Kenny, me and Shark do not get along. He has been very rude to me, evidenced by the fact that some of his posts actually HAVE been deleted, and no matter how long we talk, it's clear he will not see my point of view. To avoid making a bad situation worse, I suggested we agree to disagree and move. His response made it clear he intends to stick around and keep passive-aggressively harassing me, forcing his way into several other conversations. He's even tried to engage me over PM. I've dealt with this form of harassment before, and I really don't want to deal with it here too. Believe me, it's going to get worse.
1.10 Please do not abuse the flag system. You can flag threads or posts if they break the forum guidelines, if they are posted in the wrong … morelocation, if a similar discussion already exists, or if there is any other reason for concern. It is also OK to flag your own posts to ask a Moderator to hide or relocate them (or to request that a Moderator lock your own thread). However, please do not just flag another user's posts if you disagree with a user's opinion or don't like their post.
Blind has already stated:
Having looked over this discussion, I'm inclined to agree with Sharkhunter21 on this. I don't really see how telling someone to look into the greater universe is bullying.
The_Duck, I don't think it's necessary to accuse Sharkhunter21 of bullying if these posts are all you have to go off of. Please try to stay civil and on topic. If you think a user is breaking forum guidelines (which Sharkhunter21 was not), please f… [view original content]
You're being rude
Sorry what !? o.O
and I still say you don't understand [...]
You know, if this thread eve… morer gets locked it's going to be only one person's fault, and it's definitely not me...
Oh well, don't worry I'm done discussing with you : this surely is what you wanted.
Happy ?
It's a pubic thread on a public forum, how did I force my way in exactly? My intention is not to seek you out and annoy you. All I am trying to do is have a discussion because I simply can not understand your side of what we've talked about and get answers, nothing more and nothing less.
So again, how are you being negatively hurt by some game that hasn't released any information of what it may or may not do with Tales especially when you've made it clear you have zero interest in any of the past games or this coming one?
You are not acting like an adult. An adult would agree to disagree and move on, not force their way into multiple conversations just to annoy someone they don't get along with.
He has been very rude to me, evidenced by the fact that some of his posts actually HAVE been deleted, and no matter how long we talk, it's clear he will not see my point of view.
So the thing about his posts being deleted - Blind has stated Shark has not violated any forum guidelines as of yesterday. I have not been paying enough attention to see if any of his posts have been deleted today, so whatever. And with the point of view, I haven't seen you listening to his point of view much either.
To avoid making a bad situation worse, I suggested we agree to disagree and move. His response made it clear he intends to stick around and keep passive-aggressively harassing me, forcing his way into several other conversations.
You know, you can just not respond to him. And 'forcing his way into several other conversations' when this is public forum when you can reply to anything. If a topic is something someone wants to join in on, I won't judge.
He's even tried to engage me over PM. I've dealt with this form of harassment before, and I really don't want to deal with it here too. Believe me, it's going to get worse.
Well, talking with someone over PM is not inherently harassment. Again, if you don't want to wish to deal with it, you are not forced to respond.
Kenny, me and Shark do not get along. He has been very rude to me, evidenced by the fact that some of his posts actually HAVE been deleted,… more and no matter how long we talk, it's clear he will not see my point of view. To avoid making a bad situation worse, I suggested we agree to disagree and move. His response made it clear he intends to stick around and keep passive-aggressively harassing me, forcing his way into several other conversations. He's even tried to engage me over PM. I've dealt with this form of harassment before, and I really don't want to deal with it here too. Believe me, it's going to get worse.
Kenny, me and Shark do not get along
I can see that.
He has been very rude to me, evidenced by the fact that some of his posts… more actually HAVE been deleted, and no matter how long we talk, it's clear he will not see my point of view.
So the thing about his posts being deleted - Blind has stated Shark has not violated any forum guidelines as of yesterday. I have not been paying enough attention to see if any of his posts have been deleted today, so whatever. And with the point of view, I haven't seen you listening to his point of view much either.
