(Cuz I have just finished Ep.1, I am intentionally avoiding ANY spoilers on this thread. I'm reading none of the comments until I have finished Ep.3)
I have an inkling towards pairing Rhys with Fiona, but it's mainly cuz I would prefer him to get with her over Sasha. Sasha just doesn't strike me as a 'romance option' for Rhys, maybe it's cuz she is too 'opposite' to him or something like that...
Plus Fiona is HOT! XD
But I haven't made a decision yet, so I will wait until finishing Ep.3 before I make it official as to whether I am Rhysha or Rhyiona!
(Cuz I have just finished Ep.1, I am intentionally avoiding ANY spoilers on this thread. I'm reading none of the comments until I have finis… morehed Ep.3)
I have an inkling towards pairing Rhys with Fiona, but it's mainly cuz I would prefer him to get with her over Sasha. Sasha just doesn't strike me as a 'romance option' for Rhys, maybe it's cuz she is too 'opposite' to him or something like that...
Plus Fiona is HOT! XD
But I haven't made a decision yet, so I will wait until finishing Ep.3 before I make it official as to whether I am Rhysha or Rhyiona!
(Cuz I have just finished Ep.1, I am intentionally avoiding ANY spoilers on this thread. I'm reading none of the comments until I have finis… morehed Ep.3)
I have an inkling towards pairing Rhys with Fiona, but it's mainly cuz I would prefer him to get with her over Sasha. Sasha just doesn't strike me as a 'romance option' for Rhys, maybe it's cuz she is too 'opposite' to him or something like that...
Plus Fiona is HOT! XD
But I haven't made a decision yet, so I will wait until finishing Ep.3 before I make it official as to whether I am Rhysha or Rhyiona!
(Cuz I have just finished Ep.1, I am intentionally avoiding ANY spoilers on this thread. I'm reading none of the comments until I have finis… morehed Ep.3)
I have an inkling towards pairing Rhys with Fiona, but it's mainly cuz I would prefer him to get with her over Sasha. Sasha just doesn't strike me as a 'romance option' for Rhys, maybe it's cuz she is too 'opposite' to him or something like that...
Plus Fiona is HOT! XD
But I haven't made a decision yet, so I will wait until finishing Ep.3 before I make it official as to whether I am Rhysha or Rhyiona!
Take your time, you're already leaning towards the right choice Also - does anyone else feel that it's a little weird how everyone seems to be making a fuss about Sasha when Fiona is at least equally (if not a lot more so, imo) as hot? Like, I feel like Fiona's attractiveness is under-rated by every single character - she's beautiful for Christ sake!
(Cuz I have just finished Ep.1, I am intentionally avoiding ANY spoilers on this thread. I'm reading none of the comments until I have finis… morehed Ep.3)
I have an inkling towards pairing Rhys with Fiona, but it's mainly cuz I would prefer him to get with her over Sasha. Sasha just doesn't strike me as a 'romance option' for Rhys, maybe it's cuz she is too 'opposite' to him or something like that...
Plus Fiona is HOT! XD
But I haven't made a decision yet, so I will wait until finishing Ep.3 before I make it official as to whether I am Rhysha or Rhyiona!
I know, like on the newest season finale when Carol was all, 'We shouldn't tell her.' But then Rick went and told her anyways because he trusts her. And she's already a mother figure to Carl. Why won't they be together? ;-;
Take your time, you're already leaning towards the right choice Also - does anyone else feel that it's a little weird how everyone seems to… more be making a fuss about Sasha when Fiona is at least equally (if not a lot more so, imo) as hot? Like, I feel like Fiona's attractiveness is under-rated by every single character - she's beautiful for Christ sake!
Take your time, you're already leaning towards the right choice Also - does anyone else feel that it's a little weird how everyone seems to… more be making a fuss about Sasha when Fiona is at least equally (if not a lot more so, imo) as hot? Like, I feel like Fiona's attractiveness is under-rated by every single character - she's beautiful for Christ sake!
