I got a question regarding people who previously didn't like Chloe... How wrong were you?
I find it odd I have to explain to everyone who is too sensitive to understand that this comment was a joke. I now have five people telling me that there are opinions that follow subjective understanding of characters. No duh...
Can Max even really change anything by going back through a picture? Every time it has happened she is snapped back to the current time in the respective timeline after altering just one major event. She also has no memory of what occurred differently in the altered timeline between the altered event and current time.
I got a question regarding people who previously didn't like Chloe... How wrong were you?
I find it odd I have to explain to everyone… more who is too sensitive to understand that this comment was a joke. I now have five people telling me that there are opinions that follow subjective understanding of characters. No duh...
I got a question regarding people who previously didn't like Chloe... How wrong were you?
I find it odd I have to explain to everyone… more who is too sensitive to understand that this comment was a joke. I now have five people telling me that there are opinions that follow subjective understanding of characters. No duh...
I got a question regarding people who previously didn't like Chloe... How wrong were you?
I find it odd I have to explain to everyone… more who is too sensitive to understand that this comment was a joke. I now have five people telling me that there are opinions that follow subjective understanding of characters. No duh...
I got a question regarding people who previously didn't like Chloe... How wrong were you?
I find it odd I have to explain to everyone… more who is too sensitive to understand that this comment was a joke. I now have five people telling me that there are opinions that follow subjective understanding of characters. No duh...
She's hurt by Max's departure after her fathers' untimely death and feels as though the only person she could trust (Rachel) wasn't really there for her fully and now add on to that, she's a decomposing corpse in the ground.
It's so easy for people to understand and feel for Max, but that was a shitty thing for her to do to Chloe. People are too unfair to Chloe, she may be childish toward people, but she's had a wall up for so long that it will take time for her defenses to lower. Which is what people are seeing now.
All of those reviews talked about the episode taking dark turn way to quick. I LOVED episode 4, but just because some people didn't like the episode wasn't because they didn't get paid.
Yeah I noticed a lot of mainstream review sites like Gameinformer, IGN, and GameSpot are giving the episode 6's. Guess they didn't get paid.… more Meanwhile alot of smaller review sites and a majority of gamers are saying it was an awesome episode. Goes to show never trust a mainstream review site (especially IGN). I hope DONTNOD doesn't get discouraged and do a 180 just to conform to the mainstream reviewers. I don't think they will though because I think they know a majority of the gamers that played it love it
It's the way she just gets in everyone's face and insists on having things her way, she sort of reminds of a tamer version of Kenny. I know the way Max left is pretty awful, but it doesn't give Chloe any right to be an A-hole to other people. I think I mostly understand Max is because I've done the same thing she has multiple times, everytime I move.
What way of thinking is that?
She's hurt by Max's departure after her fathers' untimely death and feels as though the only person she cou… moreld trust (Rachel) wasn't really there for her fully and now add on to that, she's a decomposing corpse in the ground.
It's so easy for people to understand and feel for Max, but that was a shitty thing for her to do to Chloe. People are too unfair to Chloe, she may be childish toward people, but she's had a wall up for so long that it will take time for her defenses to lower. Which is what people are seeing now.
It could be my perception, but she's far from Kenny. What she is is a hurt misguided individual whose been left fatherless, friendless, and was damn near raped by an asshole who can literally get away with pretty much anything. So of course she's not exactly eating up Max's proposal to up and act like everything's A-Okay.
It's the way she just gets in everyone's face and insists on having things her way, she sort of reminds of a tamer version of Kenny. I know … morethe way Max left is pretty awful, but it doesn't give Chloe any right to be an A-hole to other people. I think I mostly understand Max is because I've done the same thing she has multiple times, everytime I move.
Oh god no. She's nothing like Kenny, Chloe is an adventurous ,teen trying to do her best managing her shitty life and seeking vengeance on those who caused her and the ones she loved legitimate pain. Kenny is an ignorant, out of control jerkoff who just beats on people sometimes doing literally nothing to him (Arvo) and is an overall attention seeking bully and horrible person
It's the way she just gets in everyone's face and insists on having things her way, she sort of reminds of a tamer version of Kenny. I know … morethe way Max left is pretty awful, but it doesn't give Chloe any right to be an A-hole to other people. I think I mostly understand Max is because I've done the same thing she has multiple times, everytime I move.
I was thinking, Nathan wasn't around... Maybe Jefferson find out that Chloe and Max knew about dark room, and decided to kill three of them, so they won't say anything?
Yeah, looks like Vortex Club is a cool club now. I mean, come on, Victoria is Max's BFF, isn't that great? shudders
And Max in a Vortex Club looks preppy, big bad girl and bully? I got you covered,
Seems unlikely, since Nathan is the son of the most powerful family in the town, and he seems to be being brought up for some unknown great purpose. Also if he killed Nathan he'd remove his means of getting girls into the Dark Room.
ummm there is no wrong or right opinion on whether someone likes her or not plus she didn't really act hugely different in this episode anyway so i don't see why people would change their minds, your comment is like me saying oh how were wrong of you for hating kenny? did you not see his ending he isn't just some mindless psycho etc (don't turn it into a kenny argument its just an example)
I got a question regarding people who previously didn't like Chloe... How wrong were you?
