For those who prefer TFTB to GOT



  • Yea I realized that, however what I was saying is that his original comment didn't say nor even imply that, so you misread the initial comment. It didn't seem that way at any point.

    Which is why I said Your initial comment made it seem like you hated it because so many people liked it, which is stupid Now I know that's not what he meant

  • edited July 2015

    Im just going to copy paste what I wrote at an another topic

    Tales from the borderlands is very funny and fun indeed but I prefer GoT too. It's the same reason that I prefer DC over Marvel. Im a big fan of the dramatic/dark approach of the series.Being a huge fan of the show, I always thought how it would be like to interact with all these characters and live in westeros.The conflict between House Forrester and House Whitehill is epic,exciting and unpredictable.

  • I have to agree even though Tales is a fun game it's just not something I can take serious despite it's extravagance I'm able to take GOT plot more serious and it engages me more plus DC>>>>>>Marvel

    Tolispro posted: »

    Im just going to copy paste what I wrote at an another topic Tales from the borderlands is very funny and fun indeed but I prefer GoT

  • it all comes down to one's own personal preference, personally TFTBL is much better. not that GOT is bad, but tales have been consistent so far, every episode gets better. while GOT, for me has not. :) no wrong in that tho, everyone is different.

  • edited July 2015

    And now I have another reason to dislike it - because of it's fans.

    Your initial comment made it seem like you hated it because so many people liked it, which is stupid. I can't change your actual reasons for disliking the franchising, as illogical and dumb they sound to me.

  • I am a big ASOIAF fan, and was super hyped to get a GOT game, but after Ep.5 and that ridiculous traitor situation, i just can't anymore. I'll play out this season, but then i'll just go back to waiting for The Winds of Winter.

    Tales from the Borderlands is kindof the opposite, i never played the other Borderlands games and knew nothing of the world or characters, and i just bought Ep.1 to give it a shot - cause i'm loyal to companies i like. I didn't really think i'd like it, not that into space adventures - but, man this game is Hilarious, the Robots are 'Awesome', Handsome Jack is the most charming Villian i've ever met, and i really like the dynamics between the core group. I also like that there aren't really any 'Heros', Fiona is a con-artist and Rhys wants to be the next HJack, and you can play them as friendly or as snarky as you want. Also, COSTUMES, and cool looks for your ride are really sweet ( i really hope the implications of this carry over to other games in the future ), not to mention the fact that there are Definite changes to the story/character interactions with different choices you make. TFTB is my absolute favorite Telltale game, i hope we get more seasons of THIS!

  • The trailer was really really good. Way better than previous ones. Can't wait for Tuesday!

    I just wanted to be safe and I want to play the episode without knowing anything. But does it look good?

  • I was thinking the same about Minecraft! I mean, it's partailly inspired by the Goonies for cryin' out loud! And they have 2 OG Goonies as Voice actors, i heard. At the very least, i'll buy it for my nephew and we can play it together. :)


    This is exactly what I was thinking... I LOVE A Song of Ice and Fire, and HBO's Game of Thrones is good, and I do enjoy it a lot, and I was

  • I like both series i cant wait for next episode on tales of borderlands and game of thrones but now i am very interestingand hyped for life is stange episode 4 max i miss you so much

  • max i miss you so much

    We all do We all do :(

    CHRISPS4 posted: »

    I like both series i cant wait for next episode on tales of borderlands and game of thrones but now i am very interestingand hyped for life is stange episode 4 max i miss you so much

  • In the begining I expected to prefer GoT, but I ended up loving Tales so much more. It feels like the game "loves" me more, more outcomes, loveable characters and the story is very entertaining. I enjoy every second of each episode. :)

  • I was the same way with TFTBL, never knew a thing about Borderlands, but Telltale got me hooked. Ever since, I've finished BL2 and plan on doing BL1 and the Pre Sequel.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    I am a big ASOIAF fan, and was super hyped to get a GOT game, but after Ep.5 and that ridiculous traitor situation, i just can't anymore. I'

  • I have a really hard time playing first person shooters, but i have started Borderlands 2 and im just going really slowly. The whole world is awesome though, and i just love it.

    I was the same way with TFTBL, never knew a thing about Borderlands, but Telltale got me hooked. Ever since, I've finished BL2 and plan on doing BL1 and the Pre Sequel.

  • Yeah that's why I love tales from the borderlands.It's too amazing and awesome to play and that's why I want a season 2

    torkahn808 posted: »

    TfTB just feels more focused and more inspired like we're actually drawing towards a satisfying ending and enjoying the journey there.. GoT

  • I think TFTB is way more funny than GoT, and has more detail put into playable characters. I mean, TFTB introduced different HUD displays, colors and fonts for different characters.

  • I like the comedy of TFTB more and the writing is way better and has more likeable characters.

