Wait what? How does she know?

Okay just noticed this small "plot hole". How the hell does Fiona knows' atlas scientist name?(Cassius) Rhys and Sasha just discovered that info and there is no way in hell Fiona could possibly know.
It happens when you pick this option. Look no name here
After Fiona gets back to the dome, she starts to referring him by his name!! WHAT? HOW?
Vaughn doesn't react to her about knowing his name, seems like he knows his name as well
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Probably just a mistake.
Cassius reveal his name when he says follow me
You can hear it if you dont walk to him and wait
But not all people didn't walk up to him so... she can determinantly not know his name but she always says his name no matter wot.
Yeah I noticed that, but if you want you can just go:
Fiona is telling the story in the future so she knew looool
I wouldn't say this is a plot hole as much as kind of a mistake. I mean, Telltale has made mistakes like this before in the past. Example: Hershel refers to Clem as Lee's daughter AFTER Shawn tells him that Clem isn't Lee's daughter.
Well, if Vaughn is paralyzed, I believe he does in fact introduce himself.
But if Vaughn is fine, then how does Fi know?
Wait, Hershel saying that was a mistake? I always thought it was showing Hershel being stubborn, since he calls Clem that immediately after he's told the opposite
Depending on the way your playthrough goes, his name is actually revealed to them. Guess thats just a mistake on telltale's part including his name later on no matter your choices.
These stories are very complicated from a story telling side. It is a minor mistake, and considering all the different possible ways a player can move the story around, it's pretty impressive how well they keep the continuity. A hiccup here and there doesn't really distract from the story or the game. So, it's fun to notice a mistake like that but not worth me wringing my hands over or waggling my finger at the developers. They do a bang up job in what is really a tight time frame.

I don't think anyone's denying that this is still a quality series, but we should still make Telltale wary of these kind of mistakes.
Honestly, it's probably just an oversight.
However, as a rebuttal: they have little bluetooth-esque headsets, right? They have some minor chatter between each other in episode 3 (Fiona yelling at Rhys/Sasha to shut down the turrets, etc), so Sasha could have mentioned Cassius' name.
Not sure about this, but I think it says it on the map when Fiona can interact with it, which you have to do.
This. Exactly.
I put so much work into making him beautiful (with my cane) just for Telltale to go "LOLOLOLOL NOPE."
I think the dude was talking about just TFTBL, not GOT. That's how I read it, at any rate. Plus, a character being maimed or not is much bigger than a single dialogue flub.
I found out his name on one of the terminals in the game
maybe his face was repaired by some doctor in hollowpoint or one of vallorys people
I have no idea who you are talking about. There isn't a Gryff in TFTBL, and why does that have a bearing on a minor oversight on this game? Some scene of proportion here. Lord help you if a mistake you made was constantly being brought up every time you tried something different, or like any human, made a mistake.
Yeah, it's not a real plot hole.
I'd rather worry about the part when Rhys is attacked by jellyfishes, falls... and then comes back with Sasha to the Dome. There's a hole.
Or when Vallory fires missiles and then we see everyone outside and it's a day.
Eh, no worse than Lee somehow getting back over that barbed-wire fence in Around Every Corner, after he returns to the auto shop for the second time