Cecil the Lion Nooooooooo....

Cecil the Lion was killed by a dentist, apparently. People are freaking out. I find this whole thing funny, what do you think? Should Cecil the Lion be alive killing other animals or was his death justified by his human landowners. I find it extremely funny that animal rights activists are complaining about this, They must of been sleeping, when those China Dog leather videos were released....
Here is something interesting you may not know about Lions. Lions live typically around 14 years in the wild. Cecil was 13 years old. Sounds like Cecil the Lion had a long time of killing other animals, thirteen whole years.
Crickets... Thoughts Opinions Flames Whatever
Edit update, I will put some videos to give people a idea of what we are talking about. If you guys find any relevant videos or articles, feel free to link them.
NOthing Graphic.
I'm still sad over Shamu
They kill Shamu? Noooo.... My buddy told me Jimmy Kimmel or whatever his name was crying so hard about Cecil the Lion, that his tears drowned a the first row audience. I want to see that. I wonder if that clip is on youtube.
I find it weird that people are so upset about one lion when across their lives they've probably eaten hundreds of animals, but whatever.
Yeah good point, I am going to follow this story, its so funny to me.
Same. The irony kills me.
There's a difference, though. The meat we consume is from animals that are bred specifically for human consumption and are in no way endangered or at risk of extinction. Also, lions are usually not safe to eat anyway because they are carnivores and can spread bacteria. They are predators, unlike cows or chickens, and aren't meant to be killed for food.
Cecil was part of an endangered species. It was unacceptable that he was killed.
Edit: I should add that the man who killed Cecil had no intention of eating his remains, but used his body to prove his prowess and for decoration. Unlike a person who hunts animals for food, he shot and killed Cecil for fun.
I think it's idiotic. Drawing the animal out of the park to shoot it? There are what, less than 30,000 (?) lions left in the wilds of Africa and you shot one? Congrats, fucking imbicile. What would have made a good story is if they had lured Cecil out and then he fucking ate them.
I know, but lots of the focus is on cruelty to Cecil himself rather than the lion population of the world, and I figure eating 300 chickens and causing breeding more just to kill is just as cruel to the animal itself.
In terms of endangeredness, it's worse, but in terms of cruelty to animals, eating meat your whole life will do far far far more harm than this shooting incident to animal welfare.
Shamu died in '71
What happened to this lion is horrible. I will never understand the people that like to kill things for sport. It's just stupid. Just because they are animals doesn't mean we have the right to take their lives without any reason, there's nothing to be proud of in doing that. Humans can't help destroying the world they live in, when are we going to realize that just because we can do something doesn't mean we should do it ?
Hunting animals for meat is one thing, killing for kicks is another. There is a difference. I can't respect killing animals just for the fun of it.
I disagree. I guess I can understand why you may think so because it's only one animal and everyone is freaking out, but take the situation as a whole.
Us, humans, are killing this Earth. Why do most animals go extinct? Because of humans. I find hunting disgusting. I can understand back in the old days (or still even today) when people needed to hunt for food, hide, etc. But to hunt animals for trophies and rewards, is terrible. And the fact that this very situation, it happened to a beloved animal loved by many, makes the whole situation even worse. Us humans aren't the only people in the world. We share the Earth with many other organisms, and we are destroying helpless animals' environment for our own selfish needs. Sure, there are deaths by animals all around the world, but most of the time, it's caused by humans disturbing them first. We need to learn that we aren't the only people living on the planet.
Not to mention that we've developed enough to find alternative methods of the same nourishment without the whole animal genocide thing. Tofu is the same as meat, the only reason people don't eat it is because it tastes like balls.
Eh, but I'm in no position to say such things. I eat meat, I just can't do this transition from meat to tofu
They let him wander, bleeding to death, for 40 hours That's more cruel than a hydraulic spike to the brain that crushes brain function in a moment.
This reminds me of when people say that the ocean is "shark-infested water".
Um... no, not really? News flash, the ocean is their HOME. If anything the water is human-infested. We kill bugs when they're in our home, don't we? We're just bugs in their home.
We as humans think we are entitled to everything, even the ocean. Even when it proves to be dangerous to us.
I don't think they're being killed so mercifully. Not to mention that they're pretty much abused and enclosed in cubicles until the "merciful" death they did nothing to deserve.
