Insert a crying gif here. Thank you. I didn't mean to be so dramatic but I just couldn't help it. I may feel bad now but I'm sure I'll feel better tomorrow. And yes, this helped me a lot.
Hey ducky.
I understad you must feel really depressed and discouraged from everything that has happened. There's so much I want to say to… more you and I'm going to try and do that even though I'm not very good at it.
The first thing I want you to know is that there is no such this as a bad artist! You cannot begin to measure every single artist into the same spectrum let alone view them the same way. Every artist out in this world is special. You are special!
Secondly I want you to know that I think you are amazing for being this brave, putting your all into something that you love! I know for many that is a very hard thing to do. People are scared to preform our best because we don't want to risk being disappointed in ourselves, told that our best isn't enough... but doing things like that we will never see our true potential and what great thing we could achieve in the future.
So again what you are doing right now is just the way to … [view original content]
hi guys. I'm back home...and I just found out that I didn't get into any of the schools I have applied to. I applied to six art schools. SIX… more. Wow, am I really that shitty drawer? ;---;
So yeah. I'm sorry to say that I'm not able to draw anything right now. I know, I should finish that comic and everything but I'm just too depressed to do that. I need few days to think about my life....
Yeah I'm being little dramatic now but I'm just super upset because I worked so hard to get into those schools but I still failed..
I won't stop drawing tho..I enjoy drawing too much..although I'm apparently not so good at it.. (ah so much self-pity here but I don't really care, I thought that sharing my pain would help me even a little bit ;___;)
Being a nurse must be tiring. :^)
Sweet Rhyiona dreams!
I have yet to update the pictures but more than 120
Insert a crying gif here. Thank you. I didn't mean to be so dramatic but I just couldn't help it. I may feel bad now but I'm sure I'll feel better tomorrow. And yes, this helped me a lot.
Dora wtf
I am proud to be part of a big ship <( ̄︶ ̄)>
goodbye quiff, sweet dreams.
YOU. ARE. AWESOME. Don't let youself down now, bro! It will work the next time! they will see how awesome you are! Show them who is the boss!
And there's more to come I'm sure, lurkers just gotta stop being shy. ;P
don't have you have to catch a red dot or something?
Dora is hell.
@lurkers: Please don't be shy, we have cookies.
rhys tickles fiona and she's like 'aw stop!!!' all cute but then she's like 'STOP' and she punches him in the face
Now I want to write this, it's too cute for me to handle ^.^
Nah you're not the right one whose holding the laser so it's too boring.
I am a Penguin. I cant hold lasers.
RIP Rhys
I don't think he can handle a punch from her.
Join us. :^)
night is still young but i'm so bored, i think i'm gonna go to sleep and have some rhyiona dreams
That's what i said.
aww i would love to read it!
why is it always the face
Sweet Rhyiona dreams!
He just has a very punchable face.
aw... no... i would kiss it
Okay, then I understod something wrong
when everyone gets Rhyiona dreams but all you get is nightmares
i don't think he can even handle the christmas kind of punch :P
rhonu x Rhys x Fiona? ;P
lmao Rhys is a weak dork
Two gory dreams two nights in a row. :'D It's awful.
aw shiat
since when?
EDIT: read it wrong, sorry! does it happens more often?
Have for sleep only 5 hours before kinda exam at job, but read this thread instead going to bed. Yep, it's logical as hell. Power of Rhyiona.
I'll see how it turns out, I'm kind of shy when it comes to uploading fics. It will probably be tomorrow or something
I rarely have these but the last two nights I did. ;-;
You should rest, though. Dream with Rhyiona!
He's strong. He got a lot of punches inda face but he's still alive and sexe. :^)
poor wolf
let's hope it will not happen tonight!
Fine, Wolf. Only for you.
Wish you sweet dreams without any scary sheet or hungry Gortys (K, Gortys can stay, lol).
Thank you! At this point I'm wishing for Gortys. ;-;