To avoid making a bad situation worse, I suggested we agree to disagree and move. His response made it clear he intends to stick around and keep passive-aggressively harassing me, forcing his way into several other conversations.
You know, you can just not respond to him. And 'forcing his way into several other conversations' when this is public forum when you can re… [view original content]
The comments were deleted BEFORE Blind said that, so...
I've listened to him and talked at length with him, and no progress was made. He's not joint other conversations, but trying to pick fights with me in them by bringing up the same stuff over and over again. He's not talking to anyone else but me, just like he threatened. But we should end this discussion. I really don't want to get in trouble over him.
Kenny, me and Shark do not get along
I can see that.
He has been very rude to me, evidenced by the fact that some of his posts… more actually HAVE been deleted, and no matter how long we talk, it's clear he will not see my point of view.
So the thing about his posts being deleted - Blind has stated Shark has not violated any forum guidelines as of yesterday. I have not been paying enough attention to see if any of his posts have been deleted today, so whatever. And with the point of view, I haven't seen you listening to his point of view much either.
To avoid making a bad situation worse, I suggested we agree to disagree and move. His response made it clear he intends to stick around and keep passive-aggressively harassing me, forcing his way into several other conversations.
You know, you can just not respond to him. And 'forcing his way into several other conversations' when this is public forum when you can re… [view original content]
You're being rude
Sorry what !? o.O
and I still say you don't understand [...]
You know, if this thread eve… morer gets locked it's going to be only one person's fault, and it's definitely not me...
Oh well, don't worry I'm done discussing with you : this surely is what you wanted.
Happy ?
Never threatened you, all i said was that I'd be here and ask my questions as I see fit to ask them. And I'm mainly talking to you in this thread because A. You started this thread and B. Have the opposing opinion. Would you rather me chat with the people who I know share my opinion and berate yours in this thread? I'd rather not thus why I haven't and why again you're my main focus in this thread. Potentially there's something to gain here but you just can't see past your own delusions that I'm trying to do you in or something.
The comments were deleted BEFORE Blind said that, so...
I've listened to him and talked at length with him, and no progress was made. He… more's not joint other conversations, but trying to pick fights with me in them by bringing up the same stuff over and over again. He's not talking to anyone else but me, just like he threatened. But we should end this discussion. I really don't want to get in trouble over him.
How does people not wanting to or not being able to play affect you?
Because I'm one of those people
Wait a minute...
I was just reading some answers in the "Jack and Sasha" thread and saw you were involved, in a very authoritative way at that, over what happens to Jack, how and why, and why this and why that about his reactions, and who is to blame and who is to be excused and all that...
To be fair, they totally tried to kill him first.
He was on a downward spiral, but he was far from Handsome Jack at that point.
I don't think they were. Destroying the laser was one thing, but they didn't need to try and kill him. He was in a bad way, but hardly beyond hope. And keep in mind that they also tried to murder the people with him.
I stand by what I said. Jack was spiraling downward, but they didn't need to kill him because he COULD or MIGHT do something even worse. [...]
On Pandora, just about EVERYONE enjoys violence [...]
I'm not saying the stuff Jack did IS right, just that he didn't deserve to die for it at that point. And they didn't even know about some of the stuff you mention.
And it goes on and on with this authoritative way, even trying to explain stuff to someone else who has played the franchise...
"nothing in BL3 will contradict what happens in TFTB."
No offence, but it probably will. BL2 cocked up a ton of continuity from BL1, and likewise, The Pre-Sequel loved to cherry pick the continuity of BL1 and BL2 to suit the story, but happily ignored others bits as well. The BL writers outside of Tales always have had a problem with continuity, and I doubt BL3 is going to much better. Tales writing in my views is just a step beyond, one of the big reasons being they seem to actually pay very close attention to continuity and stick with it.
