Oh my god guys , you really trust every bullshit that's in my comments pf-ahahaha.
I'm such an attention whore.
Mates listen here , MY… more ASS AIN'T GOING ANYWHERE
I've got so many things to do for this thread and I ain't leaving until Rhyiona is confirmed.
Can't believe you guys fell for it a second time xD ;p.
Oh my god guys , you really trust every bullshit that's in my comments pf-ahahaha.
I'm such an attention whore.
Mates listen here , MY… more ASS AIN'T GOING ANYWHERE
I've got so many things to do for this thread and I ain't leaving until Rhyiona is confirmed.
Can't believe you guys fell for it a second time xD ;p.
Oh my god guys , you really trust every bullshit that's in my comments pf-ahahaha.
I'm such an attention whore.
Mates listen here , MY… more ASS AIN'T GOING ANYWHERE
I've got so many things to do for this thread and I ain't leaving until Rhyiona is confirmed.
Can't believe you guys fell for it a second time xD ;p.
hi guys. I'm back home...and I just found out that I didn't get into any of the schools I have applied to. I applied to six art schools. SIX. Wow, am I really that shitty drawer? ;---;
So yeah. I'm sorry to say that I'm not able to draw anything right now. I know, I should finish that comic and everything but I'm just too depressed to do that. I need few days to think about my life....
Yeah I'm being little dramatic now but I'm just super upset because I worked so hard to get into those schools but I still failed..
I won't stop drawing tho..I enjoy drawing too much..although I'm apparently not so good at it.. (ah so much self-pity here but I don't really care, I thought that sharing my pain would help me even a little bit ;___;)
Your personal stuff comes first, always, so you don' need to apologise for anything.
Also, I don't know what you're talking about. Your art style is one of the best I've ever seen and I've been in tons of fandoms so I think you're just having tough luck. Never give up!
hi guys. I'm back home...and I just found out that I didn't get into any of the schools I have applied to. I applied to six art schools. SIX… more. Wow, am I really that shitty drawer? ;---;
So yeah. I'm sorry to say that I'm not able to draw anything right now. I know, I should finish that comic and everything but I'm just too depressed to do that. I need few days to think about my life....
Yeah I'm being little dramatic now but I'm just super upset because I worked so hard to get into those schools but I still failed..
I won't stop drawing tho..I enjoy drawing too much..although I'm apparently not so good at it.. (ah so much self-pity here but I don't really care, I thought that sharing my pain would help me even a little bit ;___;)
I'm so sorry. You're an amazing artist and I absolutely love all of your works. All of them. Seriously. 100% truth. Take your time to feel better, everything's gonna be fine, I'm sure!
Never give up, you're really talented! I hope you'll get better soon.
hi guys. I'm back home...and I just found out that I didn't get into any of the schools I have applied to. I applied to six art schools. SIX… more. Wow, am I really that shitty drawer? ;---;
So yeah. I'm sorry to say that I'm not able to draw anything right now. I know, I should finish that comic and everything but I'm just too depressed to do that. I need few days to think about my life....
Yeah I'm being little dramatic now but I'm just super upset because I worked so hard to get into those schools but I still failed..
I won't stop drawing tho..I enjoy drawing too much..although I'm apparently not so good at it.. (ah so much self-pity here but I don't really care, I thought that sharing my pain would help me even a little bit ;___;)
hi guys. I'm back home...and I just found out that I didn't get into any of the schools I have applied to. I applied to six art schools. SIX… more. Wow, am I really that shitty drawer? ;---;
So yeah. I'm sorry to say that I'm not able to draw anything right now. I know, I should finish that comic and everything but I'm just too depressed to do that. I need few days to think about my life....
Yeah I'm being little dramatic now but I'm just super upset because I worked so hard to get into those schools but I still failed..
I won't stop drawing tho..I enjoy drawing too much..although I'm apparently not so good at it.. (ah so much self-pity here but I don't really care, I thought that sharing my pain would help me even a little bit ;___;)
The Beauty of Pandora
This jungle is very jungly. Rhys thought to himself as he tripped on yet another twig. Why was he even here? He sho… moreuld be on Helios, with Vaughn and Yvette, when the biggest danger he and Vaughn were in was when they asked Yvette to pay for lunch.
