Your picture of Athena really doesn't do her justice - I think out of all the female characters she has the prettiest features (just look at those big doe eyes, full lips and gorgeous cheekbones):
After her I'd probably say Maya, Steele and BL2 Nisha (I really wasn't a fan of her TPS design, but as the Sheriff of Lynchwood she's stunning!)
Your picture of Athena really doesn't do her justice - I think out of all the female characters she has the prettiest features (just look at… more those big doe eyes, full lips and gorgeous cheekbones):
After her I'd probably say Maya, Steele and BL2 Nisha (I really wasn't a fan of her TPS design, but as the Sheriff of Lynchwood she's stunning!)
Almost same, my 2 favorites are Maya and Athena. I adore Gaige too but it's mostly because of her personality though.
One I find very cute is Patricia Tannis but she ruins it everytime she speaks XD ! This is one of my favorite character in the franchise, everytime she speaks it makes me laugh so much :
Maya, she's just so adorable. There's a very cute voice line of her in BL2, where driving a car, she'll accidently snort, it's so cute. It's a shame that aside from the last 2 Headhunter packs, the BL2 hunters never got the contextual lines the TPS cast got as standard, and we still havn't encountered Maya, Krieg or Sal as NPCs yet, so it's hard to gauge what their personalities are exactly, since most of it is just based off their various combat, car, inventory lines and the like.
I'm a straight female(Nobody reads bios anymore I guess)
Female I'd have to say
* Athena
* Scarlett
* Tannis
Male I'd have to say
* Jack
* Rhys
* Scooter(It's not weird)
* Vasquez
This thread lacks some Gaige's support so here goes :
And then to know more about her, some really adorable Audio-Logs :
Audiolog 1
Audiolog 2
Audiolog 3
Audiolog 4
I don't know what it is about her, but I really seem to like Commandant Steele.
You know, once you get past the huge gaping hole in her abdomen.
I luv me some Maya!!! The hotness!!!!! Besides, Maya gives Moxxi the vapors too so I'm in good company.
On some worlds that's a plus.
Your picture of Athena really doesn't do her justice - I think out of all the female characters she has the prettiest features (just look at those big doe eyes, full lips and gorgeous cheekbones):
After her I'd probably say Maya, Steele and BL2 Nisha (I really wasn't a fan of her TPS design, but as the Sheriff of Lynchwood she's stunning!)
She is also extremely funny when Anarchy goes up.
(Status: Extinct.)
Yes, Athena is very pretty. Also, she has hips.
Personally, Nisha's prettier in her Sheriff outfit. I'll add a better pic-that's from the beta.

Note: Murders pup skags occasionally.
she was playable only in bl1
Don't get me wrong, I am a HUGE, HUGE Rhys fangirl, but Fiona makes me question my sexuality.
I originally found Maya the most attractive but I find Athena to be the best now.
She's in a relationship with Axton as of his ECHOCast Twitter AMA thing, which is pretty sweet.
Well, as long as Scooter doesn't try to kill Axton.
Athena lucked out hard.
After a lot of thinking, I have concluded that the following are the hottest in my opinion:
Almost same, my 2 favorites are Maya and Athena. I adore Gaige too but it's mostly because of her personality though.
One I find very cute is Patricia Tannis but she ruins it everytime she speaks XD ! This is one of my favorite character in the franchise, everytime she speaks it makes me laugh so much
This image doesn't do her justice though...
My vote goes to Maya.
I misread "lucked"
I should go to bed. Dear lord.
In TFTB Fiona, from the others I really like Athena and Maya.
Maya, she's just so adorable. There's a very cute voice line of her in BL2, where driving a car, she'll accidently snort, it's so cute. It's a shame that aside from the last 2 Headhunter packs, the BL2 hunters never got the contextual lines the TPS cast got as standard, and we still havn't encountered Maya, Krieg or Sal as NPCs yet, so it's hard to gauge what their personalities are exactly, since most of it is just based off their various combat, car, inventory lines and the like.
She goes from "Sexy hot mage" to "Badass scholar lady" to "Slaughterhouse 5 fan" in seconds, and it's awesome.
Ha ha that GIF is excellent Miklaus
Fiona is excellent!
We know who Krieg is voting for ^_^ :
He he !
This thread lacks some Gaige's support so here goes :
And then to know more about her, some really adorable Audio-Logs :
Audiolog 1
Audiolog 2
Audiolog 3
Audiolog 4
He wants two things:
Well she was holding a Maliwan
Awesome SMGs.
Although he probably wants care and love and her Ta-Toots, but mostly love and care.
I'm a straight female(Nobody reads bios anymore I guess)
Female I'd have to say
Male I'd have to say
Well, Jack is called Handsome Jack.
I would say: Gaige, Lillith, Fiona.
It's obviously Ellie.
i had no idea she was from eden 5
from tftb sasha and other borderlands games dr tannis