Oh it will be. I'm sure of that. An example is how they integrated Athena in TPS from her appearance in BL1's DLC : Armory of general Knoxx,… more and then how they integrated her capture in TFTB to close the loop of the narration in TPS. It shows between the 3 RPG-shooter games already that they take care of their story. So really whatever happens in TFTB wil have impacts for BL3 and nothing in BL3 will contradict what happens in TFTB.
I know what you mean. But see, well you'll tell me if you agree or not, they're making more and more efforts now with the continuity, especially since TPS and TFTB. Loops are closed and all that.
What I mean is they probably didn't envision the popularity the franchise got over the years and weren't too concerned about it, at least not as much as they are now, see what I mean ?
"nothing in BL3 will contradict what happens in TFTB."
No offence, but it probably will. BL2 cocked up a ton of continuity from BL1, and … morelikewise, The Pre-Sequel loved to cherry pick the continuity of BL1 and BL2 to suit the story, but happily ignored others bits as well. The BL writers outside of Tales always have had a problem with continuity, and I doubt BL3 is going to much better. Tales writing in my views is just a step beyond, one of the big reasons being they seem to actually pay very close attention to continuity and stick with it.
Kindof. Personally, I think it's just that the Tales writing team are far more experienced at writing stories, and I think they hold a lot of respect for the material they are adapting.
And I sort of see what you mean, but again, I think Tales being a game driven by story helps the quality, whereas with regular Borderlands titles, the FPS and RPG elements are what will be driving development first before plot I would imagine. Then again, with Burch gone, who knows what BL3's plot may wind up being, especially with the creator of the franchise leaving Gearbox too. Personally I'd hope they'd bring on the Tales guys, even if just as advisors or something, because I think they are nailing it.
No worries, no offence taken !
I know what you mean. But see, well you'll tell me if you agree or not, they're making more and more effo… morerts now with the continuity, especially since TPS and TFTB. Loops are closed and all that.
What I mean is they probably didn't envision the popularity the franchise got over the years and weren't too concerned about it, at least not as much as they are now, see what I mean ?
I think they hold a lot of respect for the material they are adapting.
Oh sure, it does show, from my perspective I mean, of someone who first comes from the RPG-Shooters.
And I sort of see what you mean, but again, I think Tales being a game driven by story helps the quality, whereas with regular Borderlands titles, the FPS and RPG elements are what will be driving development first before plot I would imagine. Then again, with Burch gone, who knows what BL3's plot may wind up being, especially with the creator of the franchise leaving Gearbox too. Personally I'd hope they'd bring on the Tales guys, even if just as advisors or something, because I think they are nailing it.
Well it's what I was saying earlier. It's true that there are a lots of "retcons" or "odd" details that were seen in between BL1 and BL2, but then when you check TPS there are far less, and maybe only minor ones, so it shows they're taking their story more seriously as time passes and that they're strengthening it and closing plot holes, loops and such.
I'm pretty certain that when BL3 is out it will really do justice to TFTB, as TFTB did to the franchise.
I just hope they don't get some brand new shiny hipster as the story lead and the guy pulls "Game of Thrones" on the long times NPCs or the old playable characters left and right, just because...
Kindof. Personally, I think it's just that the Tales writing team are far more experienced at writing stories, and I think they hold a lot o… moref respect for the material they are adapting.
And I sort of see what you mean, but again, I think Tales being a game driven by story helps the quality, whereas with regular Borderlands titles, the FPS and RPG elements are what will be driving development first before plot I would imagine. Then again, with Burch gone, who knows what BL3's plot may wind up being, especially with the creator of the franchise leaving Gearbox too. Personally I'd hope they'd bring on the Tales guys, even if just as advisors or something, because I think they are nailing it.
It does matter. This is our story, and we shouldn't have it taken away from us to please those who play the main games.
What about a… morell those of us that play both ?
Because see there are NOT 2 populations of players, those that play BL games and those that play TFTB, there are 3 since you need to include those that play both.
