If you had the choice would you keep it a secret or not?

So Rhy's seems to be the only one that can actually see and hear HJ. Now imagine you had the choice to tell the others or keep it a secret, wich choice would you make?

I really like the concept of a guy with an 'evil' side, weither it was werewolves or like jekyll and hyde. I'd love to keep that a secret just to see what would happen. It might just stay a secret anyway, we shall see :)


  • I hope this is an option. Either try and betray your friends with help of Handsome Jack's AI, or kill Handsome Jack one last time with help from your tech-y friends.

  • Well if there is an option for that Im sure they would find out no matter what somewhat soon and if it was there I would tell them I could see Jack

  • I would probably tell someone, most likely Vaughn. As Hyperion employess, they know who Handsome Jack is, but they probably also know how to, I guess deactivate HJ or take him out of Rhys' brain or something. But yeah, I would tell someone.

  • I feel like the whole "I'm hearing voices and seeing ghosts, it's absolutely nothing, I'll keep it to myself" is a rather tired trope. I'd much prefer Rhys to tell everyone he sees Jack, have no one believe him since he kinda fell 15+ feet and it wouldn't be surprising if he hit his head (possibly blame the stress of being on Pandora and having $10 million blow up on you as well), then have Jack eventually tip his hand into giving some sort of proof of his existence.

    While the Tell-but-Ignored is also tried and true, in the case of TFtB, it seems a lot more of a fitting plot line for the story thread.

  • edited December 2014

    Yes, I would like that. Much like the "show bite" or "reveal bite" option in TWD S1, we can try to hide it as long as we can, or we can be upfront about it and have our friends help us.


  • edited December 2014

    ......that would be an even BIGGER trope!

    Also, the situation here wouldn't have to be the 'I'm hearing voices trope': what if Rhys believes handsome jack is real, but doesn't tell the others so he can get the upper hand on them?

    That would be pretty original, actually.

    Lack-Jaw posted: »

    I feel like the whole "I'm hearing voices and seeing ghosts, it's absolutely nothing, I'll keep it to myself" is a rather tired trope. I'd m

  • Mmh... I honestly don't know if I would tell anyone. Probably Vaughn since he's Rhys's best friend, but I'm sure Fiona and Sasha will be like 'You're going nuts Rhys' or something like that xD

  • edited December 2014

    I think it would depend what Jack wanted - if he wanted to keep it a secret I would keep it a secret. For my playthrough, at least, Jack runs the show.

    I could also see him mocking you pretty badly regardless of your decision:

    "Tell them, go ahead, what I do I care? 'Oh no, I'm being possessed by the holographic sentience of Pandora's long-dead ruler' - no one will ever believe you, Pumpkin."

    Rhys confesses, no one believes him

    Jack laughs maniacally

    "What did I say, Kiddo? Looks like it's just you and me."

  • I can already see the choice.

    [Tell them about Jack]

    [Keep it in secret]

    And Jack talking in the background:

    Well then, go tell 'em, pumpkin. Tell 'em you hear a ghost of someone who's ninety feets under. Tell 'em about a ghost that bullies you and says rude stuff about you. They surely won't call some sort of exorcist, throw you out of your group or even shoot you in the face, thinking you got insane. Nah, that definitely won't happen. So go ahead. Tell 'em, kid. It'll totally help you out.

  • I would love to see Jack annoying Rhys and his reactions, everyone else would just think that he must've hit his head too hard when falling down haha.

    I think it would depend what Jack wanted - if he wanted to keep it a secret I would keep it a secret. For my playthrough, at least, Jack run

  • And I think that's where the comedy of Episode 2 will roll around

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    I would love to see Jack annoying Rhys and his reactions, everyone else would just think that he must've hit his head too hard when falling down haha.

  • If Dameon Clarke's Twitter is anything to go by, I think you'll get your wish, Pumpkin:

    Alt text

    (He voices HJ.)

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    I would love to see Jack annoying Rhys and his reactions, everyone else would just think that he must've hit his head too hard when falling down haha.

  • Betray Fiona and Vaughn. Ride off with Sasha, Loader Bot, and Handsome Jack to the vault, become rich, move to Eden kill Handsome Jack. Become a 'righteous father' so to speak.

    11/10 would play.

  • I certainly hope so

    If Dameon Clarke's Twitter is anything to go by, I think you'll get your wish, Pumpkin: (He voices HJ.)

  • Just imagined Rhys and Sasha riding on Loader Bot into the sunset

    Betray Fiona and Vaughn. Ride off with Sasha, Loader Bot, and Handsome Jack to the vault, become rich, move to Eden kill Handsome Jack. Become a 'righteous father' so to speak. 11/10 would play.

  • Nope in the teaser trailer for ep2 in ep1 there's a scene where handsome jack AI is sitting behind Rhys.. Probably the most hilarious scene in ep2.

