Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about Tales From The Borderlands



  • Come to think of it, I did get at least two of those myself, so it's definitely true the engine isn't exactly trustworthy when it comes to these things.

    Deltino posted: »

    I'm still leaning towards glitch. There's a lot of weird things that seem to happen with Rhys' eye Another example is the beginning of ep

  • Yep, I think that is something TT changed... I'm pretty sure it also says something like 'that took guts' instead of 'that was a risky move' if you grab August's hand now.

    Deltino posted: »

    So I was looking up a few Loader Bot related scenes for something, when I noticed something I've never seen before The playthrough I was

  • edited July 2015

    We're talking about this scene?

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    That one's from trusting Fiona in ep2 and accepting an alliance with Jack later in ep3. I'm kinda curious to see all the outcomes and dialogues so it's cool that you guys brought it up. Another reason for a playthrough.

    AlphaLeague posted: »

    Can you post all of the dialogue quotes? I only got the Anti- jack dialogue(Trusting Fiona-rejecting alliance)

  • HOLY CRAP JACKS EYES. But yes, that scene. There's 4 different outcomes. I've only seen Trust Jack Make Alliance Trust Fiona Make Alliance

    DeityD posted: »

    We're talking about this scene? That one's from trusting Fiona in ep2 and accepting an alliance with Jack later in ep3. I'm kinda

  • Yep, perfect timing - Jack's face says it all xD He's like "this f idiot and his f friends".

    Well, I want to see all the outcomes too, so if no one will post the rest, I'll do.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    HOLY CRAP JACKS EYES. But yes, that scene. There's 4 different outcomes. I've only seen Trust Jack Make Alliance Trust Fiona Make Alliance

  • Here's the one for being Jack's loyal little lackey:

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    DeityD posted: »

    Yep, perfect timing - Jack's face says it all xD He's like "this f idiot and his f friends". Well, I want to see all the outcomes too, so if no one will post the rest, I'll do.

  • Aaand I found another one in my screenshot folder. Trusted Fiona, refused to make an alliance with Jack.

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    Here's the one for being Jack's loyal little lackey:

  • edited July 2015

    The last one, trusted Jack and refused to work with him.

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    Note to self: never doing this again. This was the worst decision ever.

    DeityD posted: »

    Aaand I found another one in my screenshot folder. Trusted Fiona, refused to make an alliance with Jack.

  • If we're on the subject of Jack's reactions to stuff (well, we were a couple posts above, right... and it's not like we have anything better to do until ep.4 anyway...) at the end of ep.2 Jack appears neutral if you choose 'Hyperion prepared me' in response to Vasquez's questioning how two 'desk jockeys' could have survived on Pandora, but is visibly displeased if you say 'My friends, Fiona and Sasha'. So, another file for the 'Jack wants to alienate Rhys from his companions' folder.

    Neutral face:

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    Obviously displeased, meriting a pointed closeup from the game:

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    I don't think silence affects him in any way, and he gets all 'Oh, so we're telling everyone now..?!' if you say 'Handsome Jack' too.

    All of this has probably been said before, but oh well, it's a long thread to go back through...

  • I meant 24 hours xD but yeah. It stays blue

    No, but really... I'm curious.

  • In episode 3, Athena says she doesn't know what "Gortys" means. However comma in episode 2, the message she leaves to Pollux, indeed states "Gortys is now offline. I'll stop bye to ease your transition to retirement"

    The Handsome Jack AI is unaware of his death in episode 2, but suddenly is in episode 3.

  • Wow Athena. You stupid.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    In episode 3, Athena says she doesn't know what "Gortys" means. However comma in episode 2, the message she leaves to Pollux, indeed states

  • Another thing is she said "It's not something you scream down an alley with Vallory's men" YET over 90 percent of the chase was away from Finch and Kroger. And at Scooter's garage, she had plenty of time. And who cares if Scooter and/or Janey hear that? Athena shouldn't lie to her significant other. Flawed logic mang

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Wow Athena. You stupid.

