I almost wish it made its way into my dreams... My actual dreams included being trapped in a school, trying to find a bathroom, and trying to wake myself up. I had to pee bad, but I woke up fine.
I almost wish it made its way into my dreams... My actual dreams included being trapped in a school, trying to find a bathroom, and trying to wake myself up. I had to pee bad, but I woke up fine.
Same, I can be patient when I know it's going to be worth the wait. It definitely was with ep.3 - but at least this time we know to expect a (roughly) 3 month wait, I think that will also help.
If that means that we will get a good quality episode, I'm all up for waiting as long as it's needed. But knowing a release date always makes it easier to wait. (for some people anyway)
Same, I can be patient when I know it's going to be worth the wait. It definitely was with ep.3 - but at least this time we know to expect a (roughly) 3 month wait, I think that will also help.
Damn guys , the spidey comic is really hard to make , I'm working as fast and hard as I can so it will take a while but I promise everyone here will love it , trying my best.
What if in episode 4 you have a choice between staying with Sasha or going with Fiona and Fiona says 'it's okay Rhys stay with Sasha I'll go by myself' but then if you choose to go with her her face lights up like:
Damn guys , the spidey comic is really hard to make , I'm working as fast and hard as I can so it will take a while but I promise everyone here will love it , trying my best.
Damn guys , the spidey comic is really hard to make , I'm working as fast and hard as I can so it will take a while but I promise everyone here will love it , trying my best.
They look so cute!
That. Is. So. CUTE!!!
This thread is just that good.
What does 69 represent again?
Uh... the glory of Rhyiona!
Thank you ;w;
Yeah, I'm alright. ^-^
Ha-ha! Ha-ha-ha-ha! Ha...
I almost wish it made its way into my dreams... My actual dreams included being trapped in a school, trying to find a bathroom, and trying to wake myself up. I had to pee bad, but I woke up fine.
Wow this is really really cool
Also I love that song a lot.
Hey, it's better than me. I literally had a dream I was burying a corpse in a landfill the other night.
Aww, you're so innocent.
Oh, that's a relief, I'm really glad!
Wow, that's really good! And super cute!
Same, I can be patient when I know it's going to be worth the wait. It definitely was with ep.3 - but at least this time we know to expect a (roughly) 3 month wait, I think that will also help.
Sshh, we want to believe! #F17
Okay, I finished my keep the flower fic, but I'm going to wait until page 269 to post it for... Reasons. ;3
shields innocent, 14 year old eyes
It looks really great!
Current Mood:
Remaking @tessie0713's arts to Garry's Mod.
From Behind.
Original Picture.
Remade to Garry's Mod.
Napping time.
Original picture.
Remade to Garry's Mod.
Original picture.
Remade to Garry's Mod.
The Dance.
Original picture.
Remade to Garry's Mod.
Definitely, I agree.
Explosive. If you see what I did there.
I'm the only female child in the house with 3 males.
They're all driving me insane.
(They're cousins, not brothers.)
Edit: At this rate, I'll turn into Tiny Tina and start yelling about tea parties and how much I hate raisin cookies.
Hey, can't control dreams. ;-;
These are amazing, I love all of them.
Damn guys , the spidey comic is really hard to make , I'm working as fast and hard as I can so it will take a while but I promise everyone here will love it , trying my best.
What if in episode 4 you have a choice between staying with Sasha or going with Fiona and Fiona says 'it's okay Rhys stay with Sasha I'll go by myself' but then if you choose to go with her her face lights up like:
Telltale should make this a thing now
Yep normal everyday dream
take your time and make sure you are satisfied with it as they say "you can't rush art"
That's what I get for watching horror films at 3AM.
Take your time, buddy.
It ain't art tho , I'm not drawing , just making memes but it's so damn hard , and I'm not even like 15% done with what I want to make