Things you find weird?
Anything in particular that you find weird or particulary questionable in the episodes?
-totally not stealing that from another subforum-
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Anything in particular that you find weird or particulary questionable in the episodes?
-totally not stealing that from another subforum-
Rhys robo arm cant lift Fiona but can lift himself and Sasha
That people don't accept Rhysha.
And how is Loader Bot going to be in the next episode?
Why are there so many supporters for Rhack?
How did Rhys and Vaughn survive being thrown out of the caravan going full speed?
How did Loader Bot get those pink skulls on his arms and legs?
What's gonna happen to Dumpy?
Why haven't Sasha and Rhys kissed yet?
Why did Gortys's energy chassis give her amazing gams?
What's LB's and Gortys's relationship? (i.e. brother/sister or boyfriend/girlfriend)
Can we really trust Vaughn and Yvette?
Who the hell is the Stranger?
What the hell is in The Vault of the Traveller?
I've said it before and I'll say it again, the power of their love gave him strength.
This has been bothering me too, why hasn't it happened Telltale, come on.
Yeah I hope they let us have this moment Rhysha shippers have wanted for so long, but I also hope they find a way to pace their relationship. I think they've done a great job so far though.
stop being gross, metallica
LB has to get himself together.
The real question is, why not?
LB is made by Hyperion, and Gortys is made by Atlas. They aren't brother and sister, I guess.
But you know what they can be? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
That Rhys has literally no lip color. None at all. It just matches his skin tone. It looks weird, really. Grow some lip color, Rhys.
What could possibly be gross about the connection Rhys and Sasha obviously have and the love they share for one another? It is pure and beautiful.
Well they rolled on the ground so the impact wasn't as bad I suppose. Like when stuntmen jump down high spots and then roll as they land so they don't break their legs. What I thought was weird tho was that they were in a vertical position as if they were being sucked out of the caravan. That's not how physics work, but it was amusing at least |D
Wow my English is really lacking today
You mean forced and awkward, and also out of no where.
+A pun right there, I usually hate them but you did good.
He needs some Hyperion-issued markers, that'll do the trick.
Yes indeedy.
Because it totally didn't start in Episode 1, it just popped out of nowhere...
Doesn't matter where it started, it still just came out of no where without it really making sense.
That, for all we know, nearly every single part of TFTBL so far may not have happened/may have happened completely different to how we've seen it, due to them CONSTANTLY making up the story. We're only told the truth when BOTH characters where there to witness an event, so can't lie about what happened.
Of course it matters. You just said that it's 'forced and awkward' - your opinion, I won't argue. But saying that it came out of nowhere is ridiculous. In Ep. 1 we had Pinky promise scene and a chance to bond by telling your stories a bit, share some laughs, start something more serious.
In Ep. 2 there isn't much action, but it's still subtly hinted - Sasha going to help Rhys if you don't make a choice in the van, Rhys telling Fiona about seeing how Sasha left a mark on August and he's not surprised by that and stuff.
In Ep. 3, they get alone time again and it's a perfect atmosphere for romantic scenes with all the lights and floating thingies. I'd agree with you if that scene happened without Rhys and Sasha interacting at all earlier in the game, but now, we've been lead to this moment. Rhys and Sasha's relationship developed, it didn't just pop out randomly to satisfy one ship.
I get what your saying, but it just seemed from such a fast switch from not trusting each other to being completely fine with each other. It caught me off guard, really. And the way they act towards each other in the scenes they have get me cringing. The only scene that didn't was when Rhys was attacking the guard in Episode 1 and Sasha was making sarcastic remarks about it. Every other time I see them interact in an attempt to be romantic, it just feels uncoordinated and pressured.
It's your opinion, man, I can't argue with that. All I'm saying is that it wasn't completely random
Rhys doesn't use his robot arm to fight. I made a thread about it before and people said it's 'cause his robo-arm is fragile. But he uses it to:
Fight people with your robot arm, Rhys! Do it, I believe in you!
Actually its kinda weird how trusting Sasha in ep 1 has 0 impact during that scene. Like, she doesnt even mention it.
I guess it just relies on the feeling while playing/watching it happen.
*starts arguing
I didn't argue with the words 'forced and awkward'. I argued about it popping out of nowhere. Hope that cleared things out for you
I always felt like ten million dollars was a price way too low for a Vault Key.
Sometimes Fiona has her derringer inside her right sleeve, but other times it's in her left one.
The caravan doesn't have a bathroom or shower
I'm not a patient person and I want hints of who the Stranger may be already. Just two episodes left and we got zero clues.
-there are more but I can't remember them now-
Serazone is the Stranger confirmed... o.O
Pandora is still using chamber pots.
And sometimes they stop the caravan to wash in a puddle. On the upside, there's great potential for a romantic dip in a lake there, Telltale. * Nudge nudge * Of course any lake on Pandora is probably full of carnivorous somethings.
It's not really weird, because it's justified given the crazy situation, but it bothers me too much. If I recall correctly, no one questions Vaughn's whereabouts at the end of Ep 3.
I need to know for certain where is Vaughn!
Where's that glowing tiny shield thing Rhys has the option to pick up near the end of the Episode 1?
How is that eye in Fiona's pocket not rotting yet after all this time?
How was Vaughn not dead from not eating or drinking while being paralyzed for so long?
No, I saw sparks flying in Episode 1, from a gameplay perspective, it is forced but from a story perspective, it makes sense, to me.
There is no Dr. Zed.
Why did I just, know, somebody was going to post that?
Marry me you fool!
Probably because he's left handed
My theories:
He still has it and might still has a use for it (I hope Telltale didn't forget about it!)
She kept it in a fridge/has magical pockets
They force-fed him, probably? Don't ask about how he took a potty break, I don't think anyone wants to know that in detail.
I hope they will. I can't leave a bro alone!
Okay those sounds good, but what about Dumpy? ;_; where's good old Dumpy?