i can put money this will be an option in the next episode

clap-tpclap-tp Banned
  • -[Upload Handsome jack to the hyperion echonet network]

  • -[Delete Hansome jack]

  • this is kind of obvious cause were going to helios and jack told you to get him to helios in episode 2 ("get me to helios station, and you wont regret it") as well in episode 3 if you tell him what you want out of life is money (you only get this option if side with fiona and trust jack on the van) he says plug me to camputer on helios my id is probably still vallid il drop you some cash



  • I can see that happening too.

  • edited July 2015

    I'd kinda want Handsome Jack to stay with Rhys. It's probably not gonna happen, but it's just been so entertaining. Aaaah.

    Why would I feel so bad about deleting an insane murderer? He's a funny insane murderer! :(

  • Can't he just do that himself at this point? He has almost full control of Rhys, unless that scene was only a result of him falling unconscious.

  • This seems more like something that would happen in Episode 5 to be honest. It'd feel weird to see Jack make his exit before the finale.

  • It was probably because Rhys was unconscious, but who knows if he can now take over Rhys whenever after that

    Piggs posted: »

    Can't he just do that himself at this point? He has almost full control of Rhys, unless that scene was only a result of him falling unconscious.

  • clap-tpclap-tp Banned
    edited July 2015

    if you trust fiona over jack (most did) he dosent have any control over you other then your robot hand, but yeah i dont think he can take control of rhys whenever he wants

    Piggs posted: »

    Can't he just do that himself at this point? He has almost full control of Rhys, unless that scene was only a result of him falling unconscious.

  • Also, imagine if deleting Jack worked like this.

    if you trusted him the first 2 times he will go on and be deleted.

    If you didnt trust him both times, he pretends hes in to see if Rhys would delete him or not, which would then lead to him taking over Rhys completely or something

  • il think it will just make his death speach more dramatic if you trusted him, because jacks cant take betrayal

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Also, imagine if deleting Jack worked like this. if you trusted him the first 2 times he will go on and be deleted. If you didnt trust

  • I honestly have no idea what I would do if this was a choice. Jack is a megalomaniacal, mass-murdering psychopath, but he's a funny, megalomaniacal, mass-murdering psychopath, deleting him forever would be a serious loss, but uploading him would put Jack back in power.

  • We should keep in mind he's just an AI of Handsome Jack, not actually Handsome Jack. Also, Rhys has to have a good portion of his brain cybernetic in order for his echo eye and the port on him to funcshun. So jack can really just keep you from deleting him... I see this happening though.

  • well.. all choises need to lead into pretty much the same thing because borderlands 3 wont be based on our choises i dont think he will get in power, he might get stuck in the echonet without much power, or the currect president might just use him (and they allready know there is something importent in rhys head acording to vasquez so obviously the president dosent plans on giving his place up for jack).

    I honestly have no idea what I would do if this was a choice. Jack is a megalomaniacal, mass-murdering psychopath, but he's a funny, megalom

  • clap-tpclap-tp Banned
    edited July 2015

    the way i think its going to work will be something like this, you get jack off your brain with id chip thing (maybe you still has nakayama's) then you plug it into the system (i dont think rhys can connect his head directly to a camputer, this will be pretty stupid) and have an upload button or delete files button. this or you can simply break the id chip while jack is in. but this will be a anti climax and rhys is too weak for this lol

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    We should keep in mind he's just an AI of Handsome Jack, not actually Handsome Jack. Also, Rhys has to have a good portion of his brain cybe

  • O crap, I just thought, what if we move AI Jack from Rhys into Helios computers, but instead of just moving he actually copies himself and hides inside Rhys. You delete him, drama happens, yadda yadda, everyone thinks he's gone for realsies. But he's still there. Spoopin on Rhys. Watching him get booty. No wait-

  • clap-tpclap-tp Banned
    edited July 2015

    i highly doubt he can copy himself, but this can be a nice ending twist when at the very end of the game rhys starting to hear him again

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    O crap, I just thought, what if we move AI Jack from Rhys into Helios computers, but instead of just moving he actually copies himself and h

