

  • edited June 2015

    I saw this coming.

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  • edited July 2015


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    I saw this coming.

  • Coolio :-)

  • edited July 2015


  • edited July 2015

    Thread: TLOU. Baby come back!


    My excitement is uncontainable! I can't imagine how excited I'll be when they actually announce the game...

    EDIT: Damn, someone beat me to it.

  • edited July 2015


    Saltlick123 posted: »


  • cool, i guess?

    It was ok.

  • Please let it be about Tommy, a character I enjoyed greatly.

  • by nolan north.... not Bruce Straley or Druckman.

    by a voice actor..

  • Coincidental, David, the one asking the question in your gif, is voiced by the guy who released the information :p

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    Viva-La-Lee posted: »


  • waits for someone to come and say "ugh they're making a sequel for this overrated game?!

    Nah but for me, I think this is cool. I always loved the story in the Last of Us (could only watch a playthrough since I don't own a Playstation) so hopefully this is just as good if not better than the first.

  • I'm waiting for the "I hate it because most like it" people also :p

    I hope they do justice by the first game. Making the second game is a much better plan than making a movie....

    waits for someone to come and say "ugh they're making a sequel for this overrated game?! Nah but for me, I think this is cool. I always l

  • Not sure whether to be hyped or worried.

  • I always knew a sequel was coming tbh they hinted about it for months but I'm still so hyped for the movie to :D

  • Alt text

    It's been to long I need that film and sequel NOW :'/

  • Meine Körper ist schon bereit!

  • ugh they're making a sequel for this overrated game?!

  • I hope they do justice by the first game.

    cmon... i just finished the Uncharted series (BTW i am FREAKING HYPED for UC4 that game is gonna be amazing!) and there is one thing for sure.. they know how to do sequels

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    I'm waiting for the "I hate it because most like it" people also I hope they do justice by the first game. Making the second game is a much better plan than making a movie....

  • Dear God this is creepy.

  • I agree, I hate it because most like it.

    Green613 posted: »

    ugh they're making a sequel for this overrated game?!

  • nice b8 m8 I r8 it 8/8 @GoldenPaladin

    Green613 posted: »

    ugh they're making a sequel for this overrated game?!

  • Lets face it, its coming, If Neil and Bruce lied about Ellie being non playable because they wanted to keep it as a surprise then of course they are going to dismiss claims about TLOU2 , they have told Troy and Ashley to keep it hush by now.

  • Everything went well, UNTIL A WILD NOLAN NORTH APPEARS and just fucking directly says that it's under development XD

    Great news, I feel like the story was already perfect, but from what I've seen, ND knows how to do some sequels :-D

    Lets face it, its coming, If Neil and Bruce lied about Ellie being non playable because they wanted to keep it as a surprise then of course they are going to dismiss claims about TLOU2 , they have told Troy and Ashley to keep it hush by now.

  • I really hope it's about different characters.

  • A sequel doesn't need to have Joel and Ellie

    finlander posted: »

    Everything went well, UNTIL A WILD NOLAN NORTH APPEARS and just fucking directly says that it's under development XD Great news, I feel like the story was already perfect, but from what I've seen, ND knows how to do some sequels :-D

  • Naughty Dog if this is for real, please make this game because you really want to and not because you're solely doing it to cash in on the first games success.

  • The Last of Us is probably my favorite game of all time, but I have never been so against a sequel in my life. The game is absolutely perfect just the way it is, it needs no additional content and it needs no sequel (it doesn't need a movie adaptation either, but that's another rant). I don't believe in ND's ability to catch lightning in a bottle twice. The Last of Us was a masterpiece that somehow managed to come together perfectly, the sequel could never be as good. There are really only 2 ways a sequel could go, in fact. Either it'll be an entirely new story with new characters, in which case I might pick it up at some point, but in general I won't be all that interested. Or, it'll continue Ellie's (and Joel's) story and most likely completely mess up the original game's ending. Which would be unforgivable.

  • (insert awkward seal clapping here)

  • yessess!!!!!!!!

  • Wouldn't trust it unless it comes straight from Naughty Dogs mouths.

  • Me too! I wish we got to see more of Tommy in the first game.

    Please let it be about Tommy, a character I enjoyed greatly.

  • then its not a sequel

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    A sequel doesn't need to have Joel and Ellie

  • you clearly dont know naughty dog

    Ghosthack posted: »

    The Last of Us is probably my favorite game of all time, but I have never been so against a sequel in my life. The game is absolutely perfec

  • I know Naughty Dog very well. I've known them since the first Crash Bandicoot. They were the reason I took interest in TLoU in the first place. They've never made a bad game, but that doesn't mean they've never made a game I don't like. I'm not saying that if they made a sequel, it would be a bad game. It would most likely be a great game. I'm saying it wouldn't be as good, and it could potentially retroactively ruin the first game's perfect ending. I'd much rather they leave it be, than risk that.

    jamex1223 posted: »

    you clearly dont know naughty dog

  • I recently saw an article saying Troy Baker denied any knowledge of The Last of Us 2

    But I just think that's Naughty Dog doing their thing.

    (There thing being to trick everyone that it's not happening, and when it does... y'know. Kaboom.)

  • Its so blatantly obvious that they are.. they are known for lying and trying to lead people off track. I think that this will be a sequel of Joel and Ellie's story simply because the cast of Troy and Ashley are amazing and have so much more to give. I think Ellie has more potential for a sequel.

    I recently saw an article saying Troy Baker denied any knowledge of The Last of Us 2 But I just think that's Naughty Dog doing their thing. (There thing being to trick everyone that it's not happening, and when it does... y'know. Kaboom.)

  • Yeah, and I'm pretty sure I saw some concept art of an older Ellie, so...

    Legendary12 posted: »

    Its so blatantly obvious that they are.. they are known for lying and trying to lead people off track. I think that this will be a sequel of

  • Yes it is.

    jamex1223 posted: »

    then its not a sequel

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