Well, you are right about TPS, but at the same time, considering TPS had fit into the timeline, they needed to put the work for it to work, even if it doesn't fit that smoothly into the continuity. But you're right, definetly a far better effort than BL2 I reckon.
"I just hope they don't get some brand new shiny hipster as the story lead and the guy pulls "Game of Thrones" on the long times NPCs or the old playable characters left and right, just because..."
I'm not really sure what you're referring to, tbh. I havn't played the GoT game, because I don't watch the show I'm afraid.
I think they hold a lot of respect for the material they are adapting.
Oh sure, it does show, from my perspective I mean, of someone… more who first comes from the RPG-Shooters.
And I sort of see what you mean, but again, I think Tales being a game driven by story helps the quality, whereas with regular Borderlands titles, the FPS and RPG elements are what will be driving development first before plot I would imagine. Then again, with Burch gone, who knows what BL3's plot may wind up being, especially with the creator of the franchise leaving Gearbox too. Personally I'd hope they'd bring on the Tales guys, even if just as advisors or something, because I think they are nailing it.
Well it's what I was saying earlier. It's true that there are a lots of "retcons" or "odd" details that were seen in between BL1 and BL2, but then when you check TPS there are far less, and maybe only minor ones, so it shows they're taking their stor… [view original content]
I'm not really sure what you're referring to, tbh. I havn't played the GoT game, because I don't watch the show I'm afraid.
Oh I'm referring to the TV show, not anyone at TTG. I'm referring to the constant killing of main characters that has become a "thing", a trend so to speak, something that even the MSM is reporting on a constant basis...
Well, you are right about TPS, but at the same time, considering TPS had fit into the timeline, they needed to put the work for it to work, … moreeven if it doesn't fit that smoothly into the continuity. But you're right, definetly a far better effort than BL2 I reckon.
"I just hope they don't get some brand new shiny hipster as the story lead and the guy pulls "Game of Thrones" on the long times NPCs or the old playable characters left and right, just because..."
I'm not really sure what you're referring to, tbh. I havn't played the GoT game, because I don't watch the show I'm afraid.
Ah right. Actually, one of my problems with BL2 was the way they killed off Bloodwind and Roland. It felt like they were always axed off, just to establish what a bastard Jack... despite us knowing that all ready. Roland's death makes so little sense, it's hilarious.
I'm not really sure what you're referring to, tbh. I havn't played the GoT game, because I don't watch the show I'm afraid.
Oh I'm r… moreeferring to the TV show, not anyone at TTG. I'm referring to the constant killing of main characters that has become a "thing", a trend so to speak, something that even the MSM is reporting on a constant basis...
Telling another person who brings up legitimate points to counter yours to leave your thread where no one agrees with you and you have no answers to anything we (and others) bring up... Bravo sir bravo
It does matter. This is our story, and we shouldn't have it taken away from us to please those who play the main games.
What about a… morell those of us that play both ?
Because see there are NOT 2 populations of players, those that play BL games and those that play TFTB, there are 3 since you need to include those that play both.
So their story can be explored in a game a lot of people can't or don't want to play? That's not what I signed up for.
How does people not wanting to or not being able to play affect you?
I can assure you I understand.
There are points in the story that are important to you and you'd like to have control over them.
What … moreYOU don't understand is that there are already MANY events in the story, and no matter what TTG game you play, in which you do NOT have control over, that you will NEVER have control over, they WILL happen regardless if that game is tied to another franchise or not.
Let me tell you this thing : if you were playing TFTB and didn't know it was inside a franchise, you wouldn't have created this thread. In fact it's the prior knowledge (a spoiler of sort) that TFTB is en episode set between other games that have you on this crusade right now.
