Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about Tales From The Borderlands



  • This may be a determinant line, but the guy that Lee voices in this game (forgot his name) says "fuck" when Fiona shoots him, which I think might be the fist time the word "fuck" has been actually said in a Borderlands game, since I know the original ones avoided it.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Kroger was his name, Vasquez actually could say the f word in episode 2 if you wait long enough when he's studying his gun, he mumbles it to himself.

    This may be a determinant line, but the guy that Lee voices in this game (forgot his name) says "fuck" when Fiona shoots him, which I think

  • Finch* ;3

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Kroger was his name, Vasquez actually could say the f word in episode 2 if you wait long enough when he's studying his gun, he mumbles it to himself.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Dang it, I keep doing that, I just feel like the other name fits the opposite one the best. Maybe that's the joke?

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Finch* ;3

  • Huh that's weird. I didn't think Telltale would do something like that, since Borderlands games usually avoid saying it.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Kroger was his name, Vasquez actually could say the f word in episode 2 if you wait long enough when he's studying his gun, he mumbles it to himself.

  • Sorry I was too excited....wrong thread.:D

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    This is actually a thread about details and things people might miss in the games, but how excited you are about this game is just adorable, haha. I love it too.

  • Stop acting like a... Cupcake :P

    CupcakeRhys posted: »

    AAAAAA I just played episode 3 for the first time ! I LOVED IT SO MUCH ! This is the best episode so far for me. Especialy I liked the part

  • Scared to say fuck, friend?

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Kroger was his name, Vasquez actually could say the f word in episode 2 if you wait long enough when he's studying his gun, he mumbles it to himself.

  • I realized one thing somewhere in this thread was a photo of loader bot age saying that the journey from Old Haven to Dome took few days....If you choose to trust Fiona that mean that Van was paralyzed that whole time where:

    He couldn't blink, eat, drink, go to toilet ect.

    I mean wow how the hell is he still alive?

  • In the "Previously on" segment of Episode 3 when they show Rhys and Vaughn walking through the desert Rhys has wrong cybernetic arm. It's supposed to be his right.

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  • I like to imagine them force-feeding him while he's paralyzed, hahah. Poor Vaughn

    Leluch123 posted: »

    I realized one thing somewhere in this thread was a photo of loader bot age saying that the journey from Old Haven to Dome took few days....

  • I think that feeding isn't they worst that they had to do....

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    I like to imagine them force-feeding him while he's paralyzed, hahah. Poor Vaughn

  • I feel more sorry for Vaughn. And glad I chose Jack in my main playthrough |D

    Leluch123 posted: »

    I think that feeding isn't they worst that they had to do....

  • Loader Bot should do stand up...

    Manage to record some gameplay when my PC isn't acting laggy like the usual... Here's the video version for LB's joke. (EDIT: Watch in 720p60!)

  • There are alot of things that are wrong in this episode, not only does Rhys have TWO mechanical arms, but the Jungle is misplet as "Jugle".

    Pipas posted: »

    In the "Previously on" segment of Episode 3 when they show Rhys and Vaughn walking through the desert Rhys has wrong cybernetic arm. It's supposed to be his right.

  • In an unused audio which I couldn't find, the stranger says that the time gap between the deal and the kidnapping of Fiona and Rhys is 1 year.

  • Yeah I can link you to it here

    FetchWalker posted: »

    In an unused audio which I couldn't find, the stranger says that the time gap between the deal and the kidnapping of Fiona and Rhys is 1 year.

  • So, am I correct in assuming all of Jack's entries in Rhys' echo eye scans are in red? Cause, there was a lot of red text in the Jack-Apedia, and the very first entry by 'HJack69' (Atlas ad in ep.1) is also in red... If so, he did already affect Rhys' scans in Old Haven, a little bit... Like these:

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  • If you stay silent when Finch asks Fiona if she remembers him, you get this line from Sasha;

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    RIP Sandwich.

  • u muthrfukrs r guna pai for tat fukin sammich

    If you stay silent when Finch asks Fiona if she remembers him, you get this line from Sasha; RIP Sandwich.

  • Sasha: "1v1 me irl m8. ill 360 no scpe u 420 blz it fagt. swer on me sistas lyf."

    Poogers555 posted: »

    u muthrfukrs r guna pai for tat fukin sammich

  • so my steam name is Atticus Finch(a name i have used for years.) and as i keep playing this there are a few references too "to kill a mockingbird" in this. its almost like they know im playing this. o.o

    nice references to my favorite book by the way telltale. ;)

    le Atticus Finch

  • edited July 2015

    If you chose to trust Fiona and attack the first patrolling guard, you can collect some money from her. If she walks until she's killed by the turret, you can't get any money.

