Welp, I was bored one day and decided to make some Hearthstone cards, this time with TftB characters.
For tho… morese who are not familiar with Hearthstone mechanics:
Battlecry: Perform the action when it is played from your hand.
Deathrattle: Perform the action when it dies.
Taunt: Enemies must attack this minion.
Freeze: Frozen character is unable to attack. It lasts 1 turn. (sorry for including it in Shock weapon, but eh, let's just say the character is shocked when damaged than freezed. :P)
More (maybe) coming soon...
oh, I am sorry. It's just that it was the only scene that really appeared to have a context. The characters really appeared to talk to each other. While the rest was mildly entertaining and somewhat well edited, the comedic value never reached the quality of that particular scene.
oh, I am sorry. It's just that it was the only scene that really appeared to have a context. The characters really appeared to talk to each … moreother. While the rest was mildly entertaining and somewhat well edited, the comedic value never reached the quality of that particular scene.
Fun fact: Borderlands was originally suppose to be a serious first person RPG.
Here's a trailer for the original idea:
Vaughn so fresh he's freeze dried.
Nice pose Vaughn.
I didn't know Gortys is a better navigator than Siri
This is the greatest thing I have ever created ever
Vaughn look like he about to say, "Welcome to Walmart" or some shit xD
The fuck did I just watch?
I didn't know what I was expecting.
This is the internet after all
but yeah I was crying from laughter when I made that XD
Yeah, I saw that warning, and I thought, "Maybe I shouldn't.. but what Hell."
I did not leave disappointed.
LOL glad you weren't disappointed
"I am here to SHIT!" "Oh." "DAYADADADADADADA"
no ok to get those results you had to google tales from the borderlands rule 34
Hmmm... pretty darn sure I've seen this somewhere
Lol, why SHADE?
Damn, Fiona is such a Shaman card xD Fits perfectly!
sadly, that was the only funny part. xD
Thanks a lot...
omfg that was GREAT
Thank you!
He seems like he'd be into it
oh, I am sorry. It's just that it was the only scene that really appeared to have a context. The characters really appeared to talk to each other. While the rest was mildly entertaining and somewhat well edited, the comedic value never reached the quality of that particular scene.
"right because" indicates a counter-argument using sarcasm
It's okay, I understand. Thank you for somewhat liking it. That's all that matters to me.
nice. but i guess it was for the best
why??? wtf is wrong with you lol
lol wth
I literally just whipped this one up about an hour or two ago.
DR.HAX DOES NOT APPROVE (don't judge me, I play a lot of Gmod
Yes totally agreed
If you do that to Jack or Timothy, I will track you and... Oh [bleep] JACK, NO, STOP, SORRY
I hope Vazquez's head explodes