Сижу с другом, договорились пойти во 2ую Борду.
Листаю тему, вижу фотографию.
"Мммммм..." - со всеми возможными и жалобными интонациями. Т… moreишина. "Прости, я просто фотографию увидела"
Ответ: "Да ничего, это нормально, я так тоже делаю, когда фотографии смотрю."
you're my personal telltale. But more... umh... i dunno. kinder? native?)))
This is Project Rhyiona-1140 , a project where I create images with the lyrics of… more a song
I will post a song and after that you can scroll down to the images , make sure you're in the same motion with the song.
Thank you for you cooperation , enjoy!
Hmm that would take awhile though but we do have lots of good/old/forgotten stuff in this thread some people haven't seen, and of course you have my permission to use any of my artwork,i approve of the idea as well
Hmm that would take awhile though but we do have lots of good/old/forgotten stuff in this thread some people haven't seen, and of course you have my permission to use any of my artwork,i approve of the idea as well
Hmm that would take awhile though but we do have lots of good/old/forgotten stuff in this thread some people haven't seen, and of course you have my permission to use any of my artwork,i approve of the idea as well
i even heared it here, in Ukraine XD
hahahah., that was a goal XD
ахаххАхах) ну это норма, да)
Years of hard work
3:28Am yup and am still awake BRO FIST
(?) Zzzzzzz......
Need to stay up for Rhyiona<3
I can not even imagine, what you`ll do when you will see a finished product
And am all alone there is no one here beside me =C except for you Man at least am not alone anymore C=
thats the spirit<3 BRO FIST
Am not going to sleep need to resist!!!! For Rhyiona!!!!!!!!
And BRO FISThttps://www.google.es/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&ei=JE2WVfOVHMPSoATSzpGQCw&url=http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3bHcs3ae05g&ved=0CCMQuAIwAQ&usg=AFQjCNFEhBTPGyNEx9gD6h0859QPQIFjGg
Good morning to you morning BRO FIST https://www.google.es/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&ei=JE2WVfOVHMPSoATSzpGQCw&url=http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3bHcs3ae05g&ved=0CCMQuAIwAQ&usg=AFQjCNFEhBTPGyNEx9gD6h0859QPQIFjGg
So how is your day going /=
Good, just relaxing
Jesus Christ! I leave for just a few days and there's over 3000 new comments? You guys got busy.
That 's good to hear
still no rhyiona confirmed yet this sucks #THEY TOOK AWAY THE KISS....#BRING IT BACK!!!!!!
Yep that's the power of Rhyiona for you =D
Rhyiona is love Rhyiona is life#NEVER FORGET<3
you made me cry ;_; i just realized how much i love this ship :')
welcome to the family!
319 new comments? wow.
Comments are rapidly these days.
Rhyiona quality standard.
@98Elliottchin for rhyiona fanmix
His right you know ^
maybe we should collect all fanarts/fics, put them in a dropbox and put the link in the OP?
(?) Chewbacca approves .
(?) Chewbacca approves.
Hmm that would take awhile though but we do have lots of good/old/forgotten stuff in this thread some people haven't seen, and of course you have my permission to use any of my artwork,i approve of the idea as well
(?) Rhyiona thread appreciates that
(?) Chewbacca will not forget this.
thanks! yeah, it will take a while fishing ALL fanworks from this thread
My rhyiona stuff can be found here -> RHYIONA STUFF
Once more people get on I'm sure they will help you out
yeah, that would be great
Nice idea! It will be glorious!
I keep archiving my works on the Internet so I can help you out easier.
Here's my TFTB fanart storage (most of them are Rhyiona so far) and a fanfiction I wrote.
Thanks for all your efforts you put in this task!