What is making you supporting your ship, Rhyionas and Rhyshas?



  • Unfortunately, I managed to get roped into this ship. Thanks Archive of Our Own. -_- Still, Rhyiona is my OTP.

    Rhack for the win! I feel like Rhys and Jack have some chemistry. Plus, Jack is inside Rhys for most of the game.

  • edited July 2015

    It might also have been a hint at the fact that we control both characters, and I suppose making out with yourself would seem kind of weird. And desperate.

    Axton posted: »

    Yep, because it would be weird...

  • Imagine grabbing two puppets and making them, uh...

    Well, you already proved you get it.

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    It might also have been a hint at the fact that we control both characters, and I suppose making out with yourself would seem kind of weird. And desperate.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited July 2015

    I hate shipping since I see it as a close cousin with Fan Fiction, so I only route for canon things/things that are determinant. So I don't support either of them.

  • Rhyiona, it makes me feel something again.

    Alt text

    *thanks at the fellow shipper who showed me that scene :)

  • I support both ships, because i like them both and because of ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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  • I thought you meant it like that boys like Sasha cause she's more of a waifu that most of the male players will like (cause more emotional, openly shows affection to the protagonist (even when he doesn't really deserve that) and all that).

    Sardia posted: »

    If you are a female player, like me, you tend to identify more with fiona, whereas as male player i guess you'd rather be on Rhys' side. In

  • That's the whole point...

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    It might also have been a hint at the fact that we control both characters, and I suppose making out with yourself would seem kind of weird. And desperate.

  • Rhysha just makes sense to me there have actually been scenes that hint towards Rhys having feelings for Sasha, Rhyiona doesn't really make sense to me and I'm a sucker for romance.

  • edited July 2015

    I guess I support Rhyiona mainly because I like Fiona way more than Sasha.

    Then again when it comes to portrayal of romance in media I find myself enjoying suspense, tension and building up more than obvious relationships. When the characters don't really express their emotions and affections, but you can sense them. Maybe I'm just twisted-minded like that, but seeing lots of sugar-coated romantic moments in games or films makes me cringe after a while... Obvious romantic scenes in big amounts usually lose their charm for me. Don't get me wrong, I still can enjoy romantic scenes, but only If I really love the characters.

    On the other hand when these moments are more suggestive and subtle they become more precious in my opinion. And I enjoy interactions between the characters more when they're left to my interpretation and when I can only see potential romance (Snow and Bigby in TWAU for example).

    I suppose everything that I've described here goes for Rhysha too, but In the end I just like how Rhys and Fiona look together more.

  • I like Rhys and Fiona together because their interaction feels more natural and their love-hate relationship is hilarious to watch. Also there is just something about whenever they are together in a scene, they are just balancing each other out. Just because I say that I like them together, that doesn't mean that they have to be the official couple. I just want to see them dealing with a problem together like they did in episode 3, if you choose to trust Fiona.

    Regarding the Rhysha ship, I have nothing against it. If they feel the same way I feel about Rhyiona, then it is perfectly fine. I personally have a really hard time seeing Rhys and Sasha in a romantic way, because I like them much better as friends. Also in my opinion, Sasha and Vaughn has way better chemistry.

  • sasha likes dem abs ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    I like Rhys and Fiona together because their interaction feels more natural and their love-hate relationship is hilarious to watch. Also the

  • It's rare finding someone who ships both these days!

    Tell me you secrets...

    I support both ships, because i like them both and because of ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • i ship vasha

  • We all love dem abs.

    sasha likes dem abs ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Fiona is a bland character and I thought Rhys' and Sasha's chemistry was nice.

  • Haha. Yeah this one is also very nice hehe.... Anybody in for Loatys?

    i ship vasha

  • I like how Rhys and Fiona's relationship did not show that easily. I like how they argue like an old married couple and act like they 'hate' each other. But the way they look at each other says it all. I just can't see Rhys and Sasha together. Rhys and Sasha are better as friends, nothing more. And I love the scenes when Rhys and Fiona slept on each other's shoulders. Just adorable. Also at Scooter's when Fiona says that they are friends. Idk I just don't like 'sudden' romance like in Ep 3. Thats all I have got to say.

