me to spoil mid season stuff?" And you know what was mid season? cough Rhysha. cough So that means he didn't want to correct them and say "No, he gets with the sister." And spoil MID-SEASON. So no matter how cute we say they are. They're not real guys. It's just... It-Its just baseless shipping isn't it?
Okay guys, I know this is absolutely terrible for me to say, but I'm starting to think Rhyiona isn't going to happen. ;-;
I mean there ha… moresn't been any confirmation other than we think their cute. And Telltale keeps cutting all of it out! Like their like "All the fans want it." And they almost do it, but then it seems like they really don't want Rhyiona to happen because that obviously wasn't their plan, going by that video. Even though everyone was commenting Rhyiona was confirmed I think that just proved its not. I mean, the guy literally says "Not with each other, maybe other people." And when they keep nagging him he says "Do you want me to spoil mid season stuff?" And you know what was mid season? cough Rhysha. cough So that means he didn't want to correct them and say "No, he gets with the sister." And spoil MID-SEASON. So no matter how cute we say they are. They're not real guys. It's just... It-Its just baseless shipping isn't it?
Okay guys, I know this is absolutely terrible for me to say, but I'm starting to think Rhyiona isn't going to happen. ;-;
I mean there ha… moresn't been any confirmation other than we think their cute. And Telltale keeps cutting all of it out! Like their like "All the fans want it." And they almost do it, but then it seems like they really don't want Rhyiona to happen because that obviously wasn't their plan, going by that video. Even though everyone was commenting Rhyiona was confirmed I think that just proved its not. I mean, the guy literally says "Not with each other, maybe other people." And when they keep nagging him he says "Do you want me to spoil mid season stuff?" And you know what was mid season? cough Rhysha. cough So that means he didn't want to correct them and say "No, he gets with the sister." And spoil MID-SEASON. So no matter how cute we say they are. They're not real guys. It's just... It-Its just baseless shipping isn't it?
Um, not to be a downer or anything but they wouldn't go "heck yeah they'll have sexy times STAY TUNED!!". And things change and get rewritten. That video doesn't confirm or deny anything -- not that it matters much, it's old as heck.
And public opinion certainly has to count and that, friend, we have tons.
Relax. I don't think we'll be ignored. Have faith.
Okay guys, I know this is absolutely terrible for me to say, but I'm starting to think Rhyiona isn't going to happen. ;-;
I mean there ha… moresn't been any confirmation other than we think their cute. And Telltale keeps cutting all of it out! Like their like "All the fans want it." And they almost do it, but then it seems like they really don't want Rhyiona to happen because that obviously wasn't their plan, going by that video. Even though everyone was commenting Rhyiona was confirmed I think that just proved its not. I mean, the guy literally says "Not with each other, maybe other people." And when they keep nagging him he says "Do you want me to spoil mid season stuff?" And you know what was mid season? cough Rhysha. cough So that means he didn't want to correct them and say "No, he gets with the sister." And spoil MID-SEASON. So no matter how cute we say they are. They're not real guys. It's just... It-Its just baseless shipping isn't it?
Yeah, we just gotta... stay strong. Actually, yeah! You know what! I'm not going down without a fight! Screw the evidence! Rhyiona is love! Rhyiona is life! I can't quit now! I'm pumped up! Rhyiona!!!
Okay guys, I know this is absolutely terrible for me to say, but I'm starting to think Rhyiona isn't going to happen. ;-;
I mean there ha… moresn't been any confirmation other than we think their cute. And Telltale keeps cutting all of it out! Like their like "All the fans want it." And they almost do it, but then it seems like they really don't want Rhyiona to happen because that obviously wasn't their plan, going by that video. Even though everyone was commenting Rhyiona was confirmed I think that just proved its not. I mean, the guy literally says "Not with each other, maybe other people." And when they keep nagging him he says "Do you want me to spoil mid season stuff?" And you know what was mid season? cough Rhysha. cough So that means he didn't want to correct them and say "No, he gets with the sister." And spoil MID-SEASON. So no matter how cute we say they are. They're not real guys. It's just... It-Its just baseless shipping isn't it?
Good night Paul!
The only king and queen that I'm willing to bend my knee to.
For good reason!
I mean, princess Gortys should be able to convince even the non believers!
It's totally canon... You don't give people looks like that and have it not be canon
What do you mean I'm in denial
Indeed, and if that's not enough, prince Loader Bot can always break the legs of the non believers.
And... and Dumpy can scream them to death!
Perfect timing for a reminder that Rhyiona is love, Rhyiona is life.
IM BACK!! There how's that?
no, i'm still here... 6 am.. xD But we listened your song like um... i dunno. 20 times? 30? 40?

We liiiiike... WE wanna sleeep... But. We're secure Rhyionas sweet dreams to others
Thanks !!
Never forget
Good, the silence is getting to me. ;-;
I can't see the gif. ;-;
EDIT: Nevermind it's fixed.
Have a penguin instead!
You're welcome!
Oh Dumpy, he may be small, but with his screams...
Your still awake WOLF C= hugs wolf crying tears of joy ;-; I missed you so much man NEVER leave me again BRO it's sacrey when it gets quite this is 2spooky4me =C
Nah... i guess if oi'll see it one more time i'm gona throw up. Total overdose. Need some sleep. And fresh force.. ;D
U know ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
He may be small but his hellish screams can make any fall before the majesty of Rhyiona.
Hi! ^-^
Why hello!
Have even more penguins!
When the gif won't work.
Edit: It works now.
Okay guys, I know this is absolutely terrible for me to say, but I'm starting to think Rhyiona isn't going to happen. ;-;
I mean there hasn't been any confirmation other than we think their cute. And Telltale keeps cutting all of it out! Like their like "All the fans want it." And they almost do it, but then it seems like they really don't want Rhyiona to happen because that obviously wasn't their plan, going by that video. Even though everyone was commenting Rhyiona was confirmed I think that just proved its not. I mean, the guy literally says "Not with each other, maybe other people." And when they keep nagging him he says "Do you want me to spoil mid season stuff?" And you know what was mid season? cough Rhysha. cough So that means he didn't want to correct them and say "No, he gets with the sister." And spoil MID-SEASON. So no matter how cute we say they are. They're not real guys. It's just... It-Its just baseless shipping isn't it?
sweet rhyiona dreams
Now your scaring me BRO runs to a corner and starts crying ;-;
Chill, Athena, we're all friends here. ;-;
Nah not really, I mean if it wasnt their original plan they kinda fucked up for it to become so massive
yeah, i also start lose my hope but we should stay strong. At least we have each other in our community
Um, not to be a downer or anything but they wouldn't go "heck yeah they'll have sexy times STAY TUNED!!". And things change and get rewritten. That video doesn't confirm or deny anything -- not that it matters much, it's old as heck.
And public opinion certainly has to count and that, friend, we have tons.
Relax. I don't think we'll be ignored. Have faith.
but why ;-;
Yeah, we just gotta... stay strong. Actually, yeah! You know what! I'm not going down without a fight! Screw the evidence! Rhyiona is love! Rhyiona is life! I can't quit now! I'm pumped up! Rhyiona!!!
They took out the kiss!