ISIS is the creation of the Israelian and American government.
Islamic State of the Levant and Al-Sham also known as Israeli State of the Levant and Al-Sham is used as a proxy army to fight the bloody wars of Israel without making Israel look like the aggressor which it in fact is. Israel is the true terrorist state in the middle east and I will explain why.
The ISIS group in Syria is actually a US-spawned group going as far back as Afghanistan during the 1980s where the USA fought the former Soviet Union; and then it was known as “al-Qaeda”, and from there this mercenary group detoured through Libya, where it killed its president and destroyed that country’s cohesion, to balkanise the Middle East for the benefit of Israel’s dream of setting up Eretz Israel which means Greater Israel, the dreams of the zionists. Now understand, no anti semitism is intended because I'm clearly pointing at the government of Israel and not its people.
Now this is heavy stuff – but just ask yourself why ISIS – or IS – is not attacking the US-backed corrupt states of Egypt, Bahrain, Jordan, Qatar, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia – nor is it attacking Israel.
And its not because they are afraid of Israel, because these terrorists arent afraid to blow themselves up or fly a plane into a tower either so why would they be afraid to die. These moderate rebels America supports in Syria are clearly ISIS terrorists. They're currently being trained in Saudi Arabia and Turkey and later moved into Syria to attack the Assad government. Also America doesn't accidentally drop arms in ISIS territory and Obama would have a strategy if he wanted ISIS gone. America is Israels puppet simply said. Take a look at the Israeli lobby in America. Israeli soldiers shoot Palestinian children on beaches and commit many international crimes and they are never mentioned. You do not read this in the newspaper because your government doesn't want you to know, many supporters of Israel have large positions/functions in corporate and media, in the Western world.
Israel is the aggressor and not a country like Syria or Iran. Israel hasn't participated the Non Prof. Treaty and doesnt allow the UN to inspect their nukes and I'm sure you are not informed about how many nukes Israel has in storage in their southern Negev desert. Israel is the world’s only undeclared nuclear weapons state with a stockpile of WMD that is outside the inspection of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) of the United Nations.
For those who do not believe me or see me as a theorist, I will tell you the best quote that has ever been written by mankind.
"It is easier to fool people than to convince them that they've been fooled." - Mark Twain
Oh and I forgot to mention that the Snowden documents supposedly reveal that British, American and Israeli intelligence worked together to create IS, “ a terrorist organization capable of centralizing all extremist actions across the world,” using a strategy called Hornet’s Nest designed to protect Israel. According to the documents, "The only solution for the protection of the Jewish state is to create an enemy near its borders."
I'm not making this stuff up.
Jet fuel can't melt steel beams.
You're most likely right. The USA has been involved with Israel in the Middle East since the 1950s. Terrorism and conflict has been occurring ever since then. I think USA and Israel have plans to control the Middle East and all it's natural resources. And will even mislead and stage events for the pretext of pursuing their goals. It's a hunger for power that may never end...
"ISIS" was originally a terrorist group founded in 1999 known then as "Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad" and THEN they joined al-Qaeda in 2004. al-Qaeda didn't turn into ISIS like you make it out to be. al-Qaeda was indeed funded back in 1980's during the Cold War, specifically the "Soviet War in Afghanistan." Members that would later form "Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad" might have been in al-Qaeda, but al-Qaeda didn't become them. Hell, al-Qeada still exists now. In 2014 they condemned and severed relations with ISIS. I'll admit, I don't know when ISIS split from al-Qaeda. I believe in happened around 2006-2007.
America did indeed directly fund ISIS, but that was during the Syrian Civil War(the first one.) This obviously came back to bite us in the ass, but regardless.
Back in May, ISIS launched a terrorist attack that killed 21 people in Saudi Arabia. in June another terrorist attack orchestrated by ISIS kills 27 in Kuwait, just this month ISIS militants attacked Egyptian ship in Sinai, and just today they pulled an attack in Turkey that killed 10. All of that happened just this year.
I don't know anything about these "Snowden Articles." I tried to research them a bit, but all I found was articles telling me why the articles exist, but not actually what their about. If you could provide a link, I'd appreciate it.
That's nice...Now, may I ask why you posted it here?
Eh... I support Israel and believe in a one state solution. The Middle East has enough oppresive theocracies (or you know, normal theocracies) as is and doesn't need another one in Palestine.
Although yes, I do believe the U.S is responsible for ISIS. Not because they like terrorism and wanted to fund it, but because the government tends to be short sighted. We kicked down Saddam's secular government but didn't clean up the mess which created a power vacuum which ISIS then filled. Also, we funded them during the Syrian Civil War not thinking it would turn out to be a bad idea (because arming militant groups has never gone wrong before!) ISIS did not just storm in and take power, they began by establishing schools, courts, and hospitals to help establish a sense of normalcy and legitimacy. ISIS isn't attacking those states because they are too weak to fight them and would get nothing from it. They're prevalent in Iraq and Syria because they are unstable states that are easy pickings.
You've touched on my specific area of study, so forgive me if I'm a bit long-winded.
Wrong. While it's true Da'esh was formerly affiliated with Al-Qaeda, it was strictly a homegrown insurgent group, consisting of Iraqi Salafists and led by purged Ba'athist army officers with material support from Al-Qaeda.. From the start, their affiliation with the main branch of Al-Qaeda was tenuous at best and Al-Qaeda cut ties long before ISIS declared the caliphate. So don't feed me the line of B.S that everything bad in the Middle East can be traced back to the CIA involvement with the Mujahadeen.
