Why Does Everyone Want To Trust...? *SPOILERS*

...Handsome Jack.

I understand that there are a lot of fun options with his choices, but we do remember that he's Handsome Jack right? The same guy who has murdered people out of boredom and hooked his own daughter up to a machine for his own means? I've noticed that a lot of people chose Jack's ending in Episode 2 and to trust him in Episode 3, which led me to go 'What?'

I'm totally expecting that the more control/trust we give him, the more he will generally take over Rhys' body or do something drastic. I mean heck, he did technically threaten to kill everyone the first time he showed up. Even if he is not present in the future segment (very curious about that part), I highly doubt he will just go away that easy.

What do you guys think? What are the possible outcomes of trusting or not trusting Jack? Why did you choose to trust or not trust Jack?



  • I actually chose Fiona over Jack at the end of episode 2, knowing him, I feared he'd get a little too trigger happy which he did after I saw other's LP's. But I did say I'd trust hi in episode 3 simply because I don't want to burn any bridges and I know Jack is going to important to the story in the next or final episode so I want to make sure I have the chance at least to have a choice or talk Jack down.

  • edited July 2015

    Who's everyone? 75% trusted Fiona.

    But also,

    I understand that there are a lot of fun options with his choices, but we do remember that he's Handsome Jack right? The same guy who has murdered people out of boredom and hooked his own daughter up to a machine for his own means?

    After saying that - you realize that pissing him off is probably not a great idea when we're sharing a body? Who (in their right mind) would tell Handsome Jack that he's not trustworthy at best and a psychopathic maniac at worst? That's very short-sighted. And that's not to mention that Rhys himself is obsessed with him. So, in other words - there's plenty of reasons.

  • Well, the stats for TFTB seem to show the majority of players actually chose Fiona, so it's by no means 'everyone' that chose Jack. That said, I did. Repeatedly. Trusted him in ep.3, too.

    Why? I am very aware he's a sociopath, and that he probably doesn't care all that much about Rhys beyond his own interest in keeping his host alive, at least for now. But the simple explanation is - I adore him. I think he's hilarious. I'm in love with his carnage. I said in another thread that I've known I found my true love the moment I listened to the Helena Pierce audio logs. And because of that, I just want to make him happy, so I agree with him on everything. I'm willing to sacrifice friendships for him - Fiona, Sasha, even Vaughn (ok, I tried to sell out Vaughn to Vasquez in ep.1, so that may not be that big of a sacrifice after all...). I just aim to please him.

    It's not rational, it's love. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • Well, “trust” is a very strong word. I chose Fiona at the end of Ep. 2 (giving full control to Jack didn’t look like a smart idea), but this does not mean that I need to be hostile with Jack (after all, I need to live with him in my head).

    So, yeah, when he asked I said “Ok, we are partners, for now”. This does mean that I trust him, just that we are in it together and that there is no reason to have a personal war with him at the moment. Priorities, man. As long as he does not control the body, we can have a partnership.

  • I trusted Fiona, even though I had my doubts. Now I'm glad I did.

  • I'm trusting him because he's my favorite character in the Borderlands franchise. Is he going to screw me over? Yes, most likely. Do I care? No. I'm playing Rhys as a bad guy, plus I just think it's way more fun siding with Jack... And it's probably not a good idea to piss off the guy you're sharing a body with. :P

  • Well from when I played last night, the number of people who chose Jack in Episode 2 were a lot higher, so maybe those numbers have changed. Still, I was mostly curious about people's thoughts on the choice either way.

  • It's a video game and I want to be entertained while playing and Jack entertains me the most.

  • I feel like no matter if you trust Jack or not he's going to try to take Rhys's body one way or another. Whether or not Jack succeeds is still up in the air.

    It's in Jack's nature to do whatever the Hell he feels like, regardless of how extreme his methods get. I mean Jack has always been about the ends justifying the means, and most of us have seen how far he's willing to go for his goals.

    So you trusting Jack, or not trusting him, both options are probably gonna backfire at some point, so players should just go with whatever choice their playing style follows along with.

  • edited July 2015

    Oh right, it also depends on your platform, but still the majority of players everywhere chose Fiona. I think (if I'm not mistaken) PS3 or PS4 have different stats for some reason.

    Here's the updated stats on pc:

    Alt text

    And it was like that since the first day of release.

    zgamer posted: »

    Well from when I played last night, the number of people who chose Jack in Episode 2 were a lot higher, so maybe those numbers have changed. Still, I was mostly curious about people's thoughts on the choice either way.

