Man, What an Episode 3....

So, I'm finally back after a two week vacation and after a grueling process of actually getting access to the Episode, I finally got around to downloading and installing it and here are my thoughts.

First off, Gortys is the star of this episode for me, she's so cute, charming, and has a very likeable child like innocence to her and she has great interactions with the regular cast including Loader Bot who I'm so happy got more to do and say in this episode.

The voice acting and characterizations still remain strong and I still love Rhys, he's just so charismatic and lovable and a badass when the situation calls for it. I also really enjoyed how they handled Fiona and how she's learning to become a Vault Hunter even though I would have liked a bit more scenes with her interacting with Athena.

The action scenes were also pretty great aside from a couple of weird transitions. I am also interested in what they're doing with Vaughn's character as it seems like he is actually going to betray you or sell you out but whether he does or not probably depends on if you were nice to him in episode 3 or forgave him in episode 2 and he came off really sinister to me when I had Fiona ask him to search for info on the Atlus computers and then he pulled a Luke and it seems he ditched everyone at the end. I'm also eager to see where the Handsome Jack and Rhys relationship goes.

As for negatives, well, some choices you made prior don't matter much like taking Athena's shield or choosing Jack or Fiona though the different scenarios are cool. Kind of wished Vallory got more screen time especially when the story gets rid of an old villain I really got into but she's good for what little we see of her.

As for the Rhys and Sasha stuff, I know there are some here that think it's forced bullshit but I totally bought it considering they both had solid chemistry in Episode 1, now, is it forced from a gameplay perspective? Yes. But from a story perspective, it makes a lot of sense at least to me. If folks are looking for an extremely forced relationship that doesn't work from a story perspective in a Telltale game then they can go and look no furthur than the Kenny and Clem relationship in TWD S2.

Overall, I'd give this episode a 9/10.


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