  • edited July 2015

    If it would be at the ending of episode 5 or as a bonus after the credits have already rolled, I'd lose my shit. Especially if he said something with his spooky AI voice depending on weither you trusted him or not/deleted him or not. Having him threaten you after you deleted him would be the scariest shit.

    clap-tp posted: »

    i highly doubt he can copy himself, but this can be a nice ending twist when at the very end of the game rhys starting to hear him again

  • While I think we'll be in Helios for sure and be in a position where uploading Jack into Helios is present, I don't think we'll have the option to delete him. I only say that because I believe we'll be forced to upload Jack period but it'll be one of those situations where we have to. I think we can all safely say things are getting out of hand for Rhys and Fiona, and Rhys may have to make the lesser of two evils happen where he uploads Jack in order to save everyone.

    Could help explain why the two are so mad at each other in the present.

  • clap-tpclap-tp Banned
    edited July 2015
    • trusted him -jack: when i said you made a friend for life, i wasnt kidding. youre stuck with me

    • didnt trusted him -jack: do you really thought I trusted you?

    • betraying him -jack: i can smell betrayal kiddo, ive seen it alot
    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    If it would be at the ending of episode 5 or as a bonus after the credits have already rolled, I'd lose my shit. Especially if he said somet

  • Could be something. Jack would try anything to assume direct control over the biggest baddest tech he could get his A.I. hands on. This could mean that no matter what Rhys would be Handsome Jack free.

  • clap-tpclap-tp Banned
    edited July 2015

    good point, but i would really be disapointed if there will be no choice. and with some choices you can pretty much turn jack into your enemy so i dont see why he will help you / why would you trust him

    While I think we'll be in Helios for sure and be in a position where uploading Jack into Helios is present, I don't think we'll have the opt

  • I think there will be a choice as to what/who you have Jack help, Rhys will probably be in that bad situation where, for example possibly, guns are pointed at Sasha and Fiona but down on Pandora Vaughn is in trouble too from bandits or such but you can only save/help one in time and lose/hurt the other. But depending on how well Jack likes us it could still turn around;
    Jack's mad at you and you tell him to save Sasha "Opps didn't hear that... partner" 'BANG'. Or the opposite where he's in our good graces, maybe he can save them both but naturally in TellTale fashion, we're not sure if the other is okay, until the last episode or something like that.

    Just my little theory.

    clap-tp posted: »

    good point, but i would really be disapointed if there will be no choice. and with some choices you can pretty much turn jack into your enemy so i dont see why he will help you / why would you trust him

  • You have either the choice to upload or delete. But there is one out come. Like how telling Athena to kill the last Atlas Employee, she will get charged by brick either way you pick.

    If you chose to upload Jack you get on his even better side. You choose to delete him, he survives anyways but this time he is your Enemy for betraying him like that. Either way he doesn't get deleted.

  • Then again, Telltale could easily keep Jack in the story even after players chose the "delete Jack" choice with a failed deletion attempt occurring, followed by Jack resenting Rhys for trying to delete him or acting as if he was betrayed.

    Rock114 posted: »

    This seems more like something that would happen in Episode 5 to be honest. It'd feel weird to see Jack make his exit before the finale.

  • clap-tpclap-tp Banned
    edited July 2015

    i though about more of either way he dies or just stay powerless, because we allready know the currect president of hyperian knows of him and wanted vasquez to bring rhys body to helios and he probably isnt planning on giving his place in hyperion to jack as a birthday gift. so either way jack wont be in bl3.

  • so either way jack wont be in bl3.

    Im going to hold you to that.

    clap-tp posted: »

    i though about more of either way he dies or just stay powerless, because we allready know the currect president of hyperian knows of him an

  • "I just had to break it... He's unpredictable." Fiona : "Yeah. You totally broke it. That's how it went down." Fiona reveals he tried breaking it like a pencil but nothing happened. And something digital appears on the ID Chip saying "really cupcake..."

    clap-tp posted: »

    the way i think its going to work will be something like this, you get jack off your brain with id chip thing (maybe you still has nakayama'

  • bumb

  • I hope you can keep Jack with Rhys. I've been replaying the episodes on a seperate save as bad guy Rhys and trusting Handsome Jack is just awesome and the talk on the roof was hilarious. Jack is right he and Rhys do have great hair.

