At the end of episode 3 Athena was in a bit of a bind. Will our intrepid vault gang help her, or is she deader than Vasquez?
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At the end of episode 3 Athena was in a bit of a bind. Will our intrepid vault gang help her, or is she deader than Vasquez?
She's alive, but also kind of tied up.
I don't think we'll be seeing her in episode 4.
If you'd like to know more, I made an Athena timeline fan-pic at Gearbox forums, but it spoils tons of things about BL1, BL2 and TPS, so only watch it if you're positively 200% sure you'll never play those games. It does also explain what happens at the end of the firing-squad sequence shown in the video Courtenay linked right above :
It would be very interesting if the group show up after the final scene of the Presequel, that's what I'm hoping for
You mean like the story ends up with a war-room meeting in Sanctuary because the Gortys-project is tied to the "war is coming" quote by the watcher ? Like with everyone around, all the VHs plus Rhys and Fiona, Shasha and Vaughn ? Because in fact the events in TFTB unleash all the vaults accross the universe and what's inside and thus it would link to the Watcher saying his famous quote ?
Good thing I played TPS and I know she is okay or I would super pissed at Brick and Mordecai.
I don't think we'll see her again in Tales- (Or maybe in some post-ending scene? Depending on how the game ends)
Well in the TPS ending story we see Brick and Mordecai much more beat up, wounded and such than they appear at the end of ep 3 so that had me thinking that maybe there would be additional scenes in ep 4 or 5 with Athena resisting, getting away then being captured again.
But on the other hand, it would "eat" the time left in ep 4 and/or 5 that could be used for additional events, meeting more characters of the franchise, etc...
So in the end I think that the loop has been closed as far as the events that are about Athena between TPS and TFTB. But hey who knows
My pc died last year...thinking about pulling the trigger on a new one...can I get these boarder land games on steam?
Do you really think that the Vault in Tales will trigger that though? It just seems that since a lot of Borderlands fans won't play Tales, they might get a bit confused in BL3 (unless the devs find a way to explain it)
I'm pretty sure we're done with Athena as far as Tales is concerned. Since it's Brick and Mordecai carrying her off and recalling the end of, The Pre-Sequel, I'd say her part in this story is finished. Wish she hadn't left so soon if so but at least she's set Fiona on the right path!
Yes all the games are on Steam, and at the moment the whole franchise is very cheap through HumbleBundle and those are steam codes.
Look at the video here.
Dunnow, would be cool though
they will explain it with marcus, like they did in borderlands 2. he tells you what happened in borderlands 1 and what you need to know
I know, I've played the original games.
B...b...but she's duty-bound...
She didn't teach them everything they needed to know yet...
She promised Felix she'd take care of them...
(and by all that I mean that my headcanon is that once the whole hullabaloo with Lilith and The Watcher was over Athena went back and found Fiona and Sasha and taught them to be the best damn Vault Hunters they could be!)
you asked how they will explain it
lol Believe me, I want her to come back too, I really want us to be in a bad spot with guns pointed at our heads, Vallory laughing manically, and Rhys crying and rocking on the floor and then Athena's shield does it's Captain America trick and we're all saved yay! But that's only happening in my fan fiction lol
But she did at least light that adventurous fire in Fiona's heart and with a box of bullets in hand, she did an alright job.
Side Note - You lucked out with that username, nice job!
It's hilarious, really.
Athena, the least horrible person in the TPS entourage (except maybe Timothy) is taken prisoner by Brick and Mordecai because of her fleeting involvement with Jack's rise to power.
Meanwhile, a near perfect duplicate of the man himself not only escapes their notice, but is getting a free ride back to Helios courtesy of the Vallory Express.
Yeah something like that, because these characters just seem like a natural fit for the Borderlands universe. Also, with the final quote of "You're going to need all the Vault Hunters you can get", it would be foolish to disqualify this group. They will be needed
I totally agree.
accessory to genocide is hardly "fleeting" tbh
That is quite impossible becuase they would need to use 20 - 30 minutes long cutscene to sum everything that happened in the Tales.
it wont get down to details, borderlands 1 story was barely explained. it will tell what you need to know like: "the vault of the traveler was opened by 2 idiots who didnt knew what they were doing, portals has opened all over the universe to pandora, now heres a portal from black mesa and zombies comes through it, kill them or something"
Besides not everything needs to be told and/or explained during an opening cinematic. There are pieces that will be scattered through "echos" (lore objects), some within NPC conversations or quests, etc...
