My biggest fear moving forward...



  • I'm not being rude in the slightest, you're just not willing to accept one thing anyone says despite all the different points that don't align with your personal wishes.

    Having looked over this discussion, I'm inclined to agree with Sharkhunter21 on this. I don't really see how telling someone to look into the greater universe is bullying.

    The_Duck, I don't think it's necessary to accuse Sharkhunter21 of bullying if these posts are all you have to go off of. Please try to stay civil and on topic. If you think a user is breaking forum guidelines (which Sharkhunter21 was not), please flag them instead of engaging them. That being said, constructive disagreement is not bullying and Sharkhunter21 hasn't done anything wrong from what I've seen in this thread.

    I'm not being rude in the slightest, you're just not willing to accept one thing anyone says despite all the different points that don't ali

  • Thank you!

    I'm not being rude in the slightest, you're just not willing to accept one thing anyone says despite all the different points that don't ali

  • edited June 2015

    You are only making the problem worse. He's already insulted me, and when I politely said we should agree to disagree, he kept at it. And then he started talking about how he would around to do the same in other discussions. It's a passive-aggressive kind, but it IS bullying, and I don't like it. There's nothing constructive about calling me an idiot and implying you are going to stir up similar trouble in other discussions when politely asked to stop.

    Also, it seems that several of his more offensive posts were already deleted.

    I'm not being rude in the slightest, you're just not willing to accept one thing anyone says despite all the different points that don't ali

  • edited June 2015

    You were not being insulted, if you'd like to discuss this privately, go ahead and send me a message. My intention was never to start anything up with the intention of being offensive, just to discuss the topic and the points we were making. We can go ahead and move on otherwise.

    The_Duck posted: »

    You are only making the problem worse. He's already insulted me, and when I politely said we should agree to disagree, he kept at it. And

  • You called me lazy and an idiot! I do not want to talk to you privately. I do not want to talk with you at all.

    You were not being insulted, if you'd like to discuss this privately, go ahead and send me a message. My intention was never to start anythi

  • Well sorry to say, but too damn bad. This is what's going to happen and it's what mostly everyone wants. Telltale isnt going to take a complete 360 for one guy.

    I for one hope Rhys, Sasha and Fiona are vault hunters or atleast DLC characters for Borderlands 3.

    The_Duck posted: »

    Because I'm one of those people?O_o And even if I were able/willing to play, it wouldn't change my core point.

  • Wow, what is YOUR deal? There are plenty of people who don't want that to happen.

    stevean2 posted: »

    Well sorry to say, but too damn bad. This is what's going to happen and it's what mostly everyone wants. Telltale isnt going to take a comp

  • maybe, promethea was mentioned in borderlands 1 (atlas: "at least your not on promethea") and pre sequel if i remember

    Shoogli posted: »

    I think if we look closely, not sure about ep 1, but i'm sure of it in ep 2 you can see the floating names of some planets in the vault map,

  • Well yeah, but I hope that integration is still there by the time we hit BL3.

    Shoogli posted: »

    I really would like Tales to be integrated fully into the Borderlands universe, rather than just being a spin off title. It IS fully

  • yeah, I really see the "plenty" agreeing with you in this thread.
    Specially when mostly everyone has been convincing you overwise and your immediate response is "no but i dont want it so it has to happen my way and be non-canon cause thats what I WANT!"

    The most who want it the way it is, out weigh what you or this "plenty" want, andi ts what gearbox wants to do anyway. You can't exactly stop that.


    The_Duck posted: »

    Wow, what is YOUR deal? There are plenty of people who don't want that to happen.

  • [removed]

    stevean2 posted: »

    yeah, I really see the "plenty" agreeing with you in this thread. Specially when mostly everyone has been convincing you overwise and your

  • what's not "happening" you accepting logic that a company won't adhere to the demands of one selfish fan? or do you think I'm "trolling" just because I'm disagreeing with you? yeah either way, I promised myself at the start of this half of the year that I'm done trying to convince stubborn people of clear hard truths as it's just a waste of time.

