This was a week before the release date
… more and this was not a was on 14th May soooooo,ep2 is related to ep4 and ep3 is related to ep5... . Still news should be out this week.
If y'all didn't know, there is a new patch available for LIS on the PS4 (don't ask me about other platforms, 'cause I don't know), and I think that the icon for the game on the PS4's menu has also changed.
If y'all didn't know, there is a new patch available for LIS on the PS4 (don't ask me about other platforms, 'cause I don't know), and I think that the icon for the game on the PS4's menu has also changed.
P.S. On xbox was a update too and i over look for a update on steam and it's coming too.EDIT:The update is done for ps4 and they type this "necessary changes to get ready for the release of episode 4"
Oh, it's out on Xbox too? Well that must be a good sign, right? For episode 3, the patch was released 2 weeks before release on the PS4 (and PS3?) and it was released on Xbox systems 1 week before release. Since both PS and Xbox updates are out, the episode might still come out next week.
P.S. On xbox was a update too and i over look for a update on steam and it's coming too.EDIT:The update is done for ps4 and they type this "necessary changes to get ready for the release of episode 4"
nope made this myself in sourcefilmmaker/photoshop
Anyone else say Lee's part in Lee's voice or just me?
Nope.The eyes are giant, in lis they aren't like this.
Omg so old news.He teased whose the fault for episode 4 being released lately.
No need to be a jerk.... >_>
well that makes more sense, thanks
For me are really old ,and i don't mean to be rude or jerk.
Come on, Dontnod. I want to experience some good time-travel story feels and the good atmosphere and soundtrack you always give us.
Maybe today, tomorrow or soon this week we will get data release + key-art + 1-s screenshot! :Р
Anything would be nice.
Do we prefer the silence from Telltale or the crusher of hopes from Dontnod?
I prefer silence
IT'S HAPPENING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jl28! This was a week before the release date and this was not a was on 14th May soooooo,ep2 is related to ep4 and ep3 is related to ep5... . Still news should be out this week.
WE HOPE (JL 28 vs AU4)
i bet on July 28
Everyone ready for Jl28 better than AU4 ;Р
Now that's what I'm talking about!
I am the SANIC of news.
Vortex Club sucks!
Yeah. Vortex - It's bad.
But I got in the list :Р
TFTB-reference ;Р
(OMG someone who finally writes periods and exclamation marks in proper groups of threes)
My reaction after an. date release :Р
Yey another tweet deleted by Life is strange haha,i knew this because they lefted in the script the files names
This torture is so GOOD.
Probably gonna be July 28th.....or the 4th of August....or later...
Sweet! Can't wait for this
Me too
If y'all didn't know, there is a new patch available for LIS on the PS4 (don't ask me about other platforms, 'cause I don't know), and I think that the icon for the game on the PS4's menu has also changed.
P.S. On xbox was a update too and i over look for a update on steam and it's coming too.EDIT:The update is done for ps4 and they type this "necessary changes to get ready for the release of episode 4"
Oh, it's out on Xbox too? Well that must be a good sign, right? For episode 3, the patch was released 2 weeks before release on the PS4 (and PS3?) and it was released on Xbox systems 1 week before release. Since both PS and Xbox updates are out, the episode might still come out next week.