It was all for some Vault. Did he even care about it anymore? Why was he still here on Pandora?
"Come on Rhys! Do you want Fiona to get shot?" Sasha yelled behind her as she began to move even faster, something catching her eye.
Rhys snapped back into reality. This was no time to mope, Fiona's life was on the line! Rhys was still surprised to have found such nice people on Pandora. Ever since he was a boy he had been told that all Pandorans were savages, waiting for Hyperion to teach them the ways of men, or be shot down in the process.
When Rhys first landed he began to realize everything he had been told was true. Pandora was a savage land, and the people neede… [view original content]
hi guys. I'm back home...and I just found out that I didn't get into any of the schools I have applied to. I applied to six art schools. SIX… more. Wow, am I really that shitty drawer? ;---;
So yeah. I'm sorry to say that I'm not able to draw anything right now. I know, I should finish that comic and everything but I'm just too depressed to do that. I need few days to think about my life....
Yeah I'm being little dramatic now but I'm just super upset because I worked so hard to get into those schools but I still failed..
I won't stop drawing tho..I enjoy drawing too much..although I'm apparently not so good at it.. (ah so much self-pity here but I don't really care, I thought that sharing my pain would help me even a little bit ;___;)
hi guys. I'm back home...and I just found out that I didn't get into any of the schools I have applied to. I applied to six art schools. SIX… more. Wow, am I really that shitty drawer? ;---;
So yeah. I'm sorry to say that I'm not able to draw anything right now. I know, I should finish that comic and everything but I'm just too depressed to do that. I need few days to think about my life....
Yeah I'm being little dramatic now but I'm just super upset because I worked so hard to get into those schools but I still failed..
I won't stop drawing tho..I enjoy drawing too much..although I'm apparently not so good at it.. (ah so much self-pity here but I don't really care, I thought that sharing my pain would help me even a little bit ;___;)
hi guys. I'm back home...and I just found out that I didn't get into any of the schools I have applied to. I applied to six art schools. SIX… more. Wow, am I really that shitty drawer? ;---;
So yeah. I'm sorry to say that I'm not able to draw anything right now. I know, I should finish that comic and everything but I'm just too depressed to do that. I need few days to think about my life....
Yeah I'm being little dramatic now but I'm just super upset because I worked so hard to get into those schools but I still failed..
I won't stop drawing tho..I enjoy drawing too much..although I'm apparently not so good at it.. (ah so much self-pity here but I don't really care, I thought that sharing my pain would help me even a little bit ;___;)
please keep going! i have a friend who also had a hard time getting into an art school, but she kept trying-- and she did it! you are a wonderful artist and i'm sure you will be appreciated sooner or later. and of course you can take a break, as much as we love your drawings, you don't owe us anything and we hope you feel better soon!
hi guys. I'm back home...and I just found out that I didn't get into any of the schools I have applied to. I applied to six art schools. SIX… more. Wow, am I really that shitty drawer? ;---;
So yeah. I'm sorry to say that I'm not able to draw anything right now. I know, I should finish that comic and everything but I'm just too depressed to do that. I need few days to think about my life....
Yeah I'm being little dramatic now but I'm just super upset because I worked so hard to get into those schools but I still failed..
I won't stop drawing tho..I enjoy drawing too much..although I'm apparently not so good at it.. (ah so much self-pity here but I don't really care, I thought that sharing my pain would help me even a little bit ;___;)
gaaah I'm trying to be more positive. I just wish I knew what I did wrong..
And the stupidest thing is that my friends are getting into schools and I'm trying to happy for them but at the same time I'm so jealous because I wasn't as lucky.
Your personal stuff comes first, always, so you don' need to apologise for anything.
Also, I don't know what you're talking about. Your a… morert style is one of the best I've ever seen and I've been in tons of fandoms so I think you're just having tough luck. Never give up!
@nohuhhuh, you're a great artist with their own sense of style, which we all love. How can you say your a bad drawer? Remember when a Telltale Staff commented on your Gortys Art? Does that happen to shitty drawers? No! So straighten up, wipe away those tears, and give us all a hug! And somebody get @Quiff!
hi guys. I'm back home...and I just found out that I didn't get into any of the schools I have applied to. I applied to six art schools. SIX… more. Wow, am I really that shitty drawer? ;---;
So yeah. I'm sorry to say that I'm not able to draw anything right now. I know, I should finish that comic and everything but I'm just too depressed to do that. I need few days to think about my life....