    Have fun in your bubble.

  • Just stop.

    stevean2 posted: »

    what's not "happening" you accepting logic that a company won't adhere to the demands of one selfish fan? or do you think I'm "trolling" ju

  • Oh it will be. I'm sure of that. An example is how they integrated Athena in TPS from her appearance in BL1's DLC : Armory of general Knoxx, and then how they integrated her capture in TFTB to close the loop of the narration in TPS. It shows between the 3 RPG-shooter games already that they take care of their story. So really whatever happens in TFTB wil have impacts for BL3 and nothing in BL3 will contradict what happens in TFTB.

    silvereye27 posted: »

    Well yeah, but I hope that integration is still there by the time we hit BL3.

  • edited July 2015

    See this is the whole problem with your thread : you're fearing something that noone here knows if it's going tto happen or not. We have NO CLUE what's going to happen to Jack in the first place. So whether or not it's tied to the fact that TFTB is part of the Borderlands franchise, it still is going to be a surprise, I really don't understand why you're making all this fuss about it.

    I'm not sure you really do understand

    When will you stop with that ?

    Tales and the main series are two very different genres. One is like an interactive visual novel, while the other is a first-person shooter.

    It doesn't matter they're different genres, what supercedes this is the fact they're the same story, the same universe. And let me tell you, they're closer in genre than you might think.

    So newsflash, Borderlands isn't just a first-person shooter. It's a hybrid game, it's a RPG shooter.

    Leans closer so as to make sure I'm clearly heard :

    • Those games are organized into difficulty tiers. Example for TPS and BL2, you can play the storyline 3 times, once in STORY mode, then True Vault-Hunter Mode, then Ultimate Vault-Hunter Mode. (BL2 even has OP levels on top of that). The story mode is very easy, even for people not into shooters.

    • Those games are currently sold for a ridiculously low price, if you so desire, through the humble bundle charity website. It's a steal...

    People that are really into TFTB and like its universe and its characters are really doing themselves a disservice by not trying the BL games... At least the story modes.

    An friendly example about me and the game I usually play. I used to be only about shooters during the era of Doom, Unreal, Quake, etc... The pinnacle for me being Tribes 2, and when the company making this game shut down, I litterally stopped playing shooters and went into RPGs and MMOs. I never wanted to play shooters anymore ever again. 10 years later (or so) my brother gets me Borderlands 2 for my birthday. I was reluctant but tried it anyway, and actually enjoyed it A LOT because it was also a RPG with quests AND : a story !!!
    Still wasn't enough for me to also play BL1.
    Then came TPS and I chose to play it as Athena, and I loved the character. And one day I discovered she was an NPC in BL1 DLC, and only because I wanted to know more did I buy BL1 and all its DLCs. I didn't regreet it.

    See the pattern ?

    Because the same happened to me and TFTB. I was reluctant to buy TFTB : "one of those 'kind' of games... Yuck...", and yet I did and boy how was I so pleasantly surprised and got into it so much...

    Food for thoughts...

    The_Duck posted: »

    That's one of TTG's biggest flaws. Too many things happen regardless of your choices. But we're still supposed to be building these charac

  • I hope you realise Telltale and Gearbox can't please everyone and the fact that you believe that Gearbox will screw things up with Tales From The Borderlands' story and Fiona and Rhys' characters is just silly. If you don't like what they do, that's fine, but at least have some respect. From what I've gathered you haven't played Borderlands, Borderlands 2 or Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel so why does it affect you that much anyway? If you hate what is done to Borderlands 3, and Fiona and Rhys, then like Sharkhunter21 said before, you can always come back to Tales From The Borderlands and stick with how YOU made Fiona and Rhys to be.

    The_Duck posted: »

    Just stop.

