So... recapping timeline..

So it would go...

Borderlands 1 | Tales From the Borderlands story | Borderlands The pre-Sequel story | Borderlands 2 | Tales from the borderlands storytelling | Borderlands The pre-Sequel storytelling.

Correct me if I'm wrong. Storytelling = the time period of people telling the story, not the story. Story obviously equals the story's time period.


  • I believe it goes like this:

    Borderlands Story >> Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Story >> Borderlands 2 >> Tales from the Borderlands Storytelling / Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Storytelling (Simultaneously, at least after EP3)

  • Tales from the Borderlands story takes place after the events of Borderlands 2, around the same time as the pre-sequel storytelling.

  • Nah it's

    Borderlands 1>Borderlands the pre-sequel events>Borderlands 2>Tales from the borderlands events>

    Tales from the borderlands storytelling=Borderlands there pre-sequel Storytelling

  • Ohhhhh. Right. I totally knew that. Typos. They're so tricky. Totally a typo. My mistake.

  • Wrong...

    BL1>BL:TPS Story>BL2>TFTBL Story>BL:TPS Story Telling (During TFTBL Story)>TFTBL Story Telling

  • edited July 2015

    it goes borderlands, borderlands the pre sequel (main events of game), borderlands 2, tales, pre sequel (athena captured scenes where she is telling the story of pre sequel and probably takes place during episode 4 and 5 of tales)

  • I think we can assume that TPS story telling takes place right after the events of Ep 3, while Rhys and Fiona storytelling would take place after Ep 4

  • The point at which Brick and Mordechi capture Athena is when the story telling of the Pre-Sequel starts. Brick has the same three cut wounds on his arm as was given to him by Athena's shield. The Borderland game's time line is a tight one, there is five years passed between Borderlands, the Pre-Sequel, and Borderlands 2.
    Personally it's a little too much of a change for only five years. Jack went from low level coder, to executive of the Helios space station build, to owner in 5 years? Seems like my jeans, a little too tight to be comfortable.

  • This, +1, thumbs up, subscribed

    Wrong... BL1>BL:TPS Story>BL2>TFTBL Story>BL:TPS Story Telling (During TFTBL Story)>TFTBL Story Telling

  • Well, it´s not like Jack was promoted to CEO. He received the promotion to executive because he "discovered" the Eridium and then cheated his way up by killing the CEO and intimidating the shareholders shortly after Pre-Sequel. He conquered Hyperion and with all the stuff he´s done it is not that surprising that everyone below him would immediately fall in line.

    5 years is short, but taking into account the amount of resources Jack gained with everything that happened, it isn´t too much of a stretch.

    The point at which Brick and Mordechi capture Athena is when the story telling of the Pre-Sequel starts. Brick has the same three cut wounds

  • Whoa there sport, what you mean cheated? When you go through the Hyperion base in the Pre-Sequel you discover that Hyperion has a fine tradition of CEOs being killed. It's how you climb the ladder. The blackmail shows a bit of restraint on Jacks part. By all measure Rhys getting Vasquez killed means he's on his way to the top baby.

    JackMarco posted: »

    Well, it´s not like Jack was promoted to CEO. He received the promotion to executive because he "discovered" the Eridium and then cheated hi

  • If you think about how Hyperion works...It really isn't.

    Jack convinced Hyperion of the riches on Pandora and since he was right about it (After forcing it) he immediately gained their trust, rising way up in the ranks. Jack then convinced the board to build Helios and since they trusted him and he promised another Vault, he went immediately to work. Jack's rise into Handsome Jack too one game which wasn't too long and I assume Jack's murder of Tassiter wasn't too long after his Handsome turn. Jack so obsessed with the Elips' Vault's visions went immediately to work on Pandora, which let me remind you isn't hard to take over. Jack just needed to kill a few people, destroy a few places and then plant some factories and boom, he was in power. A lot can happen in 5 days, 5 months, and 5 years isn't that far from doing all of this.