Yeah I'm being little dramatic now but I'm just super upset because I worked so hard to get into those schools but I still failed..
I won't stop drawing tho..I enjoy drawing too much..although I'm apparently not so good at it.. (ah so much self-pity here but I don't really care, I thought that sharing my pain would help me even a little bit ;___;)
Oh my god guys , you really trust every bullshit that's in my comments pf-ahahaha.
I'm such an attention whore.
Mates listen here , MY… more ASS AIN'T GOING ANYWHERE
I've got so many things to do for this thread and I ain't leaving until Rhyiona is confirmed.
Can't believe you guys fell for it a second time xD ;p.
This is Project Rhyiona-1130 , a project that includes Rhyiona images with lyr… moreics of a song
The images can only be seen with the music I will post , when the music starts you can scroll down , look at the beautiful Rhyiona images and read the lyrics in the same motion with the song
Now make sure you've got your finger on the scroll down button when the song starts , because it's gonna be fast and beautiful
Thank you for your cooperation , enjoy!
Never doubt your drawing abilities! The people who didn't accept you are obviously blind, either that or your amazingly cute style made them so jealous they did it out of spite.
You have drawn some of the best things I've seen in this forum, heck, some of the cutest and funniest things I've ever seen. Don't let this bring you down, because you will succeed.
And how could you think of apologizing? This is your life you're talking about, that always comes first. You take some time off, and come back when you feel like it. We'll support you no matter what!
hi guys. I'm back home...and I just found out that I didn't get into any of the schools I have applied to. I applied to six art schools. SIX… more. Wow, am I really that shitty drawer? ;---;
So yeah. I'm sorry to say that I'm not able to draw anything right now. I know, I should finish that comic and everything but I'm just too depressed to do that. I need few days to think about my life....
Yeah I'm being little dramatic now but I'm just super upset because I worked so hard to get into those schools but I still failed..
I won't stop drawing tho..I enjoy drawing too much..although I'm apparently not so good at it.. (ah so much self-pity here but I don't really care, I thought that sharing my pain would help me even a little bit ;___;)
Hey, I understand your sadness and dissapointment.
Remember: you're not a shitty drawer. Almost every famous artist was rejected and everyone said they're shit.
Just don't give up drawing. It makes you feel better (and it makes us feel better, your comics and works are brilliant - remember even TT staff thinks you're cool :^) ) and it's only that matters.
Don't lose hope. Don't let your dreams be dreams.
You can find school with other subjects you also like and still keep drawing while studing there. You'll level up your skills (they are good now tho, ya know) and then NO ONE CAN FREAKING SAY YOU NO ANYMORE.
hi guys. I'm back home...and I just found out that I didn't get into any of the schools I have applied to. I applied to six art schools. SIX… more. Wow, am I really that shitty drawer? ;---;
So yeah. I'm sorry to say that I'm not able to draw anything right now. I know, I should finish that comic and everything but I'm just too depressed to do that. I need few days to think about my life....
Yeah I'm being little dramatic now but I'm just super upset because I worked so hard to get into those schools but I still failed..
I won't stop drawing tho..I enjoy drawing too much..although I'm apparently not so good at it.. (ah so much self-pity here but I don't really care, I thought that sharing my pain would help me even a little bit ;___;)
2 am fanfiction
once upon a time rhys was sick because he ate too much ice cream. so fiona stole one of his colorful socks and used it as a puppet to make him feel better.
(good night fellas )
hi guys. I'm back home...and I just found out that I didn't get into any of the schools I have applied to. I applied to six art schools. SIX… more. Wow, am I really that shitty drawer? ;---;
So yeah. I'm sorry to say that I'm not able to draw anything right now. I know, I should finish that comic and everything but I'm just too depressed to do that. I need few days to think about my life....
Yeah I'm being little dramatic now but I'm just super upset because I worked so hard to get into those schools but I still failed..
I won't stop drawing tho..I enjoy drawing too much..although I'm apparently not so good at it.. (ah so much self-pity here but I don't really care, I thought that sharing my pain would help me even a little bit ;___;)
... I hate you. I just... damn I was worried, I was sad, I was confused... and now I'm... I don't even know what I am.
