Forum of Thrones: An Interactive Story



  • [Confront Septon Corbin alone]

    Jenna Her heart was beating furiously in her chest as Jenna was walking down the hallway of the castle. Next to her walked the new captai

  • [Confront Septon Corbin alone]

    I sincerely hope Jenna will be okay.

  • [Confront Septon Corbin alone]

    Jenna Her heart was beating furiously in her chest as Jenna was walking down the hallway of the castle. Next to her walked the new captai

  • I'm not sure if you're joking or not, but I'm studying the grammar english and maybe I'll be able to take my master’s degree, english isn't my native language, so there is a lot to learn. I'm hoping that your grammar is better than mine, lots of people don't pay too much attention to the words. Apparently, you'd to be smarter than me, so if I'm wrong in any instance you can, pretty much please, correct me.
    "its" and "it’s" are confusables for many of us, without an apostrophe means (is belonging to it), "butt's as many you don't have", with an apostrophe means (it is or it has)

    Whose words are the smarter now, aaAAAaaaaAAAAAA.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    You're truly the master of grammar.

  • edited July 2015

    [Confront Septon Corbin, but take a guard with you]

    Submitted my character by the way, hope you can do anything with it.

  • I'm just messing with you, I know that it can be hard learning the English language if you're not a native speaker, I'm not a native speaker myself, far from it.

    I know the difference between it's and its, you don't have to explain me it. I guess your words are smarter now, aaAAAaaaaAAAAAA :P

    Good luck learning English though, you can do it.

    I'm not sure if you're joking or not, but I'm studying the grammar english and maybe I'll be able to take my master’s degree, english isn't

  • @Luthor_92Light You can do it, Luthor. God bless you all.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I'm just messing with you, I know that it can be hard learning the English language if you're not a native speaker, I'm not a native speaker

  • Congrats Liquid :)

    Im happy for you bro

    Well, my friends, this is a somewhat special occasion. Take a closer look at which part of the forum we're currently located in... Yes, y

  • [Confront Septon Corbin alone]

    Great part!

    Jenna Her heart was beating furiously in her chest as Jenna was walking down the hallway of the castle. Next to her walked the new captai

  • [Confront Septon Corbin, but take a guard with you]
    I submitted my character, can't wait until you start writing about Essos

  • This was kind of rude.

    I'm not sure if you're joking or not, but I'm studying the grammar english and maybe I'll be able to take my master’s degree, english isn't

  • [Confront Septon Corbin alone]

    Jenna Her heart was beating furiously in her chest as Jenna was walking down the hallway of the castle. Next to her walked the new captai

  • Thanks a lot for submitting! And yes, Essos is among the places I'm looking forward to write about the most. While it's still some time until part of the story moves there, I already have a few very interesting characters for it, as well as a few exciting storylines planned.

    ELIxPUNK posted: »

    [Confront Septon Corbin, but take a guard with you] I submitted my character, can't wait until you start writing about Essos

  • Confront Septon Corbin, but take a guard with you]

    Death to the Harkings! I must admit, I kinda regret telling Corbin about Harris. At first I was all against Harris but now I

  • [Confront Septon Corbin alone]

    Jenna Her heart was beating furiously in her chest as Jenna was walking down the hallway of the castle. Next to her walked the new captai

  • Hi guys,

    i've just discovered you and i am really excited with what i see. I am "swallowing now" first book, and already submitted my own character, keeping hopes i will read about her (yess, it's her :-D) in the future!


  • [Confront Septon Corbin alone] Glad to see the story back where it belongs!

    Jenna Her heart was beating furiously in her chest as Jenna was walking down the hallway of the castle. Next to her walked the new captai

  • [removed]

  • Welcome :) you'll love the story

    Mathea posted: »

    Hi guys, i've just discovered you and i am really excited with what i see. I am "swallowing now" first book, and already submitted my own character, keeping hopes i will read about her (yess, it's her :-D) in the future! Yaaaay!

  • Gay is not a synonym for shitty.

  • i didnt say it was shitty, good to know you think this is.

    torkahn808 posted: »

    Gay is not a synonym for shitty.

  • Oh look you twisted my words. How damn original.

    What did you mean then? I don't see how this is gay in any way shape or form.

    Anfarwol posted: »

    i didnt say it was shitty, good to know you think this is.

  • Hi and welcome to the forum :)

    I'm glad that you like the story and that you decided to submit a character! I'm sure that I will find a nice role for her soon.