  • My theory is that Jack will end up downloaded into the last remaining Clap-Trap, and Jack-trap will be a character in borderlands 3. Poetic justice.

  • Whoops, I meant to acknowledge that.

    clap-tp posted: »

    if you trust fiona over jack (most did) he dosent have any control over you other then your robot hand, but yeah i dont think he can take control of rhys whenever he wants

  • edited July 2015

    I can only hope that Jack isn't deleted, he is the reason I keep coming back to Borderlands. it just wouldn't be the same without him. Jack lifted Borderlands from FPS to a story of epic-ness, I would say his final death would be the end of Borderlands. Besides, what would I do with the echo eye without the Jack-opedia?

  • But the last remaining claptrap is our fragtrap. He didn't deserve this.

    Tripsauce posted: »

    My theory is that Jack will end up downloaded into the last remaining Clap-Trap, and Jack-trap will be a character in borderlands 3. Poetic justice.

  • That's why we can't have nice things. Depending too much on one character is bad no matter who he is. This has to stop.

    I can only hope that Jack isn't deleted, he is the reason I keep coming back to Borderlands. it just wouldn't be the same without him. Jack

  • Jack can take over only if you choose him in episode two.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    It was probably because Rhys was unconscious, but who knows if he can now take over Rhys whenever after that

  • jack allready was a main villian in bl2, he had tps which was all about him and his backstory, and he is a main charcter in tftbl and a "behind the sceens" charcter in bl1. he should stay a part of pandora's history and be referenced once and then but over doing him will eventually ruin it, and letting you decide what fate youll give his charcter is pretty good way to end his story, there is more to borderlands then jack after all i dont want borderlands 3 to be the downfall of jack v2.

    DeityD posted: »

    That's why we can't have nice things. Depending too much on one character is bad no matter who he is. This has to stop.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    i can put money this will be an option in the next episode

    -[Upload Handsome jack to the hyperion echonet network]

    -[Delete Hansome jack]

    Alt text

    Alt text

  • Jack's thumb print will always be on Pandora and will be a part of the story I would figure. Perhaps even as narrator to the next set of stories. I don't think it will be him as part of the main focus but I'm sure he will be there. Maybe even as the next 'Angle'.

    clap-tp posted: »

    jack allready was a main villian in bl2, he had tps which was all about him and his backstory, and he is a main charcter in tftbl and a "beh

  • He will go on and be deleted.

    I don''t think you understand Jack. At all.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Also, imagine if deleting Jack worked like this. if you trusted him the first 2 times he will go on and be deleted. If you didnt trust

  • Well, they're still in the hiring phase for 3. They could decide to use whatever the highest percentage choices were as canon.

    clap-tp posted: »

    well.. all choises need to lead into pretty much the same thing because borderlands 3 wont be based on our choises i dont think he will get

  • But knowing this leads into BL3 means that there'd have to be a canon choice - so either Gearbox chooses one, or one of the options ends up being an inevitability regardless of your choice.

    So either you choose to delete Jack, but it doesn't work


    You don't choose to delete him, but he ends up getting deleted regardless.

    I personally think either of these options (Gearbox choosing, or it not really mattering) undermines the players choice.

    I also think it would be really weird to come up with a whole convoluted resurrection plot, only to kill the character again. Now, I'm not saying Jack should be BL3's big bad yet again, but I also don't think he should be completely obliterated...

    In keeping with the "uploading into Helios" idea, I'd love to see him in BL3 in a similar role to Angel - an AI with the power and sway to communicate with us and control things.

    Could you imagine if they copied the live action moments of Angel and Lilith's ECHO communication and stuck Dameon Clarke in a HJ mask and let him go nuts?!

    Alt text

    (for those that don't know both BL1 and BL2 utilised real, live action footage of actresses in-game to portray both Angel and Lilith broadcasting from the control core - like the above example)

  • true, they did choice a canon ending to the clan war missions. but bl3's "skeleton" must be written by now because we know tps sets up for "the war" which will take place in bl3

    LeFedore posted: »

    Well, they're still in the hiring phase for 3. They could decide to use whatever the highest percentage choices were as canon.

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