For those who prefer TFTB to GOT

Despite GOT last episode I still like it more but that's just me. I wanted to know why people prefer TFTB to GOT seeing that the majority do.



  • TfTB just feels more focused and more inspired like we're actually drawing towards a satisfying ending and enjoying the journey there.. GoT on the other hand, has drawn heavily from the Starks in creating the Forrestors and the illusion of choice isn't as strong in GoT as it is in TFTB.

    TFTB is also far more hilarious and people love to laugh.

  • Hey Torkahn, excited for the upcoming Life is Strange episode? :)

    torkahn808 posted: »

    TfTB just feels more focused and more inspired like we're actually drawing towards a satisfying ending and enjoying the journey there.. GoT

  • Uh, do you even have to ask? :)

    I am SO ready.

    Alt text

    Hey Torkahn, excited for the upcoming Life is Strange episode?

  • Me too. I have refrained from watching the trailer, because I don't want to get spoiled on what will happen.

    Have you watched the trailer?

    torkahn808 posted: »

    Uh, do you even have to ask? I am SO ready.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Because I'm really interested in the story, I love every character (even the ones with minor roles), the intro sequences are fantastic, the way the game just has fun with the Telltale formula. I just love it. With GOT though I have been unable to get into the story, I haven't really cared about most of the characters (I didn't feel anything at the ending to its fifth episode, because I hadn't grown attached to either of the two), the game just really feels... OK. It's not great and it's not bad, it just feels mediocre. I want to love it more, I really do, but it just disappoints me as a Telltale game.

  • edited July 2015

    Yup! It doesn't spoil anything at all but it does get you hyped, which is what a trailer is for I guess. :P

    Me too. I have refrained from watching the trailer, because I don't want to get spoiled on what will happen. Have you watched the trailer?

  • I just wanted to be safe and I want to play the episode without knowing anything. But does it look good? :)

    torkahn808 posted: »

    Yup! It doesn't spoil anything at all but it does get you hyped, which is what a trailer is for I guess. :P

  • Well it's funny because I can't really understand why people like anything GOT related at all, books, series or game. And I don't understands what do you mean by "I wanted to know why people prefer TFTB to GOT seeing that the majority do." - where's that majority? Borderlands has it's own fans, and clearly quite a number here but I'm pretty sure that GOT has way more. I don't know a single person irl that haven't seen it, and I won't even mention the internet because GOT is everywhere. I don't even watch it but I still know way more than I want to or need to about it because of the internet.

  • GoT is pretty depressing at times but Tales is 100% fun all the way through so I enjoy Tales more but GoT is still fun the first time playing an episode/

  • I was referring to the the Telltale fan base when I speak of them

    DeityD posted: »

    Well it's funny because I can't really understand why people like anything GOT related at all, books, series or game. And I don't understand

  • Well then. I can speak only for myself obviously, but if it weren't for TftB I wouldn't be here. So I guess I'm not really a telltale fan, though they introduced me to the Borderlands series. I just like Borderlands and don't like GOT at all, though I've seen first two seasons and majority of episodes of the game. I like BL because of what is is and I don't like GOT because of what it is, that simple. Just preferences.

    Clemenem posted: »

    I was referring to the the Telltale fan base when I speak of them

  • Much like DeityD above, I never got into the whole GoT franchise, it just doesn't appeal to me. Additionally, I wasn't initially into point-and-click adventure games either - I'm primarily a shooter/rpg gamer, and only picked up TFTB because of Borderlands 2/TPS, which I like very much.

    I was blown away by the story, characters, cinematography and dialogs, and ended up loving TFTB very much, but from what I gather the only thing it has in common with GoT is being a Telltale point-and-click adventure game, and that's not the aspect I'm interested in, so yeah.