  • As someone who sided with Jack in my main playthrough of Episode 2, I can tell you the reason I chose him: desperation.

    I've played BL2 multiple times, and I knew he wasn't to be trusted, but the situation was so grim and Fiona's plan so awful/nonexistent, that Jack's idea of hacking the drones and shooting our way out seemed like the only real option. But I knew, I just knew that picking him would come back to bite me in the ass later, and hard, but like I said. I thought it was the only sure way to get everyone out of there alive.

    I didn't make an alliance with him in Episode 3 during our conversation though. I'm trying to be as anti-Jack as I can from this point onward, though I'm not sure how much that will help given that he can control my body now.

  • I didn't make an alliance with him in Episode 3 during our conversation though.

    Wait, is that even possible if we sided with him?

    Rock114 posted: »

    As someone who sided with Jack in my main playthrough of Episode 2, I can tell you the reason I chose him: desperation. I've played BL2 m

  • Yeah, you can have Rhys reject Jack's offer, but since you let him in at the end of Episode 2 he'll still take control of your body at the dome and does the things that he normally does. It's just that now he's a lot more pissed at you.

    DeityD posted: »

    I didn't make an alliance with him in Episode 3 during our conversation though. Wait, is that even possible if we sided with him?

  • Sooo... how we do that? Just don't high-five him? (sorry for stupid questions, I only managed to play it once choosing him)

    Rock114 posted: »

    Yeah, you can have Rhys reject Jack's offer, but since you let him in at the end of Episode 2 he'll still take control of your body at the dome and does the things that he normally does. It's just that now he's a lot more pissed at you.

  • I chose to trust him because he is a homicidal maniac who currently RESIDES IN MY HEAD and has the capabilities to TAKE OVER MY BODY!!

    I figured better safe than sorry. At least if we're on good terms, he'll only be fucking with me out of fun and boredom. Not actively trying to bodysnatch me.

  • No, you can high five him, but he'll still extend the offer of an alliance where you can either say Yes or No to it, just like he does if you choose Fiona in Episode 2. The conversation is different though, as is Rhys' way of saying "No," depending on your choice. He's more stern and forceful with his "No" in the Fiona playthrough, but since I picked Jack he was more like "...No?" Very timid and afraid. And for good reason.

    DeityD posted: »

    Sooo... how we do that? Just don't high-five him? (sorry for stupid questions, I only managed to play it once choosing him)

  • I think Jack only gains control if Rhys gives him control in episode 2.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    I chose to trust him because he is a homicidal maniac who currently RESIDES IN MY HEAD and has the capabilities to TAKE OVER MY BODY!! I

  • I don't want to trust Handsome Jack, that's why I went with Fiona in my game, I'm not going to let a mass murdering psychopath into my subsystems, who knows what he will do (well now we know, but that's what I was thinking when I made the decision). However, at the same time, Jack is not a guy who I want to piss off, because first chance he gets, if he gets it, he's coming after me, which is why I agreed to his alliance. So that's my mentality, keep him away from my susbsystems, but also try to be friendly with him and let him hear what he wants to hear so he won't kill us. And besides, if Jack can prove to be helpful or useful in some way, then maybe we should try and keep him close.

  • Huh, I missed it completely. I'm really lazy but I wanna see it.

    Rock114 posted: »

    No, you can high five him, but he'll still extend the offer of an alliance where you can either say Yes or No to it, just like he does if yo

  • So far, yes. But he still has those capabilities, and he's still in Rhys' head.

    And if you don't trust him Jack is Pissed at you, which makes me think he will just plot against you and bide his time, oh yeah - and fuck with you at every opportunity.

    tyler8160 posted: »

    I think Jack only gains control if Rhys gives him control in episode 2.

  • Agreed. It's just not a good idea to piss him off IMO.

    I don't want to trust Handsome Jack, that's why I went with Fiona in my game, I'm not going to let a mass murdering psychopath into my subsy

  • He still can smack you with the robotarm on ocasion and stuff. It seems he's just biding his time.

    tyler8160 posted: »

    I think Jack only gains control if Rhys gives him control in episode 2.

  • True enough, but he doesn't take full control at the Atlas dome either.

    DeityD posted: »

    He still can smack you with the robotarm on ocasion and stuff. It seems he's just biding his time.