Opportunity. Da'esh would lose more than it gains by warring with the countries you mention, especially Israel. Why throw themselves at Jordan or Kuwait when they're already invested in Iraq? Don't make the mistake of assuming Islamic terrorists all lack lack discretion and cunning. It's a mistake that many governments have made, to their detriment. The average ISIS fighters may be bloodthirsty zealots, but they're led by dangerously competent men. Men who wouldn't invest precious resources in a large-scale campaign that's probably going to fail. They take a more subtle approach, with small attacks. A few deaths here, a dozen there. In the long run, that can be just as damaging as a major strike. It might also be worth noting that Da'esh has been launching attacks against Egyptian forces in the Sinai peninsula.
I'm not even going to touch on the rest of your points, because frankly, it's the same drivel that every conspiracy "expert" has been pitching since the caliphate was established. Do yourself a favor: find a Middle Eastern history textbook and read it...all of it. You'll find that the seeds of Arab discontent and balkanization were planted long before Isreal existed.
It started long before then. More specifically, when the Sykes-Picot agreement carved up the Middle East into spheres of influences with arbitrary borders.
As for Israel, just as much blame could be placed on Arab nationalist leaders. They shunned peaceful co-existence and ceaselessly threw their troops into the western-backed Israeli meat-grinder; losing each time And crushing any semblance of pan-Arab pride in the process.
Neither the U.S, nor Israel is blameless for the current state of the Middle East, but what you're saying is a gross, one-sided over-simplification of the reality.
Bush did 9/11 wake up Detroit
Case Closed
Click here
Kyle did it.
You do understand that there's just no fucking way?
Sorry if you're joking, but I just can't tell the difference here. He probably just meant "we're training our troops against ISIL," why would he make such a major fuck up and continue confidently with his speech?
Heard about that, frighteningly close to where I live :S
Also, why does everyone call it ISIS and we call it Da'esh, a while ago I thought they were not the same group. I guess it's hard to pronounce.
da'esh is the Arab name for ISIS, short for : al-Dawlah al-islamiyah al-'iraqiya wa al-sham. Not sure why, but the name carries some negative undertones for them, so Arabs call them 'da'esh' as a subtle 'fuck you' to the group.
I know, it's also how we call it in Israel :P
Didn't know they didn't like being called Da'esh lmfao, I'll be sure to stick with that name.
Yeah, it's actually a tazir (lesser) crime for people in the "caliphate" to refer to it as such.
Sometimes truth and reality is that way. The USA and Israel needs to stop making and provoking trouble in the Middle East and finally pursue peace. No more fighting, no more occupations, and no more sponsored governments and terrorism.
You're delusional if you think everything would be peace and butterflies if America and Israel weren't involved in Middle Eastern affairs.
They'd still have revolutionaries vs. regimes, Houthis / AQAP vs. Yemen, Iran vs. Sunni Arab states, Iraqi Sunnis vs. Shia militias, Kurds vs. Turkey/Syria, Hezbullah vs. Jahbat al-Nusra, Sudanese Arabs vs. South Sudan, Mali & Niger vs. Al-Qaeda in the Maghreb, Libyan Transitional Gov. vs. Islamist militias and Israel vs. Hamas.
Like I said, the majority of these conflicts have festered over the course of decades or centuries and some are only kept in check by US and UN intervention.
I never said that the USA and Israel shouldn't be involved with Middle Eastern affairs. They should and should be promoting peace rather than trying to keep people in check. That's one of the reasons why most of these conflicts exist in the first place. It's either oppression or somebody trying to control the other. Its got to end.
tl;dr: the jews did it
Welcome back @PrinceVegeta
To keep the various groups in check is to keep the peace. Diplomacy and coercion are two sides of the same coin, and one cannot work without the other. Besides, the use of puppet governments is in no way exclusive to the west. If we abandon IrQ and Afghanistan, the former will become an Iranian puppet regime and the latter would fall back into the hands of the Taliban, and by proxy, Pakistan.
Taking military pressure off the Middle East would do far more harm than good.
This ship is doing the thing that is written on the button I'm pressing right now.
How is that related to a retarded tinfoil hat theory someone pulled straight out of their ass.
No offense, it's just that plain absurd and stupid, and I happen to find it insulting because I live in a place ISIS abominates more than anyone, and to say that they're ISIS in disguise is just stupid beyond recognition.
cristiano is too cute pls
I don't think they're ISIS in disguise. Just somehow involved with them. Either helping training them, arming them, or funding them. This wouldn't be something new either. The USA has done this with Osama Bin Laden before he became what everyone knew him as.
That was ENTIRELY different scenario and it's embarrassing that people are using it as probable cause to assume that America is involved with every jihadist group. If you want to blame someone for supporting ISIS, take a hard look at Saudi Arabia or Qatar because they are guilty with a capital G.
I don't think that America is involved with every jihadist group. Maybe just the ones that they like to talk about the most in mainstream news.
Well, that's stupid. It is completely self-contradictory and irrational for Israel to be Da'esh.
Why is this thread still here, YOU know i haven't fucking raged Yet.