Take your time, you're already leaning towards the right choice Also - does anyone else feel that it's a little weird how everyone seems to… more be making a fuss about Sasha when Fiona is at least equally (if not a lot more so, imo) as hot? Like, I feel like Fiona's attractiveness is under-rated by every single character - she's beautiful for Christ sake!
Yeah I know that which is kinda weird considering that her face was dirty from all the action and she still looks like she wears make up.So I'm assuming that those eyes and lips are natural lol.
I know I've probably said this way too many times, but god I missed these!
(Cuz I have just finished Ep.1, I am intentionally avoiding ANY spoilers on this thread. I'm reading none of the comments until I have finished Ep.3)
I have an inkling towards pairing Rhys with Fiona, but it's mainly cuz I would prefer him to get with her over Sasha. Sasha just doesn't strike me as a 'romance option' for Rhys, maybe it's cuz she is too 'opposite' to him or something like that...
Plus Fiona is HOT! XD
But I haven't made a decision yet, so I will wait until finishing Ep.3 before I make it official as to whether I am Rhysha or Rhyiona!
I'm glad people like these.
If you decide to be a Rhyiona shipper then you're welcome here.
I agree btw , Fiona is so sexy , Rhys better grab dat booty.
Well then, we await your return!
I know I do!
Here you go. You owe us. I owe you one.
My 2nd Reaction
Thats so beautiful
Now we have three Rhyiona fan arts? Bembiann, you are just amazing! And I have to say I absolutely love your realistic art style!

The Rhack shippers are for you Julie. :P
I can't stop singing praises of your great art work.
I haven't decided yet, it's too early for ME to even consider a Rhyiona ship cuz the two have like no interactions with each other in Ep.1
Also... I REALLY hope that Fiona and Vaughn doesn't become a thing! >:(
Take your time, you're already leaning towards the right choice
Also - does anyone else feel that it's a little weird how everyone seems to be making a fuss about Sasha when Fiona is at least equally (if not a lot more so, imo) as hot? Like, I feel like Fiona's attractiveness is under-rated by every single character - she's beautiful for Christ sake!
I know, like on the newest season finale when Carol was all, 'We shouldn't tell her.' But then Rick went and told her anyways because he trusts her. And she's already a mother figure to Carl. Why won't they be together? ;-;
I hope I get back to it soon, I put off playing it and GOT for a while...
Actually, I need to play GOT at some point! :O
I've also been salty about this for a while.
Fiona's like the best looking character Telltale has made imo. ;-;
Take your time to decide, there's no reason to rush into something.
Tell that to @armis37 :P Dude has been nagging me for months now!! XD
Definitely agree - seeing her progression to bad-assery in ep3 made me question my sexuality. Fiona is really hot in ep3
She's always been. :P She just got more attention this episode.
I know right?! i always questioned this in previous episodes.
I think Handsome Jack is the only one with a decent set of eyes in this world, and they're holograms.
Well he is a Rhysha!
Yet again you made me speechless.
If you keep this up you're going to end up making me chnage my desktop background every week or so XD
Is that supposed to mean something? xD
Eleana from GoT begs your pardon...
not even close to fiona imo
To be honest , I don't find Sasha attractive , not even cute.
But Fiona...That woman is too hot without make up to even exist.
Eleana is second place for me.
Fiona master race. ;P
J-just teasing! Isn't that what people do when their on... opposite ships? please don't kill me oh my god.
No denying Fiona is pretty hot, but I wouldn't say she's very exceptional...
Put those stakes and torches away, guys. Please?
To be fair Fiona does look like she wears eye-shadow and lipstick while Sasha doesn't wear any make-up at all - but I agree totally.
Second time in the last hour I use this gif xD
Yeah I know that which is kinda weird considering that her face was dirty from all the action and she still looks like she wears make up.So I'm assuming that those eyes and lips are natural lol.
I have just what you currently need...
Whew! I did not want to start a war.
Keep the peace!