Nope, it wasn't like that it was a week before ep3 when the update happend then on xbox 360 was added a dlc.Then news.EDIT:Ignore what i sayed....but when that dlc appears the episode is going to release the next week like that was.It's a panel or something ???It might be the same thing they show gameplay of ep4 a bit and the release date.
Oh, it's out on Xbox too? Well that must be a good sign, right? For episode 3, the patch was released 2 weeks before release on the PS4 (and… more PS3?) and it was released on Xbox systems 1 week before release. Since both PS and Xbox updates are out, the episode might still come out next week.
Well in case somebody want to know what's has been added to the xbox and ps4 update new icon and Changes:
-Necessary changes t get ready for the release of Episode 4. (yess!)
-A number of polish and minor fixes to episode 1,2 and 3.
Aww. All these PS4 mentionings make me wish I had one instead of a PS3. However, it's going to take more than better graphics and 60fps (whatever that means. The 'p' is 'person' right?) to make me spend a lot of money on one of those. Once it allows backwards compatibility, I'll consider it.
To people that say that TTG's silence is better than the active PR of Dontnod, people wtf? If the episode is not coming out next week I'd rather hear it from the developers. Game dev takes time, I get that, I do some indie stuff too, when I pay for a game I like to have honest answers because at the end Im the customer and I payed for the game, I had other options but fot TTG's stuff and LiS I did it in respect for the games they make and to expect them to make more of the same quality stuff.
Aww. All these PS4 mentionings make me wish I had one instead of a PS3. However, it's going to take more than better graphics and 60fps (wha… moretever that means. The 'p' is 'person' right?) to make me spend a lot of money on one of those. Once it allows backwards compatibility, I'll consider it.
I kinda think past July 28th would be strange since they've consistently released episodes during the last week of the month so unless there was a major mistake in development which there doesn't seem to be I don't know why they'd break schedule
Doesn't nessecarily mean anything, but it could be something I hope. The Life Is Strange account did kind of hint at an announcement extremely soon perhaps even today.
Nope, it wasn't like that it was a week before ep3 when the update happend then on xbox 360 was added a dlc.Then news.EDIT:Ignore what i sayed....but when that dlc appears the episode is going to release the next week like that was.It's a panel or something ???It might be the same thing they show gameplay of ep4 a bit and the release date.
You shredded the combo... ;-;
I played all 3 episodes and the ending just...that was so messed up. I'm now interested in this game :-:
Finally something seems to be happening.
Ohooo they planned news from like 30 July.But they abandon them again again until today.
Well in case somebody want to know what's has been added to the xbox and ps4 update new icon and Changes:
-Necessary changes t get ready for the release of Episode 4. (yess!)
-A number of polish and minor fixes to episode 1,2 and 3.
Well...That is disturbing.
From Facebook:
"Happy Birthday Rachel Amber - July 22, 1995"
In other way of news and sorry for re-post
OMG my PS4 just downloaded a Life is Strange update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Haha and i posted up there
Aww. All these PS4 mentionings make me wish I had one instead of a PS3. However, it's going to take more than better graphics and 60fps (whatever that means. The 'p' is 'person' right?) to make me spend a lot of money on one of those. Once it allows backwards compatibility, I'll consider it.
So for ep4 waiting on lis twitter they sayed: Coming soon,sooner,soon,asap,very soon,(real soon,coming very soon)<--new ones

Click here
We need missed details life is strange.
To people that say that TTG's silence is better than the active PR of Dontnod, people wtf? If the episode is not coming out next week I'd rather hear it from the developers. Game dev takes time, I get that, I do some indie stuff too, when I pay for a game I like to have honest answers because at the end Im the customer and I payed for the game, I had other options but fot TTG's stuff and LiS I did it in respect for the games they make and to expect them to make more of the same quality stuff.
Sees 70 new posts...
Me: All right time for some news!
(reads the new posts)
Hey they're news!
You mean a details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about thread? I made one for Life is Strange months ago.
Did Max just shoot Nathan with her mind?
There is news though...
Well..... then i guess we'll see you in 10 years on ps5
Huh I didn't see the part where Nathan panicked before. Interesting.
Where?Give me it!!
July 28th it's gotta be I tell ya!
Announcment tomorrow? Maybe but probably not
Anyways I feel bad for The Life Is Strange twitter lol. Everyone wants release info.
I think this sums up our actions throughout this whole wait for Episode 4. Starting from June 30th, to July 21st.
But now...
I kinda think past July 28th would be strange since they've consistently released episodes during the last week of the month so unless there was a major mistake in development which there doesn't seem to be I don't know why they'd break schedule
Ep4 is coming and they're not news... ... gj pep.News by when it gets on xbox 360 dlc ADDED Means the episode is going to release!
Silence is a valid option.
It looks like something might be happening.
Looks like we'll be getting a Trailer and Release Date. That's how DontNod works right?
Doesn't nessecarily mean anything, but it could be something I hope. The Life Is Strange account did kind of hint at an announcement extremely soon perhaps even today.
I believe that's what happened with episode 3. A trailer and then the episode released a week later. So
......July 28th 75% confirmed