    If you shoot Finch with the same element you used in EP2, he'll say, "What the fu--?" Other elements just make him speak gibberish.

    If you self-destructed Loader Bot and forgave Vaughn, you'll have the opportunity to reconcile with Loader Bot.

    Before you encounter the Killer Plant, if you go to the very right, there's a chest with money in it.

    Instead of using the eyeball to open one door, if you keep pulling on the door, Athena will eventually pry it open.

    Athena's scarf is from her sister.

  • Troy Baker (Rhys) and Ashley Johnson (Gortys) were also the voices of Joel and Ellie in the Last of Us.

  • No idea if it's a line you always get, but in the present day, Rhys mentions Vasquez being killed, but is also about to bring up another person who was killed too, but is cut off before he can say who it was.

  • The line was something like "I have a tough noggin. Just ask Vasquez, or-- nevermind." I believe he was only going to mention Vasquez since he's the guy who always punched him in the face. But then he remembered that he's dead so he stopped himself.

    silvereye27 posted: »

    No idea if it's a line you always get, but in the present day, Rhys mentions Vasquez being killed, but is also about to bring up another person who was killed too, but is cut off before he can say who it was.

  • Oh right. I thought the way he said it, he was going to bring up someone else, but my bad. My memory is awful.

    mirashade posted: »

    The line was something like "I have a tough noggin. Just ask Vasquez, or-- nevermind." I believe he was only going to mention Vasquez since he's the guy who always punched him in the face. But then he remembered that he's dead so he stopped himself.

  • So, what does the notification say if you skip the credits for the third time in a row?

  • There isnt one.

    Dun. DUN. DUN.

    So, what does the notification say if you skip the credits for the third time in a row?

  • Before entering the dome, walking farther to the right will give you the option to inspect the dome, which will pan the camera from a close up of Rhys to a far view from the top of the dome.

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    In the trust Fiona start, taking the thing controlling loaderbot, but not throwing it at Vasquez triggers Vasquez killing Fiona, but interestingly Rhys will have a reaction unlike Fiona's other deaths

  • In the trust Fiona start, taking the thing controlling loaderbot, but not throwing it at Vasquez triggers Vasquez killing Fiona, but interestingly Rhys will have a reaction unlike Fiona's other deaths


    Poogers555 posted: »

    Before entering the dome, walking farther to the right will give you the option to inspect the dome, which will pan the camera from a close

  • edited July 2015

    Well, in all the other Fiona deaths, Rhys never reacts in anyway, but when this happens, Rhys gets off the floor quickly and yells

    Edit: Not yell, more liked a super spooked sound

    In the trust Fiona start, taking the thing controlling loaderbot, but not throwing it at Vasquez triggers Vasquez killing Fiona, but interestingly Rhys will have a reaction unlike Fiona's other deaths Explain.

  • edited July 2015

    Here's a funny thing to acknowledge:

    Rhys and Fiona have been telling their story about what happened to the masked stranger for over 2 days...and they're still not done!

  • They're going to beat us up for skipping the credits for the entire season, I know it

    Poogers555 posted: »

    There isnt one. Dun. DUN. DUN.

  • Well... he said "last year". We have no knowledge of where the present is at relative to it's current year. The gap can span anywhere between 2 and 729 days. IF he had said a year ago, then the gap would be a year (or a Pandoran year).

    PoopBrown posted: »

    Yeah I can link you to it here

  • Lol seriously guys, just get on with it.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Here's a funny thing to acknowledge: Rhys and Fiona have been telling their story about what happened to the masked stranger for over 2 days...and they're still not done!

  • edited July 2015

    Rhys: Now did you get all of that or do you want us to write a novel size of notes down for you? >:(

    Stranger: more time, from the beginning-

    Fiona: Oh would you PLEASE just get to the point of why you kidnapped us! Or just shoot us already cause I'm done!

    Lol seriously guys, just get on with it.

  • Not being able to blink for nine days. No wonder that the first thing he did, after being able to move again, was to beg someone to spit in his eye/lick his eyeballs.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    I realized one thing somewhere in this thread was a photo of loader bot age saying that the journey from Old Haven to Dome took few days....

  • i remember 3 other black charcters of the top on my head

    PoopBrown posted: »

    The 1st black dude on Pandora we see

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