In retrospect why were people so skeptical about a story driven Borderlands game
I can understand why some are skeptical about Minecraft story mode but I never understood why people were so negative about Tales from the Borderlands when It was first announced. Unlike Minecraft the Botherlands franchise already had 2 game with tons of story DLC by that point and it had lot of characters.
yet people still seem to be against the idea ( Tales was also getting trashed in the walking dead and wolf among us forums)
Gearbox themselves had already started experimenting with storytelling in borderlands when they released the short "A Meat Bicycle Built for Two"
This video proved to me that a story driven Borderlands game could work and Lets not forget that the borderlands franchise itself was inspired by this great Short film called Codehunters
The "potential" for a great story driven borderlands game was always there
Its just too bad people that people didn't realize it until after Tales from borderlands episode 1 got released
Because the game is a FPS loot madness game
Sure its got story, but I think most people loved the borderlands games for it's gameplay more so than the brilliant story. So naturally, just like with Minecraft, people didn't get why.
First person looter is the name of genre
first off borderlands isn't know for it's story, but also i was worried they would try and make a serious, dramatic and emotional borderlands game and that just wouldn't work, but luckily they made a comedy
That's quite sad actually.
i don't think it tried to be, it is better than some, but other than gameplay i think it is known for it's world building, it has a great setting and atmosphere, but really it is best know for it's gameplay and it's variety in weapons and other gear.
Not really, Borderlands is designed to be a "first person looter". They even advertised it to have 870 gazillion guns.
I can't agree. I like that about the game, but I think that the story (or the setting) is important even in games like Dark/Demon's souls or Destiny.
When I first played Borderlands, I came for the co-op fps looter gameplay...I ended up having no fun at all because I chose a character which didn't suit my playstyle at all and still loved the game simply because of its humor, setting and story. I never had the slightest doubt this game would be a huge success.
At one point in TT-gaming history people were probably bitching about TWD as well because it had abandoned the classical point & click type of gameplay and evolved into a modern adventure game. I don't think that the bitching was justified because Borderlands had more to offer than aim, shoot and loot.
According to many people who were here when the game was first announced, it definitely was attacked by some Telltale fans. I've even seen some old threads from like 3 years ago, a lot of it was people complaining about it and saying how Telltale shouldn't make this game and whatnot.
I have heard the same, people will often complain about things they have no idea of how it is going to turn out. Both TWD and TFTB turned out great Still, people are going to be people.
Because it is an Open World First Person Looter. That´s what people loved it for. Of course it had potential for a story driven spin off but most people care about these games because of the actual gameplay.
There is only one reason and one reason only why the story elements even got so much attention outside of it´s fanbase and that´s Handsome Jack.
If I remember correctly, a lot of Telltale fans were worried the forums here would be flooded with dudebros just cause of the shooter association. So that might be one.
Idk, I've always been incredibly excited for it and now that it's out I love it. My friends shared my excitement and I didnt notice much hate.
For me, personally, the gameplay is what I love about borderlands. But the bits and pieces of story that come along with it are what solidified my fanboy-ism for the game. The gameplay is what attracted me and the story is what kept me, even though I think they could do with more story elements and more cutscenes etc.
I always thought that Borderlands + Telltale = epic win since the day they announced it