Vaughn and Sasha. Where are they ?
What do you think happened to Vaughn and Sasha that caused them to seperate from Rhys and Fiona ? This is purely speculation. So through out any idea you think, but make sure its feasible.
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Sasha is still with the group.
Vaughn escaped and next episode he'll use the power of his abs to rescue everyone.
EDIT: Ahh, nvm. I thought you meant the ending of episode 3 and not the present.
Vaugn is probably working on his abs, and Sashs is searching for her boyfriend off course. But seriously, i guess they got lost somehow and are searching for Rhys and Fiona.
I kinda thought they would help Rhys and Fiona escape from the Stranger but, considering Rhys is alone at the start, and I guess Fiona was when she was kidnapped, and now that they got a car and made some distance, I kinda think that where ever Sasha and Vaughn are, it wont be answer till ep 4
I'd like to speculate that we'll only have the safety of one to really worry about, I think episode 4 will make us choose between Sasha or Vaughn and given who you pick, Sasha may be stuck up on Helios or Vaughn could be trying to find a way to find us on Pandora.
I still think Sasha and Fiona will have some kind of falling out, not sure what, but they'll part on bitter terms. Maybe something similar will happen between Rhys and Vaughn, especially over the deal. Maybe.
That choice would absolutely destroy me
I just hope no one dies. Ahhh.
I think we might actually get to the vault of the traveller, but I worry that maybe Sasha or Vaughn or both got trapped in as it teleported and is somewhere in space....

I think Sasha wanted to leave Pandora. And Vaughn... Maybe he's keeping her company.
Space..? Space. SPAAAAAAAACE!
Why are people liking the fact that I suggested Sasha and Vaughn are trapped in space....
Aw, that poor person, born with the legs of his conjoined twin-wait a minute! o_o
Maybe Vaughn's pursuing his dream to be a raider, and they let Sasha stay at Helios so that she doesn't have to deal with Pandora's shit anymore.
maybe it is a long con (on the stranger), and vaughn and sasha are just observing
dun dun dun, it was all a con all along
i dont kow, but i have a feeling that vaughn will betray us, and sasha will have a determinate death..