  • edited July 2015

    I really like the dynamic of the typical love-hate relationships and both Rhyiona and Rhysha can be classified as one of those. That being said, (while I don't particularly adore Rhys) I absolutely love Fiona's character as much as I find Sasha's bossy attitude very annoying (expecially in the first episode), I don't hate her but I don't like her either.

    So, I respect all the ships and I hope everyone of us can be happy at the end, but for me is Rhyiona all the way.

  • To be honest, I never ship (yes I can hear your gasps and tears). I think although we should be able to have an input it should ultimately be the writers (in this case Telltale) who decides however, I can see why people ship certain people. Usually it is to do with physiology but it is boring to go into details so, meh.

  • We like relationships that we would like to have. That's basically it, nothing deep or really special about that.

    Yami_Wolf posted: »

    To be honest, I never ship (yes I can hear your gasps and tears). I think although we should be able to have an input it should ultimately b

  • Well technically from a physiologically view you deciding to post that is a deep thought which required sentience or whatever but meh to quote Linkin Park "In the end it doesn't even matter"

    DeityD posted: »

    We like relationships that we would like to have. That's basically it, nothing deep or really special about that.

  • That's just some jaden stuff right here. And we shouldn't go full jaden. :D

    Yami_Wolf posted: »

    Well technically from a physiologically view you deciding to post that is a deep thought which required sentience or whatever but meh to quote Linkin Park "In the end it doesn't even matter"

  • edited July 2015

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    Jack wants Fiona all for himself

  • On I am sorry please forgive me... D:

    DeityD posted: »

    That's just some jaden stuff right here. And we shouldn't go full jaden.

  • I dunno, personally I have seen plenty of signs between Rhys and Sasha, so I ship them. They get more scenes together, they seem to know each other more than Rhys and Fiona do. Especially episode 3 strengthened their bond and potential romance. Rhys and Fiona, I dunno, it would just seem weird romancing another player character. Kinda like... romancing yourself? I'd rather go for an NPC, so Sasha it is for me.

  • I'm a Rhyiona shipper because I'm a sucker for building up love-hate relationships... That and Fiona is bae ;)

    I'm a dude by the way so yeah...

  • Alt text

    I dunno, personally I have seen plenty of signs between Rhys and Sasha, so I ship them. They get more scenes together, they seem to know eac

  • edited July 2015


    At first I thought it would be Rhys/Fiona, but the Rhysha pairing came out of nowhere.
    Like the girl that was hit by Sharkeisha, I was like wait a minute.
    Then I started to see the signs, I assumed Sasha was meant for august in the beginning.

    The bonding moment in episode one, I thought nothing of it when I first saw.
    However the hint in episode two, was like wait a minute. Let me check my vision I didn't see this happening, I felt like Stevie Wonder.
    Then episode three arrived and sealed the deal for Rhysha.
    Plus the people who hate her for no reason, their salty tears nourish me.

  • what makes me support Gortys x Loader Bot?

    easy: i'm a robot supremacist.

  • Relationships will just get in the way when my asshole Rhys becomes the new CEO of Hyperion corporation.

  • edited August 2015

    I like Rhys and Sasha's moments together because they have an actual chemistry. They can talk about things, make fun of each other, goof around and even fight, and it's utterly adorable. Fiona has no such chemistry with him. When they talk, especially in the non-optional dialogue, it's either flat, curt and unfriendly or condescending one way or the other with zero respect.

    It's obvious that Fiona dislikes Rhys immensely, and Rhys is too self-centered to take much notice of her without provocation. Call me old-fashioned, but that just isn't the beginning of romance. I have a really hard time understanding what anyone could read into their relationship except plain old loathing. I don't think the game is going to indulge us by making a huge deal of romance, but if it did then RhysxSasha would make a lot more sense, and be a lot more adorable, than the alternative.

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