This is it

This game has exceeded all my expectations, which were pretty high to begin with.

The moment I heard about they're making this game I knew it'd be good, but not THIS GOOD. I'm enjoying it so damn much, to be honest I never really liked funny type of games because they were just tryharding or silly. But Tales From the Borderlands makes me laugh so hard, it's unbelievable. It's also amazing how this fun game can keep me on the edge the whole time with the story and difficult decisions. I love every single character in the game it doesn't matter who's evil and who's not, I love them. :D

I know the it's not even finished yet, but This is my absolute favourite Telltale game.. no.. scratch that, my all time favourite one. I'm glad there's still 2 more episodes to go. I really enjoyed TWD, TWAU and GoT but this is game beats them all in my opinion. For me this is GOTY.

I just felt like I had to share my thoughts.
This series deserves much more love than it gets, and I really hope we can get a second season. That'd be so awesome. Or at least I hope we get to see our favourite pandorans and hyperions in BL3.

Clap clap Telltale, you're doing an amazing job, even with the release dates. This is totally not sarcasm. ;D

But seriously this game is friggin goooood!

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Thanks for reading! :D


  • Ep2 really turned this series off for me but after playing Ep3 (which I thought was as good as Ep1) I'm definitely more into this game again. I personally wouldn't rank it as the best Telltale game but I still think it's good and I'm looking forward to the next two episodes.

  • I personally thought episode 1 was the weakest, as it didn't draw me in much. But I think once Handsome Jack appeared in episode 2 is when I decided to buy the game when the summer sale happened and episode 3 came out.

  • I enjoyed both episode 1 and 2, but episode 3 struck me as being better than 2 for some reason. I really love episode 3 :)

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    This series is just about to knock TWD S1 off the throne and become my favorite Telltale series. They're neck and neck right now, and if episode 4 and 5 keep up the pace, it'll definitely become my favorite.

    I'm similar to you in that there's not many comedy-based games that have actually made me laugh, but this is one of the few exceptions.

    Also, I really feel the need to say this. One of the underrated aspects of this series is the direction and cinematography. It's just amazing, and some of the best work they've done in that regard. Lots of cool camera and scene transitions, amazing sweeping shots, and all kinds of crazy good camera work. I mean shit, some of their cinematography is flat out better than movies at times.

  • This series is AWESOME! One of the best Telltale games, if not yet the best. Every episode is filled with action, character development, humor, funny moments, (even romance ;) ) and it just keeps getting better episode after episode.

    I simply LOVE this game. It's god damn amazing, it really is, it deserves to be GOTY and it's better than Game of Thrones.

    Yes, I said it.

  • I couldn't agree more with you :) The cinematography is really cool indeed!

    Deltino posted: »

    This series is just about to knock TWD S1 off the throne and become my favorite Telltale series. They're neck and neck right now, and if epi

  • Similar to Deltino, this game is right on the edge of surpassing The Walking Dead as my all time favorite Telltale game, if Episodes 4 and 5 are just as good, then no doubt it will surpass TWD. Thank you Telltale for this incredible game, and thank you for getting me interested in the Borderlands universe, if it wasn't for this game, I never would have played Borderlands 2.

  • I know exactly what you mean, I got into Bl2 just because Tales made me curious. And it was fun too, so I guess I should also say a thank you to Telltale. :D

    Similar to Deltino, this game is right on the edge of surpassing The Walking Dead as my all time favorite Telltale game, if Episodes 4 and 5

  • Same. Thanks to telltale i now also play Borderlands. Thanks for making such a great game. THE BEST YOU EVER MADE!

  • I always wonder if the telltale staff ever reads these threads, and they have a single tear of joy rolling down their face because people really appreciate their work :') It's one of my favourite games and I had so much fun with it so far. I love it.

  • I hope they do. They need to see how much we love and appreciate their work :)

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    I always wonder if the telltale staff ever reads these threads, and they have a single tear of joy rolling down their face because people really appreciate their work :') It's one of my favourite games and I had so much fun with it so far. I love it.

  • Definitely my favorite Telltale series or well at the very least tied with Wolf Among Us for me :)

  • I didn't think anything could replace TWDG season 1 for me, but this is getting very close. Telltale is all about emotions and they're games allow me to feel so many.

    Tales makes me laugh immensely where at TWDG has the opposite effect, tears and devastation. I love how these games can make me feel, they're not mindless like games such as Call of Duty. This is why I love storytelling.

    For me to Tales will be my game of the year because nothing as of recent has hooked me in. In fact it's been a pretty dull year for me in terms of video games but Tales makes that better.

    The comedy inside the game fits my sense of humor and I love it to pieces. Can't wait for episode 4, I have a feeling something will happen that flips the entire story around.

  • I agree. I think it's about tied with TWD for me. It can easily surpass it by Episode 4 if it continues to keep the same quality as the previous episodes. I'm very interested in trying out some of the other Borderlands games just because of this game alone.