  • I don't remember pandora being so australian

    To me it felt connected, It shared history with Pandora.

  • Yeah...That majorly bugged me.

    I don't remember pandora being so australian

  • Didn't really bugg me, I just didn't understand most of the jokes

    Yeah...That majorly bugged me.

  • You are putting a lot of words in my mouth. Once again, it's not about Borderlands. 3, but the fact that Tales could end up suffering as a result. Just returning back to Tales is not going to fix the problem of Tales becomes the problem.

    Shroomii posted: »

    I hope you realise Telltale and Gearbox can't please everyone and the fact that you believe that Gearbox will screw things up with Tales Fro

  • And how does a stand alone game suffer from a whole other game?

    The_Duck posted: »

    You are putting a lot of words in my mouth. Once again, it's not about Borderlands. 3, but the fact that Tales could end up suffering as a result. Just returning back to Tales is not going to fix the problem of Tales becomes the problem.

  • There is no problem with my thread. If people can fear certain characters dying or becoming evil, then why can't I be concerned over something like this? You're being rude, and I still say you don't understand, because everything you post supports that.

    This is NOT about the main Borderlands series. It is about Tales. The main games could be the best things ever, but that doesn't we should be forced to play them in order to finish up the story started in Tales. Not everyone has those consoles or the money to buy four games and a bunch of DLC. Not everyone is good at or likes FPS games. And we shouldn't have to worry about the characters we molded just being changed.

    Shoogli posted: »

    See this is the whole problem with your thread : you're fearing something that noone here knows if it's going tto happen or not. We have NO

  • Seriously? Can you stop trying to pick fights? You said you would move on, so do so. We discussed this at length already, and it became clear you would never see my point.

    And how does a stand alone game suffer from a whole other game?

  • There wouldn't be a problem if you would actually acknowledge and consider what everyone else keeps saying. And you really need to redefine what you think is rude or not, Shoogli hasn't said one thing that could be considered rude throughout their post.

    Tales is part of the main series, it's just it's own small story from TellTale that we get to play through, it follows everything that's happened since the latest in the timeline, Borderlands 2. And you're not forced to play them, Like I suggested, if you can't or aren't willing to buy them to play them since money seems to be n issue for you, watch videos or hit up those wikis. And YOU don't have to worry about these characters being changed since you wouldn't bother picking up Borderlands 3 regardless if it had our characters from Tales or not. Nothing affects YOU since throughout our discussion, you've made it clear you don't car one way or another to bother with the other games.

    So pray tell, just how does any of this hurt you in the slightest?

    The_Duck posted: »

    There is no problem with my thread. If people can fear certain characters dying or becoming evil, then why can't I be concerned over someth

  • edited July 2015

    No, I said we were moving on between our little skirmish earlier, not the discussion. And how am I trying to pick a fight when I'm engaging myself in the discussion?

    I notice you didn't answer the question and answered in the same way again with the whole "Not seeing my point/ You don't understand"

    The_Duck posted: »

    Seriously? Can you stop trying to pick fights? You said you would move on, so do so. We discussed this at length already, and it became clear you would never see my point.

  • I have answered this same question MULTIPLE times. Once again, you don't see my point of view, or please just move on.

    There wouldn't be a problem if you would actually acknowledge and consider what everyone else keeps saying. And you really need to redefine

  • Because firstly, I've already had this conversation with you. Secondly, I don't want to have any more conversations with you, which I have made abundantly clear. The mods may not see what you're doing, but I do.

    No, I said we were moving on between our little skirmish earlier, not the discussion. And how am I trying to pick a fight when I'm engaging

  • See threats where there none? Yup, well I'll still be here and still expect answers better than what you've been providing and something better than what you keep saying to people whether it's the same dribble or that others are being malicious towards you when you have no argument at all.

    The_Duck posted: »

    Because firstly, I've already had this conversation with you. Secondly, I don't want to have any more conversations with you, which I have made abundantly clear. The mods may not see what you're doing, but I do.

