Removed Audio That Almost Confirmed Rhyiona...

Was looking through the Rhiona thread and found this!! Its gonna happen sometime!
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Was looking through the Rhiona thread and found this!! Its gonna happen sometime!
Keyword is REMOVED. There's also several unused Rhysha audio lines as well, such as the one with Rhys pretending not to know Sasha's name and Handsome Jack calling him out on it.
I heard this audio full length posted else where. Fiona was talking to Vaughn after he kept distressing about a knocked-out Rhys.
If anything, it suggests Rhys x Vaughn, which I'd be down with!
That whole kiss thing is weird. Like theres unused audio of like everyone slapping Rhys. Vaughn, Sasha, and Fiona
It doesn't sound like he liked it
Is there like a place where I can listen to all unused lines?
This is Rhyona stuff, you should bring the argument in Rhyona territory.
You can use the Telltale Speech Extractor tool to dig through the game files, but since the episodes are semi-newly released the clips aren't labelled.
Tumblr user HyperionTrashcan has compiled some of the more interesting clips if you'd rather not go looking yourself. Spoiler warning for all three episodes (and potentially for future episodes).
And remember, folks, this is all thoroughly non-canon!
We found it ages ago, so everyone there already knows.
That should have stayed in. I would enjoy everyone slapping Rhys xD
Oh you.
Thank youuu
it sounds kinda like something that may be in episode 4 or 5 maybe the whole upgrade thing is either for rhys or gortys
Tales from the Borderlands: Slap the Shit Outta Rhys edition
It sounds like fiona is giving advice how to fix Vaughn from paralysis
Episode 1 : Jack Episode 2 : Fiona Episode 3 : Sasha Episode 4 : Vaughn Episode 5 : Vasque- August.
Hahaha. You Rhyiona shippers and your stupid arguments... Rhysha master race my Friends. Rhysha Master Race.
Really hope that telltale will actually give us a choice of who we "get comfortable" with.
You gonna take that? Show him how real Rhyiona shippers do it around here.
In Courtenay's link, there is one specific audio file that hints to Rhysha heavily (19 Jul Cut Dialogue subtitled 'Platonic as hell')
Rhys: "Hey Sasha, I've got something for you... PSYCH! Our relationship is platonic as hell!"
Sasha: "Sure as hell is now... ya dork"
Sasha has kind of a defeated tone in her voice when she says it, and the pause inbetween is telling.
How dare you?! I never joke about shipping!
Get out of here you Rhysha pleb.
Can i get a link to that? ._.
This whole Rhysha vs Rhyiona thing is gonna be much more hostile than Jane vs Kenny I feel by the time that one of them (if any) become canon.
Please do not start a fight. Seriously, don't.
Leave it ambiguous. Let them choose who they will bond with.
And if the war starts, I will have no problem attacking both ships with my submarine, or fighting all the sailors on both.
Really , you know a link by any chance?
Ребята переведите пожалуйста ! Я не очень английский знаю.......
Rhysha is love and Rhysha is life, that I agree, though we should still respect their opinion (:
Hmm. Yes indeed.
enter link description here
Oh come on don't be a douche to Rhyionas.
I thought this thread died out ages ago. Who brought it back?
This was a while ago, I actually ship Rhyiona now.
This was a while ago when I commented it, I ship Rhyiona now.