  • That's true.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    So far, yes. But he still has those capabilities, and he's still in Rhys' head. And if you don't trust him Jack is Pissed at you, which m

  • To see Handsome Jack inside of Rhys body and working together is something i been waiting for and i will help Jack to get a new body and rule Hyperion again, he is my fav villain of all time so having the option to trust him was a easy choices. it reminded me a lot of Pre-Sequel were we help Jack and now i get to do it again with someone else, while in Fiona i'm happy to see her becoming a Vault Hunter in the end (If that goes as plan) overall my main path is seeing Rhys as a good man but slowly becoming Handsome Jack, just like Jack say "I see a lot of myself in you" and Fiona finally deciding what is right for her and Sasha

  • A important thing to remember guys is that at the start of episode 1. Rhy is saying "Come on Fiona, we can work this out!"
    So it's likely that Jack might screw something up, or it could be something entirely different. But yeah, I trusted jack, mainly because he's awesome, loved him in Borderlands 2, even more so when I finished the pre sequel

  • ButtStallion is the reason why,Plus he's one of my all time favorite video game baddies and awesome! My Rhys wants to control Hyperion, so why not trust him?? Why trust Fiona?

  • There's no reason to not at the very least tell him what he wants to hear. Like others have said, pissing him off would be far worse.

  • I didn't trust him. I never played any Borderlands games, that one of the reasons why. I thought I regretted that because his trust made Rhys badass but when I saw that he messes up Rhysha, I totally didn't regret it.

  • At the end of Episode Two, I trusted Jack because he actually had a plan. Fiona had a grenade, and she didn't even know what it did. In Episode Three, I saw no reason not to trust him. He's a little unpredictable, but he's been perfectly nice and helpful.

  • Don't trust him when?

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    So far, yes. But he still has those capabilities, and he's still in Rhys' head. And if you don't trust him Jack is Pissed at you, which m

  • YouTube. A LOT of people chose that, sadly.

    DeityD posted: »

    Huh, I missed it completely. I'm really lazy but I wanna see it.

  • On top of the caravan, or just in general.

    The_Duck posted: »

    Don't trust him when?

  • This is in the playthrough where i trusted Fiona in Ep. 2, but trusted Jack on the Caravan. Because i fear the wrath of Jack. ;)

    The_Duck posted: »

    Don't trust him when?

  • Yeah Jack was little bit of a bastard but dont forget that this isnt Jack, it is just AI and from what I ve seen so far he is very different than "good old" Jack we all know. This Jack only helped us so far and he didnt give me any reason not to trust him.

  • edited July 2015

    It's love, what can I say ;)


  • I trusted fiona in episode 2 because i've been watching naruto alot lately and an on going thing they say is trust your comrades so i trusted her to make things right and i worked out. i trusted jack in episode 3 and i did this because i feel like he could be a valuable asset and hope that if i do enough good deeds and he sees the out come of these deeds then maybe i can bring him to the good side....yes i am completely naive but i have to try lol

  • edited July 2015

    Well, let me put this way, when playing/reading/watching something I tend to see the characters on 2 ways:

    1- Would I like this person on real life? Would I trust him/her? Would this person be the kind of person I want nearby?

    2- What is his/her role? Is it a "good" villan? Is it a "good" whatanever its role is?

    PS: That's why when people ask me if I like a character I have a hard time telling. :p

    You see, yeah, Jack is funny and amazing as a fictional character, but since when playing this kind of games I usually put myself into character, knowning what Jack personality truly is I thought: "Hell no. I don't wanna a manical sociopath controling me". I may like Jack as a fictional character, but if he was real he's the type of person I hate it, and that's what makes him a good villan I think.

  • edited July 2015

    Well I'm lazy but not that lazy. :)

    The_Duck posted: »

    YouTube. A LOT of people chose that, sadly.

  • It's about the same on the PS4 at least, and almost the same exact number for the 'tentative alliance'.

    Kinda unrelated, but do the additional choices you can see on the website not match up for anyone else? It's weird, but I'm pretty sure some choices I made, and some I didn't, at least in the save I supposedly have uploaded. Like, most seem to match, but I'm sure I said I trusted Jack cause he's my hero, and the website says that I believed in his plan...

    DeityD posted: »

    Oh right, it also depends on your platform, but still the majority of players everywhere chose Fiona. I think (if I'm not mistaken) PS3 or P

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