It is impossible, whether the game is part of another story or not, to have all choices have weight and thus not have parts that are predestined. There will ALWAYS be parts that are predestined and you have no control over, again : Vasquez death, Athena's capture, … [view original content]
We were simply having a debate over whether or not it was right of Lilith, Roland, and Moxxi to betray Jack. I have never played the Borderlands games, nor have I ever said or pretended otherwise. I have, however, done quite a bit of research into Jack, by reading articles and Wiki pages, as well as watching various gameplay and analytical videos. I did this shortly after finishing the first episode of Tales, when it became clear Jack was going to become an important character. The game really needed something like TWAU's little Codex or Codec thing, because everyone on Pandora/Helios would know all about Jack.
How does people not wanting to or not being able to play affect you?
Because I'm one of those people
Wait a minute...… more
I was just reading some answers in the "Jack and Sasha" thread and saw you were involved, in a very authoritative way at that, over what happens to Jack, how and why, and why this and why that about his reactions, and who is to blame and who is to be excused and all that...
To be fair, they totally tried to kill him first.
He was on a downward spiral, but he was far from Handsome Jack at that point.
I don't think they were. Destroying the laser was one thing, but they didn't need to try and kill him. He was in a bad way, but hardly beyond hope. And keep in mind that they also tried to murder the people with him.
I stand by what I said. Jack was spiraling downward, but they didn't need to kill him because he COULD or MIGHT do something even worse. [...]
… [view original content]
Don't be jealous, there is enough Jack for everyone pumpkin. Jack should always be a part of the Borderlands story, what part he will play is up in the air, but no matter what he has left his big ole' hand print on Pandora and it's moon. There is a crack with purple goo spitting out into space as proof that Jack as there. He can be a part of both stories, he already is as the center point from which both stories revolve. There wouldn't be a Hyperion in Pandora, nor vaults opened without him pulling toggles and flipping switches like the Wizard of Oz gone psychotic.
I want Jack in someway part of Borderlands 3, but not the focus or making him the big bad again. A mellowed out, wiser AI Jack would be good. If a war is coming they need someone like him, if anything he knows how to get stuff done and will do what it takes to do it. Just needs a good sturdy leash and training collar to yank on when he gets a little carried away with himself. No matter what they do with Jack it will make some player's choices moot. It's the nature of the format and they can't have multi-able story lines going to please everyone. Some would kill Jack off instantly, some would want him the head of Hyperion again. Me? I want him networked in like Angle with Claptrap his steward. Cause I'm a sadistic SOB and thinks Jack needs to suffer greatly to find redemption.
Don't be jealous, there is enough Jack for everyone pumpkin. Jack should always be a part of the Borderlands story, what part he will play i… mores up in the air, but no matter what he has left his big ole' hand print on Pandora and it's moon. There is a crack with purple goo spitting out into space as proof that Jack as there. He can be a part of both stories, he already is as the center point from which both stories revolve. There wouldn't be a Hyperion in Pandora, nor vaults opened without him pulling toggles and flipping switches like the Wizard of Oz gone psychotic.
I want Jack in someway part of Borderlands 3, but not the focus or making him the big bad again. A mellowed out, wiser AI Jack would be good. If a war is coming they need someone like him, if anything he knows how to get stuff done and will do what it takes to do it. Just needs a good sturdy leash and training collar to yank on when he gets a little carried away with himself. No… [view original content]
We were simply having a debate over whether or not it was right of Lilith, Roland, and Moxxi to betray Jack. I have never played the Border… morelands games, nor have I ever said or pretended otherwise. I have, however, done quite a bit of research into Jack, by reading articles and Wiki pages, as well as watching various gameplay and analytical videos. I did this shortly after finishing the first episode of Tales, when it became clear Jack was going to become an important character. The game really needed something like TWAU's little Codex or Codec thing, because everyone on Pandora/Helios would know all about Jack.
Kenny, me and Shark do not get along. He has been very rude to me, evidenced by the fact that some of his posts actually HAVE been deleted, and no matter how long we talk, it's clear he will not see my point of view. To avoid making a bad situation worse, I suggested we agree to disagree and move. His response made it clear he intends to stick around and keep passive-aggressively harassing me, forcing his way into several other conversations. He's even tried to engage me over PM. I've dealt with this form of harassment before, and I really don't want to deal with it here too. Believe me, it's going to get worse.