How could I fall for that?
Everyone's welcome !
That was genius! You should've saved it for April! XD
hi guys. I'm back home...and I just found out that I didn't get into any of the schools I have applied to. I applied to six art schools. SIX. Wow, am I really that shitty drawer? ;---;
So yeah. I'm sorry to say that I'm not able to draw anything right now. I know, I should finish that comic and everything but I'm just too depressed to do that. I need few days to think about my life....
Yeah I'm being little dramatic now but I'm just super upset because I worked so hard to get into those schools but I still failed..
I won't stop drawing tho..I enjoy drawing too much..although I'm apparently not so good at it.. (ah so much self-pity here but I don't really care, I thought that sharing my pain would help me even a little bit ;___;)
You shouldn't lie to me, Brawl. Don't ever lie to me, Brawl. Only thing that I can think to say now. Glad you're still with us, though
Your personal stuff comes first, always, so you don' need to apologise for anything.
Also, I don't know what you're talking about. Your art style is one of the best I've ever seen and I've been in tons of fandoms so I think you're just having tough luck. Never give up!
5+2-3 real.
He's not the only one.
Michael ALSO wants a piece of you.
How are you gonna please so many people? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
No, no... Thank YOU for the cheese
I'm so sorry.
You're an amazing artist and I absolutely love all of your works. All of them. Seriously. 100% truth. Take your time to feel better, everything's gonna be fine, I'm sure!
Never give up, you're really talented! I hope you'll get better soon.
I turned everyone into rats.
how can you say that, you're really good at drawing!
we understand, take your time, i wish you the best
you can always count on us!
Oh my god! This is so, so beautiful. Every scene is just magical. Oh, the flower, and the kiss and...
Man that sucks sorry to hear about that hopefully these hugs will help.
I was a silent lurker before but I saw your works I have to say you have a lot of talent and I hope everything goes well for you.
Nah, your arts style are cute
please keep going! i have a friend who also had a hard time getting into an art school, but she kept trying-- and she did it! you are a wonderful artist and i'm sure you will be appreciated sooner or later. and of course you can take a break, as much as we love your drawings, you don't owe us anything and we hope you feel better soon!
gaaah I'm trying to be more positive. I just wish I knew what I did wrong..
And the stupidest thing is that my friends are getting into schools and I'm trying to happy for them but at the same time I'm so jealous because I wasn't as lucky.
@nohuhhuh, you're a great artist with their own sense of style, which we all love. How can you say your a bad drawer? Remember when a Telltale Staff commented on your Gortys Art? Does that happen to shitty drawers? No! So straighten up, wipe away those tears, and give us all a hug! And somebody get @Quiff!
Iiiittssss teasing tiiiime! X)
K I came back , so I gotta apologize for making you guys worried and stuff , so the best apologize I can give you guys is....
brb making some rhyiona edits
Too much... Teasing... Going to... Explode!!! X0
This was beautiful! So romantic!
Never doubt your drawing abilities! The people who didn't accept you are obviously blind, either that or your amazingly cute style made them so jealous they did it out of spite.
You have drawn some of the best things I've seen in this forum, heck, some of the cutest and funniest things I've ever seen. Don't let this bring you down, because you will succeed.
And how could you think of apologizing? This is your life you're talking about, that always comes first. You take some time off, and come back when you feel like it. We'll support you no matter what!
Hope you feel better soon.
Hey, I understand your sadness and dissapointment.
Remember: you're not a shitty drawer. Almost every famous artist was rejected and everyone said they're shit.
Just don't give up drawing. It makes you feel better (and it makes us feel better, your comics and works are brilliant - remember even TT staff thinks you're cool :^) ) and it's only that matters.
Don't lose hope. Don't let your dreams be dreams.
You can find school with other subjects you also like and still keep drawing while studing there. You'll level up your skills (they are good now tho, ya know) and then NO ONE CAN FREAKING SAY YOU NO ANYMORE.
That is too cute!
Are you kidding me? All 6 rejected you?
Thank you so much , I'm working on another edit like this right now , you can see it on the last page.
Bembiann, you are going to kill me.