  • I love Tales from the Borderlands because it is refreshing change after all the dark and depressing stuff that Telltale made before. There is a far more relaxed and laid-back atmosphere in Tales from the Borderlands. Not that I don't like GoT mind you. :)

  • Yeah it was a bit difficult for me as well to get started (like you, I'm not that big into first person shooters), but as you get better, it gets easier.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    I have a really hard time playing first person shooters, but i have started Borderlands 2 and im just going really slowly. The whole world is awesome though, and i just love it.

  • Hating something because of its fanbase is more stupid than hating something because its overrated. But I wouldn't expect something different from someone who thinks A Song of Ice and Fire is a "bad fantasy story"

    DeityD posted: »

    And now I have another reason to dislike it - because of it's fans.

  • I have a really hard time playing first person shooters

    Well, you're not alone. :) I often find action games just boring (except for stealth-actions maybe), almost always play just for the plot and don't enjoy the process of killing at all (not cause I don't like it just cause it's pretty boring most of the times) but BL is just so much fun. I didn't expect to like it's gameplay when I started but now I just can't get enough of it.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    I have a really hard time playing first person shooters, but i have started Borderlands 2 and im just going really slowly. The whole world is awesome though, and i just love it.

  • I 100% prefer Tales from the Borderlands. More likeable character, great chemistry between the characters and alot more intense and cool gameplay.

    Now don't get me wrong, I like Game of Thrones, it's great! It's just that when you compare the two I can only think of the many "slow" parts of GOT (since it is a more "drama"ish game where talking while fearing for your life is kind the theme) and the funny fast paced parts of TFTB.

    In other words, both games are great, GOT also has great characters and all that I mentioned. It's just that I prefer how it's all played out in TFTB. It is also a nice break from everything serious I've been playing recently.

    For some reason I feel myself caring more about the characters (probably since I'm a sucker for comic reliefs) and the game itself just jumps alot from funny scene - maybe a cute/nice scene- badass scene - nice scene - and finishes with a cool as something scene! (Like the race in E1 and the chase in E2) This is just my personal preference though.

  • because TFTB is so much better, the action is so fucking amazing, everything is amazing in TFTB.

  • I don't prefer it to GOT. TFTB is ok but I rather they'd skip it and made The Wolf Among Us s2 instead .

  • I think between the two, they both compliment each other fairly nicely. Game of Thrones makes me feel all stressed and serious, which is a perfect mood. Whereas Tales from the Borderlands is light, funny, and occasionally serious. Its like both games give my mind the balance it needs while waiting for each episode to be released.

    If I had to pick one I preferred, I'd go with Tales because it has less protagonists and I can control more character development with Rhys and Fiona simply because they have (or will) more screen time than each of the total 5 characters GOT has.

    I also feel that Tales draws out the story in the world more than GOT; maybe because Game of Thrones is purely a story based world with it already having books and a show. I've already seen what lords are like, how King's Landing is dangerous, and Castle Black with the Wall. I feel like I'm just seeing some of Martin's themes and events pop up again, but a bit altered.

    Borderlands has a great world, but Tales helps give it that story element that is different from the games. Instead of a perspective from a Vault Hunter, (which is guns galore) I'm playing the game through a Hyperion and a con-artist after the events of Borderlands 2, which I think gives Telltales more leeway and freedom to work with.

  • I knew the other more serious Telltale games like TWAU and TWD already. But when TFTB came out it was so much better than expected and a nice change in tone, since it's alot more fun than drama. That's what I like more about it, it's so much fun and keeps me in a happy mood. Besides, I am a huge Borderlands fan and less interested in GOT anyway so there's that.

  • a comment ago you said you wont let others effect your thoughs on it

    DeityD posted: »

    And now I have another reason to dislike it - because of it's fans.

  • I actually wrote a lengthy and in-depth analysis on why I feel TFTB is better than GOT. Granted, I have not played TFTB episode 4 yet because I have an Xbox One (darn later release!), but I think most of my comments still hold up.


  • I thought I was going to prefer GOT since I was actually familiar with the source material, but TFTBL blew me out of the water. I'd never even played a Borderlands game before (had barely even heard of it), but I went ahead and I played the first episode of Tales on a whim - I knew I liked Telltale games and figured, eh, why not, it's just $4. If it sucks, well, I'll just work an extra half hour at work the next day to make up for the loss.

    I. LOVED. IT. I couldn't stop laughing, and any game that can make me laugh holds a special place in my heart (not to mention I recognized Troy Baker, Nolan North and Laura Bailey immediately, and I absolutely adore those three!) But the characters were also intriguing and I wanted to know who everyone was and what the world was like, so I looked into the other games. (Yes, I played the first episode having NO clue who Handsome Jack was. I'm a loser. That first episode made a hell of a lot more sense after beat BL2)

    I'm not usually into FPS games, just RPGs, but after the first episode of Tales, I HAD to try the rest of the BL series out. I bought and played used copies of BL and BL2, then rented TPS and beat that, all before the second episode of TFTBL came out. So, thanks Telltale, for getting me hooked on a GREAT game series!

  • GOT feels uninspired, predictable and generic. TftB is one of the very few games that actually make me laugh and cry both.

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