Athena was only involved with Jack in preventing a genocide, Aaira.
And it's, in fact, hilarious they've missed Jack Reborn.
Well if Fiona meets with them in Sanctuary in BL3 to become a VH then Athena will have all the time she needs to finish the "mission"
I like the way you think
Spoilers, Let's not forget the ending cutscene either. Just thought I'd leave this here for anyone who maybe only played tftb and not BL2 or BPS. Start at exactly 15 minutes and 36 seconds. Also keep in mind that the scene with Lilith is a flash forward in time to the point after borderlands 2 where tftb is about to intersect. Borderlands the pre sequel happened before Jack's rise to power, and Borderlands 2 is where Jack is reigning, then dies as you know because of tftb.
I feel that the difference is just a result of diffrent group of people working on the animations. Brick is limping in TPS and that is the only i only visible injury we are shown in TFTB aside from various bruise-inducing blows that they would really only feel later (Mordecai's 'ow'). With this in mind, i'm thinking that episode 4 takes place during/soon after the first time Athena tells the story of TPS
Please point out at what point in TPS is Athena involved in genocide in any capacity other than PREVENTING one, seeing as she stopped taking contracts from him after Claptastic Voyage which happened way before the events of BL2? And no, claptraps don't count.
Oh that's right, I didn't think about that.
I thought there was an inconsistency because of Athena in tps was not tied up in tftb at least episode 3 clarified how it happened
i find this post highly claptraphobic
and honestly she's as much accessory to that as random people driving trains in 1940's germany were accessory to the increase in fine dust in the atmospehere, i mean sure, she probably has loans and shit (Janey sucks at money iirc) but it was Jack fucking Handsome, the guy who went insane when some girl punched some crazy alien tech on fire on his face, the guy who threw allies out air vents and played with huge death lasers before even going insane, the guy who now owned a massive evil corporation and wanted to get more power by all means necessary and also hated claptrap, WHAT DID SHE THINK WAS GONNA HAPPEN?
i mean i love Athena as much as the next person, but by god is she an idiot some times.
I think that Rhys and Sasha and Gortys will go to Helios, while Fiona searches for Athena (and Vaughn), or at the very least goes to tell Springs what went down. Probably Loaderbot will go with Fiona too because Hyperion wants to dismantle him.
First they would have to escape Vallory and her thugs.
Did you play claptastic as Athena ? If so have you paid attention to all her lines during it ?
Sure. I just don't see Vallory being trailed around Helios by 3 robots and 4-7 people, while searching for something they want to steal from Hyperion on the down low. That seems ridiculous to me.
I am of the opinion that she will send the Hyperion lackey she has in her posession (rhys) to Helios with maybe 1 or 2 others (sasha, august) and Gortys (cause she can find the upgrade) and keep the rest on Pandora as hostages for their return.
How Fiona gets away from Vallory? Not sure yet, but i'm positive she can manage, hell, maybe Vaughn comes and saves her ass?
yes Athena was my main class (the others were kinda boring tbh, i finished the main game with Nisha first but i pretty much forced myself to go trough the last half), what did i forget? i remember her going "ok Jack but this is the last time i help thee" every other quest and mentioning she really needed the money but that's it.
Well then no doubt you remember how Athena reacts at the very end of Claptastic, in the last cinematic.
That said it seems you've missed the most important line at the end of the subconscious zone, well right before fighting Shadow-TP...
she goes "wtf dude not cool", which brings me back to my previous statement: WHAT DID SHE THINK WAS GONNA COME OUT OF HELPING MR. FASCISM? flowers and rainbows?
and how am i supposed to know which is the most important line? is it when claptrap made shadow the hedgehog think he was going to help him but then pulled back because power of friendship?
Never mind... It doesn't seem you're someone I can have a discussion with.
Enjoy your certitude.