The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Review)
I just finished another Video game, and you know what that means! I'm gonna share my Opinion on it! -A Crowd of people scream No- Oh don't worry everyone, This isn't gonna be too bad!
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. This game is the most widely Hated Zelda game in the Franchise since a Certain other Zelda game we've all agreed to forget even existed. Anyway, I recently picked up a Copy of the game due To a good friend. And I decided to check it out. Now, at first, I was Very skeptical about this, But I was gonna play anyway, Why wouldn't I? And I have to say, Near the end of the game, I did not regret it.
Let's get the Positives out of the way first.
The first thing I liked about this Game were the Puzzles. You see, in Many past Zelda games, I've always felt stupid after solving a Puzzle that was extremely difficult. I always facepalmed and blamed myself for not solving it. In Zelda games, Puzzles should be rewarding, and Trust me, Skyward Sword is very rewarding. For instance, The Puzzle is always in Plain sight, It's rarely Hidden behind an Item, and it rarely makes you feel dumb. Whenever I solve one, I always felt so accomplished, Like this puzzle was made for me to solve, and I love the puzzles.
Something else I loved about the Game was the Story. It doesn't seem like Much of a story at first, It seems really dumb, Yes. But! The story picks up, and makes you question everything. The story becomes very emotional and enjoyable as the Game progresses. The story Never leaves you High and dry, From Zelda's Kidnapping to Groose's Bravery, this game always delivers. Another cool thing is that this is One of the first Zelda games where Link has a confirmed Love interest. Even rarer is that this Love interest is Zelda. It may be forbidden love, but god damn, forbidden shit is adorable. Except for The forbidden forest. Fuck those spiders.
Now, the biggest thing I enjoyed about this game is the Music. Unlike Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, Your Musical instrument has so much more freedom. For example, The tune that the Goddess harp plays Varies on the Song in the area you're in. So how fast or slow, how you strum, no matter what, You can Always create amazing Music. Not to mention, some songs you learn along the way, the scripted ones, Those are plain amazing. I could listen to this games soundtrack for Hours upon end.
And finally, the Boss fights. I didn't like how some of the bosses were really easy, to the point where I sped through them. But they were still fun to fight. The boss fights were really entertaining, and Really fun at times, in fact, Most times they were straight up Badass. Especially the water dungeon's boss. Skyward Sword has some of the coolest, Most well designed battles in the franchise IMO.
Now we're moving on to things I disliked about the game.
First of all, The gratitude Crystals quest. Now, while this may be an Unimportant quest which is not required to do, I'm still no stranger to loving Mini-Quests. I mean, check out my Quest folder in Skyrim. That shit is skyrocketed. But, the Gratitude crystals quest is... I'm not gonna sugarcoat it, This quest fucking sucks. It's a lot of build-up to nothing at all, The rewards are crappy, and it's Just a HUGE time waster. It's not even fun! The quests are mind numbingly shitty, and Everything about them is annoying. And while we're on the subject of Side quests, The Lumpy Pumpkin sidequest is just as bad.
and The only other thing I disliked about The game were the characters. I loved a lot of the Characters, Such as Groose, Impa, and Fi. But fucking hell, there was bad development, and jesus christ, there were the bad ones. Like Pipit, whose Main traits are Yelling at his Mother, and Being a shitty Knight. Or Beedle, and Asshole who risks your death because you don't have enough money to buy something. Overall, a Lot of characters suffer bad development, and a lot just plain suck, But there are some good ones!
Overall Opinion:
It was an Okay game at the Least. At the most, it's as good as "Link Between Worlds." In the end of the game, God, tears were shed. It's a damn sad game. But it's a work of art. Most people complain it's too Linear for a Zelda game, and while that's true, It's still an amazing game that deserves just as much praise as other titles.
Rating: 7/10
Hmm, Now the only question is what Zelda game should I beat next? -Meanwhile, somewhere, A sinister plot in the Sky begins to cook up-
Thanks for reading my review! I apologize for wasting your time or anything, but thanks for reading! Bye!
You've got a lot of key points that I agree with like
To me, that was one of the things that I absolutely loved about the game, and the music too. I had forgotten about the harp variety thing, and I do remember loving that as well.
However, I'm gonna have to disagree with you on a few points. First off, Pipit only yelled at his mother because she was a complete slob, surrounded by dust, cobwebs, dirt, and refused to clean it up. But after you clean things up, Pipit stops shouting and compliments you and her now that her house is clean. I can relate to this, so I liked this side quest.