  • If we're honest, I kinda feel like Athena wasnt suppose to be with the group. Probs re-written.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Another thing is she said "It's not something you scream down an alley with Vallory's men" YET over 90 percent of the chase was away from Fi

  • Most likely. Considering how pretty much the only way the group would have been able to escape her is killing her. And they couldn't do that for the future of the Borderlands franchise

    Poogers555 posted: »

    If we're honest, I kinda feel like Athena wasnt suppose to be with the group. Probs re-written.

  • I think that could be explained with the fact that Fiona was telling the story. Remember the red eyes and robotic voice? That was embelished. Maybe the chase didn't look as dangerous as Fiona told us.

    Though that Gortys is definitely a plothole. Or Athena is just lying.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Another thing is she said "It's not something you scream down an alley with Vallory's men" YET over 90 percent of the chase was away from Fi

  • I don't think so, there isn't a single outcome where Athena succesfully kills you.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    If we're honest, I kinda feel like Athena wasnt suppose to be with the group. Probs re-written.

  • These four different dialogues are supremely epic, goes to show that Telltale put a lot of effort into episode 3.

    DeityD posted: »

    The last one, trusted Jack and refused to work with him. Note to self: never doing this again. This was the worst decision ever.

  • I think Athena only know the name of the Gortys project, but she doesn't know what it actually entails. For all she knew when she slaughtered Pollux's soldiers, it could have been a weapon project or something. It is like, I am taunting my enemy that I have shut down their project, but I don't know what their project is.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    In episode 3, Athena says she doesn't know what "Gortys" means. However comma in episode 2, the message she leaves to Pollux, indeed states

  • edited July 2015


    I think Athena only know the name of the Gortys project, but she doesn't know what it actually entails. For all she knew when she slaughtere

  • edited July 2015


    I think Athena only know the name of the Gortys project, but she doesn't know what it actually entails. For all she knew when she slaughtere

  • edited July 2015


    I think Athena only know the name of the Gortys project, but she doesn't know what it actually entails. For all she knew when she slaughtere

  • I think that is probably it. That, or it could still have something to do with the red eyes and robotic voice. They've still never explained it in the game even if people think it was embellishing. Maybe there's a robo-clone somewhere that knows about Gortys shrug

    I think Athena only know the name of the Gortys project, but she doesn't know what it actually entails. For all she knew when she slaughtere

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Woah, a quadruple post.

    mirashade posted: »

    I think that is probably it. That, or it could still have something to do with the red eyes and robotic voice. They've still never explained

  • So jelly it hurts.

    If we're on the subject of Jack's reactions to stuff (well, we were a couple posts above, right... and it's not like we have anything better

  • Holy crud, that happened??? I was afraid of that. Oh man, I'm so sorry. I was trying to use my cruddy laptop that can barely load telltale's website. Hopefully someone can clean this up. I'm sorry.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Woah, a quadruple post.

  • Ill never understand the robot voice and red eyes, which is why I think it was re-written, there was unused audio of ep 3 of her in that voice when she saves Fiona from Vallory at the start

    Pipas posted: »

    I think that could be explained with the fact that Fiona was telling the story. Remember the red eyes and robotic voice? That was embelished

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    And who cares if Scooter and/or Janey hear that?

    Saying it in front of Janey would be inadvertently/unintentionally admitting that she's back in the business again

    And who's to say that Finch and Kroger were the only people Vallory had following them? Or more importantly, how would Athena know? Kroger said they have just about every bounty hunter looking for them, after all. Any person on the streets could have been a hired gun for Vallory, waiting for the right moment. If anything, Athena chasing and attacking them would help keep other goons away from them in the long run

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Another thing is she said "It's not something you scream down an alley with Vallory's men" YET over 90 percent of the chase was away from Fi

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited July 2015

    Also, it's quite likely that that message is old. That facility is obviously dated, since Atlas is long gone from Pandora by the time the group finds it. I'm not sure she'd recall the name of some random project years after she slaughtered everyone involved.