  • edited July 2015

    This is exactly what I was thinking... I LOVE A Song of Ice and Fire, and HBO's Game of Thrones is good, and I do enjoy it a lot, and I was super excited for Telltale's Game of Thrones, but, it just hasn't done what TFTB has been able to do when I'm playing them. I half-ass care about the broken plot of GOT, because I know the book story, and I also find it hard to believe that, The Forrester Family, supposedly some smaller mountain clan in the woods near Deepwood Motte, has this huge castle in the woods, and OWNS all that ironwood, and manages to have a full out war with the Whitehills (who have had no mention in any ASOIAF story), and yet nobody else in Westeros (in the books or show) have heard of them (they are a smaller family mountain clan, not some super important high born family)? I know, that's being a bit nitpicky... if I ignore that fact, it IS a good story, and I do enjoy playing the game, it's cool to be immersed into The World of Ice and Fire, but, TFTB just has so much more to offer. it doesn't have the same restrictions that the GOT world has. TFTB is hilarious! and GOT is DEFINITELY NOT hilarious... TFTB has quite a lot happening, and characters that have been built up through your relationships with both playable characters, and the choices you make have made quite a difference in the story, and THAT has made all the difference. I don't think any character has been annoying... Talia is quite annoying in GOT. Asher is actually a good character, and Rodrik's story is good too, but he's been hurt the entire season thus far, and quite frankly, ruling can be a boring situation to deal with. it wasn't hard to make that decision at the end of the episode for me... and I do like both characters, I just liked one a bit more than the other... Mira and King's Landing are annoying scenes, too much talking, moving the plot along through words (Which, I KNOW, is basically what King's Landing is about, POLITICS, SUPER BORING). I enjoy the books the most of all avenues, and playing Telltale's GOT and watching HBO's GOT is making the waiting for The Winds of Winter just a bit more bearable. on the other hand though, TFTB has action, and the discussions taking place in TFTB usually always have some type of funny edge to them. idk guys, TFTB just feels more enjoyable all around... I can't fully explain why I like it so much, but it's my favorite Telltale game out right now, and I've never played ANY of the original Borderlands games... I might have to go back and play them now though... The Wolf Among Us was a great, underrated game! Telltale just makes really good games.. their stories obviously drive the games, and yeah, the choppiness and the graphics could use a bit of a make over, or at least getting rid of the bugs would be enough to make them more enjoyable, but it's the stories that does it for me. GOT was a good concept, and I do enjoy playing it, and will finish it out b/c I stick through things I commit to, but TFTB is the worst to wait for right now... I may even try the Minecraft game just to see what all the fuss is about. I never played Minecraft either, but I bet i'll like Story Mode, simply b/c Telltale wrote the story... KEEP IT UP TELLTALE! I'LL PROBABLY TRY ANY GAME YOU MAKE! CAN'T WAIT TO SEE WHAT THE MARVEL GAME IS YOU WILL BE MAKING!!

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Because I'm really interested in the story, I love every character (even the ones with minor roles), the intro sequences are fantastic, the

  • I don't like GOT. At all. I tried to watch TV show, literally barely sat through the first episode and that was it. I guess, I just don't like stories about political intrigues that much... Although I watch playthroughs of TT's GOT, but mainly because I'm a huge TTG fan and my favourite youtuber plays it. The story seems interesting and I like how you get to control several protagonists in their own environments. And still it's kinda 'meh' to me comparing to TFTB.

    And I absolutely love Tales. After playing the first episode I finally made myself finish BL2 and play BL TPS. I like the compound of a wild and roguish type of setting with sci-fi elements in the Borderlands universe. I love the characters. I love the way we are presented with the story in Tales. For me it seems really interesting how the narration is from the point of view of the two protagonists. Also that way we get to witness some funny impossible embellishments, which is always fun. Of course there're also awesome intro scenes, more appreciable differences in result of our choices, the whole atmosphere and humor.

  • Two words: Loader Bot.

    Alt text

    But in all seriousness, I like both games, but Tales has the more interesting story, the better written and likable characters, the humor, the better choices, and is overall much more enjoyable to play than Game of Thrones.

  • Loader Bot is Love. Loader Bot is Life.

    Two words: Loader Bot. But in all seriousness, I like both games, but Tales has the more interesting story, the better written and li

  • i don't really like one more than the other, but for a game to make me cry (GOT) is much harder than to make me laugh like TFTB does. So yeah, i slightly prefer game of thrones.

  • edited July 2015

    Well, as much as I prefer GoT universe over the borderlands games, I still prefer Tales. My reasons being:

    a) Funny moments have been more successful over GoT serious moments

    b) One choice made the interactions and certain events split quite a bit which has not happened in GoT

    c) All moments have been a hit for me, no misses, there's several in GoT

    d) I have a lady boner for Troy Baker

    e) Cameo's/Characters from the other material have been great. In GoT they just sort of... eeh. I knew what would happen to Tyrion and Athena yet they used Athena better imo. The Tyrion plot obviously goes nowhere, Margery goes nowhere, the Cersei plot went nowhere (you fail with Tyrion anyway and she hates you), The Ramsey lines were just a piss take since plot armour, Jon Snow was pointless (Take him out and you get the same thing), etc... Handsome Jack however has been amazing, Athena was badass and taught us about being a vault hunter, and Zer0 was neat and a qt.

    f) Actually feels like its progressing. Outside Asher getting his 6 men who almost all die straight away, nothing else has happened. Whitehills being dicks and Forresters are losing AGAIN after feeling like we'd get somewhere. We're failing and its boring. Gared feels like the only line that might do shit.

