If I find a way to not make it happen, I will. Sorry but I might be the only one that hates them together. I will ruin the romance if I can. (and no I am not a troll).
If I find a way to not make it happen, I will. Sorry but I might be the only one that hates them together. I will ruin the romance if I can. (and no I am not a troll).
If I find a way to not make it happen, I will. Sorry but I might be the only one that hates them together. I will ruin the romance if I can. (and no I am not a troll).
Lmfao Telltale posted the Minecraft story trailer on their channel.One of the shittiest games I've ever seen my life.Please don't watch it , it's trash.
You were the idea man! Of course is the best music ever
Gosh dammit, it is hot. I am wondering if it the weather or the burning light of Rhyiona.
must be the latter
Why so rude?
dude, I give you one more chance to make a good comeback. so think wisely what you write.
Awww, thank you. ;-;
He sent me PMs too.
Laughing so hard here.
you don't want to see how this person is insulting me and my mom in private discussion
lol he just got banned XD
My pleasure ^^
well, person is banned now. hope you didn't take anything that he said personal
sobs tears of joy I thought I was the only one ;-;
America takes over. :P
I did. I had screenshots of his PMs too just in case.
)) No need for it, though.
EDIT: But we can't discuss banned people so...
Yeah , I created multiple accounts to flag the shit outta him ;p
What post? Has there been drama on this site or something?
that guy pulled a pearl harbor on us, but it ended before it escalated into something big
Uh oh , it's either him or one of his strippers.
Ooohh okay, we'll have to let it go though, we can move on
Oh ,he got the ban hammer again lol
That swift justice though when people be talkin' smack about Rhyiona
it was kinda my fault, sorry
when the ship so good people even create multiple troll accounts to hate on us
I'd sing, but uh... Privacy reasons. I'm 14 with a rather distinctive voice.
Wait I shouldn't talk about that.
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I can't believe they went with Minecraft. One of the shittiest, and most overrated games.
i could if i had good microphone
EDIT: Nothing here.