I hope someday you will come to understand my point of view.
It's a pubic thread on a public forum, how did I force my way in exactly? My intention is not to seek you out and annoy you. All I am trying to do is have a discussion because I simply can not understand your side of what we've talked about and get answers, nothing more and nothing less.
So again, how are you being negatively hurt by some game that hasn't released any information of what it may or may not do with Tales especially when you've made it clear you have zero interest in any of the past games or this coming one?
I can see that.
So the thing about his posts being deleted - Blind has stated Shark has not violated any forum guidelines as of yesterday. I have not been paying enough attention to see if any of his posts have been deleted today, so whatever. And with the point of view, I haven't seen you listening to his point of view much either.
You know, you can just not respond to him. And 'forcing his way into several other conversations' when this is public forum when you can reply to anything. If a topic is something someone wants to join in on, I won't judge.
Well, talking with someone over PM is not inherently harassment. Again, if you don't want to wish to deal with it, you are not forced to respond.
Thank you Kenny, and if need be, I'd be more than happy to provide the PM to show I'm not trying to harass anyone.
The comments were deleted BEFORE Blind said that, so...
I've listened to him and talked at length with him, and no progress was made. He's not joint other conversations, but trying to pick fights with me in them by bringing up the same stuff over and over again. He's not talking to anyone else but me, just like he threatened. But we should end this discussion. I really don't want to get in trouble over him.
No one can understand your point of view when you don't explain it!
See you around the forums. Shoo.
Never threatened you, all i said was that I'd be here and ask my questions as I see fit to ask them. And I'm mainly talking to you in this thread because A. You started this thread and B. Have the opposing opinion. Would you rather me chat with the people who I know share my opinion and berate yours in this thread? I'd rather not thus why I haven't and why again you're my main focus in this thread. Potentially there's something to gain here but you just can't see past your own delusions that I'm trying to do you in or something.
And me
Wait a minute...
I was just reading some answers in the "Jack and Sasha" thread and saw you were involved, in a very authoritative way at that, over what happens to Jack, how and why, and why this and why that about his reactions, and who is to blame and who is to be excused and all that...
And it goes on and on with this authoritative way, even trying to explain stuff to someone else who has played the franchise...
Care to explain ?
"nothing in BL3 will contradict what happens in TFTB."
No offence, but it probably will. BL2 cocked up a ton of continuity from BL1, and likewise, The Pre-Sequel loved to cherry pick the continuity of BL1 and BL2 to suit the story, but happily ignored others bits as well. The BL writers outside of Tales always have had a problem with continuity, and I doubt BL3 is going to much better. Tales writing in my views is just a step beyond, one of the big reasons being they seem to actually pay very close attention to continuity and stick with it.
Like I said earlier, I'll be hanging around where-ever I please
No worries, no offence taken
I know what you mean. But see, well you'll tell me if you agree or not, they're making more and more efforts now with the continuity, especially since TPS and TFTB. Loops are closed and all that.
What I mean is they probably didn't envision the popularity the franchise got over the years and weren't too concerned about it, at least not as much as they are now, see what I mean ?
Kindof. Personally, I think it's just that the Tales writing team are far more experienced at writing stories, and I think they hold a lot of respect for the material they are adapting.
And I sort of see what you mean, but again, I think Tales being a game driven by story helps the quality, whereas with regular Borderlands titles, the FPS and RPG elements are what will be driving development first before plot I would imagine. Then again, with Burch gone, who knows what BL3's plot may wind up being, especially with the creator of the franchise leaving Gearbox too. Personally I'd hope they'd bring on the Tales guys, even if just as advisors or something, because I think they are nailing it.
Oh sure, it does show, from my perspective I mean, of someone who first comes from the RPG-Shooters.
