Something important to know about AI Jack

So I just finished playing the pre sequel, and I did the mission with Nakyama about AI Jack. Give the video a watch and pay close attention to Jacks answers to the question, epsically the one about his family.

The fact he says next question, might explain why he hasn't brought up his daughter, or his wife as AI Jack.


  • I think this was just an prototype? As far as I know he "copied" Jacks brain in the end

  • Why in the hell should he brought it up at all? I know a lot of people wanted him to do so, but really. There is a reason he didn't tell anyone about her, including Nakayama. Just name one reason why he should talk about her with Rhys. I mean, all of Pandora should've known by now he had a daughter and that she was (supposedly) killed by the vault hunters but it was the only time he even admited he had a daughter.

  • I don´t think this is the Jack AI we see in Tales. I remember Jack saying that the last thing he remembered was being in a laboratory with Nakyama or something like that. I suppose Nakyama made additional experiments with Jack after his rise to power.

  • It's pretty obvious why he would tell Rhys. The AI Jack seems to very well be pre borderlands 2, before the death of his daughter, and since Rhys is the only access of him getting to his daughter, I'm pretty sure that is why he would tell Rhy about his daughter, so he can find her.

    DeityD posted: »

    Why in the hell should he brought it up at all? I know a lot of people wanted him to do so, but really. There is a reason he didn't tell a

  • edited July 2015

    That can't be, he recalls his death and even the way he died and how painful it was. That's not to mention that he looks exactly like he does in BL2, he even has that white strand of hair and the clothes of course.

    Plus, Rhys as a manager shouldn't know about Angel. That and Rhys is not his buddy, he's a meatsuit. Jack doesn't need his help in anything other than getting him back on Helios. And once he's back he won't need anyone.

    kaza125 posted: »

    It's pretty obvious why he would tell Rhys. The AI Jack seems to very well be pre borderlands 2, before the death of his daughter, and since

  • No actually, as we see in our first encounter with AI Jack, he doesn't think he's dead, it's only until Rhys tells him, he knows. In episode 3 when he tells us about a hole in his sterum, it's likely that in the time that has passed (the ep3 intro), Rhys told Jack about how he died.

    And yeah he's not his buddy, I never said that, I said that Jack would tell Rhys so he can use him to get to his daughter. :)

    DeityD posted: »

    That can't be, he recalls his death and even the way he died and how painful it was. That's not to mention that he looks exactly like he do

  • That doesn't make sense because Jack can ask him "You know how I died?" while trying to make Rhys trust him. I know he's not asking about it and just trying to make a point, but it would be a stupid thing to say to someone who just told you that.
    And I really doubt Rhys would've known about the hole in his sternum and how much it hurts either way, even if he told Jack at some point about his death. I've no idea how Jack knew about that and why he didn't in ep1 (though it might've been just shock or as an AI he wasn't fully functional at the moment) but I'm pretty sure Rhys has little to do with it.

    kaza125 posted: »

    No actually, as we see in our first encounter with AI Jack, he doesn't think he's dead, it's only until Rhys tells him, he knows. In episode

  • You've got that wrong I'm afraid, he says, "You know why I died?". And I'm pretty sure everyone would know how Jack died, it would be the biggest event talked about on Pandora, epsically on Helios.

    DeityD posted: »

    That doesn't make sense because Jack can ask him "You know how I died?" while trying to make Rhys trust him. I know he's not asking about it

  • All the same. Everyone would know that Vault hunters killed him, the rest about his death knew only the Vault hunters and Jack himself.

    kaza125 posted: »

    You've got that wrong I'm afraid, he says, "You know why I died?". And I'm pretty sure everyone would know how Jack died, it would be the biggest event talked about on Pandora, epsically on Helios.

  • When you finish the quest in the dialog Nakyama says it is just a prototype. Jack also called an AI the diet coke of immortality and other than amusement he wasn't all that impressed. I still say that the AI was updated from data gleaned from Jack's brain after death or a neuron mapping.
    And holy crap his grandmother drowned his cat when he didn't make his bed and used a buzz saw to discipline him. No wonder he's twisted.

  • The AI knows the most random stuff, though (Wallethead, punching his mother, that he likes hats, Henderson's animal cruelty, etc.) - there's just no physical way that that level of information could be gleaned by question and answer sessions, especially given that:

    1. Nakayama's incompetent as all hell and would have only asked him stupid questions
    2. Jack would have never spent that much time in the same room with him to allow him to gather that data

    I know it's not canon until its in game, but the cut dialogue currently provides the most plausible answer - that it's a direct copy of his brain.

    The AI is Jack.

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