    Dont get me wrong, GoT has had gripping moments and the choices made me panic sometimes but it feels way more limited and meh.

  • edited July 2015

    My problem with GOT is that I don´t care for any of the characters.

    It pretty much goes something like this:

    Protagonist 1: Depressed and conflicted person who gets thrown into position that they don´t desire and have to make difficult choices that are gonna bite them in the ass no matter what.

    Protagonist 2: Depressed and conflicted person who gets thrown into leadership position that they don´t desire and have to make difficult choices that are gonna bite them in the ass no matter what.

    Protagonist 3: Depressed and conflicted person who gets thrown into leadership position that they don´t desire and have to make difficult choices that are gonna bite them in the ass no matter what.

    Protagonist 4: Slightly different from the above, supposed to bring a little more contrast to the story but ultimately fails due to lack of developement which is a result of there being too many characters squashed into one episode.

    The characters are so two dimensional and the "You´re f*cked no matter what" formular so milked by now that I´ve just never gotten engaged.

    I can only take the "No fun allowed" kind of storytelling for so long until I need some contrast, unlike the books or the TV Show that have such a variety of characters with interesting personalities that I never get bored. That´s why I love "The Wolf Among Us" and "Tales from the Borderlands" so much. They are incredibly entertaining and fun stories without the writing suffering from it. I´d actually go as far as to claim that TftB is on the same level as Walking Dead Season 1 when it comes to my level of engagement.

    I think you should never make a story with too many protagonists but if you do, at least make sure that there is some variety in personalities and that not everyone is the same sad little mope.

    The current season of True Detective suffers from a similar problem just alot worse imo.

  • Well i didn't think anything would be better than GOT, since that is my favorite show but yeah everything is better. It seem like in GOT they just throw stuff over to keep it interesting and guess what, it's not interesting. I find most parts boring and play the game with 1/7 of my brain involve. I just keep waiting for the good stuff whilist in TFTBL i like every single part and play it over and over and over. Characters are more dimensional and you see every side of them a you get to know them. I like TFTBL almost as l liked TWD so yeah, that means i like it A LOT.

  • The current season of True Detective suffers from a similar problem just alot worse imo.

    i agree. season 1 and season 2 are so diferent i actualy stop watching after 2x2 seasin 1 is a fucking masterpice

    JackMarco posted: »

    My problem with GOT is that I don´t care for any of the characters. It pretty much goes something like this: Protagonist 1: Depressed

  • "Shake that bony ass white girl!" I died

    torkahn808 posted: »

    Uh, do you even have to ask? I am SO ready.

  • For me, GoT is extremely boring. It's basically a watered down copy of the show. I cannot bring myself to care for the one-sided characters. The biggest draw it's apparently got is it's ability to kill off these characters, but since we're all waiting for that anyway it takes away any suspense and their death doesn't bring any emotion either because they are all very dull/underdeveloped.

  • IMO TFtBL has more of a feel like "Oh I'm hooked on this game" while GOT feels like "I'm just here for the ride". Tbh I never really liked medieval. And I feel the humor in TFTBL has more entertainment than GOT's super cereal moments. In GOT I feel the characters are dull and in TFTBL the characters stand out to me.

  • edited July 2015

    Considering how many emotionally draining series Telltale has been making recently, Tales is a much fresher take on the style of games they do. I'm certain I'd like GoT more if the games were released at different times. But since it's coming right after a TWD season, the whole depressing story is getting kind of overdone right now. Though don't get me wrong, I like them both a ton.

  • Well, in TFTBL I find pretty much every character to be likable and extremely well written. There is not a single character that I hate or get annoyed by, even counting the antagonists. I prefer the sci-fi/old west setting muuuuuch much more than the medieval setting, the tone of the story is more than just "You're fucked, grimdark lololol" with a ton of lighthearted moments that make the more serious moments have more impact, and our choices actually somewhat matter.

    IMO TFTBL is Telltale's best game since TWDS1. And if the final two Episodes have the same quality as the first three, then it will easily surpass TWDS1 as my favorite Telltale game.