I find it odd I have to explain to everyone… more who is too sensitive to understand that this comment was a joke. I now have five people telling me that there are opinions that follow subjective understanding of characters. No duh...
I don't think Nathan is dead but I do think he's being blackmailed by his father and Jefferson to do the Dark Room things and that he's getting fed up with it.
Seems unlikely, since Nathan is the son of the most powerful family in the town, and he seems to be being brought up for some unknown great purpose. Also if he killed Nathan he'd remove his means of getting girls into the Dark Room.
I don't think Nathan is dead but I do think he's being blackmailed by his father and Jefferson to do the Dark Room things and that he's getting fed up with it.
I wonder how it all works if there are multiple "time manipulators" doing that crap simultaneously. I don't feel like ordinary villain is going to cut it to stand against Max's powers.
I got a question regarding people who previously didn't like Chloe... How wrong were you?
I find it odd I have to explain to everyone who is too sensitive to understand that this comment was a joke. I now have five people telling me that there are opinions that follow subjective understanding of characters. No duh...
Can Max even really change anything by going back through a picture? Every time it has happened she is snapped back to the current time in the respective timeline after altering just one major event. She also has no memory of what occurred differently in the altered timeline between the altered event and current time.
Weird weather happens in the alternate universe where Chloe was never even in that bathroom, so it's not just about our decision to save Chloe.
Love this gif from steam.
Went through reddit and someone found this if you don't delete the message of Chloe's truck being at Blackwell during the break in.
They aren't wrong. Liking someone or not isn't a fact, it's subjective.
You're subjective.
Still don't like her. She got better by admitting to some of her mistakes, but I still don't like her way of thinking at all.
First time having sex like.
Not wrong at all I still don't care, I still hate how she was before episode 4.
Whoa Alt. Universe Max worked in the darkroom.....
" alt="Alt text" title="Optional title" />
Pretty sure it's not The "dark room" but more of the dark room where you develop photos.
Um I wasnt wrong? what in this episode changes that?
Shes still a pain, she if anything fucks up just as much if not more this episode determinedly, she is however a lot nicer and less mean spirited.
This is definitely the best one.
So it means shes still a hipster using an analog camera even in Vortex club.
What way of thinking is that?
She's hurt by Max's departure after her fathers' untimely death and feels as though the only person she could trust (Rachel) wasn't really there for her fully and now add on to that, she's a decomposing corpse in the ground.
It's so easy for people to understand and feel for Max, but that was a shitty thing for her to do to Chloe. People are too unfair to Chloe, she may be childish toward people, but she's had a wall up for so long that it will take time for her defenses to lower. Which is what people are seeing now.
Chole had to make up for never dying in episode 3 by dying in both timelines in episode 4
I was wrong about Chlo Chlo.....when she cried I cried...
All of those reviews talked about the episode taking dark turn way to quick. I LOVED episode 4, but just because some people didn't like the episode wasn't because they didn't get paid.
I was hoping the last panel would have had Max smiling sadistically.
It's the way she just gets in everyone's face and insists on having things her way, she sort of reminds of a tamer version of Kenny. I know the way Max left is pretty awful, but it doesn't give Chloe any right to be an A-hole to other people. I think I mostly understand Max is because I've done the same thing she has multiple times, everytime I move.
It could be my perception, but she's far from Kenny. What she is is a hurt misguided individual whose been left fatherless, friendless, and was damn near raped by an asshole who can literally get away with pretty much anything. So of course she's not exactly eating up Max's proposal to up and act like everything's A-Okay.
Oh god no. She's nothing like Kenny, Chloe is an adventurous ,teen trying to do her best managing her shitty life and seeking vengeance on those who caused her and the ones she loved legitimate pain. Kenny is an ignorant, out of control jerkoff who just beats on people sometimes doing literally nothing to him (Arvo) and is an overall attention seeking bully and horrible person
Goulden did it again
I was thinking, Nathan wasn't around... Maybe Jefferson find out that Chloe and Max knew about dark room, and decided to kill three of them, so they won't say anything?
I friggin hate that outfit...
Seems unlikely, since Nathan is the son of the most powerful family in the town, and he seems to be being brought up for some unknown great purpose. Also if he killed Nathan he'd remove his means of getting girls into the Dark Room.
ummm there is no wrong or right opinion on whether someone likes her or not plus she didn't really act hugely different in this episode anyway so i don't see why people would change their minds, your comment is like me saying oh how were wrong of you for hating kenny? did you not see his ending he isn't just some mindless psycho etc (don't turn it into a kenny argument its just an example)
Her first outfit
So cute
I don't think Nathan is dead but I do think he's being blackmailed by his father and Jefferson to do the Dark Room things and that he's getting fed up with it.
Yeah, or manipulated into thinking it's fine.
Still a lot we don't know about Nathan, I hope they don't finish him off too soon in the last episode.
I wonder how it all works if there are multiple "time manipulators" doing that crap simultaneously. I don't feel like ordinary villain is going to cut it to stand against Max's powers.
Playing episode three right now. Max told Warren to "just bubble hearth you'll be okay." I just had a nerd-gasm.
Woah! go David!
What part does Principal Wells play in it?
Dunno, but a whiskey bottle similar to the one in his office does show up in the Dark Room.
You do know he isn't the only person to buy and drink whiskey, right?