    Similar to Deltino, this game is right on the edge of surpassing The Walking Dead as my all time favorite Telltale game, if Episodes 4 and 5

  • This Game is so goddamn awesome. It made me love BL universe and it's just too funny. If there's ever BL4 coming out, I want a Second season of TFTB to be a setup for It. Also it's the 1st game where I started to ship two characters so much ;)

  • now that a talk glitch that i mentioned ages ago has been fixed the game is great except for not being able to get it on ps vita that would be awesome (im playing on ps3)

  • Agree 100%. If it continues in this vein then it will easily take the title of my favorite Telltale game away from TWDS1.

    Deltino posted: »

    This series is just about to knock TWD S1 off the throne and become my favorite Telltale series. They're neck and neck right now, and if epi

  • You definitely should, I got Borderlands 2 because of this and haven't been able to put it down, it's so good. If you're interested in the game, and have a Steam account, buy it here: You can get BL1, BL2, and all of the DLC's for both games for $15. Along with that, you get a 75% of coupon for the Pre Sequel, giving you a new price of $15 for that game. So you can literally get all three Borderlands games and all of the DLC's for only $30, but it's only going for another day.

    nitroftwss posted: »

    I agree. I think it's about tied with TWD for me. It can easily surpass it by Episode 4 if it continues to keep the same quality as the prev

  • That's one heck of a deal. Thanks for telling me about it. I'll be sure to check it out when I get back home!

    You definitely should, I got Borderlands 2 because of this and haven't been able to put it down, it's so good. If you're interested in the g

  • No problem

    nitroftwss posted: »

    That's one heck of a deal. Thanks for telling me about it. I'll be sure to check it out when I get back home!

  • Somebody doesnt appreciate cinematography in this game, realy?!

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    Deltino posted: »

    This series is just about to knock TWD S1 off the throne and become my favorite Telltale series. They're neck and neck right now, and if epi

  • edited July 2015

    I'm not going to lie, I didn't play the first episode of this game on the day of release.

    When I heard that Telltale were making both Game of Thrones and Tales from the Borderlands as their next couple of products, I was quite excited about GoT for the simple fact that I adored the TV show. But Tales.... Tales just did not interest me at all.

    After only a brief couple of hours on the first Borderlands game around 5 years ago, I hadn't really taken much of an interest in the Borderlands franchise. And after TWD Season Two and TWAU had been all done and dusted, I was left wanting more of that rather than the "uninteresting TFTB project".

    It wasn't until the start of this year that I found a Youtube video, showing the whole episode in one. I thought; "Screw it, may as well give it a shot at least." And naturally, I went in with very low expectations. But my word, what I experienced was something out of this world.

    The storyline, the amazing diverse range of main characters, the interactivity, and of course, the humor. It was all done so well, completely exceeding my expectations, and making me feel like an absolute fool for not getting into this any sooner. I purchased the season pass as soon as I was done watching the episode.

    It also made me want to get into the previous games, so naturally, I played through the first and second Borderlands, with the Pre-Sequel not long after that. I was simply hooked, and it was all thanks to this game that I originally had zer0 interest in. Amazing.

    So, I stand here to this day, after now playing through all 3 episodes so far, and with a play time of almost 45 hours between the 3 on Steam, that this is on par, maybe even better than Season One of The Walking Dead. And that is a HUGE achievement.

    If you'd have told me that Telltale were to bring out a game that could manage to stand toe-to-toe with Season One of The Walking Dead, I'd just straight up laugh in your face. But holy freaking crap, my playing time on just the 3 episodes alone of this wonderful masterpiece far exceeds the playing time of any other game by Telltale. And that's just the 3 episodes! We still have another 2 to go, and I simply cannot wait for them.

    I feel like I need to say, well done Telltale, and thank you for continuing to make top notch content like this that gives you the credibility to be called one of the best game studios to this day. And also, thank you for for making a game like Tales that not just completely surprised me, but also blew my mind.

    Tales from the Borderlands deserves the same amount of accolades and attention that Season One of TWD got, and I and many others look forward to the last couple of episodes.


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  • Out of pure interest, as someone who also rates TFTB as my number 1 Telltale game, what would you say about the GoT title? is it reaching the same expectation, is it just as gripping etc? I'm interested to see if people think that could be seen as a potential candidate for Telltale's best game as well.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Eh... that would depend. I know Shubb would say it's a contender for Telltale's best but to me so far it's been my least favorite. So your mileage may vary when it comes to GOT. I'd still say it's worth playing though.

    silvereye27 posted: »

    Out of pure interest, as someone who also rates TFTB as my number 1 Telltale game, what would you say about the GoT title? is it reaching th

  • I love your drawing.

  • You are very right dojo, GoT is my least favourite telltale game, but I still enjoy it. The story is good, but something little is missing for me. I like the tv show and I'm following it so I was so excited for this game. But I think the other TT games are a little bit better. It's definitely worth playing, and we still have 2 episodes coming :)

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Eh... that would depend. I know Shubb would say it's a contender for Telltale's best but to me so far it's been my least favorite. So your mileage may vary when it comes to GOT. I'd still say it's worth playing though.

  • i think its their best work. yes im a lil reluctant to really crown it that already, i mean they still got 2 more episodes and we dont know how they might turned out, but this is just amazing work that they've done.

    will it get the #1 one spot as my favorite? no, well i dont think so. TWDG changed me. for TLOU players that liked it nd saw that Grant Voegtle about how TLOU changed his life, well thats how i probably describe TWDG

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