What is making you supporting your ship, Rhyionas and Rhyshas?
Well, i have been scrolling through the rhysha and rhyiona threads, and according to the impression of the two communities i got there: could it be that female gamers rather favor the rhyiona ship and male gamers the rhysha thread? Or if its not gender, what part of the character determines what you ship? I am really curious. :P
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I guess its just preference?
Because I don't really like the alternatives, especially Rhysha, I find that Sasha was a complete jerk to Rhys in episode 1 which is understandable considering the situation, but don't blame me when I find that they have no connections at all. I also like Rhyiona because I find Fiona and Rhys cute together.
I just feel Rhys and Sasha have much better chemistry, and there have been plenty of hints that show both of them (especially Rhys) have a thing for each other.
I can see them with each other, but I can't see Rhys and Fiona together, especially with how much they hate each other in the present.
Same here just like Sasha more as character than Fiona.
Feel good to be Rhysha eh? So many moments..
Well if that's true, I won't be surprised at all. But then again, Witcher's fans, for instance, are arguing non-stop about the romance "options" and who's better and why, and almost all of them are males, so idk.
Man, personally I have no idea why. I guess I just don't like sappy and straight-up romantic things, but I like friendship-based relationship and when people don't make a big deal out of it. Being funny also helps.
How does gender affect what you ship at all?
Tbh I didn't mean to take Rhyiona seriously, at first I was only meant for it to be a joke due to the aruging. But then at the end of episode 1 I took it serious... ship happens
If you are a female player, like me, you tend to identify more with fiona, whereas as male player i guess you'd rather be on Rhys' side. In this situation the cute little sister could seem somewhat more attracting... Dunno. But when i read the two threads i saw the meetings of the rhyshas for playing team fortress and the rhyionas making art and scanning everyone. Somehow fits with some roles, that there are concerning male and female...
I hate drawing hats.
A lot of us in the Rhyiona thread are male, actually.
It's funny because regardless of me being male I identify more with Fiona's character, so...
I actually identify with Rhys more and I'm a girl!
Nice! Exactly thats why i asked! I mean, what is was asking was what came to my own mind, but i have no idea if its only me with antiquated rolemodels in the head compared to the rest of the people here or if theres more to it.
I like both ships, but after Episode 3 Rhys and Sasha were so sweet together I just ;_; I just want them to be happy.
I like seeing Rhys and Sasha together, but I don't identify with either shipping communities. It's all kind of dumb.
I think there's no real pattern -- it all comes down to the interactions.
Because canon ship is
(well, it's canon on my playthrough)
I am not shipping either, but i wouldnt call it dumb. It's what you can do when you like something ambiguous and are excited about it...
For me, it's like 50% mechanic and writing based and 50% actual interactions and chemistry.
The implemented scenes between Rhys and Sasha are great! They make quite a dynamic couple in my opinion. (its important to not treat opinions as facts) Rhys and Fiona haven't had as many couple-developing scenes as Rhys and Sasha have. Heck, in my opinion, Rhys and Vaughn have had more than Rhys and Fiona.
Plus, height differences always help...
(works both for Rhysha and Gayperion)
Moving on to writing and mechanics. From a writing standpoint, it's sort of cliche at this point to have two main protagonists together as a couple. It's been overdone in media everywhere. If they were both the same gender that would be one thing but they aren't. As for mechanics, it's sort of, well, weird to be controlling the two people in the relationship. Metaphorically, you are basically controlling too puppets and making them kiss. I like it when I can influence only one of the people, and my choices affect how well it goes with the other.
So yeah, this is why I love Rhysha to death. It's unique, it's not cliche, and it's cute.
I like Rhyiona because I feel they have MUCH better chemistry together, especially in the future. Nobody can deny their high levels of UST, and their bickering like a married couple. The Stranger had to remind them he was there a few times with gun points and warning shots IIRC.
I had a normal, simple dislike of Rhysha, but after Episode 3, I'm so glad I trusted Jack.
Ooooh. Dont ruin this for me. I like patterns. XD
Rhys and Sashs have feelings for each other, it's obvious. Also, they look like two teenagers.
Rhysha because it's been smoldering since ep1 and burst's into a wildfire in ep3.
Theres been no indication that Rhys and Fiona care about each other as anything but friends at best.
Too late.
You just offended every TF2 player.
I'll leave a little hint: just read what the Jack-apedia has to say about Fiona in episode 3...
That you Shouldn't do her?
Yep, because it would be weird...
i don't think it's dumb. it's fun and it boosts our creativity!
i ship everything, but my main ship is rhyiona because i'm very weak for love/hate relationships
Rhack for the win! I feel like Rhys and Jack have some chemistry. Plus, Jack is inside Rhys for most of the game.
HAHAHAHAHAAA inside his head. Hahahahaaaa physically not very challenging then. XD
I'm doing it for the war, the shipping war.
Well, you can learn lots about someone by getting in their head. Considering that Jack can take direct control of Rhy's body (that they share) I'd say they're pretty intimate even if they don't feel it (yet.)
yeah, i agree! they have some interesting dynamics going on. it may be an unhealthy relationship but i'm in!
Yes! And they both have great hair!
I am not really a shipper, I liked Rhys and Sashas interactions and chemestry throughout the game. And they just make more sense to me, because it seems telltale was building their relationship from the start.
Pairing Rhys and Fiona out of nowhere wouldn't work for me at all for a lot of reasons.
Fionas story, seems to be heading towards her beeing a vaulthunter. I personally like that direction for her and dont think adding romance to it, would add anything to that story line. It also wouldn't give the other characters enough screen time. I already feel like Vaughn is getting a bit neglected,(He seems to feel the same way, lol) so pairing Fiona and Rhys would require putting them in a lot more scenes together.
That are just some of my thoughts on the subject. So regardless of my opinion on the pairings, I am glad people can enjoy their ships and be civil and respectful towards each other.
Athena gets it.
Thank god, she won't kill us all now.
Rhyiona shipper here.
It makes me squee, and makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.