    The point at which Brick and Mordechi capture Athena is when the story telling of the Pre-Sequel starts. Brick has the same three cut wounds

  • Tassiter was killed I think within a day or two, which I would have helped. After all Jack said one more word. So really, it was Tassiters fault. They where the corporation to come out on top after the over throwing of a government and the wars between the corporations. Violence is how they, and everyone else, gets things done. The old woman you see came to her position by having the most confirmed sniper kills in the war. The founder was the one who over threw the government. The creator of the claptrap, well it says he died but I'm going to assume someone killed him for his crimes against humanity. Possibly with a detached claptrap arm.
    Tassiter suggests that failure on Jack's part would result in a sucking chest wound. Makes being fired seem downright pleasant. Jack was manipulative and on the scale of right and wrong in that universe, he was downright civil until Tassiter.

    If you think about how Hyperion works...It really isn't. Jack convinced Hyperion of the riches on Pandora and since he was right about it

  • Tassiter was killed I think within a day or two, which I would have helped. After all Jack said one more word. So really, it was Tassiters fault.

    I assume this too but, in BL2, the echo tapes seem to confirm this. Tassiter was still alive for some time, enough to insult and threaten Jack some more.

    They where the corporation to come out on top after the over throwing of a government and the wars between the corporations. Violence is how they, and everyone else, gets things done. The old woman you see came to her position by having the most confirmed sniper kills in the war. The founder was the one who over threw the government. The creator of the claptrap, well it says he died but I'm going to assume someone killed him for his crimes against humanity.

    I actually read up on that earlier, cool little part of Hyperion history there. Hyperion seems like the most cutthroat of the Borderland's Corporations.

    Tassiter was killed I think within a day or two, which I would have helped. After all Jack said one more word. So really, it was Tassiters f

  • edited July 2015

    I would have said Dahl. In Echos found in BL2 they were very vicious as well. Tannis speaks of the bandits on Pandora who where miners, and scientists who where broken after Dahl abandoned them on Pandora. Sanctuary was originally of of their mining ships, and when you do the missions in caustic caverns, they are the ones who started the destruction of the the environment on Pandora with their mining operations. Dahl also abandoned the people on the moon after causing the Crackening with their mining. Dahl mode of operations is to rape and run.

    I wish they would start to go more into the history of the Corp wars and Jack's early years with his wife and daughter.

    Tassiter was killed I think within a day or two, which I would have helped. After all Jack said one more word. So really, it was Tassiters f

  • Hmm, I forgot about Dahl, they're pretty vicious. Dahl and Hyperion are up there and Atlas is also on the list.

    I doubt they will, Gearbox tried to do something different with Borderlands with TPS and that pissed everyone off. I personally love it but...People just want to complain I guess.

    I would have said Dahl. In Echos found in BL2 they were very vicious as well. Tannis speaks of the bandits on Pandora who where miners, and

  • They did? I personally enjoyed the Pre-Sequel and by far it's my favorite game to play. In Borderlands 2 they worked hard to make Jack universally hated (they talk about making the the Angle Core so that people would know that Jack was an evil jerk on their bloggs) and it backfired. It's pretty hard to create an big evil when you're heroes as much greedy mass murdering psychos as the bad guy. He is a character you either love or love to hate; however, it's a lot easier to find no sympathy for the faceless corporations like Atlas, Dahl, and Hyperion.

    It's impossible to make everyone happy, and they are going to have to try and split the difference and make the companies the real big bads of the game.

    Hmm, I forgot about Dahl, they're pretty vicious. Dahl and Hyperion are up there and Atlas is also on the list. I doubt they will, Gearbo

  • If you go on the Gearbox Forums you might hear people complaining. I love it, not only for the new setting and new game but because it added personality to the characters you play as. I can't tell you how boring I find playing BL2 over and over again with no change in gameplay besides how I play. It has made me just play music over the game.

    I wonder if the Corporations will have anything to do with the upcoming war we were warned about in TPS.

    They did? I personally enjoyed the Pre-Sequel and by far it's my favorite game to play. In Borderlands 2 they worked hard to make Jack unive

  • Nice history and lore of the borderlands series, guys. :)

    I was thinking that with the vault of the traveller to come BL 3 would take place on another planet. Now you say that there is a war announced can also be that the war is starting on pandorq while the heroes of tftbl are going to another planet, starting BL3 and maybe they involve some corporate history in the new story? Maybe i really should pay a viwit to the gearbox-forums...

    If you go on the Gearbox Forums you might hear people complaining. I love it, not only for the new setting and new game but because it added

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