Also I don't think we're comparing these to decide who suffers more, I think that Flog just tried to say that it's weird how we only care about the death of animals who aren't a part of our diet. We're not used to recognizing that what people serve to our tables used to walk and feel and live. We kinda just... eat it... even if there are alternatives. We're horrible.
I'm sorry, but I have to point this out.
Humans are people. People are humans.
Well, humans are primates.. so I guess that'd be the most correct term - primates, the Hominidae family or more specifically, homo-sapiens. Just like all other animals, we are animals after all
Killing one lion is the equivalent of killing four hundred thousand people, so yeah it is kind of a big deal. And the numbers are continuing to decline. Eating meat is also basic human nature, we eat to survive and meat is convenient, and cows and chicken are not endangered animals. Walter Palmer and all these other big game hunters hunting endangered species gives hunters a bad rap. Hunting a deer helps balance the environment and reduces overpopulation. Plus when you look at it from a moral standpoint, it's even worse. Walter Palmer bribed two wildlife guides $55,000 dollars to hunt the lion. And in his apology letter, he blames the guides, which I think is just stupid. So yeah, I think he deserves all the hate he gets because he is a moron.
I'm not sure I understand...?
Right, other animals are not people though.
I did the math wrong it's 233,000 people for each lion.
There's 30,000 lions left living in Africa. There are 7 billion people on earth. 7 billion divided by thirty thousand is 233,000.
Walter Palmer is a scum-humping asshole.
Oh, you mean relative to human population, alright :P
Millions of animals die everyday for our consumption and millions of people die everyday for other people's consumption.
Whether that be consumption of wealth, faith, or a systematic validation. What I'm saying is that in the grand scheme of things, one show animal dying is insignificant to our lives.
I cannot get along with people who hunt for sport. Killing the lion just so he could feel like a big strong man with a big strong gun wasn't right. The lion didn't deserve to die just so he could get off on killing something that would tear his ass to shreds if he wasn't hiding behind his gun. What a self-centered, egotistical jackass with too much money to burn.
Not saying I support hunting for sport, but from what I understand it was all legal to semi-legal grayzone-ish. But maybe I got that wrong.
However, I find it amazingly hypocitical that people cry over this one lion while probably twenty animals just died in the time it takes to read this comment.
Agreed. Killing for sport is stupid. I had a rich aunt who hunted a zebra and she hung the pelt up on her wall. It was an enclosed area with gates and she had a gun. The zebra never had a chance.
One death is a tragedy, 10,000 is a statistic.
Yeah it's like going online with infinite life and auto aim both enabled with hacks and then bragging how superior you're compared to your "targets."
Considering the advantage the guy had, it could have been even a turtle he shot at, even though it wasn't.
Never heard of him. What was a lion doing at a dentist's office?
I hate to admit it and I know people will think I'm messed up for saying it, but I always feel more upset when an animal dies more than I do when a person dies. Take Cecil for example when I heard he was killed it tore me up inside so much. I want the guy that shot him to pay.
There is difference between killing an animal for sustenance and killing an animal for sport. The killing of this lion can't be compared to the slaughter of chickens or cattle to feed people. Also unlike lions, neither chicken or cattle are in danger of extinction. Lions have declined from about 100,000 in 1960 to only around 35,000 or so today.
I love lions they are badass </3
Yea its sad. But i bet most people have never heard of cecil the lion and i bet Palmer would've probably been treated less badly than he has been if the lion wasnt famous.
A carnivore animal, that eats other animal was killed.... By a Dentist. I guess no one hunts on these boards, other than me.
I think its funny, how everyone is freaking out about this lion. What about the dog video of dogs getting turned into belts, in China. No one freaked out about that.
I didn't KNOW. I DIDN"T KNOW!!!!!!!! LOL.. This is so funny, to me. I don't care about a lion.
Kind of hypocritical to say we eat these animals for food because its ok. Then moan when someone shoots some animal.
Didn't he buy the rights to shoot this lion, so he paid the government or whatever 50,000 to kill this animal, now after they taken the money they're trying to say, we didn't sell Cecil's life. What a horrible person, we should villainize the dentist.
That is ok, I hunt for fun, not sport.
That isn't why he killed the lion. He killed the lion because he could. He bought the rights to kill this lion from the african government. If anyone should be held accountable it is them, not the dentist.
Ironic how people don't care when China has a dog-eating festival.
But when a lion dies, everyone loses their minds.
It doesn't matter that a lion's population is smaller than a domestic dog's population.
Because it only shows that we only care when it's nearly gone.