  • There's nothing to see because you spout the same thing and when someone like me or a couple others challenge that, you clam up and have nothing more to say then, leave me alone you're being rude.

    I'm fine right here personally and will continue to post in this thread despite the fact that you think I'm out to get you when all I've done is tried discussing it.

    The_Duck posted: »

    I have answered this same question MULTIPLE times. Once again, you don't see my point of view, or please just move on.

  • You need to stop. You've been asked repeatedly. It's clear we don't get along and we not going to agree, so move on.

    There's nothing to see because you spout the same thing and when someone like me or a couple others challenge that, you clam up and have not

  • Stop.

    See threats where there none? Yup, well I'll still be here and still expect answers better than what you've been providing and something bet

  • edited July 2015

    And it's clear you don't listen to anyone else so I'll say it again, no. I will continue to post and interject my thoughts, opinions, and questions where I please.

    Going back on topic, you have still not answered the question.

    The_Duck posted: »

    You need to stop. You've been asked repeatedly. It's clear we don't get along and we not going to agree, so move on.

  • You continue to throw off the conversation, so I'll veer back towards it.

    How does a stand alone game suffer from a separate game that you show no interest in buying/playing/or learning anything about affect this one in the slightest for you?

    The_Duck posted: »


  • The only thing you are doing is trolling.

    And it's clear you don't listen to anyone else so I'll say it again, no. I will continue to post and interject my thoughts, opinions, and questions where I please. Going back on topic, you have still not answered the question.

  • I'm just going to keep reporting you.

    You continue to throw off the conversation, so I'll veer back towards it. How does a stand alone game suffer from a separate game that you show no interest in buying/playing/or learning anything about affect this one in the slightest for you?

  • Believe what you will but all I care to do is try and have a discussion period, you keep straying away instead of talking like adults.

    The_Duck posted: »

    The only thing you are doing is trolling.

  • You are more than welcomed to, I'm just trying to talk to you and you refuse to answer anything but I'll continue asking. There's no harm in what I'm doing, just trying to discuss and debate just like how this started.

    The_Duck posted: »

    I'm just going to keep reporting you.

  • You are not acting like an adult. An adult would agree to disagree and move on, not force their way into multiple conversations just to annoy someone they don't get along with.

    Believe what you will but all I care to do is try and have a discussion period, you keep straying away instead of talking like adults.

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited July 2015

    1.10 Please do not abuse the flag system. You can flag threads or posts if they break the forum guidelines, if they are posted in the wrong location, if a similar discussion already exists, or if there is any other reason for concern. It is also OK to flag your own posts to ask a Moderator to hide or relocate them (or to request that a Moderator lock your own thread). However, please do not just flag another user's posts if you disagree with a user's opinion or don't like their post.

    Blind has already stated:

    Having looked over this discussion, I'm inclined to agree with Sharkhunter21 on this. I don't really see how telling someone to look into the greater universe is bullying.

    The_Duck, I don't think it's necessary to accuse Sharkhunter21 of bullying if these posts are all you have to go off of. Please try to stay civil and on topic. If you think a user is breaking forum guidelines (which Sharkhunter21 was not), please flag them instead of engaging them. That being said, constructive disagreement is not bullying and Sharkhunter21 hasn't done anything wrong from what I've seen in this thread.

    And he has not stated anything else, which means that there nothing wrong here.

    The_Duck posted: »

    I'm just going to keep reporting you.

  • You're being rude

    Sorry what !? o.O

    and I still say you don't understand [...]


    You know, if this thread ever gets locked it's going to be only one person's fault, and it's definitely not me...
    Oh well, don't worry I'm done discussing with you : this surely is what you wanted.

    Happy ?

    The_Duck posted: »

    There is no problem with my thread. If people can fear certain characters dying or becoming evil, then why can't I be concerned over someth

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