    Since I'm currently limited to use my phone until tomorrow, I can't read everything you've written until I'm back home tomorrow evening (since checking google documents correctly is nearly impossible on my phone), but I really like what I have read so far. I'll write you a message as soon as I figured out when I can introduce your character!

    Mathea posted: »

    Hi guys, i've just discovered you and i am really excited with what i see. I am "swallowing now" first book, and already submitted my own character, keeping hopes i will read about her (yess, it's her :-D) in the future! Yaaaay!

  • Okay... I am confused by this, but I'm just going to assume you meant it as a compliment. I guess you meant it in a positive way, yes? If not, would you care to explain further? I appreciate negative criticism just as much as I appreciate positive criticism.

    I also see that you have just joined the forum yesterday. Welcome here! I am Liquid and I am the writer of this story, it's nice to meet you.

  • [removed]

    Okay... I am confused by this, but I'm just going to assume you meant it as a compliment. I guess you meant it in a positive way, yes? If no

  • And this is why we can't have nice things.

  • Dude, no one asked you to come here. So if you want to be a little bitch about it then do us all a favor and get the hell out. Liquid has excelled as a writer on this forum and you have no right to be instigating any trouble here. You literally came out of nowhere and started making trouble. So either calm yourself or fuck off.

  • Ah, I see you're one of these people. I'm at least glad that you haven't disappointed my expectations. While I guess I won't see you around the forums for long, I wish you a lot of fun while it lasts.

    And now do me a favour and gtfo. With all due respect of course.

  • That sounds really great, did not expect actually that it will take your attention... also i am glad that it was readeable, because my English grammar is, oh well... better not to comment on it. :-)

    My phone have troubles too, it's also so annoying to read on such small screen, so i understand you totally.

    Anyway, thank you, Liquid, looking forward to hear from you! :-)

    Hi and welcome to the forum I'm glad that you like the story and that you decided to submit a character! I'm sure that I will find a nic

  • Welcome to the forums. We're mostly a friendly bunch. I'm sure you'll fit right in. So feel free to sit back and relax... You're home now.

    Mathea posted: »

    Hi guys, i've just discovered you and i am really excited with what i see. I am "swallowing now" first book, and already submitted my own character, keeping hopes i will read about her (yess, it's her :-D) in the future! Yaaaay!

  • I'm seeing that you're paying attention to the words, but I don't know how much you understand from them. I'm sorry if I offended you by explaining the meaning and the difference between them, no pun intended. The words can't be smart, the people behind them are, words are just thoughts which people express them.

    @TDMshadowCP Do you really think I need to prove myself or to anyone else that I'm smarter, if I won't be able to take my master then so be it! Enjoy what you have rather than be what you aren't.

    "Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel." - Socrates

    God bless you.

    @ualexen92 How dare you to define me! It was a stiff joke, stiff humour, even if I'm joking there will be always something to learn from it, I hope.

    Overall I'm the one that's messing.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I'm just messing with you, I know that it can be hard learning the English language if you're not a native speaker, I'm not a native speaker

    edited July 2015

    You're... sigh you're right.

    I can see it now... I can see everything now. How was I so stupid?

    God bless you, Luthor_92Light.

    I'm seeing that you're paying attention to the words, but I don't know how much you understand from them. I'm sorry if I offended you by exp

  • The cringe in this one though.

    I'm seeing that you're paying attention to the words, but I don't know how much you understand from them. I'm sorry if I offended you by exp

  • [Confront Septon Corbin alone] I'm back.

    But here's this:

    God TellTale.

    Jenna Her heart was beating furiously in her chest as Jenna was walking down the hallway of the castle. Next to her walked the new captai

  • [Confront Septon Corbin alone]

    Jenna Her heart was beating furiously in her chest as Jenna was walking down the hallway of the castle. Next to her walked the new captai

  • [Confront Septon Corbin, but take a guard with you]

    Not gonna risk getting Jenna killed. Surprisingly, I don't hate her guts like 80% of other readers do xD

    Jenna Her heart was beating furiously in her chest as Jenna was walking down the hallway of the castle. Next to her walked the new captai

  • [Confront Septon Corbin alone]

    Jenna Her heart was beating furiously in her chest as Jenna was walking down the hallway of the castle. Next to her walked the new captai

  • edited July 2015

    I recently found this after returning to the forums.I will need to get caught up but I already submitted a character that I hope you will like.

    I realised that maybe the appearance I gave might not be detailed enough.If there are any details you want expanded on just PM me and I will give you them.

  • Hope you can add my character as well, if you want to know more just ask :)

    Thanks a lot for submitting! And yes, Essos is among the places I'm looking forward to write about the most. While it's still some time unti

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