    I mean, story-wise, Borderlands 2 starts about 5 years after BL1, right? Atlas left somewhere in those 5 years, and General Knoxx and the Crimson Lance fell sometime in between as well, which means that the remaining Atlas forces would have been picked off long before BL2 started. Since Tales chronologically takes place after BL2, that means that the message has to be fairly old by the time we come across the facility.

    I think Athena only know the name of the Gortys project, but she doesn't know what it actually entails. For all she knew when she slaughtere

  • She shouldn't lie to her significant other. Again, at the garage would have been a perfect time, even outside of it. She could have said "Wait! I just want to talk!" Instead of the cliche of "OH NO DONT DO THAT SO I CAN TELL YOU WHY LATER AT THE MOST RANDOM TIME"

    Deltino posted: »

    And who cares if Scooter and/or Janey hear that? Saying it in front of Janey would be inadvertently/unintentionally admitting that s

  • I'm not sure if anyone already mentioned that, but Vallory asked Gortys "so where's the last piece, little one" in the end of ep3. How the hell she knew how many pieces/upgrades are there?

  • How did Vallory find the group anyway?

    DeityD posted: »

    I'm not sure if anyone already mentioned that, but Vallory asked Gortys "so where's the last piece, little one" in the end of ep3. How the hell she knew how many pieces/upgrades are there?

  • Well, that too but we still don't know how Vasquez kept finding them, maybe it's the same thing. But that deal with Gortys is even more weird, because she herself couldn't tell how many pieces are there. And this btw also brings the question, if taht's the last piece - so Rhys and Fiona will be done telling their story to the stranger in ep4 and ep5 will be in the present or not?

    Pipas posted: »

    How did Vallory find the group anyway?

  • There was unused Audio of August telling Rhys Vasquez found them because he could see through loaderbot

    DeityD posted: »

    Well, that too but we still don't know how Vasquez kept finding them, maybe it's the same thing. But that deal with Gortys is even more weir

  • Yeah I remember something like this. The problem is, LB wasn't with them in the desert so... That's not to mention Hugo's dead now and I'm not sure August or his mom have an access to LB anymore.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    There was unused Audio of August telling Rhys Vasquez found them because he could see through loaderbot

  • Rhy's cybernetics are Hyperion issued, if it they can be used to communicated with Hyperion (like when he calls/gets called by Vasquez or Yvette) then it can be tracked by Hyperion. I'd imagine it's like tracking a cell phone today, only the technology involved is much more advanced.

    DeityD posted: »

    Yeah I remember something like this. The problem is, LB wasn't with them in the desert so... That's not to mention Hugo's dead now and I'm not sure August or his mom have an access to LB anymore.

  • Vallory obviously knows something about Gortys, so it might be she has some way to track her, or at least has a general idea where her closest upgrade on Pandora might be? Vasquez probably just had ways of tracking his subordinates, that doesn't seem too far fetched for Hyperion. Honestly, I'm just guessing here though, and I'm not even sure TT will ever bother to explain details like those.

    DeityD posted: »

    Yeah I remember something like this. The problem is, LB wasn't with them in the desert so... That's not to mention Hugo's dead now and I'm not sure August or his mom have an access to LB anymore.

  • Here's another weird little tidbit of useless information - when you trust Jack at the end of ep.2, and get to choose whether to shoot August or Vasquez at the start of ep.3:

    If you shoot August and Sasha is the one dodging the bots, Rhys is a little less well disposed towards Dumpy:

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    If you shoot Wallethead's arm off, and Vaughn is the one taking cover, Rhys seems friendlier with his wee little robot buddy (excuse the creepy spazzing face, there's a really narrow window of opportunity to take that screencap):

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    Important? Probably not. But interesting... when you've got nothing else to analyze... :|

  • The story required it, that's how.

    Pipas posted: »

    How did Vallory find the group anyway?

  • Silence = not showing his face, but it still shows him symbolizing mocking with his hand.

    If we're on the subject of Jack's reactions to stuff (well, we were a couple posts above, right... and it's not like we have anything better

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