  • Yeah, the trailer was good, crap is gonna hit the fan in this episode: I can't wait :D

    I just wanted to be safe and I want to play the episode without knowing anything. But does it look good?

  • It looks awesome, it got me even more hyped :')

    I just wanted to be safe and I want to play the episode without knowing anything. But does it look good?

  • I couldn't care less about the Game of Thrones characters, they are bland and usually unlikeable. They never win, at all, and it is annoying to do stuff that would usually be right and still get thrown into a meaningless shitstorm.

    Tales has each character have a diverse and usually likable personality, including the villains. The Game of Thrones villains are villains you love to hate but the Tales villains are villains you love because they're more than their actions. Tales allows us to understand and connect to our gang, to where even if one dies, I would be heartbroken.

    The genre also connects to me more, I love medieval stories and sci fi but when the medieval story is all focused on "you're always fucked" then it becomes annoying. It also makes me play differently, I play Tales like I care about the people and I want to form bonds and keep them stable...GoT on the other hand...We're fucked either way so I play recklessly, just to do it because it doesn't matter.

  • I can't really understand why people like anything GOT related at all, books, series or game

    Er cause A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones is like the most lore filled and intriguing stories written in many years, one that even rivals the Lord of the Rings.

    It being popular isn't really a good argument for saying why you don't understand people like it, it's like hating something thats overrated for the sake its overrated and not for any actual good reason.

    DeityD posted: »

    Well it's funny because I can't really understand why people like anything GOT related at all, books, series or game. And I don't understand

  • edited July 2015

    I actually expected to like Tales more at first. Even if I thought that A Song of Ice Fire universe blows Borderlands away (though I love both universes), mainly because I thought a full story based game set in Pandora would be badass.

    But if I'm being honest, Tales just kinda fell short with me. What I love about Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, Wolf Among Us, is that it feels like those respective universes. Tales just doesn't feel like Borderlands to me, except for some parts in the first episode. Cool intros similar to the original games and character cameos doesn't cut it imo (I also don't care much for the characters or plot in this game, except for like Gortys and Loader Bot, whereas I care about practically every main character and the story in Thrones).

    I know this thread was aimed for people who preferred Tales but this is just my insight on the games

  • (I also don't care much for the characters or plot in this game, except for like Gortys and Loader Bot, whereas I care about practically every main character in Thrones).

    Complete opposite for me.

    I actually expected to like Tales more at first. Even if I thought that A Song of Ice Fire universe blows Borderlands away (though I love bo

  • edited July 2015

    ok kewl 4 u

    (I also don't care much for the characters or plot in this game, except for like Gortys and Loader Bot, whereas I care about practically every main character in Thrones). Complete opposite for me.

  • Th4nks brah, u r the real mvp.

    ok kewl 4 u

  • ily 3

    Th4nks brah, u r the real mvp.

  • The fact that it's everywhere should've been a proof enough that it has many, many fans, way more than Borderlands and TftB combined. But since OP said it's all about TT community it doesn't matter.

    Saying that it's automatically good only because many people watch it is really narrow-minded. Sometimes it is, sometimes it's just horrible, sometimes it's just there. I don't find it interesting or intriguing and that majority won't convince me otherwise. I haven't read the books, but the show (and the game) is one of the most boring once you're used to it's brutality and all the deaths because it's all the show is about, take it away it's just another fantasy and as as fantasy it's not really that great.

    I can't really understand why people like anything GOT related at all, books, series or game Er cause A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of

  • Same

    (I also don't care much for the characters or plot in this game, except for like Gortys and Loader Bot, whereas I care about practically every main character in Thrones). Complete opposite for me.

  • edited July 2015

    Your initial comment made it seem like you hated it because so many people liked it, which is stupid. I can't change your actual reasons for disliking the franchising, as illogical and dumb they sound to me.

    DeityD posted: »

    The fact that it's everywhere should've been a proof enough that it has many, many fans, way more than Borderlands and TftB combined. But si

  • I think you're actually just missing the point of what he's saying here. I mean at no point did he even imply he disliked it due to its popularity.

    Your initial comment made it seem like you hated it because so many people liked it, which is stupid. I can't change your actual reasons for disliking the franchising, as illogical and dumb they sound to me.

  • Which is why I said

    Your initial comment made it seem like you hated it because so many people liked it, which is stupid

    Now I know that's not what he meant

    Greenzoid2 posted: »

    I think you're actually just missing the point of what he's saying here. I mean at no point did he even imply he disliked it due to its popularity.

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