Well it's what I was saying earlier. It's true that there are a lots of "retcons" or "odd" details that were seen in between BL1 and BL2, but then when you check TPS there are far less, and maybe only minor ones, so it shows they're taking their story more seriously as time passes and that they're strengthening it and closing plot holes, loops and such.
I'm pretty certain that when BL3 is out it will really do justice to TFTB, as TFTB did to the franchise.
I just hope they don't get some brand new shiny hipster as the story lead and the guy pulls "Game of Thrones" on the long times NPCs or the old playable characters left and right, just because...
Also, Shoo, glad to see you are having some good discussion here.^^
Well, you are right about TPS, but at the same time, considering TPS had fit into the timeline, they needed to put the work for it to work, even if it doesn't fit that smoothly into the continuity. But you're right, definetly a far better effort than BL2 I reckon.
"I just hope they don't get some brand new shiny hipster as the story lead and the guy pulls "Game of Thrones" on the long times NPCs or the old playable characters left and right, just because..."
I'm not really sure what you're referring to, tbh. I havn't played the GoT game, because I don't watch the show I'm afraid.
Oh I'm referring to the TV show, not anyone at TTG. I'm referring to the constant killing of main characters that has become a "thing", a trend so to speak, something that even the MSM is reporting on a constant basis...
Ah right. Actually, one of my problems with BL2 was the way they killed off Bloodwind and Roland. It felt like they were always axed off, just to establish what a bastard Jack... despite us knowing that all ready. Roland's death makes so little sense, it's hilarious.
Guess you didn't read Kenny's post where he explained how you could ask to get a thread locked...
Telling another person who brings up legitimate points to counter yours to leave your thread where no one agrees with you and you have no answers to anything we (and others) bring up... Bravo sir bravo
I hope that it all works out, Shoo.^^
Try reading through again, Kenny. By this point, it should be undeniable.
I know you'll find this hard to believe but uh, no.
I'm going to reply to your comments now. For some reason, Shoo, some of them never showed up in my feed. I only just noticed the Pre-Sequel one.@_@
We were simply having a debate over whether or not it was right of Lilith, Roland, and Moxxi to betray Jack. I have never played the Borderlands games, nor have I ever said or pretended otherwise. I have, however, done quite a bit of research into Jack, by reading articles and Wiki pages, as well as watching various gameplay and analytical videos. I did this shortly after finishing the first episode of Tales, when it became clear Jack was going to become an important character. The game really needed something like TWAU's little Codex or Codec thing, because everyone on Pandora/Helios would know all about Jack.
Ha ha was playing TPS recently and noticed that
Geez, I don't think I like your attitude, it seems...petty.
Don't be jealous, there is enough Jack for everyone pumpkin. Jack should always be a part of the Borderlands story, what part he will play is up in the air, but no matter what he has left his big ole' hand print on Pandora and it's moon. There is a crack with purple goo spitting out into space as proof that Jack as there. He can be a part of both stories, he already is as the center point from which both stories revolve. There wouldn't be a Hyperion in Pandora, nor vaults opened without him pulling toggles and flipping switches like the Wizard of Oz gone psychotic.
I want Jack in someway part of Borderlands 3, but not the focus or making him the big bad again. A mellowed out, wiser AI Jack would be good. If a war is coming they need someone like him, if anything he knows how to get stuff done and will do what it takes to do it. Just needs a good sturdy leash and training collar to yank on when he gets a little carried away with himself. No matter what they do with Jack it will make some player's choices moot. It's the nature of the format and they can't have multi-able story lines going to please everyone. Some would kill Jack off instantly, some would want him the head of Hyperion again. Me? I want him networked in like Angle with Claptrap his steward. Cause I'm a sadistic SOB and thinks Jack needs to suffer greatly to find redemption.
Do not try and start trouble in this thread.
It's really not jealousy, and my posts here explain why he can't be a part of both stories. Still, it's better to just let this thread die.
That debate will never be simple. Never.
You started this crap and your position is petty from where I'm standing, but, whatever.
Just stop.-.-