I actually enjoyed the gratitude crystals quest. By helping this monster become human/ humanoid (looks off-putting still, but I like his character), you can retrieve pieces of hearts, a larger wallet, a way to access a hidden cache, and you can permanently dispose of all monsters in Skyloft at night. I enjoyed being able to help the guy who couldn't actually go fix his problem by himself, unlike most Zelda characters.
This is the final and also most vague thing I disagreed with you on. In this game, unlike most Zelda games, your actions have consequences (see past Zelda stealing from shopkeeper). If you don't buy anything from Beedle, he throws you out for being a window shopper. Mind you, he knows you're a Knight, and are used to falling (even though what he does is a dick move
). Another example of this is during your least favorite (or one of them) side quest: the Lumpy Pumpkin. If you're greedy and break the chandelier for the heart piece and rupees, you have to fix it, and end up being worked hard to fix your error. I loved how the game punished you for something like that instead of respawing the chandelier when you walked out. Although, I do understand your hate for the pumpkin balancing act. That was so aggravating!
I'd have given the game an 8.9/10. Also, was it Zelda 2: Adventure of Link, or this one that was hated the most? And the water temple was the best in the series
Nice review. I haven't played the game myself, but I plan to sooner or later. Though it seems a little exaggerated with it being the second to "most widely hated Zelda game," and I am interested in what game your talking about as the one we chose to forget. It doesn't happen to be the CDI games? Zelda 2? That's all I'm coming up with.
Still, I've only recently beaten my first Zelda game, The Wind Waker, and have been moving onto other Zelda games, but since you're asking for Zelda game you should beat next (and/or review) I'd highly recommend The Wind Waker (unless, of course, you haven't already beaten it)
Actually, Zelda 2 has been loved more often, But the most hated is the CDI games.
The games I'm referring to, Most hated are the CDI games, but I was not aware people hated Zelda 2. I've only seen love for it.
I've been toying around with the idea of Wind Waker. My friend owns a Copy of Twilight Princess and Wind Waker, so I could ask him about it. But I believe above I gave a clue to which game is next.
In that case how do does Skyward Sword even come close to that much hate? It's a well-made, playable game from all I've heard. Maybe second to worst isn't as close as I might think, maybe it's still a pretty big difference, but that's a pretty big leap nonetheless.
I was just spit-balling. :P
You should definitely give Wind Waker a try if you haven't already! And I've played a good ways through Twilight Princess and enjoyed it most of it, but haven't beaten it since the Wii's been missing cords and possibly broken.
I'm not good at picking up things like that. So... mind telling me a little more directly? :P
Edit: And on a side note, this should totally be a thread. Sort of a video game review thread where people can post reviews on games they've played and beaten.
So many people Hate it because It's super Linear, and the story is too Much. But most of all, it does something different than the other games, something that people have been bitching and whining for, and they got it, but they hate it.
I've played a Bit of it, I didn't see much though, so Playing it would be cool.
You do realize it's for Gamecube as well, right? Much easier to play on NGC too.
Majora's Mask.
Interesting Idea, But I doubt it'll become a thing, or People will take it seriously. I doubt those things.
Sad. It seems like such a good game.
I'm well aware of its existence on the Gamecube and I've been considering buying it on that system, but it costs anywhere between 40 to 60 dollars. I won't be able to afford that until either my birthday or I find a job :P
I've heard good things about that game! I'd love to play it now that it has come to the 3DS. It along with OoT.
I didn't think about that. You're probably right ;-;
It really is.
Hmm, weird. I got my Copy of Twilight Princess for 10 bucks on amazon.
It's pretty good. Much better than OoT. and The game really builds an emotional connection on you.
Eh, I liked it, but not enough to go back and play it. Found the world design, while it certainly looked nice, to be lacking in a lot of places. Also found dungeon design to be weak. The OST is super good to balance things out, though.
Still, better than Twilight Princess.
I do fear for Zelda continuing to disappoint me, though. It is nowhere near the heights it reached with A Link to the Past, OoT, Majora's Mask, and Wind Waker. But that's to be expected considering the gaming industry's current state and lack of any innovation whatsoever.
Yeah, just don't race against the Beaver Bros! The most frustrating part of the game.
I think the dog race is even worse.
For-- For the Gamecube version? Because the Wii versions are priced roughly around 10 bucks, while the Gamecube version is definitely upwards from 50.
I've heard plenty about it. It sounds awesome! It also sounds dark in a foreboding way. I'm both intrigued and terrified by the concept.
Dog race? What game?
Still Majora. You pick a dog and send it to race after betting on it.