    If Dameon Clarke's Twitter is anything to go by, I think you'll get your wish, Pumpkin: (He voices HJ.)

  • Smells like sex.

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    Just imagined Rhys and Sasha riding on Loader Bot into the sunset

  • If I had the choice, I would tell them. Better to be honest than to keep to yourself. That's how it always turns out in situations like these. I hope we would have the option to mention the ID drive might be the cause. At least then, maybe Vaughn would be more willing to believe Rhys. And if he trusted Sasha with his weapon, she might be more willing to believe him as well. And that would leave Fiona to decide if she should believe him or not.

  • I'd go for the option of telling them, as seeing dead people would be enough for me. Jack seemed to mess up Rhys's arm during the elevator scene too and it scares me a little if he'll be able to do more where he could become dangerous and hold Rhys hostage in his own body, or even take over completely. Oh, oh Liquid arm possession flashback, ow.

    Somehow I don't think there'll be much of a choice to tell them. Then again wasn't it Rhys's dream to be like Handsome Jack? So wouldn't it kinda be like meeting your idol, your idol who threatens to kill you? o_o

  • I honestly can't wait for that to happen. xD

    Nope in the teaser trailer for ep2 in ep1 there's a scene where handsome jack AI is sitting behind Rhys.. Probably the most hilarious scene in ep2.

  • I can imagine:

    HJ: [...] And then I'll probably kill you.

    Rhys: * Screams *

    HJ: What?

    Rhys: You're... you're HANDSOME JACK! Oh my God this is the best day ever. * Chuckles *

    HJ: * Facepalm *

    Maybe HJ will be fine with Rhys fangirling over him though XD

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    I'd go for the option of telling them, as seeing dead people would be enough for me. Jack seemed to mess up Rhys's arm during the elevator s

  • That would be so cute XD imagine if he asks for his autograph "will you sign my shoe!? Because it'd be the great honor ever if you'd sign my left shoe!"

    Meanwhile Fiona and the others are just staring blanky all like 'why is he talking to himself?'

    I can imagine: HJ: [...] And then I'll probably kill you. Rhys: * Screams * HJ: What? Rhys: You're... you're HANDSOME JACK! Oh m

  • Wonder how will HJ tease Rhys knowing that he wanted to be just like him.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    That would be so cute XD imagine if he asks for his autograph "will you sign my shoe!? Because it'd be the great honor ever if you'd sign my

  • Haha I thought about the autograph thing too XD And then Rhys whispers to HJ 'It's skag shoes.' and HJ is like: ಠ_ಠ

    BTW, Fiona, Vaughn and Sasha being like'Wtf is wrong with him' is the best thing ever XD

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    That would be so cute XD imagine if he asks for his autograph "will you sign my shoe!? Because it'd be the great honor ever if you'd sign my

  • I think he already did:
    'I'm very disappointed in you' 'Do you champ? Do you almost got it?' 'Look at you, a real winner!'

    Crips posted: »

    Wonder how will HJ tease Rhys knowing that he wanted to be just like him.

  • Ha, yeah, but I got a feeling it will improve. ;> Maybe we'll have a bromance

    I think he already did: 'I'm very disappointed in you' 'Do you champ? Do you almost got it?' 'Look at you, a real winner!'

  • Yeah. I love bromances xD

    Crips posted: »

    Ha, yeah, but I got a feeling it will improve. ;> Maybe we'll have a bromance

  • So, the ending of Episode 3 shows that we will have to go back to Hyperion in Helios. Depending on the conversation with Handsome Jack, he mentioned how the next time Rhys connects there, he'd help him run the place.

    But, there's still the question if we still want Rhys to keep Handsome Jack to himself or tell others about him.

    Vaughn will know if Rhys told him in the previous episode, but he's nowhere to be found at the end of Ep. 3. And Athena's been taken by Brick and Mordecai, so we don't gotta worry about her killing Rhys to get rid of Handsome Jack for good. That only leaves Fiona and Sasha now. So what do you think? The less they know, the better, or should they know about the devil on his shoulder?

  • You DO have the choice!?! You can tell Vaughn in Ep.2 or choose not to and keep Jack a secret.

  • i'd tell a doctor (one with a license) to find a way to get Jack out of my brain

  • edited July 2015

    You know my friend Dr. Ted? He can help you if you join his legion.

    Aaira posted: »

    i'd tell a doctor (one with a license) to find a way to get Jack out of my brain

  • No need for bold letters, this thread was made before EP2

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    You DO have the choice!?! You can tell Vaughn in Ep.2 or choose not to and keep Jack a secret.

  • Sorry SCR4P-TP I didn't realize. But also it's nothing personal, i'm an over emphasizer. I'm working on it :)

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    No need for bold letters, this thread was made before EP2

  • i would not tell personally...

  • I told Vaughn, but telling Fiona or Sasha would most likely be a bad idea.

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