I figured it's only fitting to have a thread dedicated to Pluto and the New Horizons mission.
Hail Hydra!
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I figured it's only fitting to have a thread dedicated to Pluto and the New Horizons mission.
Hail Hydra!
That was money well spent...
Can't you cope with another trip into space for humanity?
Money very well spent. Very few things are more important that scientific inquiry.
Alright, so the Mass relay has gotta be somewhere nearby.. right?
It isn't Pluto's size; it's the fact it isn't the dominant body around its orbit.
Sorry, I'm that guy.
I can't find a separate video of it, so just skip to 2:01
Click here
Here are some feels...
Pluto was always my favorite planet, besides earth. Go Pluto!
I have been following this mission closely this last two weeks or so and it has been amazing seeing clear images of Pluto and it's moons for the first time, this is another cool looking close up.
I'm looking forward to seeing the rest.
Congrats to NASA! Now if only they can get plutonium from there...
Are you dumb?
Pluto is full of unobtainium...
Looks like somebody didn't see Avatar.
Actually, neither did I, but still:
Tobi was going for Pluto/Plutonium.
The planet in Avatar where they mined for unobtainium was called Pandora which is also a name of one of Saturn's moons so i guess that is the best place to search for unobtainium :P
Well shit... Yeah, I literally know nothing of Avatar. Never interested me.
Sorry @Viva, guess that joke just orbited around me.
LOL, I didn't understand what this discussion was about first, cause in french Pluto is writting Pluton.
And Platon is Plato.
And Non is No.
It was an awkwardly placed reference haha.
i don't get the big deal about Pluto, wouldn't Mars be more relevant. Its closer, and people want to go there for some reason.
This is really cool, great progress
Why can't they both be important?
I'd go to Mars in a heartbeat haha.
i like it
Pluto is just so odd and mysterious. It's also cool to finally see far distant objects up close instead of through Hubble or other satellites. Plus, it's... "Space: the final frontier."
I just realized Charon in Fallout 3 is named after a planet... hmm
You know that this is an extraordinary event when Pluto show love and appreciation for visiting.